Behind The Facade

Behind The Facade

Relationship Blogger - Narcissism and Toxic Relationships. Website/Blog available soon.


Palestine is not Hamas!

The democratic world does not understand how the rule of authority works, how oppression feels, or what bombs, starvation, or inequality feel like. They don't understand the complexities of these situations. Some people are not guilty of supporting Hamas but of saving their lives.

When a woman screamed this all because of those dogs, Hamas, after losing her children to bombs, a man quickly covered her mouth and tried to hide her face from the cameras. That statement may have ended her life. Understand?

There is an intricate facade throughout the world, and you need to be diligent enough to fully research things outside of mainstream media to find the truth behind the facade.

All mainstream media is controlled by your country's government to show you the story they want you to see. This is proven by the intense restrictions placed on all independent news sources across social media platforms.

Thousands of independent reporters on YouTube are being censored and having things restricted, while mainstream media reports the same information, showing much more graphic content without issue, but the narrative isn't quite as honest.

My personal accounts are down hundreds of thousands of views a month because of my content.


When a narcissist attempts to ruin you with a smear campaign, respond like Eminen does to Ja Rule.
Eminem basically tells him to quit playing the victim, quit playing the smear campaign or I’ll ruin it with some truth.

Ja Rule:
What’s up Em, you claim your moms a crackhead
and Kim’s a known slut, so what’s Hailie gonna be when she grows up.

And I don’t even carry guns no more I don’t got to,
got undercover cops that will legally pop you
And I done seen a lot of people cross the line
But this mo********er Ja musta lost his mind
That x got him thinking he was DMX
Then he switched to Pack,now he’s trying to be him next
So which one are you, X, Luther, Pac or Michael?
Just keep singing that same song recycled
We’d all much rather get along than fight you
Me and Hailie dance to your songs we like you
And you don’t really wanna step inside no mic booth
Come on now, you know the white boy will bite you
I'll hurt your pride dawg and you know I don’t like to
But I will if I have to, with syllable after syllable i'll just slap you
Killing you faster than you popping pill after little pill
of them tabs of that s**t you on
But if you want it you got it,
you’d bump this s**t too if we ain’t diss you



Oops, he didn’t. It’s just another MAGA lie. In fact Trump did the SAME EXACT thing.

Let me explain the FACTS:

- The Easter Egg hunt at the White House is taking place and tens of thousands of eggs will be hidden on the WH lawn. Those eggs come from the American Egg Board.

- The American Egg Board has been supplying the WH with the eggs for this event every single year since 1977.

- The American Egg Board holds an Easter Egg design contest every year, and then the best designs are put onto the White House Easter eggs which are displayed in the building.

- The American Egg Board are the Ones who ISSUE the RULES for the art contest, which includes no “questionable content, religious symbols, overt religious themes or partisan political statements,” NOT JOE BIDEN.

- Now here is the kicker! The Easter Egg hunts in 2017, 18, 19 and 20, ALL banned religious-themed Easter Eggs Too! That's because the American Egg Board had the same exact rules for those art contests.

Ask the former Economics communication official for Biden, Jesse Lee put it:

"For anybody on the fence about buying a Trump Bible to fund his p**n star hush money defense, he's lying about Easter now too so maybe don’t.”


You can't fix stupid but the hats sure make it easy to identify 😂😅😂Eminem


Texting is a brilliant way to miscommunicate how you feel and misinterpret what other people mean.


Check out my blog post


When you insult your ex to show admiration for your new girlfriend you’re a pathetic excuse for a man. And any woman who sits around while her new man insults the mother of his two children and person he spent half his life with like it’s cool. You’re part of the problem too.


Lesson on how you treat people. In the first part of the story a western journalist is approached by a Syrian woman, the second part of the story is where the western journalist approached a western activist and the response to her message.

A female journalist from the west recently wrote about two completely opposite situations that shows the importance of being polite and respectful towards others compared to acting like an entitled as***le.

The Journalist Began:
I (a western woman & journalist) received a message from a woman who suspected her husband was writing to me.
The conversation went like this.

Her: Good morning, god bless you and your health. I need to ask you something when you have time write me please.

Me/Journalist: Greetings and God Bless you, what would you like to ask me, please message me anytime.

Her: thank you Sister.
Do you know this person
(Screenshot of an account)

Me/Journalist: Can you send me the profile link instead, I don’t recognize the photo, is there something I should know about this person?

Her: The profile has been deactivated, I only have the screenshot. it’s nothing to worry about. I was just wondering if he ever wrote to you.
Sorry to bother you.

Me/Journalist: you are not bothering me.
I’m not sure if he wrote me or not, I have more than one account and over 20,000 followers, but I will check through my inboxes.

Is this man your husband or something?
Sister, please speak to me. Obviously you’re concerned about something if you’re contacting me.

*no response, journalist can tell the woman is nervous so another message is sent*

Me/Journalist: Let me help you.
Did he ever use his photo a profile picture, if so can you send it to me. Faces are obviously easier and faster to identify.

Her: Yes, I only wanted to see if he was sending messages to you, I had a feeling he was, I’m so embarrassed I know I sound crazy.

Me/Journalist: No, you don’t sound crazy, obviously something happened to cause you to feel that way.
I want you to know, if he did contact me and I happened to write back the conversation would have remained respectful and appropriate, Im married and don’t tolerate inappropriate communication, I’ve blocked more than 1,000 people.

I don’t recognize the account though so I doubt I even had a conversation with him. I will check my accounts and write you in 30 minutes

Her: thank you so much for understanding. The picture he used most frequently is in the screenshot I sent.

Me/Journalist: Of course, I’m a woman and you are justified. I am not upset or offended, you approached me in a polite, respectful manner, i appreciate that.

Is this the account you were talking about? (I sent a screenshot)
I’ve included screenshots from all my messenger accounts, based on everything I found, I’ve never received a message from that account, he’s not on any of my friends lists either.

Can I ask what made you think he contacted me?

Her: Yes, thank you so much.
He use to be a friend or follower on your account, I saw him on your page and asked who you were. It was the way he responded that made me suspicious but I can see I was wrong.
Thank you so much for understanding and taking the time to talk to me.

Me/Journalist: you’re welcome. If you need anything else, please ask at any time. Take care of yourself.

Her: God Bless You

Situation #2
In this situation the Journalist was actually being harassed, and threatened because she refused the advances of someone.

The journalist found out the man was engaged to a western activist and tried to reach out to her, to inform her her fiancé is requesting n**e photos, trying to force a relationship into another woman and threatening to exploit her if she doesn’t comply.

Not wanting to drop all of this information without some communication the journalist simply reached out to the western woman saying “Hi, my name is XX, we don’t seem to know one another but I know someone named XX. I was wondering if you’re in a relationship with this person, if you are, there is something I’d like to share with you. Please write me back. Thank you”

This woman blocked the journalist without replying, told her fiancé, thus amplified attacks began against the journalist to silence her.

And the journalist said “f**k it, if she doesn’t want to know she’s being cheated on, then it’s her problem not mine. It’s not worth the added harassment to keep trying to contact her. When her fiancé goes down for blackmail and exploitation, I hope she’s ready for the risks, since she financially supports him”


😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣Sure do!


They know I could destroy the illusion of innocence in 2 seconds flat and my patience done ran out.


The level of truth behind this is something I can't even put into words: turning a child against their mother because you weren't going to lose them all when I left. I hope you burn in hell for the pain you've caused me and my children.

As you can see from my writing, even after so much time passes, some topics remain raw because they don't heal. You simply learn to cope until one day your child wakes up and realizes the truth.

Shielding your children from the trauma can be a double-edged sword that works against you; if they fail to remember past events, it will, unfortunately, be easier for the narcissist to exploit this and damage even the closest bond between mother and child.

This is why it's best to accept reality as it presents itself early on in the relationship and just walk away. Each time you go back, there are lies that you aren't aware of, and in their minds, they got away with them, so nothing will change. Don't put yourself or your child through the trauma; just leave.

Everything I did to protect my children backfired in the end. I ended up losing my older child to the narcissistic manipulation of his father, and I will never be the same.


1000% True!
When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. This misinformation will seem unfair, but stay above it and hope that someday people will see the truth just like you did.

A narcissist, upon constructing their own self-serving reality, will engage in relentless slander, targeting anyone who poses a threat, particularly a potential new romantic interest.

This destructive behavior is a perverse form of courtship for the narcissist, who delights in publicly denigrating a former partner.

While it's incomprehensible that someone might find gratification in the humiliation of another (especially the mother of one's own children), this is a common tactic in the narcissist's playbook.

Sadly, the longer a victim remains in such a relationship, the worse the consequences. The ongoing, insidious character assassination leaves the victim alienated. By the time they finally escape, the damage to their reputation and support network can be severe.



You will never get the truth from a narcissist; you will get a version of the truth, the bare minimum. Every single time I promise you, for everything they confess to doing wrong, there are 10 more things you don't even know about. At this point, after almost half my life with a narcissist, I honestly have no idea how many times he's cheated. It's sad, and they don't change behaviors, just partners.


الرجولة عمل بطولي لا يصنع في الأندية الرياضية
ولا يتم قياسه بأرقام كشف الحساب البنكي
ولا يقاس بجمال الرجل الخارجي
ولن تصل إليها بصوت عالٍ
ولن تحصل عليه من خلال رعاية البشر

#الرجولة هي ذلك الجدار الذي تختبئ خلفه الأنثى
وهي على ثقة تامة أنه لن يقع عليها مهما حدث ولن يؤذيها
Manhood is a heroic act not made in sports clubs
It is not measured by bank statement numbers
It is not measured by the beauty of the outer man
And you won't reach it loud
And you won't get it by taking care of humans

is that wall behind which the female hides
And she fully trusts that he won't fall on her no matter what and won't hurt her


Sometimes we need to disagree to know what others hide in their hearts. You may find what makes you astonished, and you may find what you bow down to in respect.
Anger exposes morals.
نحن بحاجة إلى الخلاف أحياناً لمعرفة ما يخفيه الآخرون في قلوبهم قد تجد ما يجعلك في ذهول وقد تجد ما تنحني له احتراماً ...
فالغضب يفضح الأخلاق.


There are people with a sixth sense and a high ability to guess, due to the ability of the mind to connect events and insightful future outlooks. This talent is usually a gift from God, not related to science or developing a certain skill And some have it without trying or seeking it🙂😉
هنالك اشخاص لديهم حاسه سادسه وقدره عاليه على التخمين وهذا يعود لمقدرة العقل على ربط الأحداث والنظرة المستقبلية الثاقبة .. وعادةً ما تكون هذه الموهبة ، هبة من الله ، ليست متعلقة بالعلم او تطوير مهارة معينه ، والبعض يمتلكها بدون أن يبذل جهد او يسعى لها


ما يهم حقًا هو إيجاد السلام، سواء داخل أنفسنا أو في محيطنا. من المحبط أن تقابل أشخاصًا يسعون دائمًا إلى الصراع ولا يمكنهم قبول الآراء المختلفة. إن عقلية الامتثال المطلق، أو العداء، مرهقة. يبدو الأمر وكأننا نعيش في عالم لم يتعلم فيه الناس تقبل الخلاف المحترم، وهو السمة المميزة لمرحلة البلوغ.
What truly matters is finding peace, both within ourselves and in our surroundings. It's frustrating to encounter people who constantly seek conflict and can't accept differing opinions. This mentality of absolute conformity, or hostility, is exhausting. It feels like we live in a world where people haven't learned to embrace respectful disagreement, a hallmark of adulthood.
