Learning Monthly Meeting

Learning Monthly Meeting

A model for Quaker Education What if a Quaker school worked using Quaker methods? Learning Monthly Meeting is such an organization.

We meet weekly for worship and monthly for business, in this case the business is learning. We are homeschoolers and people in "regular" schools who provide support and oversight for our learning endeavors in such a way that our lives as Friends and learners are one.


Learning Monthly Meeting is closing down and will not be accepting new families for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Bye all!


Congratulations to Berit Beck for completing the National External High School Diploma process. This is the diploma from the state of Maryland she received today.


Sorry! Zoom cut us off. Great seeeing you! We’ll do it again next month!


October (10th month) meeting: 10/28/22 4:30 pm
On Zoom. How is the schooling going? RSVP for the Zoom link.


Wordle 458 3/6



[Free Class] A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits, and Transcripts📝🎓 In my next free class, I'll teach you how to figure out high school credits, how to find the perfect grading scale, and what it takes to make your transcript official. Choose 10/4 or 10/6! https://bit.ly/3xv3FfW


Transcripts are just a simple piece of paper that translates your normal, natural homeschool experience into the words and numbers colleges understand. Read, How to Make a Homeschool Transcript to find out how to calculate credits, give grades, and calculate a GPA – all without turning yourself into a test-taking, public-school imitation.😊 https://bit.ly/3BYw01b


Sobering realities of life, n'est-ce pas? When you can only fit your fundament in the box.

Timeline photos 04/07/2021

Homeschool Documentation and Work Samples 🍫 It is important to provide colleges with the information they need when going through the college admission process. https://bit.ly/3aX6UBm


High-IQ adults with ADHD seem to function well, but it comes at a high emotional cost. They feel burdened and exhausted, blaming their struggles on themselves, not on their ADHD. ⁣
👉 https://www.additudemag.com/high-iq-and-adhd-high-functioning/


Ahhhhh! Currently stuck in voting line!! Might not make meeting!!!


Hi ctober meeting will be tomorrow, October 28, 1:30 pm on zoom. Zap me a message and I will send you the link!


Hello Friends! It’s that time of year again. If you have sent in a letter of intent naming LMM as your umbrella, please zap me a note with the contact info for your district liaison so I can confirm with them. We will meet via zoom on Sunday, September 27 at 2:00pm. Send me a message if you want the link - I don’t like making it public.


Hi everyone! I have a meeting that conflicts with our 2:00 time tomorrow, and I cannot miss it. So 2 questions:
1. Can we move our meeting to 1:00?
2. Were people planning to come ?
If you can send me a message or comment here, I’ll be thankful!




No meeting today, folks. See you at the end of July. Stay well!


Dress code for today's meeting


This handsome man learned to drive a manual transmission today!


And now EVERYONE is a homeschooler! Did you ever think we’d see that?


Lovely 2nd Month meeting today! It's my privilege to meet with mothers responding to their children’s leadings about their learning, development, & path forward as human beings in the Light. Once again I am deeply moved by their bravery and ingenuity and also have a moment of grief for a society that puts roadblocks in their way rather than rejoice in the opportunity to nurture the project of a family learning and building together.
In gratitude!
Thy clerk

College Promise Scholarship 24/02/2020

College Promise Scholarship College Promise Scholarship and Homeschoolers The Maryland College Promise Scholarship is a last dollar award available to qualifying students to attend a community college or apprenticeship program. This scholarship is given in addition to any funds a student may receive through Pell grants or othe...


We are here! The last meeting of 2019 is now!


Hello Friends! Since the 28th this month is, indeed, Thanksgiving day, we will give thanks for each other and not meet. I am available through this medium or email: [email protected] should you have need of me!
Your very thankful clerk
Kristin Kight


Is anyone coming to our meeting today at 2:30? No one has RSVPd

Use LEGO to Teach Basic Math Concepts 28/09/2019

Use LEGO to Teach Basic Math Concepts Learning for your kids is a hard endeavor if not done properly. And what’s the way, you ask? Well, it usually means involving them in some fun activity through which teaching is seamlessly included. One such example is math using Lego pieces! Division, multiplication, fractions they all seem so ea...


Tomorrow is the 28th! I’ll be at the usual meeting place at 2:00pm
Who’s coming?


Hi everyone! I started my new job today and I DO need to reschedule our meeting for either Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Which is better?


An email I received today from Baltimore County Schools:
I hope this email finds you well. To provide everyone with relevant information in one location, I have expanded our website. I encourage all of you to explore our new site at this link, BCPS Home Schooling Website, and feel free to share this link. Specifically, I have clear directions on the website for students who wish to have me sign the MVA form. Also, I have created an electronic form so families can provide their notification directly on our website. As I continue to make changes to the website, I will share additional revisions and upgrades as they are accomplished.

Additionally, please share the following information with your interested students as registering for the PSAT is time sensitive. I hope that by notifying each of you with this information, our homeschooling families will find the process of signing up for the PSAT a bit more streamlined than in the past.
Attention High School-aged Students:
PSAT - For 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students who wish to take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16th, please complete the electronic form no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, September 6th by clicking on this link: PSAT 2019.
On September 9th, I will send the information you provide to your zoned high school (based on your home address). The school’s PSAT Coordinator will contact you to set up a time to complete the paper registration and to pay for the student’s test.
The cost of the PSAT 8/9 for 9th graders is $11.00.
The cost of the PSAT/NMSQT for 10th and 11th graders is $16.00.
All information about the PSAT and preparation materials can be found on the College Board’s website: College Board.
Homeschooled students must bring a Photo ID. For homeschooled students who do not have a Photo ID, please follow the directives found in the following resources:
Link to section of College Board for homeschooled students: PSAT Homeschooled Students
Link to the student id form: ID Form

Many thanks to each and every one of you. I wish each of you a wonderful new school year. As always, if I can be of any assistance, please let me know.


Kimberly O’Connor, Specialist
Baltimore County Public Schools
Office of Educational Options
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 443.809.2896


Lovely, if warm, meeting today! Kids are so tall! Healthy growth spurts all around and bright, happy faces, learning in all directions! I am inspired by the collaboration between moms and kids!