Women Encouraging Women TT

Women Encouraging Women TT

Women Encouraging Women TT is a health and wellness support group, engaged in empowering and educating women on topics of clean eating and excercise.


Hey everyone, how did you all survive today?

Today was the perfect day to include some outdoor activity into your day with the main social media platforms being down for some hours.

But honestly we shouldn’t wait until something like this happens to remember there’s lots to explore outside!

Remember, take a walk outside, allow your feet to touch the grass, take some deep breaths and inhale the beautiful fresh air we’re blessed with.


Food for thought….

Let’s change the way we look at the word “lose” and replace it with “learn” because that’s what life is about right?

We are so focused on our fear of failure that we never give ourselves room to strive.

So next time you try something new and it doesn’t work out, try telling yourself “sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn” and you can also pass it on to your friends and family.


Timeline photos 01/10/2021

Don’t forget to register guys😬

Join participants across the Caribbean in supporting child and youth-focused charities. Register FREE at www.rbcraceforthekids.com


Good morning beautiful people! 🤩

Raise your hand if you have ever felt this way since becoming a mom: overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted, or lonely? Of course you have! Motherhood is hard. It’s amazing, rewarding, and so much fun, but it’s also challenging. That’s why it’s so important we practice self-care as moms.

Self-care leaves you feeling calm, restored and recharged. It lifts your spirits, energizes you, and leaves you feeling positive. And when we neglect ourselves, we feel the domino affect from lack of self-care.

I believe self-care means doing ONE thing that makes you feel less stressed. One simple thing so at the end of a long day you don’t feel so stressed.

What is it that you need to do to help you keep your sanity?


As we wind down for the night

Here are some pointers I want you all to keep in mind to start the day tomorrow.

Don’t worry, it’s nothing too strenuous lol. You also don’t need to do them all at once.

Practice makes perfect and eventually it will be a part of your natural routine.

Have a blessed night everyone💕


Timeline photos 19/09/2021

Join WEW TT as we help raise funds for children in need.

Register now for FREE!

Join participants across the Caribbean in supporting child and youth-focused charities. Register FREE at www.rbcraceforthekids.com


Keep going. Keep growing. Hey my lovely people, just leaving this gem with you all. A reminder to keep going. If you need to rest that’s fine but don’t quit. A break is necessary to get those creative juices flowing! Remember you are working towards achieving your goals.

Love WEW 💕



At WEW we pride ourselves in being our sister’s keeper. It’s important that have each other’s back because the day to day challenges of life makes you distant. You unconsciously distance yourself from family or friends.



Consider all the things you have always wanted to do, make a plan and get to work on your dreams.

Starting now, figure out what you value in life and even who you value in life, and then do the things that are necessary to make those opportunities come to completion.

Join the movement towards making your dreams a reality!



Good morning beautiful people! Today is that day to take the risk you’ve been contemplating on. Don’t put much thought into it because that may deter you from actually making the necessary step. It’s okay to fail sometimes, you live and you learn.

Have a blessed day everyone 😉



Here are a few tips to help you remain consistent with your daily tasks.
1️⃣: Make a conscious decision to remain consistent.

2️⃣: Revise your concept of time

3️⃣: Have a plan, know your objective

4️⃣: Remember that feelings and thoughts are temporary and subjective

5️⃣: Do one things at a time. Be in the present moment.



We are reaching out to women all over the world who want join a Commitment Circle of like minded people who want to live a healthier life.

If you want to hear more drop your email address in the comments below and a representative will contact you?


Take that bold step today and register for this life-changing, timely seminar. YOU won't regret it!

Register by clicking this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd682pqF6N6B699XMxmNpfLOwPMdJaGMSO7SZkrQRAT3ZSR2w/viewform?usp=sf_link


I have been closely listening to women over the past couple weeks and I am curious as to why women are intentionally so mean to each other. Why can't we speak positivity into each other's lives, why choose to always point out the negative and not the positive??? There is so much we can say and do to uplift our sisters.

This is go time for women, as we collectively rock politics, medicine, education, the arts, and business with our women-strong wisdom, compassion and collaboration. Come on, women! We deserve better than this. We are better than this.

There’s too much progress to be gained right now for women to regress into "mean school girls" — especially as the world’s girls watch and model our every move.

The smallest actions can make the biggest difference in another person's life–and I want to encourage every woman that reads this to start spreading more positivity!

Timeline photos 26/06/2018

What's your favourite cup of herbal tea? 🍵

