Stanley the dog of many faces
Stanley has many faces and never quite looks the same. Terrier-poodle-mutt rescue and entertainer/comedian. Follow this page for his many adventures.
Stanley's mom runs Bright Lights Dog Training - you can see more updates on Stanley there too!
Day 47. He saw his final sunset. It was beautiful. He led a beautiful life, as magnificent as a precocious terrier-poodle-mutt could lead. He cuddled with me all night as if he knew. He told us it was time and he went peacefully the next day.
Thank you for teaching me how to love completely. We will always love you.
There are ups and downs. Today was a good day. Happy new year baby boy. Thank you sun - for coming out to warm us up.
Day 40. Chill day at home on day 39. Ate some yummy chicken stew.
Day 32
“They are equivalent in dog years”, says our dear friend, Zak.
Stanley have had so many friends come see him this month - it has definitely livened up his mood and well being . Thank you for making it to give him some loving. I am so touched that you made the time.
Miracle dog Stanley had a fun outing to momma’s favorite place on Sundays and received many many pets, which he demanded for more.
Stanley can only digest soft special food , now that he is living with a mass in his intestines. He is shockingly .. still alive!
To allow him freedom to run around without the risk of swallowing anything solid , I’ve trained him to comfortably wear the outfox (originally meant to prevent foxtails going up dog’s ears and noses) . It’s like wearing a fencing mask.
I’ll release a training video soon!
Today’s sunset - ocean beach. I love how his ears bounce when he trots.
Miracle dog. Somehow still kicking.
He is pretty evil.
At hardly strictly bluegrass. I was a little unhappy today and wanted to go along with momma . She said I could come if I was a good boy. I was.
VERY focused on making sure you don’t forget his night time treat.
Truly the dog of many faces.
(Belly rubs)
Momma enjoys giving me a haircut. I enjoy the treats.
And I have short legs.
Coffee with Stanley.
I give him THREE bed options, and this is what happens instead.
Bought him a bed for our bed. Spoiling Stanley cause he is not feeling well. First time having environmental allergies. Luckily he really likes this new purchase! Yay.
Who’s a happy dog?
Weirdo stalker dog.
You know he is a proper old man when he has white hair sprouting from his ears.
I’m watching you.
“You woke me up from a nightmare!”
Fast friends.