The Matchbox Stories

The Matchbox Stories

TMS is all about creating miniature art in matchboxes. It can be puns, love messages, sitcoms etc

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 21/02/2024

Matchbox Wall Art! Something I created, putting so much love into it. I believe that you guys know by now how much I love miniature art and creating them in Matchboxes is where loads of effort goes into. This piece was created 4 years ago, while I was getting bored and I had been planning to create miniature art in Matchboxes. So the thought of creating home scenes in the Matchboxes popped up in my mind and guess what, I couldn't wait but took out the used Matchboxes from "Mandir" and started creating one by one of these pieces. I had whatever stationery, props, decor etc available with me I created out of them only. I did not invest because I wasn't sure about the outcome. When all Matchboxes were done, I thought of the utility of these and again a new idea popped up of putting these on the wall. But it wasn't easy again. I hit and tried many ways to put them up on the wall of my work station and then I saw these cork coasters I bought from IKEA in 2017. I used them as a base (as you could see in the pictures).
Swipe to the last pic to show the final outcome.
Let me know if you like this and would like to see the working of the same.
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 12/02/2024

Hi this is me Shalini - Founder and Creator Matchbox Stories. I started this page just out of passion of putting everything I create out of matchboxes and now it's going to be 6 years of this page in 3-4 months from now. With the love of you all this page turned into a full fledged business. Up until last March, the business was growing like anything but being a single person running the business took a toll on me when my personal things came up like MARRIAGE! I got Married to the love of my life in November last year. But before marriage me and my then boyfriend and now husband thought of taking this business to a step ahead and we planned a lot many things. I got a designer onboard to design the best of collections for the matchboxes and she has done a very very good job ( youโ€™re gonna appreciate too, just wait for the right time :)) Post designing we are now working on production, procurement and in that step we are in the sampling stage. Because it needed money and me and my husband have mostly used our savings in marriage as we didn't want to be a burden on our parents :) So now, sampling is still in process and a lot is happening at the backend of this business. We wish to be back in the business soon but meanwhile I thought of bringing this page to life again and hence I have planned to present to you the content which I have created in the past 5+ years. Yes, I know you guys love to see more cute things and since the MOST CUTEST are still in Making process meanwhile, let's get happy with what we have currently:) So, again show the same love to these matchbox cuties and we shall be back with the bestest of our collections soon :)

Thanks to each one of you for being by my side :)



Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 02/12/2023

We are each other's ๐Ÿฆž.
Marked this special memory on the most special date - 23.11.23
Meet my husband .flavored.bong


A very very late post. But I couldn't miss posting this picture. As it has a special appearance of my Matchbox!!
Posting the recent news post this pictureโค๏ธ


Rakhi Matchbox Collection for Brother & Sister!
Show your sibling love in the most beautiful way ever :)
Shop the collection on Website now!
Link in bio!


Today TMS completed 5 years! 5 years ago I thought of an idea - to create art in Matchboxes. That's it! Just an idea and nothing else. What is it going to be in the next 5 years? What would I be doing with this crazy hobby? What would be my fortay? How long would it last? No thoughts. Just the hobby of mine and me. I thought of a couple of names. Asked a friend (then colleague) to pick one and started a page. It was all just a hobby. The idea was to enhance the hobby. Gradually, the route changed or I must say I created it myself. An art which was and still not a mainstream art and on top of that a business out of this art. Something that is not taught in any school and me being with no arts background at all. Well, such is life! Sometimes you gotta do and you will find your way! That's what I believe and that's what has happened to me!Today on 27th June, I am sitting in a cafe and working on the whole new "change" I am bringing in my "art business" with minimal resources, knowledge, experience I carry and have collected from the experts! I have really put in a lot into this. A lot! I planned to launch this whole new "change" on this very day. But I failed! That's what we call - sometimes you gotta do what you can and leave the rest. It will find its own way! Well I really hope to be ready by next month!
Thank you guys, I really thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart and for staying with me in my journey!
Lots of love and gratitude โค๏ธ


Must read caption!
Please hold on to us for a little more :)

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 11/03/2023

Your art has become a business or apt for a business is only and only decided by your customer! Your community!
And for that you need to take people's feedback and reviews on your products and range.
Yes, you must be thinking one has to go through so many to get to know if the product is market fit? Well, at times, yes!!.
If you have followed successful business men & women, most of them have failed in their initial startups. They always started from point zero again and again until they succeeded in finding the right market fit!
In my business I am constantly taking feedback from people and enhancing my product range. Of course, in the end I do what I feel is right and after some point your guts and instincts also guide you to the right track. But reaching that point takes time :)
Not Just a Matchbox!


Hey Woman! You! Yes you!

Stop carrying the baggage of "You are Woman, You are strong". Yes you are strong no doubt! But is it worth loading that baggage at your back where you are already loaded with 1000s of responsibilities? No! You are a human first and you gotta show whatever and whenever you feel like. You don't have to keep similing all the time. You get tired, sick, upset, cry at times, just like normal human beings and that's where you need to take a pause, cry, give yourself utmost importance and care and stand back again! Here you see a lady with me, She is my Maa. She has seen worse and faced worse and I have seen her facing all that. She taught me this (not directly) through her actions! I could never say this to her on her face, I will cry but I have other ways to say such things to herโค๏ธ
Wishing you all ladies a very Happy Woman's Day!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 07/03/2023

Create product out of your art! If you wanna make a business out of it you need to make a product/service which suits your art style. It can be anything. Research , follow artists, observe them!
You will get to it!
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 03/03/2023

Yes, seeing your competitor brand grow while you are very slow is tough. It's painful ๐Ÿ˜ฃ to realize that you are slow and it's going to be a slow process for your journey for quite a long time. But it's not the end. Every business has its journey speed. That's yours. Don't stop. Keep on walking on that path which you have dreamt for your business. I follow my competitor and have been following for quite a long time now. I follow them to learn:
๐ŸŒฟ What they are doing.
๐ŸŒฟ How they are doing.
๐ŸŒฟ What's that thing which brought them where they are.
๐ŸŒฟ How they are distinguishing themselves from others.
These factors are very important to observe and learn so that, when you are strategizing for your brand and products you have a good back end data to research, to think and to plan and strategize!
Not Just A Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 03/02/2023

Create your community!
These days when your efforts and time are going mostly on social media platforms the major reason is not to be in the race of TRENDS, infact it is to be on the scrolling page of your followers, which we call Community!
Create your community! Today I see many of us crying and feeling bad about the algorithm. I never felt bad about it. People are doing they gotta do to EARN. We should do what we have to do to SUSTAIN+EARN!
Don't feel bad about trend and algorithm. Just focus on your community!
What they like?
What they wanna see more of you?
What they appreciate?
Focus on these things. Put in your esteemed time & efforts in such things instead! You will feel good for yourself and for your audience!
PS: This cute little kid is my cousin โค๏ธ Ivaan โค๏ธ
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 31/01/2023

Go and ask every successful entrepreneur. The Mantra for their success is CONSISTENCY/PERSISTENCY. It always pays off. Be consistent. Even in our childhood stories the story of Rabbit & Tortoise taught the same :)
Many people also ask me how I am so active on Instagram. Trust me, I am not "active", I am "consistent". This has been my attitude towards work always. Yes, it takes alot from you but gives back much much more than that :)
I strongly recommend this to add in your personality to get success in whatever work you are doing or dreaming about!
What do you think on consistency/persistency?
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 26/01/2023

I sometimes feel this life is too short to learn everything exist in this world? Don't you think so? I wanna do many things.
Learn! Learn & Keep of Learning!
Something I would always rely upon. I always wish this for myself that no matter I how old I get, I never want to stop learning.
With this attitude of learning I got to know about the creative side of mine. I used to scroll through creative content so much. I have taken so many workshops and attended so many skill development classes which has helped me in some or other way as an artist as well as an entrepreneur.
Workshops/Skill Enhancement Classes:
๐ŸŒฟ Miniature art workshop by my favourite
๐ŸŒฟ Craft Workshop by my sweet tutor and insta fam
๐ŸŒฟ Calligraphy workshop by the talented and cutestttttt
๐ŸŒฟ Instagram Tools & Techniques (for my brand)
๐ŸŒฟ LinkedIn Digital Marketing (for my business)
๐ŸŒฟ Many YT classes and workshops!
This attitude of myself has kept me through thick and thins of my life and business. Today after 3 years of this business, I might not be that big a brand or might not be able to earn in that BIG figures. But somewhere in my heart I know, my learning attitude will pay me off one day :)
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 23/01/2023

Do you believe in short cut or long routes?
Well as per me short routes are good, quicker and cool maybe but they don't take you longer!
However, long routes are tough, hard needs to nuch of persistence but these are the things which makes you strong enough to run on that LONGER path of your life and goal!
Practice is that important ingredient of the LONGER road you have taken. Without practice you can not attain that level of precision or perfection which can be your USP in this competitive world.
Having said that, it takes alot of you but also gives a lot alot to you :)
PS: swipe to see my initial works :)
What do you think?
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 20/01/2023

When one thinks so much while naming their baby why not your art page/brand?
A brand name plays a very big role in SEO when your business is online and at various marketplaces. There are many factors which play major role while setting up your brand name like -
๐ŸŒฟ Should relate with what you do
๐ŸŒฟ Should speak about the products/services your brand is offering
๐ŸŒฟ Availability of domain
๐ŸŒฟ "Keyword" player
๐ŸŒฟ Copyright & patent qualification
๐ŸŒฟ Easy to remember for people
I did not know these earlier. I read so many articles and blogs then brainstormed and then came up with 2 names. Put them across and she said go with "The Matchbox Stories" :)
Here's the story behind my brand name and how I turned my Hobby into a business part 4 :)
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 20/01/2023

When one thinks so much while naming their baby why not your art page/brand?
A brand name plays a very big role in SEO when your business is online and at various marketplaces. There are many factors which play major role while setting up your brand name like -
๐ŸŒฟ Should relate with what you do
๐ŸŒฟ Should speak about the products/services your brand is offering
๐ŸŒฟ Availability of domain
๐ŸŒฟ "Keyword" player
๐ŸŒฟ Copyright & patent qualification
๐ŸŒฟ Easy to remember for people
I did not know these earlier. I read so many articles and blogs then brainstormed and then came up with 2 names. Put them across and she said go with "The Matchbox Stories" :)
Here's the story behind my brand name and how I turned my Hobby into a business part 4 :)
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 17/01/2023

Accepting failure is one of the hardest thing to do when you have dreamt and worked hard to make that dream come true.
But when that first dream of mine shattered and I started THE MATCHBOX STORIES I realized that "acceptance of failure" was not Just a phase.
It was a step towards your dream. A dream which you did not see but you might were made for it.
A step which made you stand stronger by making you fall down.
A step which made me take a break, think and come up with something which was even greater.
I learnt this. Yes when you face bad you never realize or your mind doesn't allow you to think "Jo Hota Hai Acche Ke Liye Hi Hota Hai". But always give it a try. Push your thoughts hard to think this positive side as well.
#2 of How I turned my Hobby into a Business!
PS: Slide and see my first ever pop up and busy in creating some goodness at the pop up.
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 14/01/2023

How I Turned My Hobby Into a Business?
#1 - Understanding my fortay.
I never had this pre-idea of starting a business of my own, but I did have this idea of HAVING MY OWN ART PAGE/BRAND and I realized it when I was working full time into events and whatever little time I had I always used it to do something Crafty/Creative:)
This is our business story!
Not Just a Matchbox!


Hello Guys!
The most awaited LOVE celebration is coming soon and hence we're all ready with Valentine's Matchbox Gifts. This time it's a different kinda launch ๐Ÿ˜œ
We are opening PRE ORDER for the very first time in our business.
What is PRE ORDER & it's BENEFITS:
๐Ÿ’Œ Place your order till 31st Jan & get FREE SHIPPING.
PS: All orders placed from 1st Feb will be charged for shipping as well!
Guys, turn on the reminder so that you don't miss out on this amazing collection and benefits of shopping!
Not Just a Matchbox!


Finally I am back to my home after 10 days of power packed Masti. Feeling like I am tired with my vacation and need one more vacation ๐Ÿ˜œ
Wishing you all a very happy new year๐Ÿค
May you are blessed with good health in all means this year and in coming times.
Coming up so many good things this year under my brand. Hoping to see a very very positive and full of learning year ahead!
Thank you all for being with me ๐Ÿ’ž
Let's mail this year as well. If not atleast we will be able to see towards the end of year that we have come so far with so much of learning ๐Ÿค


Merry Christmas โ›„๐ŸŽ„
Wishing you love & joy! ๐Ÿคโค๏ธ
Not Just a Matchbox!


Have you created your Home's Matchbox story yet?
No? Then head out to the link in bio and shop this beautiful handcrafted Wall Hanging Matchbox inspired by the love for cute homes๐Ÿค๐Ÿก
This is handcrafted piece and comes with 8 mini matchbox houses and fo not miss out on those mini Christmas bells! ๐Ÿคฉ
Do not forget to use coupon code CUTEXMAS to get extra 10% off with FREE SHIPPING!
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 09/12/2022

Secret Santa Matchbox Hamper!
See what all comes inside this hamper. Also, there is an option where you can choose different design box with same elements inside๐Ÿค
Do not forget to use code CUTEXMAS to get extra 10% off with FREE SHIPPING!
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 05/12/2022

Hey Beautiful Box Lover,
Yes you! You stopped just to see these boxes right? Well, these are just boxes and can be ordered empty. Swipe to see the postcards come with these empty boxes for you to send lovely messages and wishes this Christmas to your loved ones!
What do you think? Worth the watch?
Shop now on
Use code CUTEXMAS to get extra 10% off with free shipping!
Not Just a Matchbox!


Hey Secret Santa,
We know sometimes we wanna do so much for our Santee and as we look into our pockets we think no we can't. Well it's not true though. Here is something we have thought for you when you are running low on your monthly budgets :)
Shop this Cute mini hamper now from the Website and bring that big smile on your santee's face :)
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 01/12/2022

Last month of the year! Brings the Matchbox Calendars in front of audience.
Three styles of Matchbox Calendars with 12 months inserts. Multi Purpose Table Top calendars can also be used as picture holder.
Pick one as per your mood. Available only @ 499/- with free shipping. Also get extra 10% off, use code CUTEXMAS.
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 29/11/2022

Are you the secret santa this time?
Or share this with the person whom you want to be your secret santa.
Tag your Santa here, give them hint :)
The range starts from 350/- onwards, shipping is free and use code CUTEXMAS to get extra 10% off
Not Just a Matchbox!

Photos from The Matchbox Stories's post 27/11/2022

For the love of cute homes!
This season's Matchbox collection has a beautifully handcrafted product which is especially made for the people who love cute homes, mini houses and love to decorate their homes or corners with cute little things.
This piece does not only limits to the festivities and hence can be used throughout the year on your walls or corners or trees!
Shop now with free shipping and use code "CUTEXMAS" to get extra 10% off!
Link in bio!
Not Just a Matchbox!

Videos (show all)

To that cute love โค๏ธ.Not Just a Matchbox!.#thematchboxstories #matchboxwallframe #matchboxart #handmadeart #cutelove #lo...
Shop Diwali Matchbox Collection live on website. Link in bio! . Not Just a Matchbox! . #thematchboxstories #handmadeart ...
The Matchbox Stories is celebrating its 4th year brand anniversary and here is how it's celebrating with you all ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ.4day...
Bigg Announcement ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐ŸŽ‰.The Matchbox Stories is celebrating its 4th year Brand Anniversary and is all excited to announce t...
๐ŸŒผ Happy Guru Purnima ๐ŸŒผ to those who are celebrating today :).Not Just a Matchbox!.
Thank you doctors for showing us the definition of sacrifice, love, care, miracle, life saver, god!.Thank you for everyt...
WE ARE LIVE NOW!.Link in bio!!.Come visit our website. Have a look. Buy anything if you like. All of the products ar on ...