Women of Spirit and Faith - Alchemy: Occupy Your Sacred Self

Women of Spirit and Faith - Alchemy: Occupy Your Sacred Self

A dynamic gathering of women from all spiritual perspectives to build the field of women's spiritual leadership. November 7-10, 2013 -- San Francisco

Claim your authentic voice as we explore and deepen the narrative of women’s stories … Illuminate together emerging patterns of leadership, spirituality, faith and feminism … Nurture yourself with engaging experiences of ceremony, music, art, movement, ritual and spiritual practice ... Reconnect with your spiritual roots and your call to sacred service … Discover new tools for facing both challeng

Join us for a potent women’s gathering | Women of Spirit and Faith 23/06/2024

Hello SoCal friends!
This is a rare opportunity to experience the healing power of indigenous ceremony locally.
Saturday July 20
1-4 pm
We are blessed to receive the healing teachings and prayers of Diane Longboat from Soul of the Mother Lodge on the Six Nations lands of Canada.
Registration is limited and only 14 openings left. So register your interest NOW to hold your space.

Join us for a potent women’s gathering | Women of Spirit and Faith Tending the Fire of our Spirit: Women Rising to our Power A Rare Opportunity to be in Ceremony with Diane Kahontakwas Longboat Saturday July 20, 2024 1 - 4 pm The Ecology Center


ATTENTION SO CAL WOMEN!!!! Join Women of Spirit and Faith for a potent women's gathering!

Tending the Fire of our Spirit: Women Rising to our Power
A Rare Opportunity to be in Ceremony with Mohawk wisdom-keeper Diane Kahontakwas Longboat

Saturday July 20, 2024
1 - 4 pm

The Ecology Center
32701 Alipaz SSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

$30 Donation at the Door

To save your space, please register here:

Women of Spirit and Faith is thrilled to once again host an in-person sacred circle. At this time of great challenge and change, transformation and resistance, it is essential for women to remember how to nurture our personal and collective spiritual resilience.Together in sacred circle we practice transparency, speaking from our hearts and deep listenin to access the feminine wisdom needed now.

We are deeply honored to welcome Diane Kahantakwas Longboat to lead us in sacred ceremony followed by integration and deepening in sacred circles.

If you have questions, contact us at:
[email protected]


Kahontakwas is a member of the Turtle Clan and Mohawk Nation at Six Nations Grand River Territory, Canada. She is a ceremonial leader, traditional teacher, and healer. Diane is founder of Soul of the Mother, a Healing Lodge on the shores of the Grand River at Six Nations Grand River Territory, with extensive relationships with First Nations in Canada and the United States. Recently, Diane was Co-Chair for the development of the Indigenous Peoples Program at the Parliament of the World’s Religions global gathering in Toronto for 8,500 delegates in November 2018. Over 100 Indigenous spiritual leaders spoke in the Lodge of Nations built inside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.


Refugee Can Be - 21/03/2024

Chantale is one of the young leaders we have been blessed to learn from at Women of Spirit and Faith. You need to hear her amazing story!

Refugee Can Be - Refugee Can Be believes every refugee girl is a leader in her own right, with her own trail to blaze.

Donate 27/12/2023

Women of Spirit and Faith was born 14 years ago this week at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia. From our first days, we have had a commitment to weaving young women leaders into our work at every level. When we took a group of more than a dozen diverse young women to the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions this past August in Chicago to offer three workshops there, we were asked over and over how we managed to keep young people engaged in such an authentic way in our spiritual work when so many young people are rejecting organized religions around the world. Numerous organizations have reached out to us since then to ask for our help in launching a vibrant and thriving outreach to young people.

We tell these organizations that the most important commitment has to be financial. Because these young women are either students or in entry level positions in their first careers, it is essential that WSF pay for their travel, lodging and meals expenses. Only with that level of support can they fully participate.

In 2024, our thriving intergenerational community has been invited to participate in indigenous ceremony at the Soul of the Mother Lodge on the Six Nations Reserve in Canada. This is an amazing opportunity for these young women to experience a powerful new kind of spiritual community; it is also an important opportunity for the prayers of these young women to be offered on behalf of a better world. Already, 14 of our young women have expressed interest and committed to take the time to join us.

This sacred journey will be a big expense for Women of Spirit and Faith in excess of $10,000.

We would deeply appreciate any financial support you can offer to make this profound spiritual opportunity available to our young women leaders.

You can make your fully tax-deductible donation online at

Donate Women of Spirit and Faith is a 501.c.3 organization and we rely upon grassroots contribution to continue our work. Your tax-deductible donation is a way to support the re-emergence of feminine wisdom and the restoration of women’s spiritual leadership as a healing force in a hurting world. We are ...

It's up to us. When will we figure that out? 23/07/2023

Once again, Sister Joan Chittister calls us to step up!
"This is actually an exciting time — and down deep we know it. It's not "more of the same" anymore. It is a time beyond yesterday and too soon for tomorrow. It is somewhere we never intended to go but which now has the feeling of coming. In our time. Where we are. In social collapse, maybe. In the shrinking of democracy, perhaps ... to the control of robots, and artificial intelligence, and pathological individualism, and random violence, and, possibly, spiritual depth rather than simply religious rules. "

It's up to us. When will we figure that out? Life, the ancients knew, all depends on our willingness to collaborate, to do the things together that are important for us all. That's something we need to remember in this time of agitation and uncertainty.

Branches of The Sacred Feminine: Connecting Our Roots 28/06/2023

Since 2010, Women of Spirit and Faith has been gathering intergenerational groups of women at the potent intersection of spirituality and leadership with a deep commitment to nurturing feminine interfaith wisdom. This year we will be in Chicago on August 13, the day before the opening of the 2023 Parliament of the Worlds Religions. We anchored a pre-event for women prior to the 2015 Parliament in Salt Lake City and women found it very powerful to connect with their own deep spiritual roots and develop new authentic relationships as they prepared to enter into the larger dynamic energy of the Parliament.

Women of Spirit and Faith
invites you to join a
vibrant intergenerational community of diverse women and female-identified persons
for a full day sacred circle gathering


10 AM - 3:30 PM

500 N Kingsbury St
Chicago, IL 60654

After years of gathering virtually, we are excited to once again come together in person
to experience the transformative alchemy of our collective feminine power.

In this sacred space:
~we learn how to tell our truths, express our needs and share our wisdom;
~we listen deeply for arising feminine wisdom;
~we grow in our own capacity to give voice to what is needed now.

Women from around the world will gather in Chicago for the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religion’s which begins August 14.
This is your opportunity to make connections and experience spiritual community with other interfaith women in a more intimate environment.

The registration fee is just $59 which includes continental breakfast and lunch.


Branches of The Sacred Feminine: Connecting Our Roots Art: Kathe Schaaf   Women of Spirit and Faith invites you to join a vibrant intergenerational community of diverse women and female-identified persons for a full day sacred circle gathering.   BRANCHES OF THE SACRED FEMININE: CONNECTING AT OUR ROOTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 2023 10 AM - 3:30


Re-Membering Women's Spiritual Leadership

You can join this interactive, intergenerational online Zoom workshop live on June 24 or register to get a recording of the conversation.


Branches of the Sacred Feminine:Connecting at Our Roots 30/03/2023

The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions will take place in Chicago, August 14-18. This year's theme, A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights, has a special focus on issues related to women’s rights, climate change and engaging the next generation.

We encourage you and your organization to take part in this amazing opportunity to participate in conversations about these urgent issues with people from across the globe, representing diverse religious and faith traditions. We are particularly eager to support and uphold the value of women’s wisdom and voices in creating potential solutions to the many challenges that face our world today!

THE EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT FOR THE PARLIAMENT WILL END APRIL 1 — so now if the time to register before prices go up 20%! https://parliamentofreligions.org/parliament/2023-chicago/2023-parliament-of-the-worlds-religions-registrant-information/

This is an important moment to broadcast a call to your community of women about the Parliament!!


Women of Spirit and Faith will once again convene a spacial event for women the day before the Parliament opens:

Women of Spirit and Faith
invites you to join a
vibrant community of diverse intergenerational women
for a full day sacred circle gathering for women and female-identified persons the day before the Parliament opens.


10 AM - 3:30 PM

This is a powerful opportunity for each of us to get more authentically connected to our spiritual roots before we enter into the Parliament.

In this sacred space:
~we learn how to tell our truths, express our needs and share our wisdom;
~we listen deeply for arising feminine wisdom;
~we grow in our own capacity to give voice to what is needed now.

Our collective spiritual wisdom has the potential to inspire and inform the entire Parliament of the World’s Religions.

This pre-Parliament gathering sold out in 2015 in Salt Lake City and we expect it to once again draw women of deep spirit who are hungry for this kind of heart-centered experience.

Our Early Bird registration fee of $59 (which includes continental breakfast and lunch) will increase to $70 on May 1.
REGISTER HERE! http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ejmxdhs09a4cf026&llr=7bk6bzdab&showPage=true

You can help us co-create and build the energy for this gathering in the following ways:
Who do you know who might feel called to serve on the Planning Circle as we build the container for the August 13 gathering?
Who do you know who would be willing to a circle tender (hold space) at the event?
Who do you know who would be able to post information about this event on social media?
Do you know an amazing young woman (age 20-26) who would thrive by attending this global gathering with scholarship support from WSF?
Please forward your suggestions and offerings to [email protected].

Branches of the Sacred Feminine:Connecting at Our Roots Join WSF for this sacred circle gathering for women and female-identified persons on the day before the Parliament of the World's Religions opens. Each of us individually will emerge more authentically connected to our spiritual roots, listening deeply for arising feminine wisdom and growing in our....

Branches of the Sacred Feminine:Connecting at Our Roots 06/02/2023

So excited to announce Women of Spirit and Faith will once again offer a sacred circle gathering the day before the 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions opens!!! Join us!!!

Branches of the Sacred Feminine:Connecting at Our Roots Join WSF for this sacred circle gathering for women and female-identified persons on the day before the Parliament of the World's Religions opens. Each of us individually will emerge more authentically connected to our spiritual roots, listening deeply for arising feminine wisdom and growing in our....


So excited to announce Women of Spirit and Faith has opened registration for our full-day gathering the day before the Parliament of the World's Religions opens in Chicago!



Hello WSF community!! Alison Fast has been part of the Women of Spirit and Faith community for more than a decade. Her remarkable skills as a storyteller and filmmaker have blessed our organization with a series of short films highlighting the diverse ways that women experience their faith and express their spiritual leadership. You can see those films on our website here https://womenofspiritandfaith.org/videos/.
Recently Alison has expressed her intuition and creativity through a series of remarkable black and white images that she has turned into an oracle deck called Spirit Glyphs. You can help support this project with a donation through her GoFundMe link:
https://gofund.me/fcdee459. Even a small donation helps to build a basket of support for this kind of unique feminine spiritual leadership!


From our new blog post:
During this very challenging time between, it is important for each of us to root ourselves into the energy of the Sacred Feminine. We recently came across this definition of self-care on social media: "Self care is the constant practice of ensuring more pain does not accumulate. It is the constant act of remembering yourself, of claiming your own life.” The Sacred Feminine wants you to be fully, vibrantly, joyfully yourself! Remember these words from Tau Rosamund, a priestess from a Gnostic community in Northern California: “We are independent mystics from an almost forgotten faith that does not need permission or recognition from any other source."


You can help support the spiritual leadership of young women with a donation to the scholarship funds for our Young Leaders Retreat https://womenofspiritandfaith.org/donate/

In the Eye of the Storm 25/02/2022

Check out our newest blog post: In the Eye of the Storm

And there is also a haunting awareness that we are resting in the eye of this most recent storm waiting for the next shoes to fall. So much has happened that we are still integrating, so many losses that we are still grieving, so many lessons that we find ourselves still resisting. We seem determined not to notice that there is so much more wreckage yet to come. For the past two years, COVID has been simultaneously a very real problem and a huge distraction from even bigger and more potentially destructive problems. Climate change. Social injustice. Climate change. Systemic racism. Climate change. The collapse of democracy. Climate change. Hatred and divisiveness. We know those dragons are out there; we can hear them breathing in the night.

In the Eye of the Storm I am watching the people in my world emerge from the isolation and trauma of our long dance with COVID. They are eating in our local restaurants and shopping along our sunny streets. They are reconnecting with old friends and taking picture of their kids all dressed up

Conversation with Kay Lindahl | Awakin Call 10/02/2022

WSF co-founder and amazing wise woman always has taught me and so many others about the value of deep listening. Listen in on this conversation - I am sure you learn something profoundly useful for these uneasy times.

Conversation with Kay Lindahl | Awakin Call In a social zeitgeist that emphasizes talking, verbalizing, and presenting one’s self, Kay Lindahl has steadfastly worked to reverse this equation: since the early 1990s, she has been teaching people how to listen – a composite form of inner and outer listening with a deeply spiritual gr...

Donate 23/12/2021

Women of Spirit and Faith sends love and blessing in this holy season with the many layers of spiritual meaning woven through the season from the Solstice and Christmas through the Chinese New Year on February 1.

We would be so grateful if you would honor our work with a tax deductible donation to Women of Spirit and Faith before the end of 2021.

All donations this year will provide scholarships to support 12 young women leaders between the ages of 20-27 to attend the WSF Young Leaders Retreat which will be held July 28-31. 2022 in the mountains of New Mexico.

It is the young people on the planet right now who will face the greatest challenges because of climate change and the desecration of our Earth. In Her infinite wisdom, the Divine Feminine has also endowed these young people with special gifts to listen, to vision and to bring forth new ways of being that can heal their communities and their planet. We invite you to help us to support some of Her daughters in this work.


Donate Women of Spirit and Faith is a 501.c.3 organization and we rely upon grassroots contribution to continue our work. Your tax-deductible donation is a way to support the re-emergence of feminine wisdom and the restoration of women’s spiritual leadership as a healing force in a hurting world. We are ...

Learning in Public: Lessons for a Racially Divided America from My Daughter's School a book by Courtney E. Martin 20/09/2021

We love this reflection by Courtney E. Martin about the juicy gift of coming together IN PERSON as a circle of women. You can find the entire piece reposted on our WSF website [https://womenofspiritandfaith.org/the-gift-of-unmediated-witness/] and here is a little nibble:

"When I sit in that circle, I am witness to the pain and beauty of ordinary, extraordinary lives. I am reminded that people are dealing with so much s**t that we would never guess when we’re scrolling through Instagram or walking by them on the street…that these same people are stronger than we ever could have known. The depth of the strength is only visible next to the pain. I am reminded that people are funny as hell, that they are wicked even, in the best way. I am reminded that people do things for their aging parents, for their growing children, for themselves, that are superhuman. That they keep growing and apologizing and falling apart and coming back together. I am reminded that we are all part of generational stories, unfolding days at a time, but in the context of centuries.

There is a quality to the translation that happens when bodies are there—crying and laughing and nursing babies and petting dogs and drinking beers—that I haven’t experienced online. To be a witness again—a flesh-and-blood witness—was such a gift. I went home in the dark feeling like my bones had been re-set. I looked up at the stars, silently thanking them for making me so lucky as to have even one night with women I love, testifying about the lives that we endure and shape.

And I realized the stars are witnesses, the wild haired children are witnesses, we are all layers of witnesses on witnesses on witnesses. We crave to see, not scroll, as we live these lives in this liminal time; we crave to hear, not overhear. We crave to give one another our undivided attention—a realization of the love we know we are capable of if given the epidemiological conditions, the autumn evening, that very human chance."

We encourage you to subscribe to Courtney E. Martin’s insightful newsletter ‘the examined family’ [https://courtney.substack.com/] for more deep wisdom and brilliant writing. We also encourage you to read Courtney’s remarkable new book Learning in Public: Lessons for a Racially Divided America from My Daughter’s School

Learning in Public: Lessons for a Racially Divided America from My Daughter's School a book by Courtney E. Martin One mother's story of enrolling her daughter in a local public school, and the surprising, necessary lessons she learned with her neighbors. From the time Courtney E. Martin strapped her daughter, Maya, to her chest for long walks, she was curious about Emerson Elementary, a public school down the s...