Feminine Warrior Mindset

Feminine Warrior Mindset

We offer transformational coaching for working mothers to help manage the mental load & wellbeing


Hollie and I are delighted to release our latest whitepaper outlining key research findings from our research with over 50 Female leaders in the Tech industry. The findings are quite insightful, yet still highlight the need to truly focus on addressing systemic and cultural barrier preventing women from advancing their career in the Tech industry.

Comment below or send us a message if you'd like to receive a copy of our whitepaper.

We hope you enjoy it :)


Dear Ellie (work wifey๐Ÿ’œ), today is your day!!! Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽˆ

Thank you forโ€ฆ
Your enormous heart
Unending Kindness
Brilliant mind
Fun and adventurous spirit
Making me laugh and being silly (our skits๐Ÿ˜˜)
Being an incredible mom, friend, biz partner and coach

I hope today is full of everything your heart desires! You deserve the best!!

XX Hollie


Thanks Careering into Motherhood for the opportunity to participate in your podcast. It was a great conversation Jane Johnson as always. I really hope as women we can all start to redefine how we see and feel about success and how this can help us feel like we are enough. We are all enough, now we just need to believe it and really feel it in how we conduct our every day lives โค๏ธ


Hi Everybody,
Ellie here, partner coach at CIM.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback last week on our parents/working mothers program research.

We are now in the next phase of research and are looking to speak to those of you who work in HR in the Tech sector for research purposes only, Zero pitching.

Would you be willing to jump on a 30 minute call to share your biggest challenges and needs around the challenges female leaders face in tech?

In return, I can offer you a 45 minute free coaching session and insights from the research (whilst maintaining confidentiality of course).

If Interested, please comment below or PM me ๐Ÿ™

Thanks for your help and a photo of a real life Jemima Puddleduck for those of you who are reading childrenโ€™s books by Beatrix Potter # # #


We are currently designing a new corporate program for working mothers who have young children (0-6 years) and would love your input.
If you could wave a magic wand, what would you include in a course to help you thrive in balancing your career and children?
Thanks you for your help, much love Ellie and Hollie


Feminine warrior wine tasting in Liechtenstein. After weeks of hard work, weโ€™re taking a nice break in the mountains. Taking a break is so key to our well-being as working parents. Howโ€™s your week going?


Ready and excited to welcome our participants in our workshop for today!


We have three remaining seats in our intimate workshop for working mothers, happening in Munich on February 25, 2024.

We hope youโ€™ll join us to:

-Find inspiration
-Connect with a supportive, like minded community
-Learn how to name and tame the limiting beliefs and stories
-Gain new practices to incorporate into daily life to feel more balance in your mind and body
-Create a vision for the life and career you long for as a working mother

Date: February 25, 2024
Time: 9:30-15:30
Location: Central Munich

Find out more and register here: https://femininewarriormindset.com/how-to-thrive-in-motherhood-and-your-career/


What is one part of you that has helped you along your path? Perhaps it is a part that is brave and always jumping in with both feet, or it could be a part that is shy and prefers to join the crowd quietly. For me, itโ€™s a part that developed in childhood that is organized. I have often been teased for this part of me, but I have recently come to love and appreciate the numerous times this part of me has been so capable, strong, and steady. It has helped me help not only myself but others, like when my partner was going through cancer.

Yes, and I do mean a big YES...sometimes this part still thinks I am eight years old and wants to go into overdrive, which can make others feel less loving towards my organization tendencies! Thatโ€™s when I have to take a pause and reassure myself that I am actually a mature soul that can handle whatโ€™s here and that Iโ€™m not aloneโ€”I have a wonderful partner, daughter, family and friends and an amazing business partner in Ellie. But I am learning to have compassion with this amazing part of me. I fully accept this part unconditionally and it helps me feel that I belong to me. Thatโ€™s where every great warrior beginsโ€”knowing themselves and accepting themselves so that they can accept others just as they are and so they can continue to grow and learn from a place of self-love, grace, and dignity.

What is a part of you that you want to give a little more love to today? What is your story of self-acceptance? We would love to hear from you in the chat section!


If you are a working mother and live in Munich, we hope you will join us on February 25th for our workshop! Ellie and I are excited to co-facilitate this workshop with Mallika Bahtia who is as passionate as we are about supporting mums.

You can register here and find out more: https://femininewarriormindset.wpcomstaging.com/how-to-thrive-in-motherhood-and-your-career/

Feel free to DM us with any questions!

Mallika is a Life-coach with a Masterโ€™s degree in Clinical psychology and a Diploma in counselling skills. She says sheโ€™s a girl on the quest of self-discovery, a poet, a writer, a mother, a wife, a gardener, a passionate cook and a travel freak. These are some of the roles she plays, some of the things she is trained in but there is so much more to her than those roles. She is more than the roles she plays, much more. Everyday she tries to understand herself a little more, accept more aspects of who she is and love herself more than she did yesterday. Her passion is to work with people on a journey of self-discovery and to help those who find themselves facing issues in following their life paths.

If you are wondering if this workshop is for you, here are some of the things weโ€™ll be exploring together:

- We all have limiting voices, beliefs and stories. What are the limiting beliefs holding me back?

- Iโ€™m not alone in this feeling of overwhelm somedays balancing my love for my family and my job. How am I experiencing similar things as other working mums?

- Iโ€™ve forgotten what balance even feels like! Which strategies can I utilize to find more balance in my life?

- I have a vision for how I want to be a working mother, but I still find it challenging to set boundaries or ask for the support I need that also honors my own unique family and career values.

We hope to see you there!


Ellie and I are excited to share our in-person workshop in Munich at the end of February 2024.

We will be co-facilitating a workshop for working mothers with to explore key tips, strategies and a plan to progress your career and still be there for your children without feeling guilt, shame, or stress.

Please share this with any connections that you feel would benefit from it who live in Munich or the broader Bavarian region in Germany.

Register for the event here: https://femininewarriormindset.wpcomstaging.com/how-to-thrive-in-motherhood-and-your-career/

Key topics include how to:
- Create vulnerability to building new relationships with mothers like yourselves and normalise the challenging topics of motherhood.
- Identify and understand your limiting beliefs / negative self-talk and strategies and daily practises to shift these to make you more confident and positive in relationships
- Create a vision and plan to flourish in motherhood and career without self-sacrifice and stress
- See more possibilities to help you become unstuck in your career and family life
- Set and manage expectations from a place of authenticity and calmness vs. fear and stress.


What IF...you did have that magic wand? What would more support look like?

Ellie and I recently read a statistic, reported in HR Brew magazine, that said that 80% of working mothers in the UK report feeling a lack of support when they return from maternity leave. How was your return from maternity? We want to hear your stories and what would have or would now make a difference in how you feel supported?

True story on this end: I remember having to take calls and pump my breast milk, while working for a NGO in the US. I often created the space in my calendar for the break I needed to take care of this from my home office, but at the last minute, โ€œurgentโ€ meetings always popped up. My colleagues thought they were being kind by saying, โ€œitโ€™s not a problem for us if you pump while we talk,โ€ but of course they were missing the point. I certainly did mind!

If youโ€™re willing to share your stories, we are grateful to hear them with empathy and strength, as a feminine warrior village does๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’›


Happy holidays and see you next year!

Thank you to our fantastic clients, friends and family and all of you who have provided support this year.

โœจ We are switching off at the end of today to go on annual leave to celebrate the holiday season.

๐ŸŒฑ As we reflect on 2023, it was a fantastic year of learning, growth, and new beginnings! The work we do gives us a sense of community, hope, and meaning. Thank you for being a part of our feminine warrior village.
We hope you can embrace the reframe of busyness, particularly as you rush to fit in as many social catch ups, prepare the family activities and finalise your work prior to next year.


As somebody who is currently going through perimenopause and working with women on thriving through perimenopause and menopause, I wanted to share this article to normalise the previously taboo topic and show you are not alone.

This article compares the motions of surfing with going through the waves of menopause and the impact it has on your mind, body and emotions. Whilst we are seeing organisations starting to talk about menopause more openly, this is often at a scientific level. What I feel is important but often missing in this narrative is the mental resilience journey required to support you with the ever-changing emotions and mindset. During menopause, we often experience brain fog, overwhelm and the out of control nature of our emotions and this is often something we experience alone without the needed village of women to support us during this process.

If this story resonates with you, I would love to hear your story in the comments or in a DM.



Is it me or do the holidays and the rush to finish up work before the year end increase our feelings of overwhelm? This week, I have been feeling it extra in my shallow breath and racing mind.

How do you handle overwhelm?

Today, I had the chance to receive some peer coaching from Ellie. She is an amaaaazing coach and always brings me back to my wise warrior brain mindset--the one that sees possibilities vs the rigid one that wants to hide on the couch with a glass of wine by the fire.

She used a coaching exercise with me that first helped me to see what is too much, too little, or just right when it comes to what feels overwhelming. She then helped me step into and process it all in a way that I could also feel what overwhelm feels like in my body, my racing mind, and my heart. We were able to be playful and explore, and I left feeling like I had some tools to utilize each day throughout my day to balance it all out and ride the waves of this chaotic time of year with more self care and the ability to access a deeper wisdom that was not available before.

Thank you, Ellie. Having not only a friend but a caring business partner to learn and grow with is such a gift. I know we both want all women and working mums to feel they are also supported and seen and are able to access their own wisdom from within๐Ÿ’›.

If you're looking for some feminine warrior support at this time of year, send us a DM and we'd love to set up a chemistry session to explore our coaching program and how we can support you. ๐Ÿ„โ˜€๏ธ


Who is ready for a tropical holiday?

I donโ€™t know about you but this week has been a doozy of children being sick, partners, canceled plans and subpar workโ€ฆ

And yet I still feel like a warrior!

Ellie and I see the warrior in each one of you๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ

Hereโ€™s to riding some holiday waves (just around the corner) that may just have a tropical adult beverage on the other side! ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿ„


FUN...oh how I crave more and more of it! Have you ever thought to yourself, "I used to be FUN before I became an adult, mom, corporate executive?!"

Playing and being silly is all within our reach, but we have to invite it in! Ellie and I often laugh and get silly when we strategize how we'll make the world better for ALL women. We laugh and sometimes we even dance. It's always easier to have fun in pairs.

When I'm having fun...
-I forget everything
-Iโ€™m in my body and feel like anything is possible
-My dreamer takes flight. My mind goes from being like a quiet chrysalis to a fluttering butterfly
-I start living in color, not black and white

On this glorious Friday, what are you doing to invite more fun and women into your life and your warrior village?


As mothers society puts so much pressure on us to be perfect. To raise our children like we don't have a job and do a job like we don't have children.

This often can make us feel like we're fragmented and not able to feel empowered and be who we want to be. For fear that somebody OR society might judge us further or that we are failing.

Our perfectionist saboteurs come out to tell us we aren't enough and we do not have the power to be enough.

Our latest blog discusses how we can empower ourselves towards feeling whole and that we are good enough. It outlines the key tips to embrace self-empathy and empathy for others to reduce the noise of our negative self-talk.


What are your tips for embracing self-love?


Ever find yourself struggling and exhausted by the many different balls and stressors you are juggling?

Hereโ€™s the truth: Changing your brain and bodyโ€™s capacity to react in new ways requires a mental fitness transformation. This encompasses deep self-learning and discovery, ongoing daily practice of new behaviours, and the support of professionals trained in the neuroscience of change.

Our new blog post provides you with key tips to help you become calmer so you can see things from a place of possibility not limitation and be more present and peaceful in your relationships.

How do you approach mental calmness?


Dreading Monday? You can turn it ALL upside down...in your mind!

What do you dread about Mondays? Is it the rush of the morning, the endless to-do list to get everyone out the door, or is it the loss of a sense of freedom over your schedule? Maybe, there is a difficult person at work or it could be the work itself that's just not as exciting as it used to be.

Now, pretend you're upside down...seriously...look at all the things that make your Monday feel like it's too much and look at it like you're seeing it for the first time:

The rush of the morning and the stress of getting to school, work, etc on time: take one deep breath in, and say out loud..."I deserve to have ample time today. Imagine and smile as you exhale and feel there is enough time."

Lack of freedom in your crazy busy schedule: take one more breath and as you exhale, say out loud, "I accept unexpected free moments in my day to open up. You'll be joyfully surprised at some point in the day when a last minute coffee break or time to do something just for you is made possible."

The cringe you feel about work or a work colleague: take that third breath, and on the exhale say, "I receive curiosity and compassion today to see something new in this situation that wasn't clear to me before."

All you are doing is asking that wise, warrior part of your brain to give you a little more ease, a little more harmony to take it ALL in with more space and by shifting your mindset, you will see that you are enough no matter what this crazy week throws at you!

What are you willing to turn around today with a feminine warrior mindset?


Resilience is the capability to bounce back from stressful situations. But how do you intentionally build resilience between those stressful moments? The answer is: practice!

Building up your mental fitnessโ€“the ability to experience stress from a relaxed and centered place in your bodyโ€“helps you create space to respond to stress from a place of having choices vs reacting the same way you always do. According to Positive Intelligence, research shows that if you intentionally practise building up these mental muscles, it will impact how happy you are and how well you can perform against your potential.

Today, Ellie and I challenge you to take just 1 minute several times over the course of your day to practise a brain break. Itโ€™s easy to combine these breaks with other things you do, like going to the bathroom, getting up for a drink of water, or taking the dog for a walk.

Here are 3 easy PQ reps you can try today:
Softening your focus on an object; then narrow in your focus. Play with alternating it.
Listening to sounds around you; whatโ€™s the closest sound, then the furthest away.
Touch, texture, focus on what something feels like; could be your cell phone or what you are eating for lunch.

How was the brain break for you today? What difference did you notice when dealing with stressful situations?

To learn more about Positive Intelligence: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/


When someone asks how they can help, do you think, "Why can't you just offer some useful support? Why do I have to tell you what to do?" It's ironic that when we are feeling the most overwhelmed, we don't know how to ask for the support we need but it's completely normal!

For our friends, co-workers or loved ones to meet us where we are with ideal support, they would need to truly understand just how much is on our plates--especially the things that you do every day in addition to what they can see. On a typical day, I can add them up--the invisibles--walking the dog 3x a day, doing the laundry between meetings, planning our meals for the week, overseeing my elderly parent's nursing care costs, etc. ALL the things add up and the hours are short. How can I possibly do it all?

When I hear that voice, I know it's one of my saboteurs--usually my perfectionist stickler. I call her Pickler Peggy. She is a royal pain. She tells me I should be doing it better, could be doing more, and that none of it is any good. If I can just tune in to hear the tone of that voice talking, I get a clue. She is not helping me. The person who just asked me if they could help truly wants to.

Here's what I do:
-get centered on what are the most important items on my list
-let the less important ones go to the bottom
-think of one concrete thing I can ask for, such as asking my partner if he could take the laundry and two nights of dinner this week so I can free my mind of those items
-plan one fun thing in my week to offset the dread of the laundry list of items --for me that's a walk in nature with a friend or a dance class on Friday

So when someone asks you the next time what they can do to support you, try building up your muscle to ask for support by responding with one thing they could do to truly lighten your spirit--not necessarily that hairy to do list--but something that will give the sage part of your brain even a tiny rest for a minute to focus on what's truly important. We all know that the work is never done, especially when you are a woman!

What tips do you have that we could all benefit from?


Travel always opens up creativity, possibility and fun for our family. Yet, as a parent I am often surprised how my โ€œkeep her safeโ€ voice gets really loud when we are in new cities with unknowns at every turn!

How do you approach travel with your family?

I love to look at other families traveling and wonder if they are as tired as we are trying to have fun and keep their little ones safe. What helps my partner and I when we are both a little frazzled is to come back to that bigger vision. Why did we leave our comfortable home in Sweden if not to broaden our childโ€™s view of the world, know that while we are all different, we are the same.

We want her to have a curious and loving heart to see the world as we do. When she told my husband that he didnโ€™t have yellow hair anymore like mum and I because he ate too many foreign foods, we both laughed out loud! It was her way of telling us how scary it is for a four year old to try new things. Thatโ€™s when our vision again came front and center. We looked at her and said, โ€œWell, that may be true, but itโ€™s worth it to turn grey if you get to have epic adventures!โ€

Taster Session For Motherhood Warrior Mindset Program 10/10/2023

๐ˆ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ฉ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฅ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญโ€™๐ฌ ๐ฆ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ฒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎโ€™๐ ๐ ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ฒ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐? ๐–๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐จ๐ง๐ž!

โœ… Whether itโ€™s the little things that annoy you about your partner that build up to the point where you lash out.

โœ… Your beloved toddler or teenager who know how to push your buttons, triggering you to say something you will regret for years to come

โœ… Or your manager that constantly throws you last minute requests and sighs when you canโ€™t quite make the deadline.

As working mums, we are juggling many balls all the time, whilst trying not to let any of them drop.

Itโ€™s not just one moment in time that we wish we could have responded to differently! Itโ€™s an ongoing build-up of multiple stressors and curve balls that are thrown at usโ€”leaving us feeling like we are being buried by an avalanche.

Building your mental fitness is a scientifically proven solution to help you effectively pause and respond in the way you would prefer to in the moment, rather than eroding your relationships with those that matter most to you and your performance at work.

And most importantly it helps you rebuild the relationship you have with yourself to stop the negative self-talk or regurgitation of events that wakes you up at 3am when you're trying to sleep.

๐ˆ๐Ÿ ๐š๐ง๐ฒ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐จ๐ง๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐ค ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐œ๐š๐ฅ๐ž๐ง๐๐š๐ซ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š โ€œ๐“๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐’๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐งโ€ ๐จ๐ง ๐Ž๐œ๐ญ๐จ๐›๐ž๐ซ 16๐ญ๐ก ๐š๐ญ 12:00 ๐†๐Œ๐“/ 13:00 ๐‚๐„๐“.

Registration details for this session are in the link below.

Taster Session For Motherhood Warrior Mindset Program Join us for a "Taster Session" to learn more about the mental fitness skills and behaviours youโ€™ll acquire as part of our six week program.


When I moved to Sweden with my husband, child and golden retriever, my mental mindset was not prepared for the reality of balancing it all. I needed the support of a warrior village.

Don't get me wrong. Sweden is our new home, and we are thankful to be here. However, any move, much less across the globe from California to Sweden, is never a vacation. It's hard work, mixed in with moments of discovery and delight, and when you are a working mum with a toddler out of preschool waiting for their placement, the challenges can feel more than you can handle.

Perhaps you can relate to this feeling of being alone and doing your best to put on a smile each day but underneath struggling? In my recent blog post on Feminine Warrior Mindset, I share how the support my coach provided alongside my warrior village helped me increase my capacity to see the gifts in the challenges and how I could only change myself and that annoying saboteur voice that was sabotaging me!

Link to my story in our profile and here: https://femininewarriormindset.wordpress.com/blog/

Iโ€™d love to hear your stories. Whatโ€™s been a major challenge youโ€™ve faced and could have used a warrior village to support you?


Happy Monday ๐Ÿ‘‹
One of my favorite tools I practice and I learned from Ellie during Positive Intelligence work is to look for the gift in every challenge that knocks into me.

How do you do this? It sounds too hard sometimes, but when you practice positive intelligence mindset exercises daily, itโ€™s easier to access the part of our brain that quiets the loud saboteur voices that say that the challenge or outcome is just one more bad thing in our lives, and we are able to activate our sage side of the brain that can see one of the three types of gifts. You see, whichever we choose to listen to will come true!

Join us for a live webinar on October 16th to learn more about our Six Week Motherhood Warrior Mindset Program and how we will help you gain invaluable mindset and embodiment techniques from this proven positive intelligence program to navigate life with more resilience and grace.

Link to our free webinar: https://rb.gy/24632 ! Hope to see you on the 16th at 12 GMT!

Videos (show all)

Itโ€™s my birthday next Tuesday and as part of celebrating another year, I searched for some quotes to provide inspiration...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00