Soul Circus. The Harrington Experiment

Soul Circus.  The Harrington Experiment

all about good vibing music


Land Grabs
pencil drawing
Rima Staines 2013

I created this for the Land Magazine ten years ago. It remains devastatingly pertinent.


Warm up they sometimes sound like s**t lol the whole point of warm ups is to get the finger's moving optimally


Think I need to invest in better recording equipment the phone is not working the same getting worn out


Something in the making

International Space Station, ISS, as seen from Earth 24/11/2023

International Space Station, ISS, as seen from Earth The International Space Station, ISS, passes over the Bay of Biscay and Southern France, as viewed from my roof in Cheshire in the north-west of England (19t...



International Space Station, ISS, as seen from Earth 22/11/2023

I've seen this before pretty cool moves too fast to get the telescope on it this video is way better than mine

International Space Station, ISS, as seen from Earth The International Space Station, ISS, passes over the Bay of Biscay and Southern France, as viewed from my roof in Cheshire in the north-west of England (19t...


Moonlite eyes


More people should do this and communities

We phantom planted 4 more James Grieves apple trees yesterday and signed up a new Paramili-Tree Leaftenant, we planted these at a new orchard that I started phantom planting at around this time last year and so far we have around 50 or so fruit trees here.

I remember what drove me to plant these trees that day alone, something really bad fell upon me, my mind was riddled with old demons, so I put into practice the antidotes that Ive been learning, I went and bought a 100 quids worth of apple trees and me and wee betty went out and made some nature offerings, I felt much better and the temptation of revenge and negative thoughts resided.

We get tested all the time when on a spiritual path, but we can get rewarded with big Brucey Bonuses when we stick to the path and not fall for these tests, but its not easy at times and its a practice, but I've ended up with another orchard out of it, thats my big Brucey Bonus!

This is where we have our heritage section with many rare native apple tree varieties planted here.

I took a gamble phantom planting here last year as it not my land but this grassy patch has been left rough for all my lifetime, as far as I can remember really, so I thought sure why not stick some fruit trees in here, I dont go to the bookies anymore or play poker so lets take a gamble and phantom plant 40 fruit trees in here and see how it goes!

There is lots of dogs running in this area also and I was worried a bit about them getting run over or chewed up or something but out of the 40 we phantom planted last year 2 of them got chewed by dogs which I pruned back and they regrew again, so out of these 40 or so trees they have all survived.

In the Bhagavad-Gita they say the divine light is in us all lying dormant at the bottom of the root chakra, also known as the Buddha light, the kundalini glowstick, that Christ spark, whatever its known as its in us all and apparently there is more than one way of activating this, one guru said there is actually 112 ways of doing this, 112 pathways of reconnecting to the source.

Never put down anyone else's faith, they are all heading the same place.

They say through years of practice and dedication you'll start to feel this energy inside you rise up the spine and karma yoga is one of them practices of attaining this, karma yoga means selfless service without seeking anything in return.

For the past 9-10 years or so I've taken time out of my all about me existence and used some of my money and time to go and buy a fruit tree and phantom plant it somewhere with no other intention but to benefit mother nature and the community, its a form a prayer they say in Buddhism and I first learned this practice from Buddhist monks.
But years later when I go back and swing off a tree that I phantom planted theres definitely something being activated in me, its the best feeling ever, all these ancient in depth scriptures aren't mickey mouse stuff, they mean exactly what they say on the tin.

Fire up your kundalini glow stick and go phantom plant a tree today!


My version of gadda da Vida


Think about this amazing young boy from the estate all the time!

A few months ago we phantom planted an apple tree out the front of his aunties house in memory of his Grandad, then he came over and I showed him around the orchard telling him when the apples are ripe and ready for picking and we had ourselves a feast.

He asks me when are we planting more trees and we arranged many more plantings which he never missed.

Then my right hand man sees the young boy giving other people from the estate a tour of the orchard telling them when and how to pick the apples.

This boy is 10 years old I think and he come up asks me will I train him and show him all the types of training I do from the trees, I said no probs and we arranged a few training sessions and he got stuck right in loving it.

I was then walking through the forest a couple of weeks ago and there he was collecting sweet chestnuts, I couldn't believe it!

We then arranged another training session and he shows up bang on time with his pockets full of conkers asking me what do I do with these!

Its kids like this that make the phantom planter for me, its the best feeling ever, this is why I came up with the mask, the name and to try and make tree planting slightly dodgy and mischievous, to attract this type of interest and its working!

For me when kids come and actively want to get involved like this is way better than having Jonny Rotten over planting or any other TV or Radio stations we've had.

My main purpose from I started was to appeal to people in working class areas, to create a grass roots movement from deep in the community, let them ego driven social astronauts do what they want up top, they are corrupted and lost up there, the system is perfectly designed to do that to you!
For me its whats happening at the roots is what really matters.

Thats my dream and vision anyhow, I believe the greatest things ever come from community level and we all need to get out and make this happen!

Peace and love!

I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place.....

Support me on the PayPal link below and help keep me planting and chanting.


Three words that every man wants to hear but rarely does, you were right!


Walls around me


Some music for fun




Ride or die


What don't kill ya makes you stronger


Put a feather in my wing. Demo mix A


Put a feather in my wing demo mix b


Song 1. For what's right

Videos (show all)

Warm up they sometimes sound like shit lol the whole point of warm ups is to get the finger's moving optimally
Think I need to invest in better recording equipment the phone is not working the same getting worn out
Something in the making
Moonlite eyes
My version of gadda da Vida
Walls around me
Ride or die
What don't kill ya makes you stronger
Put a feather in my wing.   Demo mix A
