

Welcome to Sugarlibre, a little project with a big wish: helping you, and anyone who is brave enough to try, fight and defeat a food obsession.

Action on Sugar calls for the removal of misleading sugar claims from sweet snacks for babies and toddlers - Food Matters Live 15/11/2021

Very good.

Action on Sugar calls for the removal of misleading sugar claims from sweet snacks for babies and toddlers - Food Matters Live The campaign wants misleading sugar claims to be taken off baby and toddler packaging after finding dangerous level of sugar in sweet snacks

Timeline photos 22/01/2020

Motivation gets you started but habits keep you going. Indeed motivation is needed at the beginning but it is very unlikely it is going to stay with you all the time. What can stick, instead, is a good habit.⁠⠀
Sugarlibre is based on creating good habits that stay. Yes, we do recipes and stuff, but believe me, quitting sugar is not just about replacing it with other so-called "healthier" food.⁠⠀
The program is on its way back. Stay tuned.⁠⠀
With love, .⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀

Timeline photos 27/12/2019

Happy Holidays!
Stay cosy and stay libre.

6 tips to stay on track (foodwise) during the holidays - Sugarlibre 24/12/2019

While wishing you a very happy and joyful Holiday Season, I send you a few useful tips to keep up the good eating habits this time of the year too!
Lots of love to you all!

6 tips to stay on track (foodwise) during the holidays - Sugarlibre 6 tips to enjoy your holidays, and the food, with pleasure and peace of mind.

Timeline photos 07/11/2019

This was another chia pudding morning to match with the glorious sun shining 🌞🌼.
It's made with almond milk and yellow kiwi fruit (kiwini?).
Have you ever tried it? It's delicious and it reminds me of passion fruit 💛

Timeline photos 31/10/2019

Join our FB Group today! Why? Because today it is still public but we are going to make it a close group soon.
So don't miss out. It's a fun place where you can find many many helpful sugar and food-obsession related posts. We wish it to become a meeting point, a supportive community for anyone who needs a circle of friends to overcome a food issue. We try our best to be there for you.
Come join us! Type on your browser.

Timeline photos 24/10/2019

Do you know the story of the butterfly?
⁠For a butterfly to become the majestic being that it is, it needs to go through a deep transformation process. Born as a caterpillar, when the time comes to grow and spread wings this creature turns into "mush". It basically eat itself to create the space and the conditions to grow new cells, those of an incredibly beautiful, free, pride and friendly butterfly 💗
So please know that changes are tough and sometimes they require you to question who you believe you are, your lifelong beliefs and the environment you are in. But changes are necessary and the outcome is always rewarding.
Cheers to a new you!

Timeline photos 17/10/2019

Temperature goes down, comfort food cravings go up! What to do… Just go for it! ⁠⠀
There are plenty of veggies and spices aimed to cuddle and pamper you during Autumn and Winter. They come this time of the year exactly for this purpose. What are they? Think pumpkin and cinnamon, for instance, as with Sugarlibre Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats. ⁠⠀

Timeline photos 15/10/2019

Find your flow. Do you ever feel as if nothing works for you when it comes to having a stable and harmonious relationship with food?
Surprise surprise, I totally get that. Indeed I have been struggling with food for so many years, so long that it became an obsession. It all changed when I gave up sugar and little by little, learned to surrender and let go of the diet mentality.
It's about time we all ditch that damaging diet mentality! Enough with making us feel inadequate if we do not conform to "image standards" that are disrespectful of the person. Diets only paint the world dark while life is supposed to be a feast of colours flowing.
Stay with us if you like the thought of living in flow and free from food obsessions.

Timeline photos 12/10/2019

Are you looking for snacks ideas? How about a little Apple Sandwich filled with almond butter? I like to add some crushed almonds too for a crunchier texture. It's a quick and delicious option that even kids adore!
What is your favourite snack?

Timeline photos 11/07/2019

Summer is in full swing! Anyone else is craving some all natural, guilt-free, added sugar-free popsicles?⁠

Timeline photos 09/06/2019
Is it time to treat sugar like smoking? 06/06/2019

Do you think plain packaging for sugary snacks could help reduce the abuse of sugar in young people?

Is it time to treat sugar like smoking? A leading think tank is suggesting plain packaging should be adopted for sugary foods.

Timeline photos 05/06/2019

Today is the World Environment Day. Are you in?
According to the UN "an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals, enterprises and communities in preserving and enhancing the environment”.
This year the theme is Beat Air Pollution.
What can we do?
Yes, waste burning and industrial transport are obviously causing a lot of air pollution. When you feel you are too little to change this, think about who the industry is doing this for? It is doing it for you so that you can keep your comfortable lifestyle. If you change it, the industrial world will adapt to you.
What action steps can you take?
Maybe walk, bike or take public transport instead of your car, reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use. Buy your food in bulk and bring your containers when you do. This is also a strong point of .
Just start. We count on you.

Photos from Unpackaged's post 04/06/2019

Well done Unpackaged and Waitrose!
Especially good news on this week.

(To think that you Unpackaged guys were the among the first companies I sent my CV to when I moved to London many years back :-) )


Loving this guy and these ultra-natural straws!

Timeline photos 22/05/2019

I don't know where in the world you are right now but in Venice, Italy, it's pretty gloomy. So we are looking for sunshine elsewhere, like in this glorious fresh zesty citrus smoothie 🍋☀️🍊
What's the weather like today around you?


Hungry? How about a chickpea frittata the Sugarlibre way? This and plenty other delicious and fulfilling recipes available to learn during our last round. Join join join!
It's all plant-based and glutenfree and fun to learn. We start Monday 20th of May, registrations close today, link

Timeline photos 17/05/2019

Today, last chance to enrol for the last round of Sugarlibre of the season. I must say I am not one who likes receiving messages that press you with a sense of urgency like "last call", "if you miss this", "urgent!" and stuff like that. But this is for real our last round for the time being. We'll be back, because we have so much to share with you, but not so soon.
So if you have been postponing your decision every month, now maybe you want to make up your mind.
We start on Monday, registrations will close today, use the Coupon Code SUGARLIBREX at checkout for a 10% discount. Link 👆
Come join us to free your life from food obsessions. Stay libre.

Timeline photos 15/05/2019

Fermentation galore in this bowl or everything raw and vegan, from pickled cucumbers, to sauerkraut, tzatziki, falafel, ...
And the best thing is that everything is homemade and you will learn this at .
Last round is on May 20th and registrations will close tomorrow. Hurry up, link in bio 👆

Just when I thought I was eating sugar-free... - Sugarlibre 15/05/2019

Yesterday I posted about my experience with artificial sweeteners and why I believe we should avoid them.
Then today I received the article I am linking in the first comment.
This one is also "Mental Health" week. Let's remember that our mind is our body and for it to work well we need to eat natural wholesome food.

Just when I thought I was eating sugar-free... - Sugarlibre I thought I was doing good with my ability to avoid sugar, years ago. It wasn’t even that difficult, honestly. I was just favouring zero-calorie sodas or sugar-free sweets, where sugar was substituted with artificial sweeteners. The most important thing, after all, was not eating the calories. But...

Timeline photos 14/05/2019

May 20th, last round of Sugarlibre. Summer is around the corner and don't you want to feel at your best? Getting off sugar can surely help you achieve that. Did you know I thought I was a lazy underachiever by birth? Turns out I was made lazy by sugar. Once I cut it out of my diet, I became super active and happy.
Now is the best time to join. Get ready! (registrations will close on May 17th).

What is Edible Beauty and Is It Suitable for Vegans? - Vilda Magazine 10/05/2019

We are always so proud of our Food Scientist Dr Sara G. Diaz.
Here is a very nice article on Edible Beauty. If it is true that skin rashes are the manifestation of turbulence inside our guts, then it must also be true that clear, clean skin can be obtained when your microbiome is at peace.
Thank you Dr Sara and Vilda Magazine.

What is Edible Beauty and Is It Suitable for Vegans? - Vilda Magazine We explore the world of edible beauty or "nutri-cosmetics" - what is it really, does it work, and is it suitable for vegans?

Timeline photos 09/05/2019

Yummy in my tummy! Have you ever tried using coconut water instead of milk for your overnight oats? You must! And then, do let us know if you liked it. 😋😋😋
PS: last round of Sugarlibre is starting in 10 days. You know it's for you, so click now on and join us! 💚

Timeline photos 07/05/2019

Last round of Sugarlibre before Summer, starting on May 20th. And then we might take a vacation. If you are planning to start a sugarfree way of life, this is your last chance before Summer 2019. This does not mean you will be depriving yourself of ice cream at the beach. It means you will be able to choose whether to have it or not, rather than just being pulled and hooked by it with no say.
CIick here and join us soon: Spaces are limited. See you there!

Timeline photos 06/05/2019

Sugarlibre Wild Buddha Bowl is always such a cosy meal option, regardless of the time of year. So tasty and filling. Asian inspired recipe without the added sugar you would normally find in the Asian cuisine. Still yum!

Timeline photos 03/05/2019

It's not your fault. While on one hand we believe you are the result of all the choices you have made so far and no one else is to take credit (or blame) for it, on the other hand if you have not succeeded in giving up sugar in the past it was not entirely your fault. Look around you. Sugar is advertised massively everywhere, you were given sweets as a reward when you were a child, it is added in most recipes, just impossible to avoid. So try again! With more awareness this time. Ask for support, you don't have to do it alone.

How my love for animals kept me sane. 02/05/2019

Our newsletter with the latest blog post.
It is about how having fewer options to choose from is a good thing.
It's again about freedom.
Think about it :-)

How my love for animals kept me sane.

Timeline photos 29/04/2019

Did you know that Spring is one of the best moment to detox your body? You can try and put on the side some things that you know weigh you down and in the meantime maybe add some herbs like parsley and coriander to your meals. Like in this very heart-warming Detox Soup we have among Sugarlibre recipes. A new round is starting very soon, by the way. How is May 20th for you? Last round before Summer break.

Timeline photos 24/04/2019

Hey! Have you downloaded our free "101 Names of Sugar" guide yet?
Making the effort to read labels to avoid sugar is great. Unfortunately though, sugar has many names and some of them are really unlikely. So we might keep eating too much of it despite our efforts.
Go on then:
- head over to profile
- tap on the link
- tap on "DOWNLOAD the "101 Names of Suga" guide
- sign up with your email so that we keep in touch
- download and enjoy the guide
- go grocery shopping with new awareness!
Let us know your thoughts.


What if I told you it’s about the journey, not the destination?

Recently, I have found myself thinking that abandoning sugar is the key to finding balance with food. Considering how sugar keeps itself busy messing up the road traffic in our brain, I believe it just makes sense that once you get it out of your way, you will enjoy a cleared highway towards your healthy relationship with food.

Flawless and legit reasoning, right?

What’s more, I have found that staying permanently away from sugar has not been that difficult for me.