Smiling Soul Creations

Smiling Soul Creations

Our mission is to create a ripple effect of love across the globe through transformative experiences. If Love is the Ultimate Success... Would You Start Anew?

We invite you to join us on an 11 night 12 day journey of a lifetime as we travel through Incredible India! DELHI - GANGES - HIMALAYAS - GOA - MUMBAI

The Smiling Soul Retreat is designed and hosted by international motivator Brett Shuttleworth, bringing you the absolute best of India in order to facilitate the teaching and organic embedding of Brett’s 7 Fundamental principles as a way of life: In


Once upon a time I had a dream of creating a retreat like nothing ever seen before.💥

One that would offer participants a chance to start anew – a chance to fall in love with life, with their innate divine beauty and end their searching once and for all.

Finally, healed from their worries and their past, they would discover Nirvana - and from this place, create the life of their grandest dreams.😇

You see, I have traveled the world and experienced life as a homeless man, supermodel, Hollywood actor, professional sportsman, adventurer, and international speaker.

What I have discovered redirected my life's purpose so that now I'm driven to create a consciousness shift in humanity - a ripple effect of love across the globe!

The retreats offer me the platform to teach what I have discovered, what I have learned from the Gurus and the Sages – from the most successful and happiest people on the planet, and from my own deep searching and inquiries.

The Smiling Soul Retreat will bring you back to your true nature – love. 💓💓💓

And your life will never be the same again.

I am so excited to announce that we've officially opened bookings to another flagship South African Retreat in July 2024:


This Smiling Soul Retreat in KZN is set to make waves in the hearts of those that choose to join us.

Don't live a life of regrets - what if your most remarkable and profound transformation is just one single decision away?

Your awakening, your blossoming into the butterfly you were born to be, is my mission.

Don't miss out beautiful soul.

Click HERE where you will find out everything you need to know about this life-changing journey.




It's official, we are are coming to KZN 🏝️

💌 Save the date 19-21 July 2024 and get your name down on the Invitation List Below 👇



Wow 🥳💙✨️🙏 3.5k have registered for the 5 Day Make Your Soul Smile Challenge.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity 👇👇


Good morning my friends.

Some thing for us to consider: "You see what you looking for."

If you looking for God, you will see God everywhere ❤

Love to hear your thoughts about this teaching. Leave a '❤' if this speaks to your heart.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend 🤗

P.s I am really excited to be seeing you all on the free 5 day challenge which kicks off tomorrow. After which I will be flying out of Bali to SA to host 2 back to back Smiling Soul Retreats. DM me if you interested in attending any of the above events.


Dear friends,

Could this be what you been waiting for?

Tell me, when you think about the word “retreat”, what does it conjure up for you?

An idyllic setting?

Blissful moments of connection with like-minded souls?

Personal breakthroughs that move you to tears because you know, deep within you, that your life will never be the same again?

Maybe attending the retreat of your dreams is something that has always been on your wishlist but has never quite manifested for you? An elusive experience that others get to be blessed with, but that always seems to pass you by, even though your heart and soul are yearning for it?

Imagine having time and space away from the commitments, obligations and distractions, to reconnect with yourSelf on a profound level and rediscover all the magic and potential that already lies within you?

Could you give yourself permission to set yourself free to have fun, to fall in love with yourself and with life, to start anew, and truly understand what it means to experience joy in the depths of your soul?

How would it feel to connect with your tribe at a deep, heart-level where it feels like you’ve found your soul family?

This is what awaits you at each of our Smiling Soul Retreats.

“Sure, Brett, attending a retreat at one of your exotic locations sounds incredible, but it’s out of my reach”, you might say.

We hear this from so many beautiful souls, and because we’re all about sharing the love, we are bringing the same magical and powerful experience of our India and Bali retreats to you, over 3 days in South Africa!

Our next Smiling Soul SA Retreats are coming up very soon:

Cape Town 2 - 4 Feb 2024

Pilanesberg 16 - 18 Feb 2024

That's just around the corner!

You can book your spot at either of these Retreats 👇👇👇

Or, if you’d like to chat about how we can make one of these SA Retreats happen for you, reply to this post and DM me, and we will be in touch.

These will be our ONLY Smiling Soul Retreats in South Africa in 2024, so this is your chance to be immersed in the same world-class and life-changing experience that you would at our Bali or India retreats - just more accessible to you.

The investment into your greatest self and the experience of a lifetime, right on your doorstep, is R14950, all-inclusive. We also have payment plans available.

So no more sitting on the sidelines, wishing you could attend the retreat that speaks to your soul and changes your life forever.

It CAN be you. This is your chance to receive what the universe is offering you.

Life is too short for regrets. Don't miss out on this one, beautiful soul.

Book your spot at either one of the SA Retreats here.

If you’d like to chat about attending one of these South Africa Retreats, our doors and hearts are open. Reply to this email and we will be in touch.

I hope to see you in my beautiful home country very soon!

With love and gratitude B ✨️❤️🤗

Finfoot Lake Reserve
Monkey Valley Resort

Book 👇👇👇👇



Pre-challenge: Sunday 21st, 9am London / 10am South Africa
Challenge: Mon 22 - Fri 26 January, 9am London / 10am South Africa

*Awesome prizes up for grabs, plus a chance to win a spot on a Level 1 Smiling Soul Retreat!!*

"You don’t get what you want. You get who you are being.”

This is one of the most important things that I share with my coaching clients, and much of our work together centres around consciously creating who they are being - instead of focusing on goals, achievements or things in the outside world they want to change.

Everything is inside you: If what is happening in the world is not the way you want it, at least what is happening within you must be the way you want it - don't you feel?

It is from this space that you can create and manifest your wildest dreams! I truly believe, as I share with all my clients, that abundance is your Birthright.

There truly are miracles all around us if our hearts are open to looking for them.

And it is this beautiful seeing, this ability to harness your inner million, that is some of what I will be sharing on our upcoming 5-Day Make Your Soul Smile Challenge together - in just 3 day's time!

So much love,
Brett ❤️🙏

Ps Take this opportunity now and sign up on this life-changing Challenge! 👇👇👇


I want to share something for you to consider as we enter the final few days before the 5 Days Challenge kick off.

Uncertainty is the nature of experience.
We can’t even choose our next thought. Did you know that you were even going to think that thought a second before the thought? Until you come to terms with the uncertainty of life, you will just cling and resist. Be open to however this life will unfold. One of my teachers in India always used to say, "Argue with reality, welcome to hell."

When you accept the isness of what is you are free.

Ease the grip of control. Don’t be so interested in what happens. Your fears and concerns are robbing you of your energy.

Notice how light you feel when you let go of being so interested in what you are scared of or what might happen to you. Let go of how it might all unfold. It removes 1000s of mental impressions, 1000s of thoughts.

You spend so much time trying to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts. You will never know what's coming. The one who resists this uncertainty or the one that looks at uncertainty as a negative word lives in bo***ge to the uncertainty.

This will make you more unconscious, living in the illusion of thought based on your future worries or projections. You get stuck in the thickness of this moment, when truthfully this moment right now is thin, when there is no thought.

The one who eases off or embraces the uncertainty starts to experience and embodies the freedom that comes with it. And ultimately sees that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The wisdom of uncertainty. This wisdom is not a mental intelligence. It's the intelligence of the universe, the intelligence of your intelligence.

Thin the clouds away and have more faith. When you realise that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold onto.

Let go let god, trust in the same universal intelligence that bought you into this world.

My wish is that my sharing above creates a little bit of peace and hope for you right in this moment

Say "YES" if it helped a little and of course feel free to comment. I love all your feedback.

Wishing you all a beautiful, peaceful day!

Take this opportunity now - join me for the time of our lives! 👇👇👇


Have you ever considered the possibility that a life lived in balance is the foundation for your success?

That playing in the extremes is actually detrimental to any kind of achievement - monetary or otherwise?

What if I told you that in order to bring balance to your life, you need to first bring balance to your thoughts?

Balance in thought means that your thoughts do not control you, they do not run your life. This is only possible when you discover the sweet solitude of the space that lies between each thought.

The first commendable action you can take is to bring more awareness and therefore balance to your thoughts.

A mind that is calm, resilient and cantered can be of greater service to your aligned divine destiny in this lifetime.

Silence is god’s loudest voice. The space between the notes makes the music. The space between thought is what makes your soul smile.

This is just a taste of what I have planned for you in this Challenge. And we are just 5 DAYS AWAY from the pre-challenge on Sunday the 21st January 2024!

Take this opportunity now - those of you that are called to join now 👇👇👇


The Smiling Soul Retreat will bring you back to your true nature – love. 💓💓💓

And your life will never be the same again.

I am so excited to announce that we've officially opened bookings to our flagship South African Retreats in February 2024:


These will be our ONLY Smiling Soul Retreats in South Africa in 2024 and they is set to make waves in the hearts of those that choose to join us.

We cover ALL the details in our information webinar - including a limited launch price.

Investment into your greatest self: R14950 all inclusive - payment plans and bonuses offered for those that watch the webinar!

Don't live a life of regrets - what if your most remarkable and profound tranformation is just one single decision away?

Your awakening, your blossoming into the butterfly you were born to be, is my mission.

Don't miss out beautiful soul.

💖Click LEARN MORE to sign up for the information webinar where you will find out everything you need to know about this life-changing journey.💖


Brett Shuttleworth

My final weekend in BALI before I head off to South Africa, to host our BIG opening since lock down.

Its back our Smiling Soul Retreats in November in Cape Town and Pilansberg.

I want to share something that came up for me yesterday whilst I meditated on my creations, sending blessings to my friends, loved ones and business associates.

Consider this..

Crossing the river from the outside world to the inside world, is where and how you discover your greatness.

Live your dream in your heart and let the universe move everything to bring your dream to you. Feel your dream, feel the presence of the universe inside you, KNOW that the universe is with you, guiding you, and then allow the Universe to realize your dream. Create that feeling everyday and change your thinking to create your abundant life.

You are all unique and beautiful, you and your dreams are so worth it, dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise.

Join our SA Smiling Soul Retreats Priority Booking List to make sure you get in on what will be, without a doubt, the highlight and turning point for your 2020 on love-steroids:


Brett Shuttleworth

What could be the most liberating decision you could make?

And do you choose to do it?


Brett Shuttleworth

Sometimes I just look up.

Smile and say, I know it was you GOD.

Thank you ❤️🙏


Brett Shuttleworth

I don’t think you need to know what love is.

Be Love.

How to be love?
You cannot do it. It is already present in you.

It is all that you are and more.
You are more and It is more.

You can’t teach the sea to create waves. A waterfall is not trying to be beautiful, it just is. Its just another ordinary miracle today and so are you!!

No regrets and no anticipation, just this moment fresh as it is, dancing with all the other miracles around you.....


Brett Shuttleworth

You are Enough

Liberate yourself and let the love of your life fall into your lap.

What is hurt nudging us towards?

Why is hurt experienced in every single human?

Surely there is a divine purpose hurt plays out in all our lives?

Yes, it always has showed up in my life, it happened to me 4 years ago.

The beautiful lesson is so clear and I wish to share it with you today.

"Brett if you looking for a relationship you’re in trouble,” I remind myself daily.

In my humble opinion, rather fall in love with yourself first and soon you will feel a warm sense of eternal divine love open up in you.

Your urgent desire to find the right partner will somehow fade.

The irony is that when we enact the deepest kindness towards ourselves first, our relationships naturally flourish.

When we maintain healthy boundaries, self-acceptance, and embed gratitude into our hearts, we draw in connections that mirror our inner love.

Often after a breakup we spend a great deal of time shaming, blaming or degrading ourselves - we create an atmosphere of isolation.

This form of ‘poor me’ keeps us from not only receiving our own love, but from receiving the love that we are offered from others.

When we hold the belief that we are somehow broken, not only in relationships but in our life as well, we will continue to attract experiences that mirror that belief system.

It is our responsibility to practice self-acceptance as often as possible.

When you catch your mind being ruthless towards yourself, slow down, and take a deep breath. In that moment thank yourself for something simple, something natural, even the awareness you had to catch yourself to bring you back out of the ego mind.

Create an energy of gratitude towards yourself.

Keep love notes close by, hold memories and experiences of warmth and appreciation near your heart.

Remind yourself that you are perfectly lovable just as you are right now.

With time and consistency your view of yourself will shift, and along with it so will your relationships expand. Your vibration and heart will then dance together and your perfect relationship will appear.

Your heart is sensitive, nurture it with kindness and it will soften - opening like a flower under the sun.


Brett Shuttleworth

In my humble opinion 'Self' enquiry is the only importance to life. The only worthy accomplishment in life is self realisation. If you don't realise self you have wasted a life.
Thank you for the article in your latest edition.
Questions and answers by Brett Shuttleworth.
Why do some people wake up and some dont?
Your seeking must be continuous. When your desire is only for God. You will attain self realisation.
You teach people how to set up their day and lives for success, which you call building a structure of happiness. A holy hour of gratitude and visual meditation. Why?
Then your lessons in the world are finished. You are filled evermore with the joy of the infinite. Remember it is not what you hear that redeems you, but what you do with what you hear.
I don't want people to think that they can attain self realisation simply by listening to others or by reading books.
They must practise what they read and hear. Many hear what they should do, but few act upon it.
You tell people to make there life a response to the LOVE that we already have received. They should do it with all their your heart and soul?
Dont paralyse your determination. When you know a thing is right. When you realise self as devine infinite love. Why shouldn't you go after it. Why shouldn't you want to be an extention of gratitude and service that gave you your last heart beat or breath.
Remember as long as you are making the effort. God will never let you down.


Brett Shuttleworth

Nothing stays the same forever 😇💙🎉✈️🤗
We will be back.!


Brett Shuttleworth

Embrace the feelings
What you Resist, Persists

Allow the feeling, allow the healing.

Let the idea of who you think you are or of what should be happening fade away gently.

The more you embrace a flexible, open mindset and let go of rigid beliefs and perspectives, the more you will find freedom, love, happiness and peace.

Never take yourself or your beliefs too seriously. You are way more beautiful than that!

You can spend your whole life fighting to swim against the currents of life. Or? You can let go and flow effortlessly along, riding the power of the river.

A simple example of how many of us fight against the current, is when we choose to bury, ignore or mask our painful and unpleasant feelings.

All feelings – good or bad – are part of the tapestry that make up this beautiful life we live every day. To deny or resist any part of it would be to deny the full experience that life has to offer.

And what you resist, persists!

Instead, choose to bless and embrace the pain, jealousy, anger, or whatever be the unpleasant feeling.

Rather ask: Why am I having this experience or feeling? What is it telling me about my beliefs?

Soon you will discover that the feeling is actually serving you to move toward a more aligned path. Toward a higher-frequency version of you.

Healing is what happens when you allow the experience and feelings just to be what it really is: A sacred teaching.

Wishing you all a beautiful day of letting go my friends!


Brett Shuttleworth

Happy Friday all you beautiful souls ❤️😇

If you could choose one option before you die. Would you rather want to;

1) Make $1 Billion dollars, or

2) Impact 1 Billion lives

(°and you couldn't use the money to impact anyone.)

What would you choose and why?


Brett Shuttleworth

Time To Upskill Your Soul

I am sure you’ll agree that there is an abundance of overwhelming information on the net, tv and other media on what to do and how to do it, in order to get rich, get a better job, beat your competitors etc. The list goes on and on and on.

The promise is ultimately that doing these things will finally give you the opportunity to buy that dream house and give you the security you so desperately need and crave. And then, only then - you’ll be happy.

In my travels through Bali I was recently invited by 2 old local tribal Balinese women to join them at 5am on a beach, to experience what they called an ‘up-skilling of the soul’.

We started our warm up session before sunrise by doing ORIBA - a local Bali yoga. They shared with me that the practice was to say thank you for the new day and to ask the heavens to support there fishermen husbands to catch an abundance of fish, as this was there lively hood.

Their husbands were already out at sea and would be back by 6:30 to sell their catch at the local morning market. If they weren’t in integrity to their morning ritual this would weaken the odds of their husbands returning with a bountiful catch.

They also chuckled away as one of them remarked that the exercise also had the added benefit of keeping them looking young, pretty and in shape for their husbands!

The main reason I was on this idyllic beach in north Bali with these two wise women was to experience what they called “Pencak Silat”: a martial arts used as a way to develop and cultivate one’s inner self. Its intention is to develop a ‘complete’ human being through focused thought, sense and will. They believe that no matter what you achieve externally, it will go as fast as it comes.

So true sustainable happiness can only be obtained inside of you. Pencak Silat is a Bali style of inner work firmly rooted in old Balinese philosophies and tradition. It is the most widely practiced daily ritual in Bali.

No wonder these women where beaming with love, peace and power. They were empowered and beaming with joy in a way that no house or job or money coud buy.

I managed to capture a video clip of me with these two lovely ladies - Do you feel we are upskilling ourselves in the right way to live a happy optimal life?


Brett Shuttleworth

Be Happy For No Reason.

We all have that something special in our lives – a material possession, a hobby, or a person – that lights up our hearts and brings joy to our world without fail.

It’s the experience I use to have when I am reunited with my custom-built ‘Jap’ motorbike each time I travel to Bali when I host our Retreats there.

When I hit the Island shores, I get to pull off the storage cover of my bike & take my bad-boy for a spin. I often road-trip around the Island with our Retreat group, tailing the bus by a short distance.

In this place there is just me, the open air and the sound of a motor. It’s pure freedom – I get to unwind, & find balance before my next teaching to the group.

These kinds of things are important in life. It's essential that you create a masterpiece that includes experiences, things & people that make your soul soul.

BUT as good as it is on my bike, I remind myself of the day I truly found happiness.
It was 10 years ago when I was homeless. I had nothing, & yet I discovered EVERYTHING.

Happiness is the goal of all goals. Happiness is a state of consciousness. Know that beyond the mind, there is a place where this happiness bubbles & overflows with nothing else needed from the external world around us.

Happiness as a fix, as a short-term gratification or escape from a place of sadness, that is seeked from outside of yourself, will be taken away from you as quickly as it arose.

What most don’t realize is that you can in fact evoke a state of happiness from within.

Here’s a quick trick to demonstrate how this can be done: close your eyes for a minute or two.

Think back to that thing, experience or person that lights up your life. Immerse yourself in that feeling. All the emotion of it. Bathe yourself in that joy.

Now let the object of the feeling be released from your thoughts (the thing, hobby or person), & hold on to just the experience of the state you are in. Now open your eyes.

Feel any different?

When your life is an expression of inner happiness, you are connected to the infinite intelligence of the universe & miracles happen. It’s an experience you can choose to create, in any day, in any moment.


Brett Shuttleworth

What does a sunset sound like?

You should be able to answer this question on completion of our training. The training supports you to open up to nature’s truth, rhythms & your own natural awareness.

One of the latest power trends in Japanese Zen Meditation, Body Awareness & Motivation. From the beaches of South Africa, the volcanoes of Bali, to the Himalayas in India and the boardrooms in Tokyo… This practice is transforming lives!

A social interactive event for everyone from absolute beginners to fit-for-life experts of any age & guaranteed to be fun!
For more information bookings please visit:


Brett Shuttleworth

Beautiful Bali Smiling Soul Retreat

Day 8/10

Forrest Hike and waterfall s.

Call me crazy but I love seeing other people happy and succeeding.
My friends if last week was a sh*tty one, doesn’t mean this week wont be awesome ♥️😇👊
Every day is a brand new dawn for the enlightened one. Don't let your music die inside of you.
Wishing you all a week of love and joy.


Brett Shuttleworth

Where Do You Hear a Bird tweet?

If I had to ask you, where do you hear a bird tweet?

Your most likely response would be: "Over there in the tree".

But the truth is that the hearing is happening inside of you, not outside of you.

Go outside for a moment. Listen. See for yourself.

There is nothing separating you from the bird. The bird is in you, and you are
in the bird. We are all connected as one constant infinite energy of love.

What does this simple exercise have to offer you? Get yourself – your person – out the way for a moment.

When you first attempt this, it seems impossible to do… the ego identifies
itself as a center from which all of existence is experienced. This is the
illusion, the dream we are born into. Of separateness, of isolation from what
is ‘there’ vs ‘here’.

You experience yourself as being human, having the occasional spiritual
experience. Until one day you realize you were spirit all along, living a human
experience. And that everything is in perfect, divine order.

To be one is to know your truth.

When you begin to see yourself in a spiritual world, you then get that you are no longer limited by all the boundaries or all the forms that we call problems, people or places.

The most natural next step is to serve.

A joy arises each time you bring love and kindness to another’s heart, because you see that that their happiness, their wholeness, creates the reflection in you.

This gap between 'you and me' begins to diminish.

First, it was 'me and the rest'.

Then 'me' becomes 'we'.

Ultimately, a
realization dawns: 'We are One.'

The sage within us emerges when the 'we', the 'me' and finally, the 'I'
disappears. There remains only the All-ness, the One beyond even the
concept of oneness!

In the end, there is just one thing that really matters: How much did you love?


Brett Shuttleworth

The time will never be perfect.

Act now!!

There will never be a right time.

Today brings you the gift of a short, but powerful message to take into your week.

If you make a prediction based on your current situation, you are completely discounting your inner potential to transform the situation.
Consider this: if you are waiting for the perfect conditions to make your move, it may never come.

What if it is true that you can still be in action of expressing yourself, detached from what the mind is saying or what your body is feeling?

The profit on the other side of fear is limitless.
This is your life, own it. Do what you truly want to do and say what you truly want to say.

There will never be a ‘right time’. Be the energy of what you want to attract, and then act. Your heart is the light of this world, let it shine.

If not now, then when?


Brett Shuttleworth

Beautiful Bali Smiling Soul Retreat

Day 7/10

What if it is true that LOVE is a miracle?
and if so, then what voice is stopping us from plunging into LOVE?


Brett Shuttleworth

Dont let self Doubt sabotage your life.

When I was a little boy, I always told my mom my big plans. The funny thing is they would be different every week, depending on what movie or program I saw on TV. She used to laugh with amusement and always told me I lived in a dream world.

I actually liked it when she said that, no offence was taken.

This is what I want to share with you today:

Dont let self doubt sabotage your imagination. Dont get stuck in the thickness of past failures.

Let your imagination fantasise, no matter what is happening in your life right now. Everyday is a new day for the awakened one.

Most of us were raised to become ordinary.

Extraordinary is something very very different, its about recognising within yourself very very extraordinary, that you haven't been trained to believe in.

If you would like to accomplish something you must first expect it of yourself & my question to you is what do you expect of yourself?

What is now proven was only Imagined. Now think about the importance of that!

(Below: Mom and I 40 years ago ~ I am still in a dream world 😇)

Videos (show all)

Once upon a time I had a dream of creating a retreat like nothing ever seen before.💥One that would offer participants a ...
📣 ANNOUNCEMENT 📣It's official, we are are coming to KZN 🏝️💌 Save the date 19-21 July 2024 and get your name down on the ...
Good morning my friends.Some thing for us to consider: "You see what you looking for."If you looking for God, you will s...
If there's one place in the world that truly embodies love, gratitude, and the other sacred miracles, it's India. During...
This life-changing Retreat is built on unique, powerful and practical teachings of the 7 Sacred Miracles. This is accomp...
"It's life-changing, educational and adventurous. The teachings - all I can say is, I'm going to follow Brett around the...
Today is the day! The day we kick off our next Retreat in vibrant and beautiful India. Brett will once again embark on a...
"In my opinion, you've got to visit India at least once in your lifetime to really get out of your comfort zone and get ...
You are NOT your name, your car, your failures or your success. Nor are you the thoughts in your head or your future pla...