Wave Worn

Wave Worn

‘Waves of Inspiration, Worn with Pride.’

Our mission is to transform nature's discarded treasures into timeless works of art; crafted by wave inspired thoughts, worn with pride by our customers. We are dedicated to crafting unique trinkets and jewelry from sea glass, all while nurturing a profound respect for our oceans and coastlines. Through our creations, we aspire to inspire a deeper connection to the sea, promote sustainability, and


Few natural spectacles can rival the sheer, breathtaking beauty of a sunset over the ocean. At Wave Worn, we're not just inspired by the sea and its natural wonders; we're dedicated to preserving and celebrating them in every way we can. Here's what sets us apart:

Materials Sourced from Local Beaches: Every piece of sea glass we use in our creations is sourced right here in Barbados.

We Are Eco-Friendly: Sustainability isn't just a buzzword for us; it's a way of life.

Educating Customers: We believe that understanding the ocean's wonders is the first step in protecting them.

Collaborations for a Cleaner Coast: We don't just create sea glass jewelry; we collaborate with like-minded organizations to plan beach clean-ups, events, and initiatives.

Customer Interaction on Social Media: We treasure our community of sea glass enthusiasts.

Barbadian Heritage and Flare: Our creations are infused with Barbadian heritage and flare.

Customizable Souvenirs: We understand that our customers are looking for more than just a souvenir; they want a memory of their time in Barbados.

Barbadian Hospitality: Just like our island's warm and welcoming spirit, we provide Barbadian hospitality with every interaction.

In every sea glass trinket and jewelry piece we craft, you'll find a reflection of the ocean's beauty and our commitment to preserving it. Our goal is not just to create stunning pieces but to share the magic of the sea and inspire others to keep it clean and beautiful for generations to come. So, the next time you admire a sunset over the sea, know that you're witnessing not just nature's artistry, but a piece of our heart and soul at Wave Worn.
