Archives at St. Patrick
Pictures, documents, etc from the archives of St. Patrick Catholic Church Memphis, TN
Fr. Bill Greenspun arrived at St. Patrick on Feb. 25th, 1968. This was written by him aproximately 20 years later.
Photos from Archives at St. Patrick's post
Timeline Photos
July 1969
Aug. 1969
I find it interesting that for a full month after Martin Luther King was assassinated less than a mile from the church and there was rioting and the presence of the National Guard, there was no mention af any of that in the bulletin until May 7th when you see William Greenspun's name at the top as pastor.
Sports Awards and St. Patrick's Day Party
Epiphany Celebration and Potluck - Jan. 5, 1990
Lent 1988
more info later
Good Friday Stations of the Cross - April 1992
Fr. Bruce Niele - 25th Anniversary - May 3, 1998
Communion Cards/Baptismal Certificates from the early 1900s
Festival Aug. 1968
Costume Party
Camp Marymount, Nashville, TN - Sept. 20-22, 1968
Early 90's?
Please invite others!
Untitled Album
Liturgy - Jan. 1990
Women's Retreat 1980
Camp Pinecrest Men's Retreat - Feb. 1986
Men's Retreat 19??
Women's Retreat - Camp Pinecrest 1986 or 87
parishioners late 80's
Archives at St. Patrick's cover photo
These pictures were all together in an album but since there are some of the same people in different costumes I assume that they are from different parties and I'm dating them in the seventies. Not sure exactly what year.
Bicentennial Play 1976