Co-Hibiscus Limited

Co-Hibiscus Limited

Co-Hibiscus Digital Limited is the leading online digital marketing and advertising agency in Africa. Specialized in giving businesses online presence.

Co-Hibiscus Limited is the leading online digital marketing and advertising agency in Africa. We have deployed innovative digital solutions to businesses across Africa.


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How Often Should You Post On Social Media?

Ah, the million dollar question rears its ugly face again: how often should I post on social media? When sharing content with your audience, how often is too often?

Social media managers share the same dilemma: we all want to create a connection with our audience that is just enough that we don't drive them away. We want to create a balance between sharing and listening and this sometimes results to guessing in terms of what the perfect post frequency actually is.

To help ease your pain, we compiled some research from industry experts to help give you a better picture of how often you should post on social media and even the best times to post on social media to help you get the most out of your social media marketing efforts.

Optimal Times To Post On Each Social Media Network

Most social media managers predict the best time to post by checking out various research data available online (and you'll probably get a different answer for each study you check out). The problem with that is that optimal times vary per brand and what works for others may not necessarily work for you. However, you may use this data as a starting point for customizing your own optimal schedule.

Facebook - 1-2 posts per
How often you post to Facebook depends on how many followers you have. If you have less than 10,000 followers, you should post one or fewer times per day. Once you exceed one post, each post gets 60% fewer clicks per post. If you have more than 10,000 followers, posting 1-2 times per day leads to the most clicks per post.

| 18/05/2017

| Learn how to spot online’Fake News’ There’s no denying that fake news has become part of people’s social media lives – a potentially dangerous part. Every day, more fake news sites pop out of the woodwork and, every day, more fake news stories are spread …

| 13/04/2017

Decluttering Your Digital Life

Start fresh this Easter – online and offline. In addition to the spiritual task on your Holy Week list, take time out to create a “digital lenten cleaning” list as well.

What exactly does a “digital lenten cleaning” entail?
A digital lenten cleaning means taking control of your digital life and the information that you share online. Similar to regular cleaning or tidying one’s home, it might seem like a daunting task at first. In reality, just a few simple steps can make a big difference in helping protect you online.
We in Co-Hibiscus Digital Limited recommend that you incorporate these cyber tips into your Holy Week cleaning routine. Click to read more

| Decluttering Your Digital Life Start fresh this Easter – online and offline. In addition to the spiritual task on your Holy Week list, take time out to create a “digital lenten cleaning” list as well. What exactly does a “digital lenten cleaning” entail? A digital …


Microsoft acquires LinkedIn for all cash transaction valued at $26.2 billion. Announcing this on Monday,the CEO of LinkedIn Jeff Weiner explained why he decided to sell the company to Microsoft. "Because we're both trying to do the same thing but coming at it from two different places"
In an email to LinkedIn employees Weiner explained that "Microsoft are more agile,innovative, open and purpose driven company" He explained how LinkedIn ' s services could be integrated into Microsoft ' s products such as outlook, calendar, office,weaving LinkedIn ' s graph and Microsoft apps. He also said that the company would remain a fully independent entity within Microsoft.

The Black List - Find scripts. Get found by industry professionals. 12/05/2016


The Black List is pleased to partner with Google’s Computer Science Education in Media program to offer financial grants in support of the development of three scripts with a focus on changing the image in popular culture of computer science and computer scientists.

Google will distribute up to $15K to each of three screenwriters (one feature writer, two writers of episodic pilots) for the purpose of supporting those writers for six months as they work on future feature screenplays and/or teleplays. Each fellowship recipient must agree that six months following receipt, they will provide a designated representative of Google with a sample of his/her new work along with a report addressing how the grant has been used to advance his/her work and/or impacted his/her career.


The candidate must host a script on for a least one week during the opt-in period.
Such script must be original to the candidate.
The candidate must be competent to contract.
If selected for the fellowship, writers must develop a feature screenplay or episodic pilot that changes the image of computer science or computer scientists, particular as it applies to women and minorities, in popular culture.
Further, selected writers must agree that six months following receipt of the fellowship that they will provide a designated representative of Google with a sample of his/her new work along with a report addressing how the grant has been used to advance his/her work and/or impacted his/her career.
Beginning April 20, 2016, users of the Black List website can opt into consideration for this fellowship.

On July 15, the Black List will short list ten writers based on all data available on the Black List website about their opted in feature screenplays and teleplays.

These ten short listed candidates will be asked to submit one-page biographies, which will be sent to Google along with the screenplays/teleplays.

Google will review these 10 scripts and choose the Fellowship recipients. Google reserves the right to grant no fellowships if, in Google’s opinion, no entry is of sufficient merit.


Evaluation purchase deadline* June 15, 2016

Opt in deadline July 15, 2016

* In order for new script evaluations to guarantee consideration for this opportunity, they must be purchased by midnight on the Evaluation deadline.

The Black List - Find scripts. Get found by industry professionals. Where filmmakers find great material to make, and great material finds filmmakers to make it.

Timeline Photos 17/04/2016

Smart infograph would assist advertiser to make certain decisions. Take a look at the most discussed topic on Facebook in March 2016


The Coming TV Paradigm: Measure the Ad, Not the Show
April 12, 2016
Sean Muller

For decades, the traditional TV business has depended on program ratings that estimated how many and what kind of people watched a show. In turn, networks used those ratings to sell advertising that paid for the show. That linkage between show ratings and ad sales has funded TV for seemingly forever.

But it’s time for a new paradigm, because that old linkage doesn’t make sense anymore. Instead of tracking who’s watching a show, we need to track who’s watching the ad that’s paying for the show. And we can. Here’s why we should:

In recent years, collecting show ratings has gotten infinitely more difficult, complicated and controversial. That’s because people now watch video content in many ways and on many platforms.

Yes, many people still watch a show when it’s originally broadcast, on its original network, like the old days. But many more watch shows days or weeks later, and on DVRs, on VOD, on Over-the-Top online apps and services such as Hulu, Netflix and Amazon, and through sites such as Apple’s iTunes Store and Google Play.

So, problem one: traditional ratings are challenged to measure everyone who watches a given show (though good companies are working hard to solve this problem).

Problem two: When a marketer buys ad time against a show’s popularity, there’s no guarantee a viewer will see that particular ad when they finally watch the show. Thanks to ad-skipping, VOD viewing, DVRs, OTT and the rest, a given ad sold against a given program is increasingly decoupled from the show. Different ads, or none at all, could be served up in each of those alternative viewing situations after an initial broadcast.

Problem three: All those digital providers can track customer viewing habits in much more powerful ways than traditional TV. As well, these digital companies are leveraging that information smartly, making a strong case to advertisers about efficiency, engagement and reach compared to traditional TV.

Digital outlets can track – in real time – who is watching what and for how long. The ad-based digital services can serve more targeted spots, know exactly which ads are watched and quickly swap out the ineffective ones. They may even know what ads are being shared on social media. Traditional TV hasn’t done any of that, in any substantive way.

Problem four: traditional TV providers, brands and marketers had, at best, only an indirect idea how effective their ads were. They bought ad time based on show popularity, believing the results would eventually manifest in higher sales.

Now, finally, traditional TV can deploy the tools and tactics of digital video to create a more effective ad market, a more certain audience and more powerful ways to interact.

For the first time, thanks to the Smart TV revolution, we can measure what actually is viewed on millions of TV screens, a far larger sample than previously practicable. Even more importantly, the information is available in real time, not days or weeks later, and it can track who’s viewing the ads themselves, not just the shows next to the ads.

Now, a network can offer a brand a specific bucket of lifetime viewers of a certain demographic slice, across a range of programs. Smart TV technology can directly track an ad’s reach and impressions, and generate new metrics such as average view rate. All these measures will represent a different way of selling and buying ads.

And with real-time information, advertisers can be more nimble. If a given ad doesn’t work, a different message can be swapped in. The potential for smarter, more effective, more targeted and valuable ads is massive.

In some ways, this all seems so elementary – measuring the ad instead of the show. But now we actually can do it, solving many of the most intractable shortcomings of traditional TV’s traditional approach. And TV advertising is about to change completely.

Written by

Sean Muller

Digify Bytes: Lagos, 14th or 15th or 16th or 17th March 2016 10/03/2016

If you're in Lagos and want to attend Livity Africa and Google ' One Day (FREE) Intensive Digital Marketing Training Sessions. To register, click here Please feel free to share with your network.

Digify Bytes: Lagos, 14th or 15th or 16th or 17th March 2016 Digify Bytes is a free intensive one-day digital marketing course. Be sure to attend the whole day to get the full experience.


Why Your Business Needs A Blog– an engaging, knowledgeable, customer-centric, optimized blog:

1. To build personality.
Today, it’s not enough for your customers to know what they’re buying. They also want to know who they’re buying from! Maintaining a proper blog offers your business the opportunity to build personality which can peel back the curtain a bit and show visitors to your site what you’re all about.

One of the nicest surprises in today’s marketplace is when a big brand – whom you’d assume would be less social and more impersonal – engages their customers and community by creating content that sparks conversation.

This resonates because it shows humanity and disarms people – wait, you want to hear what I have to say?

It’s sad, but we’re not used to being treated this way! And we sure as hell don’t expect it.

Your blog can really set the tone as to the types of people who purchase your products, who work for you, who you’d like to do business with. It seems like a stretch, but it’s fairly easy to discern all of these things after a glance at your blog. Conversely, if you’re not posting regularly or worse, sharing drivel that serves no purpose or offers no value, you’re hurting yourself in the long run.

Whether it’s offering additional behind-the-scenes looks as to how your business does things or through posts from your employees themselves, customers love feeling like they’re “in the know.” People trust people – and sometimes in business we forget that. It’s not always slick taglines or rich imagery that prompts us to buy. It can be as simple as showing your management team to be down-to-earth, or highlighting the human side of your business.

Building a personality for your brand via your blog is a surefire way to draw customers closer.

2. To demonstrate thought leadership.
There’s something to be said about being the smartest kid in the class.

Sure, there will always be someone out there looking to knock you down a peg – but that’s business – and that’s life!

Your blog’s content can prove that you a) know what you’re talking about, b) demonstrate just how invested in your customers you are and c) help your entire industry take a step forward.

Being seen as intelligent, reliable and knowledgeable is an important part of the buying/decision-making process that all customers go through. With so many competitors out there, what better way to flex your intellectual muscles and prove that you are ahead of the curve.

Maybe you focus on emerging trends that you know are going to have a huge impact on your industry. Or perhaps you write a post on how the technology you’re using is patented and exclusive to your business. Either way, both of these options are pragmatic, and offer your customers insights that you’re knowledgeable and trustworthy.And really, that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day. It’s your job to find ways to capture the attention of your prospects, differentiate yourself from your competition. Creating a discussion or dialogue around an important issue in your industry, or opening people’s eyes to data that you know they need to see is a surefire way to build trust with potential customers.

For me, readers who identify thought leadership in your blog translate it into innovation, inspiration and influence.

3.To showcase your customers – benefiting from your products.
Sharing genuinely positive customer experiences after using your products or services is as effective as DNA at a crime scene. It’s basically irrefutable proof that you know what you’re doing, and it can compel others to want to find that out for themselves.

So why not showcase it?

Of course, there are a million variables that can dictate whether or not you and a potential client are the right fit.

But it’s hard to argue with smiles, glowing reviews and most importantly, tangible results.

While the concept may seem a bit strange at first (“hey, I thought this was my blog!”), it’s extremely powerful to present your prospects with content that highlights relatable, like-minded professionals. The kinds of stories that make someone go “that’s exactly what I need to do,” or “if I used this product/service, that could be me.” Thanks to your existing client list, and if you’ve invested the proper amount of time managing your relationships with them, your blog has the ability to resonate on a whole other level with visitors to your site.

Seeing and hearing somebody tell you exactly how a product or service has impacted their business is infinitely more powerful than the business’ marketing simply saying it will. As human beings, we’re susceptible to the influence of others – and when it’s clear those others are benefiting from what you have to offer, the rest will follow suit.

Matt Black
Award-Winning, Communications Specialist - Guest Experience | Social Media | Content Marketing | Customer Service

Timeline Photos 17/12/2015


Digital marketing is not just about challenges but opportunities. In fact, the opportunities are staggering. In traditional media the upside is huge as they are the most ripe to be disrupted by someone who “gets” digital.
By getting digital you have the ability to reach a much bigger market by moving from local thinking to global. Scaling and amplifying your efforts with technology. Measurable results from data that reveals what works and what doesn’t. Free crowd sourced social media brand content that amplifies your marketing for free.
With these on focus, next year we will be thinking on the followings:
1. Return on Investment.
When social media started to be recognised as not just a plaything for teenagers, the marketers started piling in. They realized that it was free marketing driven by the global online crowd. Facebook “likes” were the new gold rush. For the last 7 years the shiny new social media toy has distracted us. We have talked about trust, engagement, and other fluffy metrics. Social media is now to be treated as just another digital channel. The reality has set in and the question is being asked “What is the return on investment”. The CEO is saying “Show me the sales”. Social media is great for traffic, brand awareness, and customer engagement but as you move down the sales funnel the other digital marketing tactics are vital. Landing pages that convert and an email list that gives you control of customer contact. No longer can you rely on Facebook to provide free traffic to your website or blog. It’s become just another paid advertising channel. It’s time to stop chasing every new social media distraction. It’s time to get serious and focus on what matters. Moving beyond vanity metrics like traffic, likes, and sharing to the sharp end of the sales funnel. Return on investment.
2. Build on your Digital Content Assets
In the past advertising was just seen as an expense. But in the new age of digital it should be seen more as an investment in the future of your online authority. It is an asset build. Advertisements that had a lifetime of 30 seconds and never to be seen again and cost hundreds of thousands are being added to and even replaced by online videos that can be viewed this year and into the future. This new media is indexed by Google and shared on Facebook and Twitter. They are searchable now and will be found on the web in a decade. Media creation is a digital content asset that provides brand value now and will keep giving. In 10 years the content you created today will be found in a Google search.
What are these assets?
Website is your most important digital asset. It’s the one you own and have the most control over. Google, Facebook or Twitter doesn’t have control here. But a website should be a living, breathing, and evolving honeypot that keeps bring people back to read and view.
Social Media Assets are another digital asset. Your tribe (groups) on social media is very vital you may have the content but do you have the crowd to distribute it to that is why growing and investing in your social network following is a long term game.
Search Engine Assets Your ranking and positioning on the Google search is very important. Do your SEO very well to increase your search engine index ranking. Maintain the first page on the search engine.
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Learn How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand That Will Differentiate You
If you want to get to the top of the career ladder or top of any chosen endeavors, you need to build your personal brand!
Building your brand is not easy, but if you put in the work each day, it will pay off.
I am going to give you some tips on how to brand yourself to the top. Trust me if you would put this into practice consciously you would stand out.
Here are the Tips:

1. Be the best at something! What do you want to be known for? Are you a lawyer, business man, politician, engineer, or IT guru? To be recognized as an expert, you need to have accolades, testimonials, aka evidence that you are in fact an expert in your chosen career. You need to have your network constantly being your brand ambassador. In order to be the best, you need to know that subject inside and out. Do your homework well. Become the go-to-person whenever your field is being called upon.

2. Create a personal website! Once your website is created, People will search for you and you need a place for them to find you. Web is great place to showcase your brand, catalog special certifications you collect, and continue building credibility. You can share site with everyone. The key is to build your mailing list so you can begin to grow your network and build a recognizable brand. You actually don’t need a sophisticated website. A micro site like blog can do a lot better. Blogging is the best way to begin to build followers, credibility and recognition. To set up a blog doesn’t cost much; just hit me to assist you.

3. Build a network of friends, colleagues and mentors! Relationships are the bread and butter of success. Start by becoming a leader in that your small enclave where you reside— join the local Chamber of Commerce, Business men fellowship; join the board of a local nonprofit organization. Always make a meaningful contribution and let your quota be felt. Make a point to get connected and stay connected. Everyone knows someone. Word of mouth is the fastest and easiest way to build your business, brand and bank account!

4. Create a Social Media handle - LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter and WhatsApp groups. Start by mastering the listed social media handles. My recommendation is LinkedIn. We can help you set it up professionally with just a token. Give yourself a goal to add 25 thought leaders in your community each day. Once added, make contact with them. Do no sell to them, but simply ask them what you can do for them. Be strategic. Post blogs that give your audience solid advice, write content that shows you’re a thought leader, and connect with others. Start small, and keep improving.
5. Speak! Present yourself to speak in meetings, fellowship. Everyone is looking for free speakers. You’ve got to start somewhere, so choose a few possibilities and offer to speak for free. Keep track of the engagements you’ve spoken at. During your presentations, you can offer free items on your website once they subscribe. Everything you do needs to funnel back to your website to build that mailing list.

The more connected you are, the more resources you will have access to and the easier success will be.

To always get this feeds, Like our Page or Follow us @ Co-Hibiscus Limited


Digital video advertising revenue in the US is expected to rise 34% to $7.77 billion this year:


your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it.
But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with
plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid
this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or
shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you
choose to persevere.
