St. Columba God Squad - High School Teens

St. Columba God Squad - High School Teens

Teens coming together to have fun, share our faith and build solid like-minded relationships! Our motto is "always serving those in need!"


Pies for Meals on Wheels


His Eminence made a visit to celebrate 25! God Squad caught up with Father Cleary to see what's been going on since he left!!! --- and they do cleanup...


Hi God Squad members,

The Cardinal is coming to St. Columba on September 9th to celebrate the 5:30pm Mass in honor of our "25th" Anniversary of becoming our own parish. We would like to have representation from the teen group at the reception afterwards and, of course, also at the Mass.

Would anyone be willing to sign up to help serve and to cleanup afterwards?

If you could send a message back on whether this is something you can do, that would be great!

The teens that sign up could wear their God Squad Shirts and that would be awesome for the Cardinal to see.

Thanks, in advance, for helping out!!! The more the merrier - so if you have friends that want to help, it would be a great excuse to get them involved in God Squad! They can sign up too!


God Squad End of Year BBQ! Join us in September!!!


Because THIS is how we have fun!!!


Sign up for this fun day!!!!

Getting ready for Family Festiva this morning and found this great sign! Make sure to come and pie Nick this weekend!


Hope we can get more teens to come have some fun!!!!!! Next meeting: June 10 - families welcome to join us at our picnic!



Because this is how we roll at God Squad meetings!



Father Michael will lead us to visit three churches tonight to follow the tradition of visiting Jesus at several churches. We will meet tonight (4/13) at St. Columba at 8:30pm and visit St. Joseph's in Millbrook, St. Kateri and St. Denis. All are welcome!

Here is a little synopsis about the tradition:
In some cultures, it became customary to visit churches on Holy Thursday evening after Mass. The reason for the visits is to spend time in prayer in commemoration of Jesus’ night in prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane. The act of visiting churches probably originated in Rome many years ago as a form of a pilgrimage. How many churches should be visited? Most cultures say 7 churches, which is quite possible if you live in a large city. But time constraints usually held us to 3 – most churches now close at midnight or earlier so it is no longer possible to spend the night visiting churches.


Thank you to all who served the homeless in Manhattan and to those who generously donated! A successful Midnight Run!


[GodSquad] Friday Midnight Run be here 7pm SHARP to move clothing from Convent to School!


Midnight Run to help the Homelss NYC March 10-th


All 8th graders are now part of God Squad!

Videos (show all)

Our teens know how to Cotton Eyed Joe!
What do God Squad teens do at the parish picnic? Why they show us how it's done!
