Cody Bret

Cody Bret

Treasure hunting videos 👉


You weren't enough.

This article is for all the women that allowed some man to undermine their worth and to make them believe that they werent enough.

For the ones who have thought about changing who they truly were just to fit a man's "standards" that never deserved a place in your life in the first place.

Do me a favor, and never be one of those girls.

Always try your best to remember how valuable, special and unique you are as an individual.

Never.... under any circumstances, forget your worth.

Even when he decides to treat you like you are insignificant to him or acts like he is above you in any way and on the days when he does his best to make you feel bad about yourself.

Remember your value even when he doesn’t give you back the love you deserve and when he tries to treat you like an option. Don’t let this toxic man get into your head, by telling you that you are not enough.

Always remember your worth every time he tries to belittle your successes, just because he is intimidated. Every time he tells you that you are too much to handle or that you are not meant to be loved.

Don’t question your value even when he disrespects or abuses you in any way. Don’t think less of yourself for not choosing better or for not walking away sooner.

For not being smarter or for not following your gut, which kept telling you to run from him from the start.

Don’t think that you are weak for following your heart blindly and for always putting your emotions in front of your reason. Actually, it just means that you were strong enough to do the thing you wanted to do, even if it turned out to be the wrong choice.

Don’t forget your worth when you are the one who loves more, the one who got hurt or left behind. Don’t do it even when your heart is broken into a million pieces or when you feel like you’ve reached your breaking point and that you simply can’t take it anymore.

Remember that this is exactly what he wants.

He wants you to feel worthless so you start considering yourself lucky for having him in your life.

Remember that he is only doing it to boost his ego and to improve his self-confidence.

This guy is very well aware that he doesn’t deserve you and he is convinced that the only way to handle you is to drag you down to his level.

However, you are the one who should never let that happen. The one who needs to understand that you are the only one who was the right to determine your own worth.

When you get stuck in a situation like this, just try hard not to forget that you are strong enough to leave behind everyone who is holding you back or putting you down and stronger than everything bringing you down.

I won’t lie to you .... cutting ties with someone you care about, even when he treats you awfully, is never easy.

But you have it in you to do the right thing and to walk away, without ever looking back. And I promise, you will survive.

Just remember who you truly were before all this happened.

Take my advice and remember one thing ......the moment you start to wonder if you deserve better ..... You do.

~ Cody Bret


She's tired of the games in her life.


Date that man.
Date the man who who has genuine intentions with you and never leaves you guessing where you stand in his life.

Date the man who stops the car on a backroad on a cool summer night and dances with you in front of the headlights to your favorite country song.

Date the man who looks at you from across the room while you're reading a book and drinking some wine and thinks to himself "how blessed he truly is to have someone like you in his life."

Date a man who will guard your heart and destroy anything meant to harm you with loyalty running so deep in his veins that he gets physically ill at the thought of betrayal.

Date the man who gently runs his fingers through your hair and tells you how much he appreciates you and everything you do ... never goes unnoticed.

Date a man who traces your facial features and the valleys and crevices of your body with his fingertips so he can remember every detail about you when he misses you.

Date the man who will take time out of his day to write you a handwritten letter about how much you have changed his life since the first day he had laid


I hate to tell you this but social media is lying to you.

The dating pool is limited and there are not as many options as social media makes it out to be.

Good people are hard to find and people who genuinely love you ...... for being you is extremely rare.

Take my advice and quit breaking hearts because you think you have "options".

~ Cody Bret


If your man is pushing you away and acting distant
Or if the guy you're after isn't giving you the time of day...

Then it's time to pull out all the stops.

Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing you can say to a standoffish guy that will grab him by the heartstrings-
And get his blood pumping at just the thought of you.


The 1 thing men are most obsessed with is not what you think. It's an elusive combination of emotion and biological drive that is very rarely satisfied in life or love. When a women can satisfy this obsession, a man will please and pursue her to the ends of the earth.

In fact, the one thing men are universally obsessed with...

Is actually a feeling he's been chasing his whole life.

It's an elusive combination of emotion and biological drive that's rarely satisfied in life or love.

And when you know how to satisfy this life long obsession...

He will make it his life long mission to cherish and please you...

And he will pursue your love to the ends of the earth.
~Cody Bret.


I don't want to tell you this.

But your soulmate won’t be some perfect partner who checks all of your boxes on your requirement checklist.

Your soulmate is the one person who sees your flaws, your insecurities, your trauma, and chooses to wake up each and every day and love you unconditionally.

Love isn’t just a feeling but it's a commitment to someone who you promise to cherish with every heart beat that passes.

If you’re fortunate enough to have someone who loves you on the days when they’re stressed, angry with you, anxious, or even disappointed in you, make sure they’re appreciated and loved deeper than the ocean depths.

~ Cody Bret


This generation doesn't understand.

Most men in this generation doesn't understand its not about giving her the world, but it's actually about making her feel like she's a priority in yours.

It's about surprising her with a sweet text throughout the day to remind her you're thinking about her.

It's about coming home from work and asking about her day because you genuinely care about the answer.

It's about going to the refrigerator to get yourself a drink, and you get her one without even asking.

It's about driving down a backroad and you pull off to the side to pick her some beautiful wild flowers.

It's about cuddling on the couch in sweatpants and binge watching your favorite show on Netflix together.

It's about taking her to her favorite restaurant unannounced.

It's about slow dancing with her in the rain to a song that was written by George Strait.

It's about calling her randomly and asking how she is doing because you care about her mental health.

It's about laying her favorite dress on the bed with a note that says "put this on and be ready by 7pm".

It's about knowing the smallest details about her, like the way she likes her coffee in the morning, or her favorite smell, or what movies make her cry.

It's about going to a local ice cream parlor on a Saturday afternoon to talk about your life goals together over a couple hot fudge sundaes.

Take my advice and remember...... it doesn't always have to cost much money, it just needs to catch her off guard.

~ Cody Bret

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She's tired of the games in her life.#fyp #relationshipadvice #nobodytalksabout
You need cut ties with the version of yourself.  #fyp #nobodytalksabout #foryou #codybretrealtalk #relationshipadvice
I promise you this…. You’re not a burden.
She is not easy to deal with.
Be honest with her about your intentions.
Save your breath and wait for the right time.
Am I right?
You deserve this.
Make an impact.
