Titanic Heaven-Page

Titanic Heaven-Page

Our job is to tell to the people so that the Titanic history will be preserve and will be remembered


We, in Titanic Heaven group wants to say that our hearts are with the families and friends of those aboard the "Titan" submersible that was lost during their expedition to the wreck of the TITANIC

06 - 18 - 2023


returns to the big screen remastered in 3D for a limited time on February 8.


You’ll be seeing an excessive of historical postings over the next 24 hours. This is because the final night of the RMS Titanic’s voyage is amongst us. Titanic sees her last sunset and sails history tonight. We’ll be providing timelines events, personal updates on what happened to those aboard, and captains logs throughout the day. The largest amount of postings come between 11:30 PM Wednesday (04/14) and 2:30 AM (04/15). I’ll also need to figure out a way to include our historical postings as well, but those may be trimmed back some.

I’m excited to continue this annual tradition. You can always find every posting about Titanic’s maiden voyage by visiting Titanic - The Ship of Dreams -Titanic Uncored today and tomorrow, but I’ll have a good bit of it on my personal account. Titanic is more than just a story. It’s a legend and memory. ~Coy


110 years ago ⚓


25 Years of service....


And its happening 😭😭
