Progressives at the University of Michigan

Progressives at the University of Michigan

We are a group devoted to common-sense progressive solutions for America's problems. Our grassroots


National Organizing Call TONIGHT with VP Harris! Tuesday July 30 7:30pm ET. RSVP:


An exciting, packed hour as youth environmental leaders from the Democratic Party and activist organizations discuss the youth climate movement, the Democratic Party's role as the Climate Party, and the importance of the youth vote to winning at all levels in the midterms. Speakers: Sunrise Movement Spokesperson John Paul Mejia (Florida) Sierra Club Organizer Patty O'Keefe (Minnesota), DNC Climate Council Youth Director Paul Presendieu, and Water Protector Alex Rose Golden-Wolf. Moderator: Michelle Regalado Deatrick.

Co-hosted by the DNC Youth Council and the Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus

Timeline photos 17/04/2022

This Tuesday: Support workers with a one-hour action in Ann Arbor. Join LEO-GLAM's first action on April 19th @ 12PM! Register at for in-person or virtual action.

The members of LEO-GLAM have been bargaining their first contract with the University of Michigan for over 5 months now. The administration continually refuses to address their concerns for greater equity, transparency, and accountability.
Options for virtual participation are also be available. Please join as they march for better working conditions!
Starting point: The Diag at 12 PM sharp!
Ending point: Buhr Building - 839 Greene St. (TBD)

Register at

Join LEO-GLAM's first action on April 19th @ 12PM! Register at

The members of LEO-GLAM have been bargaining our first contract with the University of Michigan for over 5 months now. The administration continually refuses to address our concerns for greater equity, transparency, and accountability. We know that taking action will get us closer to a fair contract! Librarians, archivists, and curators (LACs) across all of UM will demonstrate our unity and support for our bargaining platform at our action on Tuesday, April 19th at noon. Options for virtual participation will also be available. Please join us as we march for better working conditions!

Starting point: The Diag at 12 PM sharp!
Ending point: Buhr Building - 839 Greene St. (TBD)

Lunches will be available at Buhr/ending location.

Register at


The future of Michigan is in your hands tomorrow Nov. 6th! Make sure you carefully fill out both sides of the ballot (there is no straight ticket voting this year). If your name was not found on the list of registered voters and you were unable to produce a receipt verifying registration, request a Provisional Ballot and cast your vote. Bring a friend to the polls and show us what democracy looks like!


Bernie Sanders set to rally for Gretchen Whitmer in Ann Arbor

Bernie's rallying for Gretchen Whitmer in Ann Arbor on October 19th! Rackham. Doors open at 6pm. U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the 77-year-old democratic socialist, is returning to Michigan to campaign for gubernatorial candidate Gretchen Whitmer



TODAY is the last day to register to vote.
How to Register to Vote in Michigan [part 1]
Learn the basics about how to get registered to vote in the State of Michigan. This is part 1 of a 4-part educational "How-to-Vote in Michigan" series.… Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Community rallies in solidarity with survivors against Kavanaugh

Many thanks to the The Michigan Daily for helping to spread the news about yesterday's act of resilience and resistance!

“It’s been an emotional, difficult, and in many ways traumatizing week. This underscores the need for the community (Ann Arbor and the University) to come together to show our emotional support for each other and to organize. We’re proud that the event connected community members to supportive resources, such as SAPAC (Sexual Assault and Prevention Awareness Center), and to multiple organizations that provide ways to protest and resist.” More than 100 students and community members gathered in the Diag Thursday evening to stand with survivors and protest the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. The rally was one of dozens taking place nationwide, all organized by the group Women’s March.


Kavanaugh confirmation would be a step backwards for women, protesters say in Ann Arbor

Thank you to for the coverage. We're grateful to everyone who came out to speak, listen, rally, chant, protest, connect and march: over a thousand rallied, and some 700 marched, by our count.

However the Senate vote on Kavanaugh's nomination turns out, we will keep organizing. This movement is unstoppable. About 300 people gathered in Ann Arbor on Thursday, Oct. 4, to show their support for the woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.


Keith Ellison

Since Nixon and the Southern Strategy, the Republican Party tactic has been to sow fear and division among the American people while funneling wealth to the rich. We saw that same strategy on full display in Trump's State of the Union speech last night.


Gov. Snyder rejects panel recommendation to temporarily shut down Line 5

General rule of thumb: never trust anyone who wants to run the government "like a business" with public safety. Governor Rick Snyder has made a habit out of putting entire communities and the Great Lakes ecosystem at risk. Governor Rick Snyder is rejecting a proposal to shut down an oil pipeline that runs beneath the Mackinac Straits. Last month the Michigan Pipeline Safety


Inside the Chaotic Immigration Courts on the U.S.-Mexico Border

At one time, an investigative journalism piece that revealed government incompetence and injustice as flagrant as this would have caused widespread outrage. Under the Trump administration, it's hardly a blip on the radar.

In the radio version of this piece, Ira Glass asks, "what is the Democrats' plan?" Overall, we are hearing almost no response, seeing little action, little successful obstruction or coalition-building against attacks on civil rights like this one.

Long story short, be as critical of the Democratic Party as you wish Republicans were of theirs. Erratic hearing schedules, missing case files, and people stuck in limbo for months.


More than 3,000 rally at Women's March in Ann Arbor, look to midterms

We were incredibly proud to co-organize the Women's March Ann Arbor - 2018. What awesome turnout—there's much work to do! The rally marked the one-year anniversary of the historic Women's March of 2017, which was one of the largest demonstrations in U.S. history that included gatherings in cities across the country.


Never forget these two key facts about last night's special election in Alabama:

• African Americans turned out in MASSIVE numbers, in spite of widespread voter suppression, to swing the election. The Democratic Party owes them everything.

• The Republican National Committee remorselessly threw their funding behind Roy Moore, regardless of his past of sexual abuse of women and children.


Michiganders: the time for action against the is now! on twitter has supplied some handy scripts and tips for voicing your opposition to the bill.

Most importantly, call Governor Rick Snyder at (517) 373-3400 to tell him to publicly oppose the Republican changes to the tax code, which are explicitly designed to hurt college students and working-class families.

The Governor has been silent on the issue so far, and his office has not been hearing from concerned constituents. Let your elected officials know EXACTLY how the bill will impact you- and don't hold back!


Ohio State and MSU made the right choice and outright denied Richard Spencer a presence on their campuses. Take action this week and persuade President Schlissel to keep his promise to reject white supremacy at U of M.

We will not be complicit as our university negotiates with White Supremacists and N***s. Share widely & join us as we take action to

Follow this page for updates throughout the week, and contact any of the sponsoring organizations to get involved in this week of action & resistance!

Teach In:

Teach In:

Teach In:

Teach In #1:
Teach In #2:

Action #1:
Action #2:


Just as there is no reason to defend Roy Moore, with photographic evidence of his 2006 assault of TV host and model Leeann Tweeden, there is no reason to not ask U.S. Senator Al Franken to retire. All men, especially those in positions of power, must be held responsible for their actions.

(Warning: graphic photographic content)


Tonight, a trans woman defeated the creator of the "bathroom bill" in a conservative district, an African-American woman became the mayor of Charlotte, NC, a progressive civil rights attorney was voted in as the D.A. of Philadelphia, and Democratic Socialists won countless state and local elections.

This is the kind of of change we need to see whole-heartedly supported by the Democratic Party from here on out. It should never be enough to be anti-Trump; our candidates should push for radical and positive changes. Congratulations to the progressive winners across the country today, and thank you to everyone who voted in their state and local races.


How Students Really Feel About Racism at University of Michigan “Our president and administration are too afraid to take stronger public stances and actual action against the issues that happen.”


Points to keep in mind as the NFL and the National Anthem continue to dominate social and news media:

• Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem to draw attention to racial injustice inherent in the United States, NOT to protest the anthem, the flag, or the president.

• The president is using his position of power to call for the firing and public shaming of individual people of color.

• The president uses the term "SOBs" to describe peaceful protesters, but refuses to this day to condemn violent white supremacists.

• People of color are routinely discriminated against and brutalized by unaccountable police departments across the United States. This should be infinitely more upsetting than the act of courageous protest itself.


Fundraising Ask

Hello Progressives! We are kicking off our beginning of year fundraiser! If you wish to contribute that would be awesome (suggested donation about $5-10), otherwise if you feel comfortable it would be awesome if you could make an ask of your friends and family. I have written a possible template that you can use to make this even easier. Thanks so much for your time. Fundraising Ask for start of year; Hi ____, This semester, I am joining the Progressives at the University of Michigan. A student group committed to advancing progressive politics, collaboration with other student groups, and acting as a network connecting students, the wider community, and pol...


Split Michigan Senate Approves Super PAC Legislation

Michiganders: the bill that Yousef Rabhi called "Citizens United for Michigan" goes to a vote in the state house tomorrow.

This legislation would severely limit the ability of progressive candidates to run for office against corporate-funded opponents, and would likely cement the Republican majority for decades to come.

It is not too late to kill this bill- you can find your state rep's contact info at this website:

Give them a call now and leave a message urging them to vote NO on the super PAC legislation tomorrow. Political candidates could solicit unlimited contributions for independent committees supporting them under Republican-sponsored bills advancing in Michigan's Legislature.


Collective Against White Supremacy

Earlier today, three Black University of Michigan students had their dorm room doors defaced with racially derogatory language. We stand behind the Black Student Union's statement, and the people affected---directly or indirectly---by this hate crime.


Hi all - we hope your semester is going well so far. We're very excited to announce not one, but TWO events for our club's fall semester relaunch this Thursday!

At 5 PM on the Diag, we're co-hosting the UM stop of Making a Change at Walmart, a nationwide college tour exposing where Walmart's corporate agenda intersects with the destructive goals of the Trump administration.

Then, immediately following the rally, we're holding our Fall 2017 Mass Meeting in East Quad (6:30, Room B856). As UM’s Our Revolution Michigan affiliate, we’re hoping to build on our work last semester by staying connected with ongoing local & statewide efforts. Email [email protected] with any questions!

Diag Rally: (5 PM):

Mass Meeting (6:30 PM):


More than 1,300 Trump protesters join in Tax March in Ann Arbor

Thanks so much to Ryan Stanton from MLive for great coverage of the March! Saturday's turnout was three times larger than expected.


Come visit us at Climate Blue's event regarding the future of international climate policy! This is taking place until 7:30 in North Quad 2435.


Meals On Wheels Sees 500 Percent Surge In Volunteers Since Budget Cuts Proposed

A bit of light in the darkness. Online donations have also skyrocketed this week.

Videos (show all)

DNC Climate Council's Earth Month Youth Roundtable: The Climate Generation Unites