Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook

Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook

Allow me to guide you home to your heart! Illustrations and love filled channeled messages posted in this feed are the property of Jennifer R.

Cook/design le Chat est dans l'Sac/Cats in the Bag design We hold intellectual property rights for all the creations from What Love Says, What my Coffee says to me©, What my Tea says to me©, What my Whisky says to me© and What my Wine says to me©. Please do not alter, change, distort, sell or use the any of creations posted on Facebook. Make sure when you share you GIVE FULL CREDIT TO THE ILLUSTRATOR OR DESIGNER :)


What Love Says...

Choose love, acceptance and gratitude for every facet of who you are, do so unconditionally. You always flourish in the face of love. Begin flourishing as you love with deep unconditional acceptance your authentic self.

Why start unconditionally loving yourself? Why should you know thyself? Inner-standing the depth, breadth and height of your inner universe brings unconditional love home to your heart. Then you can play in life through a deep perspective of love. As you know thyself all kinds of magic unfolds as you master with unconditional love all emotions and begin creating with imagination.

Through knowing yourself you discover intuition and other gifts that bring wellness to pain, anguish and fears while you embrace your true authentic self. You flourish through love, light, grief, sorrow and pain, each lovingly inner-stood you allow all emotions to move through you.

You flourish as you remember unconditional love lives, lights, inspires and creates through you. Choose with great love to know yourself, to remember your heart is your home, a home of love, intuition, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, imagination, magic and the light of you.

Connect with thyself and flourish you shall through and with unconditional love that you are.

Oodles of love, go forth and flourish.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Love thrives here, book a session today with an eLOVEution guide


What Love Says...
Dear Love

Thoughts, words, actions can affect the vibration and frequency of your beautiful heart, of all hearts. When you are lovingly, consciously aware of your thoughts, words, emotions from a state of unconditional love you affect yourself as well as everyone you encounter.

We affect one another energetically, for energy is in everything, everywhere including you, and love is energy. Imagine your heart remembering unconditional love through which you choose moment by moment to consciously create with love.

Tap in to your heart, your authentic self, your truth, here you can dance, play, as every cell of your being shines with unconditional love. Imagine unconditional love touches your heart the energy felt of love oneness radiates to all.

Unconditional love is universal oneness and is who you are. Imagine the power of love in your heart in this moment, what would you do? What would happen as you choose to inner-stand and love YOU unconditionally?

As you grow to remember and inner-stand the love that you are, choosing to see, feel, imagine and share unconditional love everywhere you, always realize the power of offering love creates a kind of magic. You are, dear, dear, love.

Oodles of love to all.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Love thrives here, book a session today with an eLOVEution guide.


What Love Says...
Flexible Love

Unconditional love when remembered as your beautiful inner truth and a deep part of your authenticity, you compassionately intuit life with flexible love.

Inner-standing compassionately all emotions from within, flexible love flows unconditionally inward. As you remember, your heart knows, your soul knows and you know unconditional love.

Often your heart whispers sweet love and the whispers caress every cell of your being and you inner-stand love unity is who you are.

Imagine you choose to make space in your heart and you remember your true self, your authentic self. In this remembering you choose to be inwardly and outwardly flexible as you feel the feels while infusing love into everything you create.

Every time you create with unconditional love you are inspired to dance, play and live with a heart enjoying myriad experiences as they flow to and through you. OWLsome flexible love creator you are.

Remember to embrace unconditional love that you are, for it is oneness energy, it is in ALL of creation, inwardly and outwardly felt through an open heart.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Love thrives here! Book a session today


What Love Says...
Complex, Beautiful Heart

Imagine all that is around you is an outer mirror or reflection of your inner conscious awareness. Everywhere, a reflection of your heart in the frequency of unconditional love. How would that feel?

As you become aware of the inner complexities and beauty through unconditional love your heart opens to embrace authentic self and truth.

A beauty within emerges as you shift from darkness to light with unconditional love. It is here that your heart remembers what a brilliant creator you are as you make choices from a deep inner knowing and conscious awareness.

With every beat of your loving, complex, beautiful heart you realize all the incredible gifts and abilities which transform challenges faced in any moment.

Imagine tuning in and as you do discovering all facets of you, you as you are and you choose the warm embrace and frequency of unconditional love, you create.

Your complex beautiful heart shines with and through unconditional love. Oodles of love and woofs to all.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit

Our Baby/my Baby Heartfelt Miscarriage Memory Book Keepsake for Healing and Remembrance - Etsy 26/08/2024

Loss Books are compassionate gifts to give

Our Baby/my Baby Heartfelt Miscarriage Memory Book Keepsake for Healing and Remembrance - Etsy This Childrens Books item is sold by LossBooks. Ships from United Kingdom. Listed on Jul 11, 2024

Photos from Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook's post 26/08/2024

Oodles of love Everything Westmount


What Love Says...
Flower of your Heart

Every flower blooms when nourished. From the soil, roots, to the stem, to the leaves, and flowers which crown the plant to the kiss of the sun and rain trickling through the soil, flowing, nourishing, blooming.

A flower, a heart, a human spirit all blooming with compassion and unconditional love. All the treasures, gifts and beauty within blossom as you embrace and inner-stand unconditional love that you are. As you love every facet of who you are, bringing self care and self mastery inward, you open the flower of your heart.

Imagine your heart is a garden thriving from seed to flower as you nourish the connection to oneness and remember who you are. As you inner-stand the unity of all, you feel the beat of love everywhere realizing your interconnectedness through the embrace of unconditional love.

You heart blooms again and again opening like flower as you choose to remember all love is you, is everyone. The flower of your heart is unconditional love, nourished as you remember you are connected and interwoven with all of creation.

Oodles of love as you nourish the flower of your heart, as you experience butterflies of transformation created from unconditional love that you are. Fly home to your heart with love.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit


What Love Says...

Observe lovingly where you are in this moment as you feel in to your heart, can you inner-stand and know how connected you are?

As you observe all that is around you can you inner-stand your reflection, the mirror of your inner world? Imagine as you observe inner and outer self you begin to feel, create and become more.

Imagine tuning your heart to a frequency of unconditional love as you feel, observe and remember your truth and authenticity is connected to all that is in the moment.

Moment by moment you explore a relationship to experiences as a connection to your heart and there you recall an inner knowing.

You are unconditional love expressed here, now and always. An emotional, spiritual, physical frequency choosing thoughts, words and actions with love.

Choose unconditional love that you are as you observe, connect and play in this PURRecious life. Oodles of love and purrs to loving inner connection.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit


What Love Says...
Sing to Your Heart

Enjoy every step, every moment that comes your way.

When it rains choose to dance in the same way you joyfully embrace the sun.

Choose to leave foot prints of love wherever you go and in everything you do.

Explore music that nourishes every part of you.

Embrace awareness of all things as they are in the moment.

Bring wellness to mind and body, for the soul loves this.

Remembering your authenticity and truth will you lead forward with unconditional loving awareness.

Silent, focused awareness brings light to every moment.

With unconditional love choose courage in every experience as you face and inner-stand old beliefs you strengthen and inspire your infinite potential.

There is music in your heart that is unique to you and known by your soul as THE song of unconditional love.

Play whenever you can.

Oodles of love, sing a song to your heart.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit


What Love Says...
Heart of Fire

A fire lovingly burns within, it is ignited by a spark from your inspired, beautiful soul ready to create with you. A heart ready to sing a song around a campfire of your open, loving heart.

Embers of light, beauty and creativity fly through the air as you choose to toast marshmallows of love on your heart of fire. You burn bright with unconditional love, flowing and inspiring new sparks with new ways to inner-stand more about you.

Your truth, your authentic self, your heart of fire generates embers of creativity within. A fireball of unconditional love is remembered, the magic you always embodied rises through compassion and bravery as you choose to play and flow with life as a creator.

Your heart of fire knows the magic gifts and treasures within are discovered through the unconditional love that you are.The energy of love remembered welcomes you home to your beautiful heart. A place to create.

You remember to feel, choose, and create moment by moment in myriad ways as you tune in to unconditional love. Will you choose to return home to your heart of fire, love and creativity?

Oodles and woofs of love.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit


What Love Says...
Forgiveness is Love

Forgiveness brings wellness to your heart and to all. Mistakes you create in life are a call to inner wellness, to love unconditionally, forgiving yourself, then you shift from expressing anger to expressing love in any experience.

As you see through eyes of forgiveness you open your heart, you come to rest in love that is there. Forgiveness of others is a gift given and, the gift always returns in the form of love.

Through forgiveness of yourself or others a voice from spirit, a light within will guide you home to your heart. You are, we are, through the lens of unconditional love limitless beings of love and light. We can create new experiences from love and forgiveness.

Forgiveness is love, tranquility and inner-standing allowing wellness to flow in the heart. Miracles are expressions of love, and forgiveness also an expression of love, this love releases a heart from inner pain.

Conscious awareness of forgiveness blossoms within reminding you of unconditional love that you are.

Oodles of love, peace, forgiveness and inner-standing to all. Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit


What Love Says...
Inner Love

In your heart is there space to love your self? Are seeds of loving thoughts, words and actions consciously planted in your heart? Choose inner love.

There may have been a time when you allowed the beliefs held by others to become part of you. Lovingly observe through the lens of love whether those beliefs are a true reflection of your authentic self.

If what you believe to be the truth of who you are feels loving, compassionate and kind in your heart, keep them. Any beliefs which feel harsh, critical or uncomfortable in your heart, choose to release them.

Carefully and lovingly look in your heart, shine a light on your authentic self. In the light will you see, feel and know the truth of you? Have you forgotten the wonder, awe and excitement as a co-creator playing with the unconditional love that you are?

As you inner-stand remember and believe in your truth, in your ability to create, to imagine and to feel who you are, your heart reveals inner treasures which support your authenticity.

Believe in yourself, and with deep inner love remember to create a story of you borne from your heart, soul and unconditional love. Embrace inner love for there is OWLsome magic in your heart.

Oodles of love,

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit


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Oodles of love to all


What Love Says...
Creator Heart

Everyone is a creator. You create in each moment with your thoughts, words and actions. When you apply unconditional love with creating thoughts, words and actions you bring about a shift within which radiates outward. You create. Your heart and soul is excited with the spark of unconditional love that you are, love is creation and creator, and you.

Love is an energy which radiates from you, an energy which touches all. Imagine collectively we choose to embrace unconditional love together. To be the love you want to see in the world you create it from within. Inner-standing the unconditional love that you are is remembering you are always that, love.

Nurturing love within is self care, is self mastery, is remembering your magic, your bravery as you become a creator in this your precious life. As you remember the love that you are you create and radiate unconditional love everywhere all at once. Individually and collectively we are that magical.

One heart, one soul, one light tuned to unconditional love at time, that’s how love shines for all. Imagine choosing love to create in the face of fear, this is the bravest way in which you embrace more love and create a life you prefer. Love is bravery, and you are lovingly brave.

Oodles of love as you remember the loving creator that you are.

What Love Says... 2024 by Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration. Celebrate eLOVEution in your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are. Visit

home 19/08/2024

Everything Westmount Together let us celebrate your eLOVEution into your heart and soul through the remembrance of unconditional love that you are.

Love is an energy which radiates from you, an energy which touches all. Imagine collectively we choose to embrace unconditional love together. To be the love you want to see in the world you create it from within. Inner-standing the unconditional love that you are is remembering you are always that, love. Please allow me to guide you home to your heart

home Opening one heart, mind, body at a time to the energy of love and the power created from thoughts, words, actions.


What Love Says...

Imagine that divine timing is woven directly through you, felt as a remembrance of your heart and soul when tuned to the unconditional love that you are.

An open heart remembers the soul, the truth, the authentic self through myriad experiences created by you in this your precious life.

Now is always now, is always love, is always truth, is everything– feel the now in your beautiful heart. Feel a depth of unconditional love always in the now ready for you to embrace joyfully as you choose to believe in the gift that you are.

In your heart, in this moment can you feel, believe and imagine creating, co-creating with the love that you are?
Love in all forms become keys which open hearts to infinite potential and soul connecting to all that was, is and ever will be.

Joy, passion, excitement, imagination, feeling, belief and love all within your heart, a heart bursting to create. What keys will you choose?

Oodles of love and woofs from one heart to another.

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook( Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration.


What Love Says...
Appreciate Perspectives

Appreciate you, completely, totally and lovingly as you are. What are you tuned to in your heart? Appreciation is a lovely frequency to play with along side joy and excitement.

Observe life from a place of neutrality seeing experiences from this perspective you discover balance, inner-standing and appreciation of what is. In the middle of choices and decisions is a zone of neutrality and as you observe other realities you might just learn something new.

Choosing different perspectives were you can see experiences, challenges and situation through a lens of unconditional love, this is the centre point of inner-standing and growth.

You may inner-stand other realities by appreciating all through many different perspectives. There will always be another way in which to create, enjoy and experience life, and as it plays out you choose to appreciate, love and respect yourself and others as they are.

Love, appreciation and perspective will bring inner balance and harmony to your heart. Oodles of love to all.

What Love Says... 2024 by Jennifer R. Cook ( Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration.


What Love Says...
Soul Love

You are a dynamic reflection of your beautiful soul. A reflection of your spiritual state.
Self mastery and inner knowing rises from within through love and curiosity.

There are many signs from your body, each sign is an expression of your soul. Your soul energy radiates into every cell from the inside outward based on soul frequency. This frequency touches you, touches everyone you encounter.

Self love and respect for every part of you, mind, body and soul is the finest care that you can give you. Nurture with great love all of you just as you are, for you are divinely, magnificently created.

Unique, sacred, loved, loving and lovable you are. Observe your inner and physical self and you will inner-stand and appreciate loving you, for you.

Be steadfast, playful and curious as you explore you. Inner-stand and embrace your beautiful, grateful heart which when powered by love opens to the weird, wonderful miracle that is you.

Your soul knows the truth of you, the magically, authentic and colourful you. Be imaginative, loving and curious as you inner-stand all facets of you.

Oodles of love gratitude and goatitude to all.

What Love Says... 2024 by Jennifer R. Cook of eLOVEution. Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration.

home 16/08/2024

I am shifting to more heart-centred, loving ways to guide everyone home to their beautiful hearts. So I created 'eLOVEution' :)
Let's celebrate love:

home Opening one heart, mind, body at a time to the energy of love and the power created from thoughts, words, actions.


What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration.


What Love Says...
Grateful heart

A heart allowing love to be, to use love as a sharable energy, to inner-stand your heart's warmth and guidance with gratitude. A grateful heart fills easily with the love and magic of who you are. With a grateful heart you know what you have right now, what you are right now, is more than enough.

Gratitude and love unlock a plethora of treasures and gifts allowing you access to a life you prefer. Gratitude raises your energy and vibration bringing more of what you love your way. Your precious heart embodies intuition and guidance which is connected to the love that you are.

You are the light, the way, the truth and the life bundled within a grateful heart, the heart that you are. As you open your heart, you open all hearts for we are bundles of love energy connected to all that was, is and ever will be. Remember, gratitude allows the flow of synchronicities, abundance, imagination and gifts, all kinds of magic flows from your grateful heart.

Oodles of love as you go with the flow of your grateful heart. Be OWLsome with gratitude


What Love Says...
Savour Love and Life

Speak to yourself as you would a dear friend, with love, compassion and support. Your inner wellness springs from loving every facet of who you are, inner-standing you, you find your true, authentic self.

Through the love you carry in your heart you will know a beauty so deep, so wild, so radiant your inner energy will flow radiantly to all.

Nurture every cell of you as you are and consciously consuming all things created by and through love's vibration. Choose love's vibration as you reframe thoughts as they arise for they will widen your viewpoint.

From one heart to another a few tips to assist you:

• Lovingly create a mental pause button whenever you feel reactive.
• Consciously breathe and your heart will centre.
• Be consciously aware.
• Observe with love and respect.
• Listen to hear and learn.
• Savour everything in your life, savour life.
• Choose love when you respond.

Inner-stand and regulate, emotions with wisdom taking responsibility for yourself with compassion and love. Be one with and balanced in your beautiful, wild, wild heart. Create a robust emotional immune system with self mastery.

Oodles of love, squeals of joy to you!

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration.


What Love Says...

Taste love, taste life, be in the splendour of this your precious life with bravery and courage ready to remember the radiant light that you are.

Remember you are a beacon of love, creativity, joy and purpose. You have extraordinary potential to create magic moments lovingly and courageously through a heart full of self-mastery. Imagine choosing thoughts, words and actions full of love energy, what will you create? Your heart knows and can choose.

You remember moment by moment changes and inner shifts through love that you are, knowing self mastery creates magic within. With love energy you bravely choose to feel the full spectrum of life, emotions and all experiences.

With love energy and a new taste for life you walk through the deep inner mud allowing every emotion to rise up and you bravely support your inner growth. Through love you choose to trust life amongst the inner and outer storms for you inner-stand the compassionate, loving creator you are.

You remember the unique, colourful, awesomeness you are while exploring the gifts and treasures shining from your heart. To taste all of life always go to what makes your heart sing, makes you laugh, play and even dance explore every taste in your life, for they ignite your weird, wonderful light.

Dazzling, playful, one-of-a-kind you are, choosing to taste love and life while sharing your energy. Oodles of squirrelly love to all!

What Love Says... 2024 by Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook Daily messages from animal spirit guides assisting human beings to embrace all facets of love. Each post includes delightful animal illustration.

Photos from Cats in the Bag design - Jennifer R. Cook's post 12/08/2024

Joy, passion and excitement strikes again through the illustration of loved pets. I have posted Truffle before, he is a magnificently delicious illustration and cat. Everything Westmount I adore illustrating you loved pets. Connect with me today for a custom illustration

catsinthebag Shop | Redbubble 12/08/2024

For 12 years I passionately, excitedly and joyfully illustrate and wrie posts across social media all in the name of love. From What My Coffee Says To Me to today's What Love Says...series, each and every post infused with love

catsinthebag Shop | Redbubble catsinthebag is an independent artist creating amazing designs for great products such as t-shirts, stickers, posters, and phone cases.

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What Love Says... Love, Playful Love