The Portacle

The Portacle

The goal of The Portacle™ is to empower and create true and lasting change individually and collectively. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER:

The Portacle™ was created for the purpose of demonstrating and teaching an individual or group to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings through their own breath. A culmination of thirty years of research and experiential data has brought to light a cutting edge biometric feedback system that is now accessible to the public. This exciting and exclusive downloadable computer program provi




Subject: Transformational Sound Therapy Summit III - LAUNCH

Hi Everyone!

I am delighted to announce that I am going to be a featured speaker in Phase lll of the prestigious Transformational Sound Therapy online summit, which goes live on June 11th.

* Register here to sign up today --->>>

The summit was so successful on its first launch, it attracted the interest of United Nations, and a community of over 4000 viewers!

Unique and groundbreaking, the wealth of wisdom, knowledge and insights within the interviews will change the way people perceive their health, immunity to dis-ease, and their perception of reality, through the mysterious world of sound, nature and the voice.

Transformational Sound Therapy tells a story of our ancestors who built sacred, geometric temples, aligned with the stars and cycles of time. Within them, using sound, song and dance, they celebrated, accessed Spirit realms, attained altered states, performed rites of passage, healed their sick, and practised rituals to transcend, transform, enhance and harmonise their lives and communities.

Weaving ancient wisdom and indigenous practises with modern science and cutting edge technology, the guest speakers reveal how we can integrate the old with the new, exploring myriads of ways to use sound and the voice to restore health, well-being and inner harmony, and thus enhance our vitality.

We explore Universal harmony, frequency, vibration, Cymatics, geometry, light, electro-magnetism, the healing voice, and so much more...

Here are just some of the summit speakers - more to be confirmed!

Universal Harmony

Chung Fu - Divine Sound

Michiko Hayashi - Emoto Peace Project

Casey Atterbery - Cymatics and Beyond

Ancient Wisdom and Indigenous Practises

Adam Yellowbird De'Armon - International Centre of Spiritual and Ancestral Wisdom

Jill Mattson - How Our Ancestors Used Sacred Sound and the Voice ​​

Anthea Durand - Shamanism and Evolving Consciousness

​Susan Alexjander - Macro/microcosmic Music, from DNA to black holes

Don Tolman - Wisdom of Ancient Egyptians and the White Stone Carillon Bowls

Ani Williams - Songaia Sound Therapy

White Eagle Medicine Woman (Suraj Holzwarth) - Grandmother Drum

Ancient and Modern Therapeutic Sound

John White - Spooky 2 Rife Machine

Mandara Cromwell - ​Cymatherapy

Don Estes - InnerSense

Don Conreaux - Gong Master

Clive de Carle - Tesla Devices

Lyz Cooper - BAST

MarySol Gonzales Sterling - Silent Ultraviolet and Invisible UltraSound

David Gibson - GLobe Sound Healing

Gary Ferguson - Pathways for Veterans

Maestro Satya Brat- International Academy of Sound Healing, India

Ancient and Modern Therapeutic Vocal Practises

John Stuart Reid - The Healing Powers of the Voice (CymaScope)

Chloe Goodchild - The Naked Voice

Sharry Edwards - Bio-Acoustic​ Biology and nanoVoice Profiling ​

Nestor Kornblum - Overtoning

Arthur Samuel Joseph - Vocal Awareness

* Register here to sign up today --->>>


This account may have been hacked. Please don't open any FB messages from me until I get this sorted out. Sorry and thank you!

How our brains create breathing rhythm is unique to every breath 06/03/2020

Could the various neurons involved in breathing be connected the various brain functions. If so, it's easy to understand how "everything" shows up in one's breathing pattern and why it's the best way to find out who a person is and what they want...their manner of being and doing.

How our brains create breathing rhythm is unique to every breath Research led by UCLA neurobiologist Jack Feldman finds that every breath we take arises from a disorderly group of neurons.


Haven't validated this yet, but it looked so cool I had to share it. I love this website cause I'm a chart and Tshirt freak! See complicated things in a glance.

Nice Poster - The Ultimate Audio Frequency Spectrum Poster
Order here:

Listening to the music you love will make your brain release more dopamine, study finds 11/02/2020

I can remember being told by universities where I was teaching music therapy that the ONLY music to use for healing was classical. I kept saying requires music that the recipient loves...others are now beginning to prove that concept.

Listening to the music you love will make your brain release more dopamine, study finds A new study has found that dopamine -- a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in our cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning -- plays a ...


In the beginning was the Word, which became matter...

"...all “form” in the cosmos is a consequence of compression within the unified field of electromagnetic radiation-gravitation, and as such it can be said that all form is a manifestation of the acoustic attribute of the cosmos. This is why Music is an integral component in our inquiry, being that it is the system that defines the inherent harmonic and rhythmic dynamics of acoustic pressure waves, and therefore by extension all phenomena of form as compression dynamics."

Excerpt from Cosmometry - Exploring the HoloFractal Nature of the Cosmos

Cymatic image by Erik Larson

Underwater Speakers Help Revive Dying Coral Reefs, Study Finds 02/02/2020

More proof that enhancing what's right is superior to fixing what's wrong!

Underwater Speakers Help Revive Dying Coral Reefs, Study Finds As coral reefs die they become silent graveyards, however, the introduction of underwater loudspeakers brings new life and helps to rejuvenate the coral reefs. 23/01/2020

The difference between frequency and phase...

Random Surfaces Hide an Intricate Order | Quanta Magazine 12/01/2020

More proof that order comes from chaos via the release of potential...

Random Surfaces Hide an Intricate Order | Quanta Magazine Mathematicians have proved that a random process applied to a random surface will yield consistent patterns.


Perceiving and Choosing Challenge over Threat...the essence of the Theory of Sensory Resonance.

We've Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future) 04/01/2020

It just keeps on coming! Vibrational medicine is the future!

We've Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future) Nikola Tesla Was Right! "We've Found The Magic Frequency" ***SUBLIMINAL PROGRAMS*** - ================================================...


Happy New Year Friends and Associates! This year you will be receiving our communications from InnerSense instead of the Portacle.

Doctors Now Prescribing Music Therapy for Heart Ailments, Brain Dysfunction, Learning Disabilities, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimers, Childhood Development and More - Didge Project 14/12/2019

These reports jut keep on coming!

Doctors Now Prescribing Music Therapy for Heart Ailments, Brain Dysfunction, Learning Disabilities, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimers, Childhood Development and More - Didge Project Music has proven time and again to be an important component of human culture and is now being seen as music therapy in many medical environments.

A First in Israel, Cardiac Catheterization Conducted Using Sound Waves 13/12/2019

We've been waiting for more than 30 years for the scientific community to accept the fact that sound can be used to heal. Now, hardly a week goes by without something being published that verifies it. Sub-sonics, sound, ultrasound, music, voice...all are part of the larger vibrational spectrum. They're also beginning to understand that the same holds true for light and some are even realizing that tactile vibration is just as important...all validations of the work we've been doing with VibraSound and Sensory Resonance over the years.

A First in Israel, Cardiac Catheterization Conducted Using Sound Waves Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem successfully performed a cardiac catheterization using sound waves to treat a complex case of severe arterial congestion.

The Lost Art of Thinking for Pleasure 06/12/2019

This phenomenon is one of the main reasons we created VibraSound and the Portacle. Contemplation of reality is another form of meditation that turns the focus of attention inward rather than shunting it altogether...tuning in rather than tuning out. In fact, this may even be the most enjoyable form of pleasure but, unfortunately, it's a lost art. Please help us revive it!

The Lost Art of Thinking for Pleasure A strong resistance to turning inward, even to focus on enjoyable topics.

Could consciousness all come down to the way things vibrate? 14/11/2019

Could consciousness all come down to the way things vibrate? A resonance theory of consciousness suggests that the way all matter vibrates, and the tendency for those vibrations to sync up, might be a way to answer the so-called 'hard problem' of consciousness.

If You Get the Chills From Music, You May Have a Unique Brain - Neuroscience News 02/09/2019

Change your relationship with and the attention paid to music and change your brain!

If You Get the Chills From Music, You May Have a Unique Brain - Neuroscience News Researchers report on why some people experience more intense emotions while listening to music.


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How To Heal Yourself By Talking To Your Body: Your Cells Are Listening - Conscious Reminder 14/07/2019

Self-Talk is the power behind the Portacle.

How To Heal Yourself By Talking To Your Body: Your Cells Are Listening - Conscious Reminder By Therese Wade Your Cells are Listening Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul. These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body. When this perspective was introduced....


Just another indication that consciousness exists on the "membrane" as well as the brain.

Timeline photos 12/07/2019

Here's what we've been waiting on...some of you may know or remember the work we did with Dolphin Discoveries regarding human/dolphin communication. The first of step, of course, was to figure our HOW they're communicating. This is what it finally all came down to, and was the basis of our original CyberFin Virtual Dolphin Encounter back in 1994...what amazing beings!

An in-depth look at important breakthroughs in deciphering dolphin language using the CymaScope to convert the dolphin’s complex sounds into “picture words.”
Click the link to download

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light! 11/07/2019

Makes sense cause almost every ancient text and sage has either said or implied that God is Light. Healing with Sound has become a popular it will be healing with Light...and finally the world will catch up and realize that the entire vibrational spectrum from the gravity constant all the way to the quantum can be used for healing and transformation to higher levels of order...some we call "Sensory Resonance".

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light! Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”! The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum. They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers. Scientists have an exciting suspici...

Octopus Arms Are Capable of Making Decisions Without Input From Their Brains 07/07/2019

Evidence of what we've been saying about consciousness existing on the "men-brane" as well as the brain.

Octopus Arms Are Capable of Making Decisions Without Input From Their Brains With the ability to use tools, solve complex puzzles, and even play tricks on humans just for funsies, octopuses are fiercely smart. But their intelligence is quite weirdly built, since the eight-armed cephalopods have evolved differently from prett

Photos from The Portacle's post 06/07/2019

Big changes are in the works at InnerSense. We're in the final stages of transferring one of the patents that covers the Portacle, Neuro, CN-X, Psi-Fi Sound and PsioTune. These products may be taken off of the market for awhile until the new company gets its marketing plan in action. The deal may close as early as the end of next week.

We've looked for a long time to find someone who we can take our work to the world and believe this company to be the perfect partner. Full disclosure will be made soon when he dust settles. Please join us in welcoming these new partners into our world of TransTech and Sensory Resonance.

Therefore, if you've ever been interested in owning one or more of these technologies, please go to the website and place your order before it's too late. As an incentive, we'll offer anyone who purchases any of those products a free digital download of my book...Harmonic Law: The Science of Vibration. This book is the perfect primer for my Course in Vibrational Science coming later this year.

Many blessings to all of you who support the science and technology of InnerSense and the work that Randy and I have been doing for the past 20 years.

How DNA Is Reprogrammed By Words and Frequencies 06/07/2019

Perfect explanation of why the Portacle was created.

How DNA Is Reprogrammed By Words and Frequencies There is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies.

Scientists Show That Water Has Memory - Resonance Science Foundation 06/07/2019


Scientists Show That Water Has Memory - Resonance Science Foundation A new groundbreaking discovery has been made within the most basic of resources. Scientists have just discovered what they have called “The Discovery of The Millennium”, and a huge revelation in human consciousness. Scientists from Germany now believe that water has a memory, meaning that what o...

LI doctors using sound waves to loosen arterial blockage 05/07/2019

Looks like we've been right all along...sound actually CAN be used in medicine.

LI doctors using sound waves to loosen arterial blockage The clinical trial, being done at St. Francis Hospital in Flower Hill, involves technology known as intravascular lithotripsy, a version of the same principle involved in breaking up kidney stones.


It's all about music...

Music should be a part of each soul's development. --Edgar Cayce reading 2780-3

Music is a universal language of the soul. Cayce’s readings said, “Music is that which spans the distance between the sublime and the ridiculous, between the finite and the infinite. Keep the music, for it is oft a help to thee to quell the storms of life.” (3169-1)

Cayce offered that music could be of help even if just humming to oneself: “Then, sing a lot about the work—in everything the body does. Hum, sing—to self; not to be heard by others but to be heard by self.” (3386-1) Because as the readings further stated, “Music itself is a means or a manner of expressing the harmonies of the mental self in relationship to spiritual ideals and spiritual concepts.” (949-13)

Find ways to bring music into your daily life, and choose melodies and songs that are uplifting and inspirational.

Members can study the complete lesson (downloadable content and a video) at Not a member? You can join at

Please note: We never let a lack of funds stop membership; if you’re financially challenged at this time, please let us know at [email protected] | 800-333-4499.


This is one of the most beautiful explanations of how diversity must be harmonic and how it is unified by the One. The keys of a piano don't get to decide what pitch they will be but must find their harmonic spot within the whole. This reveals why a multi-racial culture is greatly superior to a multi-cultural society.