Common Law Community 2018

Common Law Community 2018

Information about people thoughts about what they think is going on in the world. News/entertainment

Tommy Robinson News 20/10/2023

Hmmm, anyone heard of this guy?

Do you think there is any truth to what he is saying?

Tommy Robinson News Divide and Conquer. Since when are clicks and views worth more than truth and people’s lives?


So in 2025, in some counties auto inspections will no longer be required but you still have to pay inspection fees? Makes absolutely no sense to me.


Texas passing a slew of bills that takes affect Sept. 1st in which i do not support...for the most part. Plus the Govenor is openly racist. Scary part is he gets away with it. It's time for me to jump ship. I'm thinking somewhere up northeast.


You know what tickles me?

People feeling sorry for the women in the middle east who need a man to go in public but in USA women to scared to go anywhere without a man.



Happy New Year everyone.


Happy holidays everyone


Looks like its open season for crooks and thier manufactured hurricanes. "State of Emergency" to open the piggy bank and all the crooks get paid. Leaving crumbs for the community to say they did something.
