Tuning Your Vibration
A blog created to show you how to summon true abundance in your life. Contact me for more info.
'Ask and you shall receive'
Ever wondered why so many prayers go unanswered?
The asking part is where most people falter.
The Universe communicates with you through your vibration, not your words. This is why empty feeling prayers go unanswered. The Universe responds only to your vibration.
It is important to watch what you put into your vibration. The thoughts, feelings and emotions that you summon on a consistent basis becomes your unique signature that you emit out into the Universe.
If you fill your vibration with negative thoughts, feelings and emotions and then try to ask the Universe for an experience that does not resonate with your vibration, it will not manifest.
You have to constantly and consistently fill your vibration with positive life affirming feelings. 🙏❤️
Life gives you exactly what you ask of it VIBRATIONALLY SPEAKING.
The feelings you feel on a consistant basis becomes the language you speak to the Universe.
It says how much you are worth and what you want to experience in your life and the Universe delivers.
Choose your thoughts wisely and remind yourself daily that you deserve more. 🙏❤️
You are constantly in the creation process. However you feel now has a direct influence on the experiences you attract into your life. No one else can create your life - only you have access to your own power.
YOU get to choose how you feel.
YOU get to choose your thoughts.
YOU get to choose your emotions.
YOU have to become consciously aware of these 3 aspects of your vibration.
DO NOT react to negative circumstances.
DO NOT get pulled into mindless gossip.
DO NOT get pulled into other peoples dramas.
YOU have to choose to fill your vibration with positive life affirming thoughts, feelings and emotions.
This is how you become a conscious creator. 🙏🙏 ❤️❤️
Remind yourself daily 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Stop limiting yourself.
Expand your awareness and reclaim your power today!
Simply put. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Your vibration is always beaming out of you, communicating with the entirety of the Universe. You create your life with your vibration. The law of attraction responds to your vibration.
Every thought, feeling, emotion, words spoken, internal chatter and action you take in life, adds to your overall vibration.
Choose your thoughts carefully.
Be wise.
You get to decide how to feel.
You get to decide what your unique vibration is filled with.
Ask yourself what sort of vibration is required to live the life I truly want.
You have to take responsibility in feeding your vibration with an empowering state.
Words to live by.
Remember what's important.
Pass it on.
The key to raising your vibration is to activate higher feeling tones within yourselves.
Gratitude ~ peace ~ abundance ~ joy ~ love ~ vibrant health ~ freedom ~ you name it! You get to choose how you feel - always.
I say 'activate' because for most people, these feelings will be foreign. Like everything that is new, it takes a little practice to get in the flow. New skills require focus and intention.
Because we operate 90% of the day on autopilot we think the same thoughts and feel the same feelings and experience the same experiences.
To attract new experiences that are aligned with your deepest desires and vision for your life, you must activate the feelings that are aligned with your desires also. Does this make sense?
It would be foolish to continue feeling the same negative thoughts over and over and expect a flood of abundance to come into your life.
You are always in control of your life and the way that you feel.
You must ACTIVELY summon good feelings within you.
It is easy to do.
Are you willing to step forth in the directions of your dreams today...now???
Remember - You are a spark of divine creation and you came here in this physical experience to live your best life and you deserve to milk it.
Peace & blessings. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
What is Tuning Your Vibration?
Tuning Your Vibration is a philosophy mindset created to help you make the necessary subtle changes in your thoughts, feelings and emotions to get you into vibrational alignment with your desire.
The Universe is a vast sea of energy, vibrating at different frequencies throughout. Solids, liquids, gasses, sounds - they are all the same energy but with varying frequencies. A tweak here and a tweak there and a solid becomes a liquid, liquid becomes a gas and a thought becomes a thing.
As a collective we are becoming more aware that we create our own reality and although we do it automatically we are now reaching a point in our evolution where we want to become conscious creators. We want to create the things we desire most.
The way in which you create your reality is directly through your overall vibration. All of your predominate thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings and emotions hold a unique frequency and collectively they become your signature vibration. Your vibration speaks a language without words and communicates with source energy, the creative force, your higher self, all living beings and the entirety of consciousness on a continual basis.
Your vibration is a signal that you constantly emit out to the Universe and it is always asking for something, the question is what are you asking for? The asking is always received and always granted. The Universe attracts to you that which you hold in your vibration.
This is the law of attraction. This is the law of vibration. By making subtle changes in your perception you can change your thoughts, beliefs and feelings so that they align with the life you desire.
The way you get into vibrational alignment with your desire is by becoming aware of your current vibration and then making adjustments until your vibration is tuned into the frequency of your desire.
You are the creator of your life. You always have been and always will be. Now it is time to fine tune your own vibration and create a life that fills you with joy! 🙏🙏❤️❤️
About | Tuning Your Vibration The law of attraction requires you to match your vibration to that which you desire. 'Tuning Your Vibration' is a philosophy mindset created to help you make the necessary subtle changes in your thoughts, feelings and emotions to get you into vibrational alignment with your desire.
We are creatures of habit. We think the same thoughts and produce the same feelings by default which then in turn creates the same experiences in our lives.
We can change our life experience positively by changing the different types of feelings we summon in our daily lives.
Sit quietly for 10 mins and summon these different types of feelings. Thinking will only get you so far. You have to feel it. Imagine yourself feeling those feelings. What experiences would cause you to feel abundance? This is your own personal vision. There is no right or wrong way to summon good feelings.
To amplify these good feelings you can add in an affirmation such as:
"I can feel my authentic self shine through right NOW as I continue to open myself up more and more to the divine presence."
You have to actively summon good feelings and it only takes 10 mins to do so. Small changes create profound change. Try it. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Ask yourself:
How can I serve?
How can I make a difference?
How can I give?
How can I contribute?
The Universe will answer these questions in the form of genuine inspiration. Ideas will flow through you and open you up to new unlimited possibilities.
The more you give the better you will feel.
'Abundance' is not about collecting material possessions, it is about realising that you always have enough and always have enough to give away. It is a constant exchange ~ a flow ~ a current of giving and receiving. That is why money is also called 'currency'.
If you hold onto money too tightly you cut off the flow and when there is no 'current' the waters become stagnant and so does the magic of abundance.
Really ask yourself how can you make a positive difference in someones life today? And do it. You will be amazed by how good you will feel. God knows there are plenty of people who could do with a kind gesture. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
The human mind seeks familiarity and repetition to ensure its survival. Anything that is new or threatens the existing patterns of the mind can cause spikes in the fight or flight self defence mechanisms. Because of this it is understandable why it can be difficult for some people to get out of these self limiting patterns, even if they are stopping you from getting what you want.
The mind doesn't care about what you want to experience in life, its job is to keep you alive.
So when you constantly react negatively throughout the day to people wether it be externally or through your internal language, the mind sees this as a defence that has served its purpose well.
But this protective mind is not helpful for your goals and aspirations.
You have to rise above it and teach it that new life affirming patterns are safe and beneficial for your survival. At first, introducing new ways of being and feeling can offer resistance and be uncomfortable.
But with practice you get to step out of your self defeating patterns and gain dominion over the way that you feel.
As you do this you will get better at it and it will eventually become a new automatic pattern of the mind. You will have trained yourself in the art of feeling good and become a master of your own life. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
How you feel now is a preview of your incoming attractions.
Throughout the day it would be wise to pay attention to how you are feeling.
If you feel bad, you are not in vibrational alignment with that which you desire. This is an opportunity to expand your consciousness and become aware as to why you feel the way that you do. Ask yourself if you are in a state of judgment? Victimhood? Fearfulness? Indifference? etc.
If something or someone as angered you, let it go. Forgive.
Come back into vibrational alignment with good thoughts and feelings. You decide where to look. You decide how to act. You give meaning to the daily life experiences.
You are always in control of the way that you feel.
This is the spiritual path.
Your thoughts, feelings and emotions make up your overall vibration which becomes your unique signature and signal that you emit out to the Universe. It is then reflected back to you in the form of life experiences/manifestations through the law of attraction.
You get to decide how you feel. You get to decide to stay in vibrational alignment with your desire. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
"When you align with your life purpose, you align with source energy."
Everything becomes effortless when you are aligned with spirit.
Synchronicities increase ~ they amplify ~ and they become the way in which you navigate through life.
You become more intuitive and open to divine inspiration.
You see opportunities instead of obstacles.
'Problems' dissolve.
Find your calling and walk your own path, the path that was meant for you. The Universe always has your back. Trust. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
When an artist, musician, poet or sculptor creates a master piece, they all share a similar story of how it 'flowed' through them.
They felt as though they were witnessing the creation take place. Nothing was forced and the vision was presented to them from nowhere. They merely copied what was flowing through them from the divine.
They reached a place, a sacred space, where they became so in touch with their true spirit, they were able to access the full creative energy of the Universe that is always available to us all.
The question is how do we access this creative energy?
By getting out of our own way.
By releasing the blocks and barriers we put up that restricts its flow.
By realising that the creation is not ours, it is a gift from the divine.
The ego wants to own, dominate, get credit, show off, compete.... BUT THIS MOTIVE FOR CREATING WILL RESTRICT THE FLOW OF CREATIVITY.
If you feel like there is something you would like to create then you are the perfect being to bring it into fruition. You must get out of your own way and let the creativity flow through you.
Become a witness. Allow the Universe to guide you. You are the paintbrush and the divine presence is the artist. You are being called to help create the thing inside you that you are passionate about. The passion is your indication that you have been chosen to bring it into fruition. Trust the creative process. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
The law of attraction is constantly in operation, just like gravity it never takes a day off! You can make it work for you by avoiding a common mistake in the creation process.
If you feel like you have tried manifesting but it just doesn't quite work out for you then you are most likely making the same error.
The solution is easy & does not require any effort whatsoever, it just takes a little know how and practice.
I like to keep things simple and easy to follow because we tend to be our own worst enemies at times and make things more complex than they need to be. I decided to write a blog on this subject because no one seems to be talking about it and if done correctly it has the power to realign you with your own personal spiritual liberation. It really is that powerful.
I hope the heartfelt wisdom inspires you to take charge of your life and make a positive impact in the world. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
How to make the LAW OF ATTRACTION work by avoiding this common mistake... If you are struggling to manifest a life you truly desire then you are most likely making a simple mistake that is easy to fix with a little practice. Click to find out more...
Wishing our daughter a very happy 1st Birthday. It has been a hectic year that's for sure but filled with love and blessings. 🙏❤️
**New video uploaded** Upgrade your PERCEPTION to MANIFEST your DESIRES**
Upgrade your PERCEPTION to MANIFEST your DESIRES!! Perception is everything! It is the difference between having a good day and a bad day ~ living a life of abundance and a life of lack.
Wake up to your true potential as a divine spark of creation.
You are abundant by your very nature. Whatever you choose to hold in your vibration, the Universe will always deliver a direct match of this. If you believe you are lacking in something you will feel the feelings of lack and the Universe will serve you an ABUNDANCE of LACK.
The Law of Attraction does not judge. Whatever you ask for vibrationally you will receive... every time.
'I am an abundant spiritual being. Whatever I feel I receive. I choose to attract an abundance of health, wealth and happiness.'
I am that, I am.
You are a magnificent being of light and energy occupying human form. You are a perfect spark of divine creation. The Universe loves you unconditionally and serves you with everything you vibrationally ask for.
Acknowledge this. Find the love for yourself and amplify it. Milk it. Enjoy it. Fill yourself up with so much love it emits out of you and into others.
We all want to help people but first we must tend to our own garden. You will be amazed how much better you will become at helping others when you are aligned with spirit first.
'I am so happy and grateful now that I love myself. Deep tender loving waves of affection wash over me now. I am a divine being perfect in every way.'
I am that, I am.
Have faith in the Universe.
Believe in magic.
Let go of the 'HOW'.
Release self-doubt.
Imagine what you want and believe it is yours. Feel it with every fibre of your being. Follow your highest excitement. Become a vibrational match to your desire and trust that the Universe will deliver.
'I am so happy and grateful now that I trust whole heartedly in the Universe. I am a powerful conscious creator and I commit myself to feeling good.'
I am that, I am.
New video explaining the importance of understanding and implementing FAMILIARITY when manifesting your desire. More video blogs to come. 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Getting Familiar With Your Desires ~ KEYS to Manifesting ~ Law of Attraction Getting Familiar With Your Desires is the KEY to MANIFESTING and the Law of Attraction.
If your vision does not scare you a little and doesn't excite you then you won't have enough passion within you to drive yourself forward to achieve it especially when obstacles present themselves to you on your path.
You really have to dream big!
'I have the power within me to create anything I desire and believe that anything is possible'
I am that, I am.
Feeling grateful is a special feeling tone not to be underrated. When you feel it and say thank you, you are acknowledging two very important things:
1) You have already received that which you are asking for.
This is a very specific vibration which signals to the Universe that you are aligned and ready to manifest. If you say to the Universe 'my desire is on it's way' then it will always be on its way to you and never actually arrive.
2) You are open to receiving help, guidance and abundance in all forms.
This alleviates a lot of pressure and takes EGO out of the equation, enabling you to manifest your desires more effortlessly.
'Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all the abundance in my life right now. I am so humbled and grateful for the wealth and health that surrounds me.'
I am that, I am.
~~~~~~~ How To Find Your Calling ~~~~~~~~
"Your life purpose is to experience joy. Period. It does not matter what causes you to experience it! If you can just learn to trust your joy as a life compass and follow it moment by moment you will discover your calling."
Click on the image to read the full blog.
How To Find Your Calling Is there a better feeling than living a fulfilled life, serving your purpose and being aligned with your true calling? The key is to find and experience joy! Le
If you want to upgrade the quality of your life experience then you must upgrade your self-image.
How you truly see yourself - behind the social masks you put on - is how the Universe sees and receives you. If you see yourself as unworthy of happiness then those are the type of experiences that will be delivered to you.
If you want to experience deeper more meaningful relationships then you must see yourself as capable and worthy of these wonderful experiences.
'I love myself unconditionally and I am worthy of all that I desire'
I am that, I am.
Wisdom Card ~ Wonder
Believing that there is more available to you that you can see will expand your consciousness and awareness to brand new possibilities.
'I release my self-imposed limitations and open myself up to brand new ways of being'
I am that, I am.
**Important Message**
Everyone has internal struggles, it's just that some people are better at hiding them than others. That is why it is better to be kind than to be right. You never know how someone is truly feeling inside. Life is filled with highs and lows and when you are in a low you are out of alignment with yourself and spirit ~ this is when our defences take over. We feel like life is against us and there is no way out so we must fight or flight ~ this is what the subconscious is perceiving and it will drive you to do stupid things like lash out at people or distance yourself away from the world.
The ones that distance themselves from others usually do so with a smile on their face ~ on the outside they seem fine but on the inside is where they are hurt. This is because it is easier to say you are fine than to explain why you are not.
So just try to remember that being kind to others is the best course of action you can take in the world because you never know when someone could really do with an act of kindness.
If you feel them lows yourself just know that you are not alone, you are loved and help is always available. You are important. Life can be hard when you find yourself in an internal muddle ~ no one was given an instruction manual on life so take it easy on yourself. You are doing a lot better than you think so be kind to yourself. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️