Kukikan - Your health, happiness & peace

Kukikan - Your health, happiness & peace

Offering the science for each individual to be the master of ones own health, happiness and peace. TRAIN THE BODY AS A TOOL TO TRAIN THE MIND.

Kukikan simplifies each of the millions of training goals and connects it by a common thread and that thread is a sense of fulfillment. Kukikan training goals will have the common characteristics of health, happiness and peace which are common to all humankind

Words of caution—
Remember Kukikan is a pointer. It will be your own experience, which will be your truth. Why did I choose a word with a

The science of food and eating – Part 1 15/06/2016


The science of food and eating – Part 1 In my previous blog I spoke about the problems with diets and food plans – why they fail or don’t give us the results we expect. Does that mean anything goes? That would have been…

Timeline photos 18/08/2015

Remembering Sensei Kuki for all his teachings and experiences.
Please do come for Zazen followed by a recorded Dhamma talk at 7pm at his residence today.

One Hanuman Jayanti, a warrior was born!

Sensei's First Birthday 14/08/2015

Sensei's First Birthday August 18th 2015 marks the first birthday of our Dear Sensei Kuki in his new Avatar. In celebration of his existence, his unconditional love towards all of us and the ever-so-lasting treasure of his invaluable teachings, let us remember Sensei this coming Tuesday for all that he has been for each on…