Potus Mostest

Potus Mostest

Future POTUS with the Mostest in 2020. This is going to be UGE! Hold my beer, America!


Fauci replaced with Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman within first two weeks in office. Guaranteed. China pays for it.

Donald J. Trump let’s see you top that! You can run, but you can’t.... wait, wait... you can very cautiously walk, but you can’t hide!


I officially challenge President Donald J. Trump to a ramp running contest. Most times up and down the ramp in two minutes wins. Tiebreaker will be the fastest to drink a glass of water. Rumor has it Tony Hawk to referee.


Mr. Clean to head up U.S. Health Department. I'll appoint him within first week in office. Guaranteed. And I'm making Tide pay for it. Bigly things happening. Stay tuned.


The time has come Merica. Post up and throw some elbows. We're taking it all back in November. CoronaVirus replaced by Ice Cold Chihuahua Cervaza first day in office. Guaranteed. Going to be huge. Rumor has it Marcus Welby on tap to be Medical Director. Lots of big things happening. Stay tuned.
