Dream Mountain Press by Charissa Lees

Dream Mountain Press by Charissa Lees

Writing books that entertain the thoughts and glorify God. Charissa has lived in her in the dreams of her mind for as long as she can remember.

Her favorite places to visit were the fantasy and adventure worlds. Now, she loves to share those dreams and her love for her Abba through the fantastic portal of books.


Christmas brings to mind Christmas books! what is a favorite Christmas book of yours?


It's always amusing to me when a character decides to be the boss of the story instead of following the outline I've set. Sometimes, it's something simple and easily corrected later and sometimes the stinker changes the whole story line.


Who's a favorite author of yours and why?


Always fun to see a friend's book on a random favorites list for moms group your in! Rachel Thomas Starr


It is always great to hear from readers who love Aiden! He was such a great character to work with and his struggles were many of my own that I was going through at the time. I also loved that he had such a strong love and loyalty to his siblings.
The most comment I get about Aiden is that readers can only find Wren and Tearith of the other Romany Epistles. Unfortunately, that's true. This was a very ambitious project made up of nine different authors. Some who were first time writers. While all the story lines were complete and most of the books written, not all were finished and only the first three siblings were published. We do still talk among us authors and we are constantly encouraging them to complete their books! So, please, if you'd like to hear the stories of the remaining siblings, let us know! In the meantime, Wren's author Rachel Rossano (who also has a pen name of Elisa Rae), Rachel Thomas Starr, and myself have other books out that we hope you read and enjoy while you wait!


Want to write a great story? Start with two lead characters who want to forget the past, don't care about the future, and have nothing in common except those two things.. Oh! And then have them just travel. Yeah. Good job, Charissa. LOL Thank you very much, Callum and Harpyr! My Different Kind of Knight. This is going to be an adventure of a different kind. LOL


Happy birthday to Cormac's inspiration, Shawn! Love you hun!


Welp, we ended last year in quarantine, got out only to go right back in the for new year. You'd think isolation for 20 days would give plenty of writing time. But hubby got to isolate, then we all got it so there was no point. Meaning a whole lot of hyper active kids with little room to expend energy for 20 straight days. No writing time, just trying to stay sane! But we made it! We are back out and at least all are healthy again. How was your new year?? Hope you are all doing well this cold Jan!


At Christmas time, I love to replay the classics. What is your favorite classic Christmas movie? Mine is White Christmas. But I just had my kids watch this one!


These books are awesome and you should check them out!

The first books in four of my series are on sale now through the end of 2021. They are all down to $1.99. Feel free to share!
Grace by Contract (Once Upon a Duchy #1)
Duty (Novels of Rhynan #1)
Seventh Born (The Talented #1)
The Crown of Anavrea (The Theodoric Saga #1)


Thanksgiving is coming up! I'm thankful God gave me the ability to writ your stories that I love. I'm thankful for characters who live enough to talk to me in their own voices. What are you thankful for?


Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. We had a good one too. My three have grown up SO much. But, that's enabled me to get back to some writing. I've been busy with Cormac's second book and the trilogy now has a name! So, that's exciting. I'll announce it soon, meanwhile, I'm trying to argue Cormac into behaving and playing nice, but we'll, that's just not his character. Literally.


So, what have I been up to lately? Well, this little cutie made his way into the world! Pregnancy was hard and it's been a long road, but he is very much worth it! Where does that leave books? Well, Liberty's Choice and Cormac are both written and under evaluation by readers for editing. If you have a copy and can get it back to me by years end, that would be great! Both sequals for those have been started, but were placed on hold for the moment, and a few others have received more plot updates and are getting closer to being fully written books! I don't anticipate doing much till after Christmas, as we adjust to being a family of five and figuring out how homeschooling works with that. If you'd like to beta read Liberty or Comcac, as you can see you have time! So, let me know! Thanks for checking in!


Easiest way to throw a writer into total depression, lose all the notes, maps, background info, and outline for the next two books. Yeah, that will do it. I need to throw up. I literally just annihilated two books and I don't even know how many years of work that is impossible to get back in the same form. I basically just killed a best friend.