Pro-Tech Dog Training

Pro-Tech Dog Training

Dog Man


Enzo showing off, Down at Tractor Supply.

Mark Ferrasci - YouTube 20/03/2023

Posted a real last night over on my personal page. The fluffy couch potatoes that don't have a clue got a little upset and started coming at me. If you were one of these fluffy couch potatoes that don't have a clue and want to educate yourself a little more. I will be posting an in depth conversation on the subject later this morning. I may even try and do it live.. Join me won't you..

Mark Ferrasci - YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

What Does It Take To Call Yourself A Professional Trainer 11/06/2022

As many by now might realize. I dont post on my business page all that much. I dont live on my computer. You want to find me. Look me up on FB, under first name, last name. Or you can find me where I really hang out, yacking at the screen over on YouTube. If you show up over there. Make sure to subscribe and hit that bell as I'm always posting something new. With this one, I find myself trying to educate the young kids that seem to want to get into the dog training business all the time.. I see at least three to five of these Wanna Be Puffta trainers hang out a shingle and call themselves a professional trainer a year. They come and they go on a regular basis.. After thirty plus years plying my craft, I've gotten pretty used to it.. Like I said, hit that subscribe, tap the bell for more.

What Does It Take To Call Yourself A Professional Trainer Mark Ferrasci w/Pro-Tech Dog Training. Let's get down to the nitty gritty, and tell it like it really is.


You into working dogs? Avail at 8 weeks

Mother and Father imported in from the AM Kennels.

Kilo brn 36550
Gina brn 35272

Luther Learning to Learn 15/10/2021

Words Matter.. Michael Ellis is a Leading Factor For Growth and Proffessionalism In The Industry today. Every trainer should have a basic understanding of these concepts in training. I work hard in my training programs to pass these basics on to my customers as they grow there relationship with there dogs in our training programs.

Luther Learning to Learn Mark Ferrasci w/Pro-Tech Dog Training.

Eros working the Jumble piles 21/06/2021

Just some of the many things we do with our client dogs. Eros is a fourteen week old Malinois destined for great things.. Enjoy!

Eros working the Jumble piles Mark Ferrasci w/ Pro-Tech Dog Training. Working Eros down at Home Depot. Working the Jumble Piles..


New Pro-Tech Dog Training intro Video for our Youtube Chanell.


This is Bravos daddy.. The 9 month old black shepherd from Dogsamerica I am working now. Hell of a nice PP or Sch prospect. For any one that might be interested in a strong proven East German blood lines. Give us a call!

Diskot vom haus Salztalblick, IPO3, FH2, Imported from Germany, New DogsAmerica Stud dog


For those that don't know it I have affiliations with some of the top GSD breeders in the LA area. These pups are from Dogsamerica home of the finest Black East German blood lines in the states.. If your looking for working dog stock, they have some real nice litters coming up.. The pups you see here are fathered by a big beautiful black with the call name "Foxy.." A Sch III East German male, imported over for breeding.. One if my favorite males on the property..


Meet Bravo.

Time to start posting on my business page again.. Meet Bravo a nine month old "Dogsamerica" Black GSD with all kinds of potential. Interested give me a call..


Dutch Shepherd - YouTube

Pro-Tech Dog Training. So you think you might have need of an executive protection dog? Something that can protect home and family. Something that stands out a little more, as far as projecting the psychological deterent you may need in your life? A dog like this is pretty much a force multiplier.. What I do is build a signature product to do a job.. No two dogs are alike.. Interested give me a yell..

Dutch Shepherd:


Jean Luc

For anybody that might want an executive protection or police K9. Mori is for sale. He would be termed what they call a green dog in police terms. Certified Explosive Detection dog that will be the cream of the crop for any department that might be wanting to fill the ranks of there swat entry team. This Dog is the perfect size to put in harness for repelling down walls and or helicopter, being put into the rafters etc.. Mori has been specially built to handle inviromental challenges of all kinds for just this sort of application.. Heavy saturation of agility and confidence building from an early age.. V***r wake training has already been started with him, he is highly social with an edge of confidence that has to be seen to be appreciated.. Mori is from KNVP nose work linage.. Very high drive dog that must be seen to be appreciated.. Think you might want or need a dog like this, give me a call..

Today new decoy learn the flee attack
Mark Ferrasci with this dog helping us


Introduction to the "Stem Collar"

This weekend I am at a seminar that is all about using the Stem Collar and layering it in with Positive Motivational methods such as the clicker or markers.. With this in mind I put together this overview of what a Stem Collar is and how I approach it's use in my training programs.. Enjoy! My explination of what a stimulation collar is, (better known as an Ecollar) Along with some of my training philosophies in regards to the use of aversive's ...



This is a series of Vids showing Dutch as he was being taken through the program. In the end with what I do, I can't do my own bite work. I am nothing without a series of quality Helpers/Decoys that help me build my dogs.. I have quality helpers all over the place and am known to go anywhere there are good quality helpers, that know there stuff.. Without this network of knowledgable helpers I am nothing.. Dutch was sold to a family in Silicone Valley and is now enjoying the good life..



Dog Training W Dutch Puppy Scent Detection


Going through a bunch of old video. This is Dutch as we started his training with us. A Dutch Shepherd puppy we built and trained from scratch.. He came out great an exceptional example of what we strive to achieve with our training programs here at Pro-Tech..

If you are looking to start having your dog do some scent detection, here is an easy way to make it fun.


New photo by Mark Ferrasci

We have new classes starting to kick off spring.. If you have a puppy that needs socialization and a kick start in life towards a well developed working dog. Be sure to give us a call..


We will be down at the Lake Elsinore Outlet Mall quite a bit in the next few days. Practicing and getting ready for the Pets On Parade Pet Expo posted below. Coming up next week on Sat March 11th.. If you love animals live in the IE come on down and check us out!
See you there! Trying my best to get Mori ready to sign autographs.. Not sure he's going to be ready to hold a pen, but I know he can do a pretty good job of showing off non the less..



Jax is now looking for a good home. After his 30day stint in with me, working on his dog reactivity. The dogs owner has decided he just doesnt have time for the dog.. His problem is not 100 percent cured. Those that understand reactivity know that much of what we do is give the owner and the dog the tools in the toolbox to manage the problem overall. We have done a good job with Jax. He is working and has a good baseboard of communication towards the new tools in his toolbox to manage his reactivity.. The next step was to work with the owner and teach them what they needed to know to keep working with the dog towards higher profiency with his new skills, that we have conditioned into the animal. Sorry to say that when faced with the reality that they needed to get involved with working and getting involved with the hard work of staying on top if his training, they decided they just didn't have the time.. What this means to Jax is that he could get thrown into the mix. Those that know the plight of the Pit Bull know what this means.. He really is a great dog with all kinds of potential. If you think you might be interested in taking on the responsibility of a great dog like this give me a yell..

Pro-Tech Dog Training with, Jax, the Reactive Pit Bull.. Jax is in for a 30 day in home or in kennel dog training program.. This will start a series of video...


Joker 4 5Mnths

Joker is getting big quick. Sure as heck doesnt seem like he should be this large at his age. Going to be big..

Joker working on his basic obedience behaviors..


Working with Joker down at Home Depot. What I was trying to accent at the end of this one. Was teaching the dog to slow down and be careful. Here I put my hand in front of the dogs face setting up a mental break of sorts, telling him "Easy." At four months of age. Joker amazes me with his fearless confident nature.. He's going to be a good one, that's for sure.. 



Dutch: Demo for off leash return back to the owner..

Many of you know who Dutch is. WE recently returned him back to the owner after a 30 day in home or in kennell training period. When we return the dog, we usually always do a video to document were the dog is at with there training, upon return to there owner.. In this clip we are accenting and showing the owner what we have done with conditioning the dog to the stem collar properly.. For a little educational insight. The modern day e collars has the ability to go from a very low setting. So low that you and I cant even feel it.. The dog usually can't feel it either at anything below a 4 setting to start.. The settings start at 0 and go up to 100 with this particular collar.. The idea is to condition the dog in such a way, that you set the collar at the lowest level the dog can feel too start. With a neutral inviroment, (no distractions.) We teach the dog how to turn off the stimulation by complying to a command they already know. This is done at very low levels, allowing the dog to have the power and understanding that they are turning off the stimulation by complying to a command they already know. Thus empowering the dog.. Watch Dutch work here and keep in mind that proper conditioning of the collar is key.. Once the dog is fluid and understands the collar, there is a world of things you can use it for with the dog.. One example is what you see here when we teach the dog not to break the curb.. Dutch, Demo for his off lead delivery to Ming.


Why is my dog aggressive? Is all aggression because a dog is fearful or afraid? fear aggression.

Purely Positive Versus Balanced Dog Training:

Most of the folks that follow me know that I've been training dogs since a very young age. Spending half my life training eating and sleeping with dogs since I was twelve years old.. What you might not know about me, is that I took a hiatus for 10, 15 years just recently getting back into the profession a couple if years ago. When I fell out of it, right about the time Karen Pryor started the "click treat craze." This hiatus allowed me to come back in with an attitude of learning and reaching for my skill set again. To figure out where the dog training market was overall after being out of the profession for such a long time. As I reached and did my R&D in this regard, I soon found out that there is still pretty good divisions in the attitudes and beliefs of trainers out there world wide still today. Nothing much has changed in this. regard even today. With this being said I consider myself to be what they call a "balanced dog trainer." this means I use positive science based methods. But I will also use aversive methods if needed.. With my leanings to try and use as much positive reinforce science based technics as possible and avoid going to aversives if possible. Here is a trainer that is a lot like me.. The point I'm trying to get across by showing you this video, more then anything else, is that the separated camps of thought. The arguments on what is proper or not proper. What is a good trainer or not a good trainer, as far as training technics. The thought on what makes a good or bad trainer. They are still out there, nothing much has changed in this regard. These arguments will keep going and evolving forever.. In the end, in my mind. It's more about having as broad a concept of the many methods to use as possible. I call them tools. The idea for me is to have as many tools as I can in my tool box, giving me as many options as I can get for the myrade of dog and humans that I come across daily in my profession.. Watch and listen to what this man is saying with this one. In a nut shell he does a great job, to get across the point that the purely positive dog training camp has some serious short comings.. Take it from me there are many things that can't all be solved with just a hot dog.. Enjoy!

A piece on why ' modern ' dog training is putting the welfare of dogs at risk. Why a purely positive approach to training - or a 'purely' ANYTHING ideology -...


Mori Raising Yet Another Puppy;

This is the third one he will have raised and gone through.. There is an art to raising and training a working dog. Genetics are a big part yes, but there are many tricks in the bag. One of the best ones is to have a good mentor for the puppys to show them how to carry themselves, something they can follow and be mentored by.. It takes a special dog, one that understands the roll they play.. For trainers and those that are into dogs, we can create and channel the adult dog to take on this roll.. Some are better at it then others, some can't deal with it at all. But for those that take on the roll and understand what there jobs are. It's invaluable in helping to bring up your working dog prospect.. See if I can show you more of this as we go along. Mori is already helping me potty train this guy, he will end up helping me to give this little guy all kinds of strength as we go along. From agility to helping me introduce him to swimming he will be my right hand in helping me build this monster and take him to the next level as a working dog..

Thanks Mori your a hell of a dog.. 


Breeding Business - Google+

Not to sure about this one. Looks like a lot of good information is bieng passed on through the group with what they have put together with this one. Thought I would pass it along.. Enjoy! thus one News, articles, videos and resources of the Dog Breeding Industry!


This book series just came in the mail today, don't bug me I'll be busy for awhile! :-)

One of the biggest things I love about what I do, is getting into the subject with the level of passion that transcends normalcy.. Many of the folks that I hang with, show the same irrational love and passion for the art just like I do. So I know there are many reading this right now that understand were I'm coming from.. Just got this series of books. First book in the series is all about Engagement & Relationship within the Dog Owner team dynamic.. Great place to start the series with. As any one that works with dogs can tell you, this is the key to any well trained dog. It's all about the relationship with your animal first and foremost. !


Down at Tractor Supply Lake Elsinore


Lake Elsinore Come join us this Sat down at your New Tractor Supply store, as they close out there Pet Appreciation Week. Come show your support for local business and get in on the fun. We will be bringing Mori as well as Achilles to show off for the crowds, so don't miss the fun.. Be doing an Explosive Detection Demo with Mori as well as letting you see how Achilles our Czech Shepherd puppy is coming along in his training. Be there from 9am till 2pm.. See You There!


Working the crowds in SLO..


Working the dogs down town SLO..

Videos (show all)

Enzo showing off, Down at Tractor Supply.
Joker Working The 10ft Ladder
You into working dogs? Avail at 8 weeks Mother and Father imported in from the AM Kennels.Kilo brn 36550Gina brn 35272
For those that don't know it I have affiliations with some of the top GSD breeders in the LA area. These pups are from D...
Meet Bravo.Time to start posting on my business page again.. Meet Bravo a nine month old "Dogsamerica" Black GSD with al...
We will be down at the Lake Elsinore Outlet Mall quite a bit in the next few days. Practicing and getting ready for the ...
Working with Joker down at Home Depot. What I was trying to accent at the end of this one. Was teaching the dog to slow ...
Mori Raising Yet Another Puppy;This is the third one he will have raised and gone through.. There is an art to raising a...
Down at Tractor Supply Lake Elsinore
Working the crowds in SLO..
Working the dogs down town SLO..
Last part of the bath..
