A ministry for people seeking recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Truth is our foundation
7pm Friday's 34033 Palmer Rd. Westland Mi. 48135


Morning Everyone: whoever order there NCIC hoodies or tshirts, I just picked them up this morning, you can pick up at the house today or I can bring them to church tomorrow


Hello Everyone:
Did you want to get involved in this years Easter Play, but didn't want any lines, well we have the perfect place for you. Our Lights/Sound Department is looking for a few great people to help with the Easter Play. Its very easy not difficult at all. Please see Donelle Kokenos or Pastor Lafferty, or you can call the church office.


Morning Inspiration:


Merry Christmas from NCIC.........


Morning Quote:

Timeline photos 29/06/2017

Morning Quote:


Quote of the Day: From Mandisa. Out of the Dark Devotional...
When I feel anxious and hopeless that I'll ever overcome the struggles that I always seem to face, I'll speak life by saying, "I celebrate the truth that God began a good work in me, and will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. I am not a mess. I am not a failure. I am not a mistake. I'm just unfinished." (Philippians 1:6)

Timeline photos 22/03/2016

Quote of the Day

Timeline photos 03/02/2016

Verse for the Day

Timeline photos 01/02/2016

Verse of the day


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corin. 5:17
This is experience God offers us,will we take it? Tonight in Westland Mi. NCIC(New Creations In Christ) will be meeting. We are Jesus based recovery from Drugs and Alcohol as well as other addictive behaviors. If you are in need of recovery or another avenue to plug into the body then come on out, tonight at 7pm. 34033 Palmer Rd. Hope to see you ,you won't want to miss it...


It is time for Christ centered recovery. We meet at 7pm at Full Gospel Temple(34033 Palmer Rd. Westland) for NCIC. New Creations In Christ. We believe Christ is the answer to our addiction to Alcohol,Drugs or other addictive behaviors. Even if you do not have a problem all are welcome and maybe someone you know may need this. Come on out and get connected. We will have a great time of worship and recovery centered speaking. We start at 7, hope to see you there :)


Friday July 19th...Come on in out of the heat and enjoy Christ centered recovery in Westland, tonight . We will have special musical guest Not Our Own. And a word spoken out of Proverbs. We look forward to seeing you and if you are not an individual seeking recovery pass along the word. The address is 34033 Palmer Rd. God bless, hope to see you. This is also a good way to plug into and support the ministry of Full Gospel Temple. Thank you!


Hello all in facebook land. Do not forget we are still having our weekly fri. night recovery meetings at F.G.T Westland. 34033 Palmer Rd. We have cutting edge bible based recovery, recovery taught strictly from the truth of God's word. Come on out for a time of worship and learning bible based recovery. We start at 7 pm,hope to see you there. :)


Another friday night...another opportunity,to plug in and experience JESUS based recovery from drugs,alcohol and any other addiction. All chains can be broken by Christ! Come on out and experience it for yourself.
Join us for a time of heavenly worship and preaching of the word as it relates to recovery.
7pm tonight @34033 Palmer Rd. Westland Mi. 48135
You will not want to miss it!


NCIC remembers Melanie Coleman...
We remember her smile, We remember her laugh.
We remember her love for God, and how she boldly came to the altar of Full Gospel temple. We remember her love for Jesus, and her love for others...though at times she didnt know how to express it.
She I now with Jesus, to wish her here with us would be selfish...
We choose to remember her as a dear sister who loved, let us all remember her family and friends in prayer during this time of mourning.
We shall see you soon Mel...


Our weekly NCIC meeting is happening once again this Friday night. God is doing great things and people's lives are being changed...God is into 1 STEP...Not 12. One step, its called submission to His will and His way.
Come join us at 7pm. 34033 Palmer Rd. Westland 48135
For continued recovery o just to plug in, all are welcome :)


"Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.
At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." Proverbs 23:31-32
Alcoholism starts with temptation...the bite and sting are always a surprise but they always come...and we are left pieces...and slowly fading to death as the venom seeps through our veins...


2 Hours 22 minutes until we have this weeks NCIC "recovery church" service. We are looking forward to what God is going to do tonight in hearts and minds. He is constantly setting us free by the life giving power of His spirit. Don't miss out on His presence, it truly is heaven on earth...
Come join us for recovery based church; Tonight at 7
34033 Palmer Rd. Westland Mi. 48135


Friday Friday Friday! Time for another NCIC "recovery church" service. We will be enjoying the warmth of God's presence in worship, and we will be continuing on in our series in Proverbs. If you're looking for a recovery meeting or for another way to plug in...Look no further than 34033 Palmer Rd. Westland Mi. 48135. We start at 7 and end when were done...Come on out :)


"National wickedness will end in the ruin of any people, especially where the word of God and the light of the gospel are enjoyed. Sooner or later, sin will be the ruin, as well as the reproach, of every people. Oh that, being humbled for our sins, we might avert the rising storm before it bursts upon us!"


7pm tonight @ Full Gospel Temple (34033 Palmer Rd. We will be having our weekly "Recovery Church" service. Yes this is geared towards those in recovery but it does not exclude others who may want to be informed about addiction/Recovery or individuals seeking an additional source to plug into...God's spirit will show up,will you? Don't miss it...


"I was but a hell bound carnal vagabond; now I am saved and entirely sanctified by the sheer might and mercy of God."
Oswald Chambers


"What enmity against God must be in the heart of man, when blasphemies against God proceed out of his mouth. If he that despised Moses' law, died without mercy, of what punishment will they be worthy, who despise and abuse the gospel of the Son of God! Let us watch against anger, do no evil, and reverence that holy name which sinners blaspheme."


Pass the word...
Tonight 7pm @ Full Gospel Temple(34033 Palmer Rd. Westland 48135) there will a recovery church service. We have them every Friday. Last week we had a major move of God, come on out you dont want to miss it. Remember this is not only for those in recovery but it is another way to get plugged in. See you soon!


"In the quiet, in the stillness, I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence, I know there I am restored
When You call I won’t refuse, Each new day again I’ll choose
There is no one else for me, None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free, Now I live to bring Him praise"


"I'm not going back, moving ahead... Here to declare to You, my past is over in You
All things are made new, surrendered my life to Christ...I'm moving, moving forward
You make all things new-Yes, You make all things new and I will follow You


Looking for something to do tonight?
Looking for a recovery meeting to go to tonight?
Look no further than Westland. Mi. (34033 Palmer Rd. 48135 to be exact)
Come join us tonight as we worship God and learn about recovery from the greatest "sponser" ever. JESUS... Hope to see ya and God Bless. Starts at 7 pm...
Remember there is only one step to recovery...Step to Jesus and hold on to Him...


Opening Hours

19:00 - 20:30