Homeopathic Healing

Homeopathic Healing

Homeopathic consultations specialized in Allergies treatment and Insomnia


Sometimes it's hard to decide between a few remedies for a minor ailment. This handy images may help for differentiating between several remedies for headaches.

Find out more about homeopathy: www.britishhomeopathic.org

Homeopathy effective in prevention of coronavirus infections: AYUSH ministry 13/02/2020

Homeopathy effective in prevention of coronavirus infections: AYUSH ministry It has been recommended that homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album 30 could be taken empty stomach daily for three days as a prophylactic medicine against the infection.

Prince Charles uses homeopathy to 'treat' animals on his organic farm 03/12/2019

For centuries the royal family uses Homeopathy to treat everyone, even their animals

Prince Charles uses homeopathy to 'treat' animals on his organic farm The Prince of Wales said he was concerned by the use of antibiotics in commercial farming

Can Trauma Cause Chronic Illness? 02/12/2019

Homeopathy is a wonderful modality that goes straight to the cause and helps heal the trauma when this is the cause of the illness.

Can Trauma Cause Chronic Illness? Trauma, toxic stress and PTSD have now been directly linked to several types of chronic illnesses.

Influenzinum 9C -- Influenza/Flu defense protocol (2019-2020) *Taking Pre-Orders Now* 27/10/2019

Be ready to fight the FLU this season!

Influenzinum 9C -- Influenza/Flu defense protocol (2019-2020) *Taking Pre-Orders Now* This medicine is a homeopathic dose of the 3 MOST RECENT STRAINS OF THE INFLUENZA VIRUS. These 3 most recent strains of the flu virus are determined and manufactured by the Pasteur Institute of Paris for the 2019-2020 flu season…and then, it is prepared homeopathically to the 9C potency. You will ...


Helpful remedies for mental health


Today is World Mental Health Day. Homeopathy is particularly effective when it comes to mental health, especially compared to what traditional medicine has to offer.
Everyone is different and of course it's always best to consult a homeopath.
Here is a list of a few important remedies to remember:

Ignatia: This remedy is very, very good when a person’s acute response to grief is to weep. The keynote is that the weeping comes in bursts that the person will try and control. You might see only tears in the eyes. A person in the Ignatia state feels shattered inside from disappointment, disappointed love, fright or bad news. They can be worried inside however they will try and present a composed front to others. They may sigh a lot and also have a sensation of a lump in their throat. (Children and adolescents who may benefit from Ignatia may not be as composed as adults, and when they do cry, may burst into tears loudly and dramatically and storm out of the room.)

Nat mur: When the person’s response to grief is irritable outbursts over small things, this could be a good remedy. These people will not cry in front of others at all or perhaps feel like they would like to cry and it won’t come. They need to be alone to cry as they are very private. There can be deep sadness extending into a mildly depressed state. Nat mur in homeopathy is about the making and breaking of relationships. The person may feel betrayed, alone and like they really need some nurturing. However a Nat mur person will not let on often that they feel like this. They might have difficulty going to sleep as they tend to mull over past events, old hurts and conversations at night while in bed.

Phosphoric Acid: People who need Phosphoric Acid are often exhausted and debilitated within their mind and body since a traumatic event. Normally the grief or trauma involves feeling isolated in communication with loved ones. This can be after discord or it might be simply being in a different city or country from loved ones and not being able to pick up the phone and have conversations with loved ones as much as they might like. They will often not sleep very well due to worry and anxiety about loved ones and may also have crushing or vice-like headaches. They will have difficulty gathering their thoughts or finding the right word…almost as if the pathways in their brain are not seeming to connect properly.

Remedies for Traumatic Events
Aconite: This is the “Arnica of the Emotions”. It is very good for sudden fright and ailments from strong emotions. If you find yourself trembling after an emotional exchange with someone, Aconite will soothe you and bring you back to a centred place quite quickly. It has great fear, anxiety and worry. This remedy is useful to alleviate the instant response of intense fear.

Stramonium: I have given this in my clinic when clients have been a victim or threatened with violence or robbery and have been traumatised afterwards. A person who needs Stramonium will be fearful of the violent event happening again and may be so anxious that they will not want to leave the house. They will not want to be alone and may have difficulty sleeping due to their developing fear of the dark and nightmares.

Staphysagria: Deep anger and indignation after a hurtful act that violates ones boundaries. The person will either not feel able to express it or will respond very angrily to perceived insults. This is one remedy to consider after a sexual assault or for mothers who have had a difficult birth and had to endure an instrumental delivery or other invasive procedure such as a C-section that was not wanted – even though it may have been necessary. In both cases, the person may complain of sharp, smarting pains in the ge***al area and/or in surgical incisions. It is important not to give this remedy to anyone who has been sexually assaulted who is in an environment where they may suffer further abuse – such as an adult in a violent relationship or a child who is living in an environment where they may be re-victimised by the abuser. In this type of circumstance, a dose of Staphysagria might give the victim the energy to fight back if attacked again, which might have tragic consequences as it might provoke more extreme violence from the abuser.

ACONITE For acute situations when sudden fears overtake us rapidly. Intense fear (or -presentiment) of death, as well as ¬palpitations, shortness of breath, flushed face, and trembling.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM This is an excellent remedy for emotional stress caused from anticipation and for anticipatory anxiety. There is dread of ordeals, anticipation, anxiety about their health, and nervousness around important engagements such as exams or a job interview. People needing this remedy are often hurried, anxious, excitable, and tend to crave sweets. The stress usually manifests into digestive issues (i.e. diarrhea, colitis) and also neurological issues such as twitching, tremors, or seizures.

GELSENIUM This remedy is great for stress from stage fright and anticipation anxiety. The stress manifests into weakness in the physical, mental, and emotional state of the person. There is trembling with fright and great fatigue, the legs feel heavy and shaky, and there’s a foggy, dull feeling in the head and flu like symptoms. The stress can manifest into chronic fatigue and weakness.

Top 4 Petroleum Based Snacks that Can Cause Severe ADHD, Nervous System, Blood, and Kidney Damage 30/09/2019

Many alternatives healthy options such as fresh fruits, dattes, nuts for those who are not allergic, provide the proper nutrients and energy that they need. This snack “culture” was created only by the “junk food” industry that is being “corrected” by medicating our kids.

Top 4 Petroleum Based Snacks that Can Cause Severe ADHD, Nervous System, Blood, and Kidney Damage Are you unknowingly giving your child petroleum-based snacks? Most companies market unhealthy products that contain cancer causing artificial ingredients to petroleum directly to children. These ingredients can cause all kinds of chronic diseases such as

Antibiotics given to babies may change their gut microbes for years - STAT 30/09/2019

Antibiotics given to babies may change their gut microbes for years - STAT C-sections and early antibiotics have a long-term impact on the bugs that live in kids’ guts – and possibly set them up for very different health outcomes.


Cold and Flu season, Be ready!

As it approaches cold/cough/sore throat season, this handy graphic may be useful to you.


Cracking the Cholesterol Myth: How Statins Harm The Body and Mind 09/09/2019

Cracking the Cholesterol Myth: How Statins Harm The Body and Mind The chemical war against cholesterol has been based on statistical deception and the active covering up of over 300 adverse health effects they are known to produce.


As it approaches cold/cough/sore throat season, this handy graphic may be useful to you.


The treatable disease mistaken for Alzheimer's 05/09/2019

The treatable disease mistaken for Alzheimer's Normal pressure hydrocephalus, which causes mobility and memory issues, can be mistaken for dementia.

Timeline photos 05/09/2019

A stye is a small abscess that grows on the inside or outside of the eyelid, often located at the root of an eyelash. It is a bacterial infection and the stye is filled with pus. There can be some associated symptoms which is where Homeopathy comes in and works beautifully. Here are some great remedies to help with this issue:

Apis: a stye that stings and burns. The swelling and pain are relieved by a cold compress.

Belladonna: a red stye accompanied by throbbing pain. Patient is super sensitive to light.

Euphrasia: the characteristic symptom is that it feels as though there is sand in the eye. There is also agglutination.

Hepar-sulph: a very painful stye, lots of p***y discharge and agglutination. Better by warm compress.

Pulsatilla: the styes can be recurrent. The eye is itchy and the discharge on the eye is yellow/green. Patient feels better with a cold compress and being outdoors. The styes tend to occur on the upper eyelid.

Staphysagria: for recurrent styes that are hard and occur on the upper lid. They’re not painful.

Need more help? We’re in clinic and ready to help with your health challenges!!

Epsom Salt Bath Pulls Toxins Out of Your Body, Reduces Inflammation, Improves Blood Flow and Stiff Joints 05/09/2019

Epsom Salt Bath Pulls Toxins Out of Your Body, Reduces Inflammation, Improves Blood Flow and Stiff Joints Epsom Salt Bath Pulls Toxins Out of Your Body, Reduces Inflammation, Improves Blood Flow and Stiff Joints


For all my friends who asked me this summer if there is any particular homeopathic protocol to follow when there is surgery, here is the one i recommend:
An excellent homeopathic surgical protocol... (from Dr. Saine and Dr. Len Torok MD):

With patients who are about to have surgery, we use a basic protocol that we learned from the very good American homeopathic surgeons of the 19th century. However, we adapt this basic protocol to each individual patient, adjusting to the sensitivity and circumstances of the patient, his or her remedy picture and the type of surgery.

This basic protocol consists of administering Arnica, usually in the 200 C potency, about one hour before and immediately following surgery. When possible and particularly during long surgery, Arnica can also be given during surgery. As soon as the anesthesia wears off and the patient begins to experience pain, another dose of Arnica is given. If after five minutes the pain is better, Arnica can then be repeated every 20 minutes (one pellet in water and then stirred. Teaspoon doses administered) for 5 more doses or until most of the pain in gone.

However, in some cases, the post-surgical pain is unaffected by Arnica and as a result, after that five-minute wait described above, Hypericum* 200 C (one pellet in water and then stirred - teaspoon doses administered) is almost routinely prescribed. A teaspoon dose of Hypericum is then given every 20 minutes (it can also be given as often as every 10 minutes or even every 5 minutes in rarer circumstances) for up to 6 doses if needed. When the pain begins to return, usually hours later, Hypericum is repeated at the same frequency until the pain is greatly reduced (which tends to be 2-3 doses) and the protocol is continued in this way until the pain does not return.
For 2-3 days after the surgery, also take Arnica 2-3 times per day to help the body heal from the shock of surgery.

Dr. James Gilchrist, a very good 19th-century American homeopathic surgeon, reported that in practically all operations he had used Hypericum orally (as well as locally in a soaked piece of gauze over the incision) and it was very rare for a patient to complain of pain. In fact, he once said that in 27 years of surgical practice only once had he used morphine to ease pain.

We have used this basic protocol for close to 30 years with the same success as reported by Gilchrist, regardless of the type of operation or patient.

Many other remedies will be indicated after surgery, depending on the type of surgery or organ affected and the patient’s state or reaction to the different surgical procedures. For instance, almost as a routine remedy, at the first sign of fever or great inflammation after surgery, Aconite can be prescribed with much good effect."

*If Hypericum does not relieve in non-orthopedic surgeries, begin taking Bellis Perrenis 1M every 20 minutes for four doses or until you begin to get relief and then take as needed. For orthopedic surgeries, begin taking Bryonia alba 200c every 20 minutes for four doses or until you begin to get relief and then take as needed.

America's New Normal: Chronically Ill Kids 26/08/2019

America's New Normal: Chronically Ill Kids Why the epidemic of chronically ill kids? We give them the cheapest food, the most expensive health care, the most prescription drugs, the most vaccines.

Study Shows Reduced IQ Among Boys from Maternal Exposure to Fluoride 23/08/2019

Study Shows Reduced IQ Among Boys from Maternal Exposure to Fluoride Study Shows Reduced IQ Among Boys from Maternal Exposure to Fluoride.

Round Up the Truth: Glyphosate Exposed 23/08/2019

Round Up the Truth: Glyphosate Exposed The Use of Potentized Remedies and Adjunctive Therapies in Removing This Obstacle to Cure with Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT

Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge 31/07/2019

Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge Could science be on the verge of proving how homeopathy works?

The Drugging of the American Boy 29/07/2019

The Drugging of the American Boy One in seven American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD before they're 18. But is there really a need to give psychotropic drugs to boys just for being boys?

Common anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl linked to increased dementia risk - Harvard Health Blog 26/07/2019

Common anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl linked to increased dementia risk - Harvard Health Blog Long-term use of anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl, some antidepressants, and others has been linked to increased risk of developing dementia.

UAE- Patients swear by homeopathy despite criticism 26/07/2019

UAE- Patients swear by homeopathy despite criticism (MENAFN - Khaleej Times) Homeopathy, an alternative medical practice, has been gaining traction in the UAE - so much so that major insurance firms

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WHO report 2019 - Homoeopathy practiced in more than 100 countries | Homeopathy Resource by Homeobook.com 26/07/2019

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FDA: Ambien is making people kill themselves while asleep 25/07/2019

FDA: Ambien is making people kill themselves while asleep "This is something I've been telling my patients for the last 15 years, and in the sleep community this is well known."

Frequent Sleeping Pill Use Linked to Increased Dementia Risk 24/07/2019

Frequent Sleeping Pill Use Linked to Increased Dementia Risk Adults who reported taking sleep meds 5 or more nights per month had a 43% greater risk of developing dementia over 15 years vs their peers who rarely took sleeping pills.

Why Homeopathy?

I am a native Algerian (Berber) who grew up in France and I have been living in New York City since 1999. I speak both French and English fluently.

I’m a mother of two boys and have converted my whole family and most of my friends to Homeopathy. When I arrived in the United States, I decided to study business (MBA) and successfully opened my own management company. However, my path changed after I found out that my children had severe health issues that conventional medicine was only able to palliate. Homeopathy was the only modality that went straight to the root of their problems and healed them.

I was fortunate enough to encounter a wonderful homeopath who changed my kids’ life and I became passionate about Homeopathy after seeing the miracle of it. I was quickly determined to help people in their suffering. I enrolled at the New York School of Homeopathy and at the Academy of Homeopathic Education (New York, Philadelphia). After four years of hard work and bliss, I became a practitioner myself.