Samia Astow - Illustration

Samia Astow - Illustration

Samia Astow, illustrator.


Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day!

I’ve realized recently that only humans suffer from stuttering. That means, it has a lot to do with “society.” (I know. Again.)


👉🏻 English version following in the next post 👉🏻

#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者 #国際吃音啓発の日


It’s International Stuttering Awareness Day! (日本語版はひとつ前にあります👉🏻)

The more you know about stuttering, the less difficult our lives will be. Yeah, it’s true.


(English version comes in the next post 👉🏻)

#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者 #国際吃音啓発の日


“You’re a star, I mean a starlet” -Kevin Barnes

So, the Tokyo Olympics were such a traumatic event to me. My mental health has been in a severe storm even though I don’t have a TV. As a resident of Tokyo, I’ve got tremendous stress from every single fact coming up during the past few weeks. Let me vent my frustrations which I’m still trying to deal with:
1) IOC is officially a racist/colonialist enterprise that believes they can control the Third World by unscientific bu****it (i.e. “the Olympic sites and rest of the areas in Japan are ‘parallel universes’ so the Olympic Games won’t affect COVID situation in Japan”; “Tokyo eventually becoming the epicenter has nothing to do with the Olympics”; they confused “Japan” with “China” in the speech, etc.). For the very first time in my life, I felt I was discriminated.
2) Japanese government and JOC followed IOC because they were eager to make this nationalistic event happen, and deliberately ignored the opinions of medical experts even after hospitals had reached full capacity.
3) Some (hope it wasn’t “many”) of the people living in Japan were also thoughtless enough to fall into the “once it started, we should enjoy it” mentality and make a long cue around the stadium to take a photo with the Olympic monument, forgetting they were in the middle of pandemic.

I don’t know how it was reported in other languages, but if you hear them saying the Tokyo 2020 was overall successful, that is wrong. You might have been moved by the athletes’ performances, which is ok, but that cannot justify the decision to hold and continue this event regardless of public health.
Tokyo has been breaking its record of new COVID cases everyday. Who cares about the number of medals?


さて、これが最終回そして最も重要なコマである。できるだけ多くの方に見ていただけたら嬉しい。十代でもないのにサリンジャーの引用なんて… とは言わずに。

「ホールデン・コールフィールド・モード」という言葉を密かに作ったのは、『ライ麦畑でつかまえて』を初めて読んだ大学2年生の時だった。いっそ口をつぐんで誰とも会話せずに生きられたら… と、吃るたび、吃りを隠すことに疲弊するたび、願っていたからだ。




#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者


5) ごめんなさい
#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者


4) 電話への恐怖



#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者


3) シソーラス依存症
わたしが吃音を晒したくない人と話すときの基本的な流れ: 言いたいなと思って頭に浮かんできたこと(第一草稿)に言えない単語が入っているかどうかチェックする → もしNG子音があったら → 同義語に置き換える又は表現自体を変える(第二草稿)→ もし適当な言葉が時間内に見つからなかったら → その部分はカット又は発言自体を取りやめる(最終稿)→ 発言
#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者


2) 無情の世界
【訂正】絵の中ではカウンターの上にシート状のメニューが置いてありますが、実際の In-N-Out チェーンのレストランでは頭上の大きなボードにメニューが書かれています。お詫びとともに訂正いたします。重要なのは、メニューを指し示すことができるかどうか、なのです。
#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者


1) 自分の名前が言えない
#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者


一コマ漫画全6話 明日より連載開始します!

🗣 序文







#吃音 #きつおん #きつ音 #どもり #吃音症 #吃り #吃音者



Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 08/06/2021

Honored to share some of the illustrations I did for Alison Kelly and Matt Millard’s newly released book FREDDIE: LIFE OF A SEAL. It’s a tribute to a seal pup called Freddie Mercury that lived near the River Thames in London but was tragically attacked and killed by a dog that wasn’t on a lead. This book has been featured in newspapers for multiple times even before it was released. Now available on Amazon:
Check out Freddie: Life of a Seal for more information!


Another newspaper coverage! It’s the main feature article on the Teddington Nub News. The book will be released on June 1st!

Freddie the seal to be remembered in tribute book 19/05/2021

One of the illustrations I did for this upcoming children’s book is featured in a London newspaper the Richmond and Twickenham Times.

Freddie the seal to be remembered in tribute book The adventures of South West London’s favourite seal will be remembered in a book due to come out in June.


THIS IS THE LAST & THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE. I’d like everyone to take a look even though quoting Salinger when you’re older than twenty is a super emo thing to do.

I coined the term “the Holden Caulfield moments” when I first read the novel in my sophomore year, because I wished the same whenever I stuttered or when I was exhausted from trying not to stutter.

I’ve made comics about my stuttering life, but in reality, I can hardly laugh. Even when my stutter is not noticeable (did you notice Sam never actually stutters in the comics?), every time I get into such awkward, embarrassing, and helpless situations, I feel like I don’t want to speak anymore. I would hate myself, hate my impossibility, and hate the society that demands something I can’t provide. And I need to be alone to deal with my emotions.
Besides those unspoken pains, there are lots of practical hardships as you may imagine, some of which could threaten my life (e.g. job interviews. oh well).

In the last “comic” of this series, I wanted to share my honest feeling as a stutterer. I could act positively and say “I’m proud of my stutter” or use hashtags like “lovemystutter” or stuff like that. It seems to work for some people, which is great. But for me, I haven’t reached to that mentality yet. Not even sure if I'll ever reach there. Deep down, the only thing I can say about my stutter is “f**k this sh*t” and I don’t want to fake it.

Statistics say 1 out of 100 people stutters, which doesn’t sound that rare, and I assume many of them are hiding their stutters like I did. When you meet someone who stutters or who potentially stutters, it would be awesome if you remember my comics and imagine how they feel. That’s what I hope.

Thank you so much for reading ❤️



5) Sometimes You Have to Be a Jerk
I’m sorry.
There were numerous occasions where I really wanted to offer help but I couldn’t. Every time it happens, I feel so so bad. The hardest one was when I saw a person with a white cane seeming lost in a station. Ugh.
I’m sorry.


4) Phone Calls Are Your Worst Enemy
It was not just “I'm not good at” or “I don’t like” talking on the phone. I was unable to talk on the phone. I had stubbornly avoided making/taking phone calls since I was 10, when I realized I had a stutter, and kept that attitude until I was 24, when I moved to LA from Tokyo. Thanks to the invention of texting, I managed to survive my teenage years.

As I previously mentioned, when I need to rely solely on oral communication, things become extremely difficult. Telephone is a device that relies solely on oral communication. Can’t get along with that bastard.

Not-so-funny downside is my phone-phobia limits my job choices. Well, a stutterer’s job hunting is chaotic nightmare, so I'll save the stories for somewhere else. Too negative for Instagram.


3) The Thesaurus Is Your Friend
Whenever I talk, especially when I try to look cool, I prepare a script in my head. The first draft is what’s on my mind. It gets checked if there’s any words I won’t be able to say. If spotted, they are reworded or paraphrased to be sayable. If I can’t find proper synonymous in time, I have to omit the part or sometimes give up saying the whole thing. That’s when the script is finalized and I get the green light to utter the line.
I don’t know if I still look cool or not.

Btw, I had no idea about the Beach Boys’ vegetable song when I came up with this dialogue. I posted it on my story if you want to listen to them singing “Tell us the name of your favorite vegetable” lol


2) You Can’t Always Get What You Want

🚨GOOFS!🚨 Seems like In-N-Out restaurants actually have overhead menu boards, not paper-based menu placed on the counter as illustrated here. Sorry about that! The important thing is whether you can point at the items or not.

Ordering at the counter is another “thing that is difficult for a person who stutters but ridiculously easy for those who don’t stutter.” Especially when you want to say something extra, where you can’t point at the menu to let the other person “see” as well as “hear,” in other words, when you need to rely solely on oral communication, things become extra difficult. Or, undoable. I often give up. That’s why I’ve never had animal-style fries. (They’re good, aren’t they?)


1) You Can’t Say Your Own Name
Yes. The problem is clear. If you get lucky, your name starts with a consonant that you have no trouble with. I got unlucky. “Sam” is not my real name but my actual surname starts with /s/, which deprives me of such a fundamental social skill that a three years old would have acquired.


LIFE WITH A STUTTER - mini comic series starting tomorrow!
Last summer, encouraged by Brayden Harrington’s impressive speech at the DNC along with the fact that Joe Biden himself has a stutter, I “came out" as a stutterer. It took me more than 20 years to make my mind up.
(See the “coming out” post in my grid if you’re interested!)

Then, earlier this year, Amanda Gorman beautifully recited her inaugural poem. News media mentioned she had overcome her speech impediment. It cheered me up a lot, but at the same time, I saw some comments like “oh, so people who stutter can be like Amanda Gorman, or even become the president of the United States, if they try.”
Well, I wish I could take it positively and say, yeah anything is possible if we try. Unfortunately, that’s not so easy when it comes to stuttering.

People who stutter, regardless of the extent of stuttering, must face way more hardships than you may imagine in their daily lives. I always wanted to explain and have my friends and family understand them, but I chose not to because I strongly refused to admit stuttering is part of me. I kept trying so hard to hide and kill it.

Now you know I stutter. No secret any more. So I’ve decided to show you some of the scenes I would encounter in my own life with a stutter.

You may not be interested. But what if you made a new friend who stutters? What if you fell in love with a person who stutters? What if your kids started stuttering? You never want to hurt them. Your awareness will not just be helpful but necessary to ease a stutterer’s burden. Yeahhh, it’s really needed. So, it would be very appreciated if you could take a look and get a piece of information from my comics.

Please be noted that these comics are based solely on my personal experience and convey my own feelings. People who similarly stutter might feel differently, which is normal. I can't tell how other stutterers feel because I don’t know anybody else that stutters (what a shame).

Well, thanks for reading. Stay tuned!


I guess many of Asian women in the world feel the same but I’ve been feeling upset and uneasy as those headlines about hate crimes constantly caught my eye. I tried making an angry protest post, but it didn’t clear my mind. So, I’m sharing again here the portrait of my favorite Asian American woman.
If you have listened to Fleetwood Mac in between post-Peter Green and pre-Buckingham Nicks era, yes, she is the Jewel Eyed Judy.

[original caption]
Jewel Eyed Judy. a.k.a. Judy Wong, a UC Berkeley graduate, owner & clothing designer of Passion Flower (a boutique in North Beach, San Francisco, where Janis Joplin was a customer), ex-wife of Glenn Cornick of Jethro Tull, longtime friend and associate of Fleetwood Mac, and former roommate of Patti & Jenny Boyd. One of the most influential Asian women in rock history. Art by Samia Astow.


Happy New Year! Wishing you all a FRESH start!🥛

Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 12/12/2020

🌠 new design 🌠

Many more products are available in my shop
🚕 🚕

(Cont’d from the previous post) One of May’s achievements is encouraging John to reunite with his son Julian.
When people asked if the song was about L*D, John explained that it had been inspired by Julian’s drawing in which a girl named Lucy was described in the sky with diamonds. After the song was released, John left Julian’s mum, Julian, and the Beatles. He hadn’t seen his son for four years when May arranged for Julian to visit his father.

Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 12/12/2020

🎪 new design 🎪
✿ STRAWBERRY FIELDS [JudysDress 05] ✿

Many more products are available in my shop
🍓 🍓

December 8th is the day you may feel a bit sad if you’re familiar with the Beatles. This month’s JudysDress is a tribute to John Lennon:
05 Strawberry Fields
06 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

🥁..And, so, here’s a plot twist. Yesterday, coincidentally on December 8th, I learned about May Pang. I mean, how could I have not known about her all these years? Her existence and stories changed how I feel about John and Yoko.
If you’ve never heard of her: May was working as a personal assistant for them when she was asked by Yoko to be John’s mistress while the married couple were separated. May denied but Yoko insisted. John and May had been in a relationship for 18 months until John suddenly got back to Yoko. (Continued to the next post)

Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 22/11/2020

☃️ holiday special ☃️
✿ JudysDress: 04 NOEL ✿

Available at
🕯LINK also IN BIO🕯

Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 22/11/2020

🦌 holiday special 🦌
✿ JudysDress: 03 SLEIGH BELLS ✿

Available at
🔔 LINK also IN BIO 🔔

Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 22/11/2020

🌼 new design 🌼
✿ JudysDress: 02 LAUREL CANYON ✿

Available at 📻 LINK also IN BIO 📻

Photos from Samia Astow - Illustration's post 22/11/2020

♦️new design♦️
✿ JudysDress: 01 JANUARY ✿

Many more products are available on my shop! ❄️ ❄️ LINK also IN BIO ❄️


#ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛɪɴɢ is repellent
I usually avoid drawing disturbing pictures because I’m kinda superstitious and afraid what if what’s in the picture became real (I’m a worrier, I know).
This time, too, I wanted to draw something you would find in kids’ bedrooms despite what it talks about. But it ended up looking somewhat ominous, which I guess sums up what getting older is supposed to be like: life doesn’t look cute so easily.