Fat Bottomed Friends

Fat Bottomed Friends

A place to share fun, food & laughter!!

Fat Bottomed Friends ™ 12/10/2016

So much fun finding hidden treasure! Follow as we uncover our treasures... https://fatbottomedfriends.wordpress.com/

Fat Bottomed Friends ™ Crazy Random Thoughts & Recipes - just between friends!

Hi!! We’re Back! 16/05/2016

Hi!! We’re Back! We’ve decided this is it!!  It’s time to revive our idea.  It may have changed a little, it may have not.  Cooking blogs and shows have really taken off over the past 5 years and our li…

Timeline photos 24/02/2015

These Rolls have our vote!

These will melt in your mouth!

> https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingskinnywithcourtney/

Roasted Tomato Tapenade 25/10/2011

This Gal ROCKS!! Why not give her page a look see!

Roasted Tomato Tapenade My best-loved way to bring out the sweet intensity of tomatoes is to roast them. This method is one I only just discovered last summer. (I know…where have I been?!) Roasted tomatoes are pure heaven. And I’m addicted. It took awhile


And a Warm Welcome last but not least to Group 3!
Jym Brittain, Jennifer Boggs, JoAnne Roberts-Davis, Nancy Godfrey Curry, Chelsea Delaney, Alicia Boarts, Maggie Smith Ioana Simileanu, Star Light, Cathy Oliver Loos, Shannon Lynch, Jenn Blanchard, Mandy Kidd-Williams, Leanne Holten, Sissy Manley, Rouchelle Abrahamson-Severeid, Roxy Altenhein Hawley, Debbie Paret, Julie Fajardo, Amanda Hannon Johnson, Karrie Orsak, and Özge Aras. Hope we haven't missed anyone! This should teach me to keep up with all of you, huh?!?!


Welcome Wishes to Group 2!
Brenda Bechtel, Sheila Pimentel, Sandra Iwasyk, Catrice Jackson Lynch, Tonia Dixon Whitaker, Ambareen Ali, Julia Tipple Farver, Taunna Jarvimaki, Jane DeVito, Dewayne Shellnut, Angie McDougale, Ankica Vuckovic, Kathy Loft, Kim Perry Blanchetter, Susan Auclair, JoAnne Patterson Brasher, Jacqueline Hayes Miller, Shannon Knoy Schoen, Ruth Gentry Forester, Cathy Yates Bailey, Pamela Jordan Ayres, Christine Lawson Nicholson, Steve Gray, and Christy Ansley Brabham.


Tee & I would like to thank and welcome all our new Fat Bottomed Friends. Group 1: Paula Sandridge Price, Ellen Keith, Miranda Cox, RT Benson, Tammy Rowe, Tiffaney Schocker, Sherri Comly-Norton, Coni Alford Disher, Dannielle Devenish, Kim Amerson Witt, Amer Devore Webb, Angela Groves, Lynn Dee, Marie Vincent, Emma Daher, Sandy Smith Brown, hana Like, Barbie Ann Divine, Karla Livingston, Elizabeth Ramirez, Emily Elyse Myers, Karen Hill, Jocelyn Robinson, Imogen Caruso, and Amy Day.


I just made Apple Butter!! It turned out so good!!! Can't wait to share it with my friends!!


We're happy to welcome new Fat Bottomed Friends, Sarah Cameron Dixon and Kristin Grant! Happy to have you join the fun!


Welcome to our newest Fat Bottomed Friends!! Kelly Cozad Tegels, Lynn Hallen, Jennifer Kovach Roper, Melissa Widga, Joy Boswell Berg, Elizabeth Eggen Lesniak!! Hope you all enjoy and feel free to comment.... we welcome your thoughts!


Welcome, welcome, welcome to new friends Carole Veilleux, Joseph Colwell, Sandie Coombs, Lisa Thomas Bersuder, Jane Gravseth and Wendy Willey! You helped put us over 400 FB likes!


Who saw Ree Drummond's premiere episode of The Pioneer Woman on The Food Network? Tell us what you thought. I kinda liked her husband! hahaha! oh and those cool Mason jars. :)


Wooohooooo over 400!!! Thanks to ALL of you!


Happy Monday and a big Howdy to new friends, Christina Riggs, Heather Cotter, Allison Toupin Gallo, Pat Galaska, Maria Menconeri and Beth Nikodem! Happy to have you join us in food and friendship!


Hey Misti Grimm! Welcome to the Fat Bottomed Family :)


I just heard that you can lose a 'good' amount of weight eating just tuna and apples. You can only do this for 3 days.... NO LONGER... but can have as much Tuna and apples as you like!!! Think it will work? How much do you think we can lose?? I'm going to try it.... tomorrow! LOL!!

Steve Jobs' Letter To Apple 25/08/2011

Sad news for those who haven't heard it. Apple and Steve Jobs are one of the main reasons I sit here today and share my joy of food and laughter with all of you.

Steve Jobs' Letter To Apple Bombshell.

Unsavory Culinary Elitism 25/08/2011

Eeeewww boy...Anthony Bourdain attacks Paula Deen in this article. Love the writers opinion. So what do we think about this, Fat Bottomed Friends?

Unsavory Culinary Elitism A food fight between the celebrity chefs Anthony Bourdain and Paula Deen is ugly but revealing.


Tee and I (Bex) are honored to have so many new foodie friends. Hello to Carma Lisa, Nicole Wiebelhaus, Kastle Thomas, Alice Behrens Shoup, Deloris Allen, and Wanda Mccurry. Our fat little bottoms are just wiggling in happiness...(what a visual, huh? LOL)


Feeling like we hit the jackpot today! Thank you all so much for stopping by!! Here's a warm welcome to new friends-DaCupcake DaNutch, Eva Nyeste, DeeAnn Miller Geeslin, Staci Powell, Alexandra Ricardi, Trae Hagard, MommaBear Skulls, Maryruth Monahan, Phyllis Stone Wheat, Claytons Friend, Susan J. Chafin, Melissa Ross Henington, Clara McManus Gould, Oana Oprescu, Lorane Moody, Audrey Bensenberg, Wanda Herndon, Bryan Ferrell, Tifanie Kent, Janet McAllister Williams and Connie Aaron!

Free Calendar 24/08/2011

Thanks to Marathonmom for the info!! Hurry... only good until Friday!!

Free Calendar Hey Moms, I found this great offer to share with you for a FREE photo calendar! What a great way to kick off the new school year!


Holá Gloria González!!!


Welcome to Victoria Natasha O'Connor too!


Howdy New Friends!
Welcome to Elaine Baumann, Chef Kanna, Dana Hilbert, Jamie Bell Usher, Brooke Fenton Morgan, Diane Knight, Cynthia Castro, Susan Murphy, Gale Cooper, Laurie Hayes Findling, Kimberly Eakin, Sandi Stone, Dahlia Dalrymple, Earnestine Hepburn and Julie Morisette. Tell us what kind of foodie you are.


To Jennie NaughtymessyHtid Langridge....Wow girl, that's some name! Is there a story there??? Darling baby in your profile pic!


Fat Bottomed Friends are happy to welcome Kathy Fry-Grill, Jennie NaughtymessyHtid Langridge, Sheri Gebala, Irene Akiva, Dawn Lane, Diane Scott, Betty Mullis, Lori Boggs Rutland, Sarah Plewniak, Salma Roshdy, Karen Glisson, Yoel Alberto Campos Isasis and Dollie Cree to the fun!


Anybody else go back to college this semester, after a looooong time away?
Am I crazy????


Helloooooo All! We've been sooo busy the last couple of days we haven't had a chance to welcome our newest friends! Don't think we didn't see you liking us, Tyler Pun Butler, Lynz Blackerby, Jalen Wells, Stephanie Shelburne-Hutchinson, Stephanie Fernandez, Sonia Donaldson, Deana Moran, Jill Smith Jarnagin, Cheryl Bailey Kelly, Jennifer McCormick Lukus and Susan Erickson! Welcome to the party!


OMG... Who has tried the Laughing Cow Mozzarella Sun Dried Tomato Basil??? I am in LOVE with it!! Only 35 cal per wedge? Are you kidding? One wedge is enough... even tho' I forced myself to have another, I was stuffed! You GOTTA try it!!


Welcome to our new friends... Brooke Erickson Hodges, Jody Fritts Ctibor, Molly Neikes Ealy, Debbie Saeva Trudel, Nancy Grisamore, Jennifer Haines, Heidi Holte-Quire, Helena Falwasser, Kristine Steen, Pe Sima, Michelle Jaffee!! Happy to have you join us!


Very Important Question.... Mayo or Miracle Whip?