Leave It All Behind Ministries

Leave It All Behind Ministries

My book "The Unintended Journey" is a book for women who's husbands struggle from p**n/sexual addiction. It's a book of how I found hope and recovery.


Want Satan to lose
Fight the Battle like a woman.
Get the knowledge of God’s truth
and it will set you free.


This has been referred to as the plague of the 21st century. My husband has struggled since he was a kid (over 50 years). But... there is Hope & healing for both you & your husband.
My book “The Unintended Journey” is for the wives of men who struggle. There is also an amazing men’s group called “The Whole Man Project” which has a great success rate. We can be contacted through Facebook @ leave it all behind ministries, or e-mail [email protected]

Start the six-part video series, "Discovering God’s Freedom From Po*******hy" » 22/08/2019

Start the six-part video series, "Discovering God’s Freedom From Po*******hy" » Po*******hy and sexual addiction can feel like an inescapable darkness. But there is hope! God’s grace and forgiveness can defeat what you have struggled to overcome on your own.



I was in the store last night, and there was a lady and two kids behind me in the LONG line. One was a big kid, one was a toddler. The bigger one had a pack of glow sticks, and the baby was screaming for them, so the mom opened the pack and gave him one, which stopped his tears. He walked around with it smiling, but then the bigger boy took it and the baby started screaming again. Just as the Mom was about to fuss at the older child, he bent the glow sticks and handed them back to the baby. As we walked outside at the same time, the baby noticed that the stick was now glowing, and his brother said "I had to break it so you could get the full effect from it." I almost ran because l could hear God saying to me, "I had to break you too, to show you why I created you. You had to go through it so you could fulfill your purpose." That little baby was happy just swinging those "unbroken" glow sticks around in the air because he didn't understand what it was created to do, which were “glow". There are some people who will be content just "being" but some of us that God has chosen, we have to be "broken". We have to get sick. We have to lose a job. We go through divorce. We had to have broken bones We have to bury our spouse, parents, best friend, or our child. We had to be burned because in those moments of desperation, God is breaking us, but when the breaking is done, then we will be able to see the reason for which we were created.

I was created for greatness and to glow.

Post this on your time line if you have experience being broken... &&& Don't forget to post your picture.


Kenneth returned to church today. He got teary eyed, he received lots of hugs from our church family. Although it hasn’t been that long since he’s seen them, because I can’t count how many came to the hospital, one couple blessed us with food (& home made truffles yum) shortly before his surgery. Our pastor & another friend who has helped us & came and prayed with him before surgery. There has been so many praying for him and even one of our friends who moved to the south is still sending hugs to him through me.
Thank you to ALL our church family for ALL their prayers, their love & support. You ARE EXACTLY what I believe God asks us to be. His hands, His feet & His greatest commandment His LOVE given to another. Blessings!


God is good. My husband is getting stronger by the day, he even had enough strength to go to watch our grandchildren show their 4-H lambs yesterday at the county fair. Kenneth was able to spend some quality time with our 15 year old grandson “Tim” looking at cars & tractors.
This shows how much Kenneth’s life has changed. Years ago our daughters wouldn’t even allow him to see the kids. Now they want there Dad there for everything. Isn’t that a loving God!


Yesterday I told you about my husband having a 2 way bypass last Wednesday. On Saturday night as one of the nurses was getting ready to end her 4 day shift, she came into Kenneth’s room to say Goodbye. she said, “before I leave can I ask you a question?” We said, “of course.” She asked, “are you two marriage counselors?” We both laughed and said, No! She continued to say, “the reason I ask I’ve never seen anyone have so many visitors and they seemed to sit and listen intently to you.” This opened the door for us to share our story with her, we gave her a book and she gave me a super long hug along with tears. Sometimes tears can speak volumes more than words. Our story is about the same kind of healing Jesus offered to the “Woman at the Well” and He offered it to us, He also offers it to you!


God never said this life was going to be easy.
Several months ago my husband started having chest pains. He had some tests done & was told there was some amoralities and they wanted to send s camera to his heart. That test indicated he needed a double bypass. So surgery #1 was last Tuesday 2nd surgery on Wednesday. Today my Mom was admitted for a possible heart attack.
I’m so blessed! God is so.. good, I still have my husband and he gis doing great and my Mom is in the same good hands that my husband was in many of the same nurses. Her room 2 down from where Kenneth was. It was an all too soon reunion. I wasn’t thrilled about today’s notification about my Mom but, I love what my niece posted it was perfect for my day “even Moses was a basket case” but look at what God did!


Yesterday we were blessed to have a group of ladies from Teen Challenge come and share some of their testimonies with us. There is no way you can sit there, listen to all the crosses they bared; and not know that our God is in the restoration business!!! Amen?
He loves us! His love for us is so powerful and amazing, it’s sometimes hard to fathom. But it’s true! I mean... how many of us would sacrifice our life or our child’s life for people who treated us & others so horribly? And then say, “forgive them for they KNOW NOT what they do. Powerful Right?!
As for me I am thankful He has that much love, because He sure had to have a lot to forgive all my mistakes.
Yeap...Yeap.. Great & Mighty is He!
Take some time today and give him thanks for His love & forgivenesses that he has shown you. He’s worthy of it!!! And Blessings be upon you!


Satan sure wants to distract us from our mission in life. Sharing God’s word. From The Saturday of my book signing up to today I’ve had a very sick husband and he’s still sick. Thought it was the flu but now there are other thoughts & tests being ran.
But satan won’t win... God has got a bigger & better plan that He’s been working on from the very beginning!
This book is His plan! The “Living Water”
that blesses US with the Holy Spirit living in us, renewing us, refreshing us, empowering us and giving us new life. That’s God’s plan nourishment for the thirsty soul. I pray you’ll receive Him today.


2 Corinthians 4:7-9 We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We a | New Living Translation...

“We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:7-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

bible.com We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We a


Jesus loves those by whom most
consider unloveable.


Matthew 7:24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. | New Living Translation (NLT) | Download The Bible App Now

Everyday step by step He is strengthening our foundation. Stay in His word and watch how you’ll overcome the storm.

bible.com “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.


Want to know something ironic?
I wrote this book to help other women like me but...a lot of who has been purchasing it from me have been men wanting to give it to their wives. Also at the book signing I o my had one lady and the rest were men who wanted to have a picture with me & the book. Isn’t life funny!
If your seeking healing today and your a man check out what was formerly IManAlive but is now called The Whole Man Project. Stand-Up against the enemy and his lies saying you can’t be healed.
Thank You Jesus that you did the suffering so we don’t have to. We turn it ALL over to you today. Amen


We are all called to share the good news with others we come in contact with, with our own committed calling. Another words the adversity that we’ve struggled through that drew us nearer to Him; share the victories even little ones!
That I believe is why God had me write this book. I had the opportunity to do that Saturday with my book signing.
It was a great turnout. People were even bringing in their books that they had ordered on line to be signed. (Not that my signature is of any importance) what’s important is whatever the content is between the covers that God uses to heal one of His daughters & maybe even sons!
I just want to be obedient to His leading by being His hands, feet & love.


Fear... can stop us in our tracks, make us question our every move and God, just like Gideon did. “Prove it to me this way God if that’s really you speaking to me.” I can’t count the times I’ve said this exact thing God, Prove it to me this way!
You see with my book signing on Saturday I’ve had all different things going through my head. Cindy, no body want to read your book, there is nothing you have to offer to help someone else heal, who do you think you are? Etc. BUT...
between our bible study on Tuesday studying Mary of Bethany & this last night studying Gideon I think God is telling me Cindy, I’ve got this! all I’m asking you to do is be obedient, trust Me and “do what you could.”
Be Faith with feet on it...and I’ll do the rest!
So as for me I’m going to trust Him.
What about you? Are you going to trust him with your fears today? Take some time right now and pray about your fears & turning them over and trusting Him with them. He’ll bless your socks off!


Want a blessing??? Go visit a sick friend. Take an elderly lady a bouquet of flowers. Mow your next door neighbors lawn. Take someone a meal that has been putting in a lot of hours at work. Getting out of our own muck help us to refocus on “Our Faith With Feet on It.” give it a try and receive back more than you give.


The journey God takes us on from ashes to destiny.


I’m a Martha. I wish I was more like Mary where I didn’t worry about every little thing being just perfect (which it NEVER turns out to be anyway) but...I certainly fuss to try to make it perfect.
Yes! The imperfect trying for perfection, and when it doesn’t happen perfectly, I’m again exactly like Martha, I get upset, anxious and flustered.
My first book signing is only 9 days away and things are already not working out perfectly.
Acceptance is a big one the very topic of my book “The Unintended Journey for wives who’s husbands struggle from p**n addiction” ruffles feathers. That’s like saying let’s invite the neighborhood l***r over for dinner, it’s just not greeted with a lot of acceptance.
And yes let’s be real there is also the “what am I going to wear sags?!
So I’m asking for all you to pray for me that it will go exactly according to His plan, that every person who gets this book will receive a touch from the Holy Spirit. That God will use something in this book to bring them light and direction for their healing.
This is me trying to be a Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus and hearing Him say “where two or more are gathered in my name.” Thank you Jesus that you are already there and it’s your perfect plan! Amen


Jesus I want more of you in my life. If there is anyone out there that feels this way too say...Amen!


Today is International Woman’s Day. In your journal (that I highly recommend you keep) write about what woman there is in your life that inspires you. Maybe there is more than one who inspires you. Send them a text letting them know how much you appreciate them & why they inspire you.
They’ll be blessed and so will you!


This book Seeds and Trees by Brandon Walden is a book that was written to teach children the power of words. I think we adults need this book too! (available thru Amazon)
We have power in our tongues. We can say words that can kill or say words that can heal and bring life and light into an otherwise dark world.
I was raised in a very negative environment so when I married a p**n addict my negative words lashed out at him. I killed him with my tongue which helped keep him in the cycle of self destruction.
Now...he gives me the credit for changing my behavior; which in turn helped him to want to change his behavior.
If you’ve been following my posts God sure has been showing me a lot about planting seeds that will grow and become a strong and stable root base, to flourish and then produce good fruit right where we’re planted.
My book isn’t about healing your husbands but with our own healing and growth it might just trickle down into a healing pool of Bethesda for him to step into. I pray seeds of wisdom be planted in your hearts today. Amen!


Grow Where You Are Planted
God planted Mary right where He wanted her & she grew, she had deep roots that withstood the storms. Allow God to grow you where He has planted you and you will bare good fruit too.


I can’t recommend enough if you aren’t in a women’s bible study how important it is to growth spiritually and to build up some much needed friendships too. Today’s was on Mary Mother of Jesus from The Twelve Women of the Bible series. What courage Mary had to have had to be able to simply say, “ Yes God, Let It Be!” Another words “what ever you ask of me God my answer is YES I Will do it”...And oh my gosh what hough ask... can you imagine?
So question? “Did God ask me to be the wife of a p**n addict? And if so, was my answer...May It Be!?”
Was this my calling like Mary’s calling was to be the mother of the Savior of the World? Doubt and Fear... or...Comfort to Courage...
These emotions can be so crippling to us however, it seems like for Mary maybe not as much!?!
I believe she whole heartedly trusted Gods plan!
I also believe where I’m at is God’s plan for my life.
What’s more i believe your struggles are God’s plan of a bigger and brighter picture for your life. So, take a step today in faith and trust He’s got a plan. One I guarantee will amaze you!


“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
the Master
calls a butterfly.”
~Richard Bach


Sometimes everyday life can be nothing more than being overwhelmed and looking for answers. I certainly know I’ve been there with Kenneth’s addiction and am often still wondering what God is doing with this book.
But...I am told to keep having Faith! To have Hope that is full of Belief in the wonders He can do. And to remain Persistent in doing His Will spreading His Love and dare to Believe He is going to heal all who seek Him.
Ladies, this is your answer you have a bright future free from this pain, but in order to look toward your future you have to celebrate your past.
You are not who you used to be!!! There used to be a commercial that said, “You’ve come a long way baby to get where you’ve got to today!” He’s transforming you from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.
Celebrate what transformation He is making in your life. Give Him thanks for where you once was and where you’re at today. Celebrate Jesus!


New HOPE...after 30 years of constant pain, having test after test trying to find out what was causing my pain, it appears I may have a definitive diagnosis. Praise God!
What a feeling! I’ve felt that same amazing feeling of God’s merciful hand once before when He Healed both Kenneth & myself.
God showed me today my life is a new beginning, yesterday’s pain is a closing door. Thank you Jesus!
Today can be a new beginning of your pain being gone. Ask God to open your eyes to what He is doing in your life right now. Have a great weekend!


Today a friend sent me something that I thought was worth sharing.
We think we are all alone on this Unintended Journey being the wife of a p**n addict, however it couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth.
With what is going on in the world these days, the question is, is Heaven going to end up being a ghost town?
Hello my beloved daughter, my name is God. You hardly have time for me anymore. Don’t you know I love you and I want to bless you? Do you realize I am always with you? Won’t you spend some time with me today? Even if all you have available is 60 seconds. Won’t you just use that time to praise me?!
Our world today looks like the same world that was talked about in Hosea 4:1-2
Enjoy your time with your Savior today!
And enjoy His Blessings!!!


The Unintended Journey by Cindy Pruit-Schulte

I've struggled too, but I found hope in Jesus.

The Unintended Journey For Wives Who's Husband's Struggle from P**n Addiction The Journey Back to Freedom Cindy Pruit-Schulte Christian Faith Publishing


Healing the Wounds…whether they are self inflicted or inflicted upon you…they hurt! Have you ever thought, felt or said, “Will life ever be more than this pain...More than my mere existence? This wound of yours is the deepest wound you’ve ever had, yes? Ok so if blood was pouring out wouldn’t you immediately go to the hospital for some professional medical help? Well who do you think is the greatest of all physicians? That’s right it's God! And He knows how much pain you're in. So...If you haven’t asked him today to heal you; please take the time to do so today. Hold on tight to he hem of his garment and believe! He knows all He heals all.


Just a reminder that my book signing is coming up next month. So if you live in or around the Redding Ca. Area on March 23rd. from 1-3 drop by say Hi and get your book signed.

The Unintended Journey

This is a book that God directed me to write about my stuggles and triumphs through my husbands p**n addiction. It’s an addiction that devestates entire families. It’s an addiction that the world see’s as acceptable, that is until it isn’t.

We live in a day in age that we don’t like to hear the words NO! You can’t do that it’s not acceptable, where we’re taught that infidelity is taboo. Instead we see it daily in our television programs, commericals, magazines at the check out stand with movie star barely dressed and we continually hear how our goverment officials are caught in this very same web of deception.

My heart hurts for the wives and families, who through no fault of their own are drug through the muck and mire because of choices made by their mates. My desire with this book is to share through my stories the hope and healing that I found. Because as dark as it may seem there is light and hope and recovery for both you and your mate.
