Midlife ADHD

Midlife ADHD

I write about ADHD in my own self-deprecating, humourous way.


Hi, I’m Rick. I have combined ADHD, severe social anxiety and depression.

Wouldn’t really make a great intro to a dating profile would it? Or maybe it would!

Welcome to Midlife ADHD. The little corner of the internet in which I post about my struggles and (limited) successes whilst living with combined ADHD. I came up with the idea of documenting my struggles in a more ‘organised’ way after quite a few people said I have an engaging writing style, and the fact that I quite enjoy writing.

Naturally the idea began with simply writing my musings on a page, but then turned into a YouTube series, a 7 novel book deal, ‘Midlife ADHD’ branded gimp suits, and a comedy drama motion picture trilogy starring the hairy guy out of the Hangover films playing yours truly. I can’t simply come up with an idea without trying to take over the world with it.

Let’s try and start small this time though eh?

So I’m 35, have 3 gorgeous kids and an even more gorgeous-er fiancée. Life sounds perfect right? Well no, unfortunately it isn’t. For the entirety of my adult life (and some of my childhood) I have been waging a constant battle with my mind. A battle in which it looks like I am going to be on the losing side. There’s been alcohol abuse, absolutely insane bursts of impulse purchasing, deep all-encompassing depressive stages, amazing periods of ADHD hyperfocus, that time a bat got into our living room and I spent the next hour running around with a towel on my head like a small child, and much much more. All of which will be covered on this here page (and the comedy drama motion picture trilogy starring the hairy guy out of the Hangover films playing yours truly of course).

Expect honesty. Expect to read things that describe your own life so well that you feel you could have written it yourself. But most importantly of all, expect humour. Because without humour, considering everything I have been through and continue to go through, I very much doubt I’d still be here today.

Let’s get this party started.
(Like, share, all that jazz plz)
