Tony Williams

Tony Williams

I am sharing my book news, reviews, blog posts, and thoughts about history and books.


This is HUGE!

Check out my interview with bestselling author H.W. Brands about his great new book, “Founding Partisans”!!

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Why were American politics so divided in the early republic? H.W. Brands, the Jack S. Blanton, Sr. Chair in History at the University of Texas and bestselling author of more than 30 books, joins this episode of Scholar Talks, hosted by BRI Senior Fellow Tony Williams. Together, they explore this early division and the Founders' original views on political parties. How was this fierce division shown in the Constitutional Convention and ratification debate? Watch the discussion here:


Topics in Government & Civics Conversations Series!

Political Scientist Joe Postell discusses how political parties can help unify us in our divided times!

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How can political parties help to unite Americans? To explore this question, BRI Senior Fellow Tony Williams is joined by Joseph Postell, Professor of Politics at Hillsdale College. They discuss how American political parties can be forces of unity rather than division and partisanship, how the Founders viewed political parties, and attempts made during the Progressive Era to eliminate them. Watch it here:


My important conversation with Yuval Levin about restoring our unity, trust, and common purpose as Americans! More than 600 views two days after its release!

Check out his book, “A Time to Heal,” with Basic Books!

How can we restore trust in American institutions? To explore this question, BRI Senior Fellow Tony Williams is joined by Yuval Levin, Senior Fellow at the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy and Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Together they discuss the decline of institutions and their role in promoting better social interactions and creating a common purpose. How have institutions become platforms for performative outrage and self-promotion rather than healthy civic organizations? Watch it here:


My BRI Scholar Talk interview about Alexander Hamilton with Steve Knott, our greatest Hamilton scholar! Not to be missed!

Part of the American Founders Series. Check out other interview with Jay Cost on Madison, Jeff Morrison on Washington, Thomas Kidd on Jefferson, Jonathan Den Hartog on Jay, and Mark David Hall on Sherman!

How did Alexander Hamilton demonstrate the importance of self-governance through his actions and arguments?

BRI’s new “American Founders” Scholar Talk Series seeks to answer this and other questions. In this episode, Stephen Knott recently retired Professor of National Security at the Naval War College and author of several books on Alexander Hamilton joins BRI Senior Fellow Tony Williams. The two discuss Hamilton’s upbringing, embracement of American principles, arguments for a stronger union, and more.

Watch it here:


My Scholar Talk with my friend Jonathan den Hartog discussing John Jay has nearly 1,000 views the first weekend of release!

Check out all the videos in the American Founders Series!

How did John Jay contribute to the Founding Era? Find out from Tony Williams and Jonathan Den Hartog, History Department Chair at Samford University, in our newest . They discuss Founder John Jay, his advancements to self-government in America, his commitment to public service, crucial diplomatic negotiations, and strong anti-slavery views.

Watch it here:


My conversation with the brilliant scholar, Jay Cost, on his tremendous new book on James Madison!

Great addition to the new series on the Founders! Great watch for upcoming !

How did Madison’s contributions as a statesman and politician lead to the promotion of liberty and self-governance?

Explore this question on BRI’s new “American Founders” Scholar Talk Series. In this episode, Jay Cost, Gerald R. Ford nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, joins BRI Fellow Tony Williams. Together they discuss Founder James Madison and his indispensability to the Constitutional Convention and the establishment of republican principles in America.

Watch it here:


My BRI Scholar Talk on the state of the presidency after Watergate with a really smart young scholar, Alex E. Hindman! Part of the American Presidency Series!

What actions to limit presidential power did President Gerald Ford take after the Watergate scandal and the resignation of Richard Nixon?

In this episode of Scholar Talks, Dr. Alex E. Hindman, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the College of the Holy Cross, joins BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams to talk about his book “Gerald Ford and the Separation of Powers: Preserving the Constitutional Presidency in the Post-Watergate Period.”

Together, they discuss President Ford’s famous pardon of Richard Nixon, the effect of the War Powers Resolution on presidential powers, and how President Ford preserved the constitutional powers and limits of the presidency. Watch it here:


My BRI Scholar Talk with Thomas Kidd on his new book on Thomas Jefferson launching a fall series on the American founders!

What core contributions did the various Founders make to liberty and constitutional self-governance?

BRI’s new “American Founders” Scholar Talk Series seeks to answer this question. In this first episode, Dr. Thomas S. Kidd, Senior Research Scholar at Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion and Research Professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary joins BRI Fellow Tony Williams to discuss his book, “Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh.” They discuss together the contributions and complexities of one of America’s most significant founders, including Jefferson’s religious views, political beliefs, and the problem of slavery in the American constitutional order. Watch it here:


My pleasure and honor to discuss recent presidential threats to constitutional government with eminent scholar Mark Rozell in the “Am Presidency Series” from his important book “Unitary Executive Theory”

What are the problems and concerns with the Unitary Executive Theory of the Presidency? In our recent episode of , Dr. Mark J. Rozell, founding dean of the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, joins BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams to discuss his newest book “Unitary Executive Theory: A Danger to Constitutional Government.”

Together, they touch on topics such as the historical origins of the Unitary Executive Theory, the constitutional dangers surrounding it, and contemporary examples of presidents who exercised it. How has the use of presidential "czars" undermined Congress and the Constitution? Watch it here:


Saturday morning compelling reading in “Fire & Steel” which completes an excellent trilogy of the War in the West!


My BRI essay on the Declaration and how the ideals of liberty and equality have animated our spirit of a common purpose!

The language of the Declaration of Independence has resonated throughout time with individuals seeking liberty. This long-enduring document has been a cornerstone of America's political system for over 240 years. Learn more about the Declaration of Independence with our Being An American resource


Reading this important book by Sid Milkis on the rise of presidential government, the decline of parties, and the rise of right/left populist movements for an upcoming Scholar Talk. Also discusses the importance of restoring our common purpose as Americans!


Check out my discussion of the "Life and Legacy of Theodore Roosevelt" with my BRI colleagues!


My Constituting America essay on American Exceptionalism in the great deliberative moment of the constitutional ratification debate!

Here is today's 90-Day Study essay question!

Who first inspired the idea of America being a “city upon a hill”?

a. James Madison
b. Alexander Hamilton
c. John Winthrop

For the answer, check out today's 90-Day Study essay by guest essayist Tony Williams.


My BIll of Rights Institute with Benjamin Kleinerman on the constitutional boundaries of discretionary presidential authority as part of the “American Presidency Series!”

Check out the other episodes ⬇️ and share with your students!

What are the promises and perils of discretionary presidential authority? In this episode of Scholar Talks, Tony Williams, Senior Teaching Fellow, is joined by Dr. Benjamin Kleinerman, R.W. Morrison Professor of Political Science at Baylor University, to explore how presidents have exercised and viewed discretionary executive authority throughout American history.

How did Alexander Hamilton and James Madison disagree regarding its constitutionality, and how do we continue to grapple with the necessity and dangers of it to face crises today?

Watch the episode here:

Edward Lengel: Thinking Through World War II | BRI Scholar Talks 30/05/2022

My BRI Scholar Talk on World War II in the Pacific with esteemed military historian Ed Lengel at the National Medal of Honor Museum!

Edward Lengel: Thinking Through World War II | BRI Scholar Talks BRI Senior Teaching Fellow, Tony Williams, and guest scholar Ed Lengel will be discussing Lengel's compelling essays in BRI's new Life, Liberty, and the Purs...


Really have been looking forward to these new books by Craig Symonds and David Hackett Fischer ! 📚☕️

Check out my Scholar Talk with Symonds on the Battle of Midway in the Pivotal Battles Series! ⬇️


My BRInstitute “Scholar Talks” conversation with the brilliant Lara Brown on presidential character, constitutionalism, and the modern presidency to launch the “American Presidency” Series! Check out her book Amateur Hour !

What are the constitutional powers and limits of the American presidency? In this episode of Scholar Talks, Lara Brown, professor and the director of the Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM) at the George Washington University, joins BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams to talk about her book “Amateur Hour: Presidential Character and the Question of Leadership.”

Together, they discuss important presidential character traits, notable and poor examples of these traits in contemporary presidencies, and how these traits can work to support constitutional principles and bring prestige and honor to the office of president.

Watch it here:


Reading this excellent book by Alex Hindman on the resilient Constitution and separation of powers and how Gerald Ford defended the presidency in the wake of Watergate and Vietnam for the new “American Presidency” Series! Lexington Books


My conversation with the brilliant John McManus about the US Army in the Pacific War from his new book “Island Infernos” which is a follow-up to his “Fire & Fortitude!”

What was the contribution of the U.S. Army to the American victory against Japan in the Pacific War in World War II? In this episode of Scholar Talks, , the Curators’ Distinguished Professor of U.S. military history at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, joins BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams to talk about his new book "Island Infernos: The U.S. Army’s Pacific War Odyssey, 1944" Together, they discuss the nature of the war in the Pacific between America and Japan, the experiences of soldiers on the ground, and the leadership styles of the U.S. generals involved.

Why did 1944 witness a turning of the tide in the U.S. Army's Pacific war effort? Watch it here:


My discussion with the brilliant Jon White on the enduring importance and complexities of Lincoln and Black Americans! Watch the interview and pick up copies of “A House Built by Slaves” and “To Address You as My Friend!”

What were Abraham Lincoln’s views on race and freedom and equality for Black Americans? In this episode of Scholar Talks, Jon White, associate professor of American Studies at Christopher Newport University and prize-winning historian and author, joins BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams to discuss his two books, A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House and To Address You as My Friend: African Americans’ Letters to Abraham Lincoln.

Together, they talk about Lincoln’s policies and personal relationships with African Americans during his time in office. How did Lincoln’s views shape his presidency and his relationship with African Americans? Watch the video here:

Frederick Douglass on the Constitution and Slavery 15/02/2022

Happy Chosen Birthday, Frederick Douglass! Check out my essay on Douglass and the Anti-Slavery Constitution from a couple of years back. The Constitution was, in FD’s view, “a glorious liberty document.”

Frederick Douglass on the Constitution and Slavery Principles of Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Founding Fathers, Civic Education, Virtue, Liberty, Federalist, Washington's Farewell Address


Don't miss this interview with Peter Myers about the great Frederick Douglass for Black History Month! His book, "Frederick Douglass: Race and the Rebirth of American Liberalism," is simply the best book on Douglass.

How did Frederick Douglass view American Founding documents? Join BRI's Tony Williams & Peter C. Myers, professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, to discuss the most important challenges in the struggle for Black equality and justice according to Douglass.


Reading this smoothly written book during my travels today! 📚☕️


Honored to interview so many excellent scholars on the following Black intellectuals and their contribution to liberty, equality, and justice:

Frederick Douglass
Anna Julia Cooper
Booker R. Washington
W.E.B Du Bois
Zora Neale Hurston
Ralph Ellison

Watch the series and share with your students!!

In our Scholar Talk series "Black Intellectuals & the African-American Experience", BRI Senior Teaching Fellow Tony Williams is joined by scholars to discuss the unique ways Black intellectuals have contributed to understanding the African-American experience in America. How did they advance the struggle for civil rights and Founding ideals of equality, justice, and liberty?


I had the pleasure of interviewing Civil War historian, Jon White, about this newly-published book about Lincoln’s interactions with African Americans and his policies of freedom, equality, and justice for black Americans. Highly recommended! 📚☕️


Just received this fascinating new book by Jon White on African-American Letters to Lincoln. I’ll be doing a Scholar Talk with Jon on this and his other new book!


Reading Michael Burlingame’s very important new book on Lincoln, “The Black Man’s President” on AL’s pursuit of racial equality. reading! 📚 ☕️


Check out the new curriculum on race and justice and equality in American history through primary sources and introductory essays that I helped spearhead with some great scholars and colleagues at BRI!

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr., his dream, his message of peace, and his enduring legacy. Dr. King's “I Have a Dream” speech motivated a nation to do better and continues to inspire people today towards the goals of equality and justice. Learn more in our brand new "The Plainest Demands of Justice" resource


Happy Birthday, Alexander Hamilton!! My Constituting America essay on Hamilton and his financial vision for the new republic!

Happy Birthday to Founding Father !
Read about Hamilton's influence on our country's economy and history here:
"August 4, 1790: Alexander Hamilton’s Debt Plan and the Foundation for American Capitalism"
Tony Williams