PTI America (official)

PTI America (official)

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PTI America (official)



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Thank You Kashmore & the people of Sindh who are standing up against corruption and exploitation.


Thank you Quetta. Across the country ppl are demanding accountability & insaf


Chairman PTI Imran Khan Speech Sargodha Jalsa (12.05.2017)

Credit: BOL News

“First and foremost, I want to thank Allah, who has put so much empathy in the heart of our nation, and so much awareness. This nation that is aware of the go Nawaz go phenomenon today. Sheikh Rasheed had told me that before Ramzaan we need to tell our nation What a massive dacoity Panama leaks has been. He told me to go to cities where there is political awareness; he told me not to come to Sargodha though; he said the people of Sargodha are non political. But I want to show him this crowd here today. I am amazed at our sisters and our women here today, and of the young girls here too. We are so grateful that people across Pakistan today know what kind of injustices are being done to our great nation. I was looking at all the youth in our crowd today, especially the females here today... it reminds me of all the young Kashmiri women standing up to the cruel Indian army. Young school girls have joined the cause too against a massive Indian force; they are not scared and they have not admitted defeated even fighting for decades. Just remember that no power in the world can defeat a nation that does not admit defeat. InshAllah we will help Kashmir liberate itself! First and foremost, I want to speak to you about this loadshedding issue; did you see all the dramas that Shehbaz Sharif did on this issue over the past few years? Look at how he behaves, does a normal human being do this? If someone in your home did this, would you not call a psychiatrist? Since he also mentioned if electricity not operating at full capacity in 4 years he will change his name; so what name should we give him? Shaboo? Drama Sharif? Showbaz Sharif? According to popular consensus here today, we will name him Drama Sharif! When Pakistan was made, our leader was Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. When he used to do his speeches, he used to do them in English, but even though people could not understand him they knew whatever he was saying was the truth. And he was operating on the principles of Islam; of being a Sadiq and Amin leader. Now let's watch a video on Nawaz Sharif’s jalsa in Layyah; this is your prime minister lying to you that his jalsa in a tent was miles long, have u ever seen a one-mile-long tent? And then our massive jalsa in Islamabad he says that the chairs were empty 😂! I am telling you all this because if leaders do not tell their people the truth, then why will a nation stand behind that leader? I am happy that our lawyers are here today as well, and they know that our constitution calls for our leaders to be Sadiq and Amin. Our lawyers’ community knows this really well. I will speak on the dawn leaks issue as well but I first want to talk to you about the Panama probe. The awareness you have is amazing and you must build on this so no one can fool you with false promises anymore and then use your votes to launder money and build their own bank accounts. And then doing dramas like we will never turn our backs on our nations and all those lies. For 8 years during Musharraf’s time he kept lying that he won't turn his back on his nation and did all this drama, and then what did Saudi representatives come to Pakistan and say about Nawaz Sharif? A Saudi prince and Rafiq and Saad Hariri showed an agreement on which Nawaz Sharif had signed an agreement to leave the country. What happened in panama? These revelations were made public that the Sharif children have Mayfair flats in London. They eventually had to admit that these flats were theirs and so we asked how they got these flats and how money left the county. Their answer was that the Qatari prince gave us money and he did everything for us. When the case went on in the Supreme Court, what did 5 judges say about the Qatari prince story? Not one of the Supreme Court judges accepted the Qatari story; they said it was bogus which means that the prime minister lied about where he got the money from to buy those London flats. I want everyone here to tell me whether they think the Qatari letter was a fraud or not? The whole nation thinks the letter was a fraud. So if the whole nation, the courts think it was a fraud then how are u still sitting on the PM seat? When there is a criminal investigation going on against you how are you still the prime minister. When Yousuf Raza Gilani had a case against him, it was this same Nawaz Sharif who had asked him to step down so why is he not doing it himself now. He is sitting as the prime minister on the same institutions who are investigating him. Grade 19 and 20 officers are going to question him; where is his shame? I guess more than respect he has greater importance for the money he has stolen. Now I want to talk about the dawn leaks issue; to understand dawn leaks we need to remember that the enemies of Pakistan want the Pakistan army to be discredited. Whatever terrorism happens here; they try to hold the Pakistan army accountable. America tries to blame the Pakistan army for harbouring terrorists, India does the same. The people of Kashmir are fighting for their freedom, but to turn attention away from that freedom fight, they try and malign the Pakistan army by saying it organises terrorism in India. Meanwhile Israel is trying to discredit our atomic program. Dawn leaks, was an issue in which a news came out that Nawaz Sharif wants terrorism to be curbed but the Pakistani army is unwilling to take action. This is exactly the kind of narrative that India and Modi use. Can you imagine if this kind of information was released by the media cell of another country's prime minister? Can you imagine this happening in India? When Hillary Clinton lost the election she said that the biggest reason for her losing was a security breach because of an email that she sent. So basically the American nation did not believe that she could keep the sanctity of American national security intact. Which nation is okay with its national security being compromised? Do you forget when memo gate happened when Hussain Haqqani was accused of telling the American government to save Asif Zardaris government from the army? Wasn't it Nawaz Sharif who wore a lawyer’s coat and headed to the courts against him? People of Sargodha; I want to make a promise in front of you today! Look, Nawaz Sharif has taken full control of the institutions of this country. This has been said by the SC itself. If the nation has hope from any institution, it is the Supreme Court. Whoever challenges Nawaz Sharif, either they run a case against them or they try and buy them. He has tried to buy me, and he has tried to buy everyone. He ruined all the institutions of this country by putting his cronies everywhere. I give you the example of cricket today; if you fill the institution of cricket with cronies how will your team excel globally? Your team can only excel when you have the best from across your country in your team! But if you put cronies, relatives, friends in the cricket team... what will happen to them in this day and edge of extreme competitiveness in the global cricketing arena? They cut FIRs on all of us; they ruined the police as an institution through political interference and admissions through cronyism. Who is the finance minister? The man who used to do money laundering for Nawaz Sharif. The president of the national bank is also someone who used to do money laundering for Nawaz Sharif. Your finance minister and your head of national bank are both money launderers so who will stop them? How will this nation stand up on its own feet? There are women here today; I want to ask you, you run your house... but if your expenses Are more than your income, won't you know things are not good? If you take loans to run the house things become even worse. And when you keep asking for loans, you think that your home is losing respect. So in the same way if a nation is sinking in debt, how can they say the nation is prospering? These people who sell our nation internationally, and who are sinking us in debt. How is the country prospering? This is why I feel so happy today that even places like Sargodha have become political! MashAllah your junoon is amazing! You are still not tired! I want to speak to you that even now Nawaz Sharif is trying to somehow disqualify imran Khan and PTI. He says that PTI gets foreign funding; Nawaz Sharif listen carefully. We are the only political party in Pakistan that collects money from the common p***c and all our accounts ARE audited. A big chunk of our funds come from expat Pakistanis who are Pakistan’s biggest asset. This is that class of Pakistanis who have sent 80 billion dollars to Pakistanis in the past few years. And then Nawaz Sharif’s lawyers go to court and say expat Pakistanis who have sent 80 billion in remittances to the country are not loyal to Pakistan!!! They are saying this about the nation’s biggest asset! And then he has made an election fixer, Najam Sethi the head of our cricket board. Name me one institution where he has left it for merit? And then he says people who go abroad to feed their families and send money back to Pakistan are not loyal to the country? Have some shame Nawaz Sharif! Now let me tell you how Nawaz Sharif collects money! I have the senate’s finance committee report here today; let me show you how they are looting this county. Getting into power in 2013 they gave 480 billion to IPP's without even verifying how much is needed actually. But instead of worrying about the nation’s money, they just handed it over. In this, there was mismanagement of 62 billion rupees. 62 billion! 1 billion is 100 Crores. Nawaz Sharif we know that in these IPPS were people who had given you election funding. We will take this to NAB! We collect from the people; you collect stolen money. Then, the ISI gave a written affidavit against you that in the 1990s you took money from ISI to fight against the PPP. We will come after you on this issue as well. You did not even leave Osama bin laden; you took money from him also! Crores of rupees were taken from OBL to topple Benazir Bhutto’s government. Nawaz Sharif whatever happens I am not going to let you go! We will not let you get away with looting this nations money! Whatever the result of the JIT is, in my eyes you are the biggest thief of this nation. I am not doing politics against you, I am fulfilling my duty as a Muslim by fighting against all the injustice you have inflicted on this nation! There is politics that is gone for personal fame and power, to make more money, to have a fancy flag on their car... and such politicians are hated across the world. But then there is politics that is a duty; that path that we ask God to set us on of those who he has blessed. Of those who stood against tyrants of their time! We all ask to be put on the path of those who made politics a duty towards humanity! So the people of Sargodha, and especially our women here today... I thank you from my heart! I thank the lawyers here today who will step out with us. And I am happy that what Sheikh Rasheed said; that Sargodha has won our hearts here today.” – Imran Khan



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نوازشریف کا رونا اس وجہ سے نہیں کہ ہسپتال ٹھیک کام نہیں کر رہے بلکہ یہ رونا پانامہ لیکس کا رونا ہے


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[Debt Liability Comparison]

Nawaz Sharif always used to claim that we will break the begging bowl (kashkol) once we get in power. However, actions speaks louder than words. The debt liability comparison (foreign and federal) of Punjab and KP clearly shows who wants to break the begging bowl and who was just doing political sloganeering. Sharifs will keep looting us by stashing assets in Panama and keep burdening us with more and more loans.