Carvers Music School

Carvers Music School

Carvers Music School is aimed at educating pre-school children to read and understand basic music through a fun and interactive approach.

I use these lesson skills in the private tuition for 5 years + and have confident and enthusiastic pupils.



My neighbour and I have had a black and white male cat, not neutered, approx 9 months old at our doors the past few days.

He is SO sweet and good with my daughter so obviously come from a family home.

He has no collar, and not micro chipped.

Unfortunately we can't take him in. I have a dog and an allergic husband and my neighbour has a cat that won't accept it but between us we are providing shelter for it at night and a bit of food where we can but this cannot continue.

We have phoned the "Cats protection league" and they are choc a bloc so cannot take this darling cat in. I am so worried about him and his family must be missing this delightful cat so PLEASE if you think he is yours or you may know where he comes from please reply to this post.

We live in Parkstone by Branksome recreation ground.

Thanks. xx


WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE TO YOU AT YARRELLS! Please email me at [email protected] for the information along with booking sheet. The head has been very keen to open up the workshops to my customers.
Hope everyone is well and I might see you soon!
Love. xx


Any of you locals have any idea on my netmums post below?

"I need to find somewhere to hire for my daughters birthday. Poole, Wimborne, Upton etc would be great but anywhere considered!

The problem I am having is I need at least 2 seperate rooms. We are having a large puppet show so need a room for the chidlren to watch that in, then need to eat some lunch in a seperate room, then have the party / dancing in the food room (in which case needs to be big) or a seperate room again as the puppet man will take at least an hour to dismantle and can't have the children in with him for health and safety.

Does anyone know of or been to a party in such a place? 2 / 3 rooms and a kitchen? (2 rooms only need to be small but larger dance room) or (2 rooms but 1 large that can be partitioned so have 3 overall).

I am stumped. # # #"



Please check this out...Its beautiful and run by a friend of mine. Hello. Thanks for stopping by. Im a independent crafter, working from home in between running after my twins. I specialise in custom made


I have spoken to the few that attended class this morning but it is with deep regret that I inform you that Carvers Music School workshops will not be continuing in September.
I have sent an email to everybody that I have an address for but please send the email on to those who haven’t received it.
I have been offered a wonderful opportunity at my current local school, increased hours and I get to be with Saffie. I have also enrolled to do a degree so that I can officially start achieving my goal to become a teacher at this school.
Employment and progression in teaching offers me a stable and enjoyable career which is beneficial to my family.
I am not closing the business, I am simply taking a break whilst I find my feet and do some time management!
I understand that you will all find other groups to attend but I will aim to inform you all of any changes. Please email me if you would like to be updated or have any questions.
Much Love...Lucy, Saffie and Anne.


Timeline Photos


just did a re count at home to send off and we have £162.15p!!!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! XX


A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who came out this morning to raise money for Ana's charity "Moebius Research Trust". We raised £132.15p which will all go to the charity. Esther and I are so grateful for your support. x


MUSIC FOR MOEBIUS tomorrow with all proceeds going to Anas charity who help her "moebius research". 10.30 - 11.30 and yarrells Preparatory School. LOTS of music and dancing! For children 6 months - 6 years. x


DATE: Saturday 9th June 2012
TIME: 10.30-11.30am
PLACE: Yarrells Preparatory School, Yarrells House, Upton, Dorset, BH16 5EU
£5.00 PER CHILD (please remember every penny of this is going to a very good cause)
Lucy from Carvers Music School and Esther (Ana's mum) are running a musical fun morning for children (6 months to 6 years) and together we would both like to invite you to attend. She is holding this event for the Moebius Research Trust, in honour of Ana Carys, who will be the guest of honour.

There will be live music, games, songs, dancing, stories, bubbles
and much, much more for children up to 6 years.

Hope very much to see you there.


Carvers Music School - Welcome website just updated. xx "Before attending Lucy's classes you would have been forgiven for thinking that learning the different notes & whether to play your instrument loudly or quietly would be way beyond the capability of an 18 month old but Lucy has proven that it is not."


Choose your location - Netmums

This is the link to vote for Carvers music school. Please do I would be so appreciative. xx


Moebius Research Trust - Moebius Research Trust

We smile from
our hearts

Hello, my name is Esther and this gorgeous girl is my 3 year old daughter Ana Carys. She has a very rare neurological syndrome, called Moebius Syndrome. She is one of 200 people in UK living with this condition. There is little known about how it is caused or what the future holds. The main features of Moebius are determined by the absence of the 6th and 7th cranial nerves, which control facial expression. These nerves allow us to blink and move the eyes laterally and give us the ability to smile although my Ana smiles from her heart.

We would like to help raise awareness to the condition and fundraise for the Moebius Research Trust. The trust needs to raise £250,000 in order to begin research into the condition and the fund status at the moment is £100,000.

DATE: Saturday 9th June 2012
TIME: 10.30-11.30am
PLACE: Yarrells Preparatory School, Yarrells House, Upton, Dorset, BH16 5EU
£5.00 PER CHILD (please remember every penny of this is going to a very good cause)
Lucy from Carvers Music School and I are running a musical fun morning for
children (6 months to 6 years) and together we would both like to invite you to
attend. She is holding this event for the Moebius Research Trust,
in honour of Ana Carys, who will be the guest of honour.

There will be live music, games, songs, dancing, stories, bubbles
and much, much more for children up to 6 years.
Registered Charity No: SC037454 How can you help? If you, or someone you know have been diagnosed with this condition, please contact us. We are attempting to create a data base of subjects which may be asked to help with the UK scientific research into the cause of moebius through the diagnosis of Micro Deletion Testing. This res...


Nearly didn't get prepared for tomorrow becuase I was so busy dancing around to Frank you can guess what week it is tomorrow! Frankie!!!! Also we are learning about being LOUD and toddlers and Maestros have no lollipop but something very new and exciting (also educational) tomorrow! Hope to see you there! x


I have just been on Netmums east dorset and saw that Emma has nominated me for her favourite pre-school group. I didn't know about it until just now but if you feel the same please log onto netmums "noticeboard" and nominate Carvers too. # # #


Back and raring to go tomorrow but with a lesson on quiet sounds to ease us mummys (and daddys) back after easter! x


I have added a link on the website to Yarrells preparatory school next to the facebook link on every page. I also teach the workshops at this beautiful school to the reception children and lead the early years music there. :-)


We are finishing our term off with body sounds and environmental sounds tomorrow with a good poem about wind blowing up Grannys nose! It is also musicals week (one of my faves). :-)


LIVING LIGHTS LADIES NIGHT - I am going to this event tonight Thursday 29th March 2012. 7.00pm - 9.30pm. £5.00 entrance. Unit 5 / 6 Chancery Gate Trade Park, Holy Rood Close, Broadstone, BH17 7AE. Unique gifts from local exhibitors and a performance from Elvis! Hope to see you there. x


We have more body sounds this week and "mouth" sounds which I know my daughter will enthusiastically assist with! We are helping animals onto an ark, Going for a walk in frog wellys, and listening to "nostalgic" songs and their original recordings from 1932, 1940 and other " staple numbers from the early days of school broadcasts which were usually listened to sitting crossed legged on a hard wooden floor!".


A morning of ABBA lined up for tomorrow and lots more body sounds to discover whilst we trek through the jungle. x


MUSIC FOR MOEBIUS - The venue for this event has been confirmed and will be held at YARRELLS PREPARATORY SCHOOL in Upton. It is a beautiful site and has plenty of free parking! Other details will be confirmed very soon and I shall post as soon as they are. :-)


Carvers Music School's cover photo


We are learning about sounds we can make with our bodys tomorrow and will continue this through until the Easter holidays. Carribbean week tomorrow! x


Our Ana Carys


Those of you who come to class will possibly have seen our lovely Ana who attends with Moebius syndrome. We are going to hold a 1 hour fun music session / party for £5.00 per child to raise awareness and money with EVERY PENNY earned donated to help raise money so research can start in this country. More details to come... :-)


More Chorus and verse this week with a wonderful musical story with actions for everyone and we are experiencing a 1960's music week! Groooooovy :-)


Ready for the next 6 weeks! Disney week tomorrow and learning about the difference between chorus and verse whilst going on a holiday!


The Science of Sound tomorrow so some experiments learning about vibrations and listening to sounds.


A good lesson lined up for tomorrow. We have South African week this week, chanting and lots of movement along side presto and largo and the Mini Maestroes new guest - Andante. :-)


Back to workshops tomorrow. We will have a refresher this week then as from next week we have a new little friend joining Presto and Largo :-)
I am excited about seeing the children after Christmas so see you tomorrow! x


Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I am just taking a break from trying to tidy the devistation! We are back at St Lukes on Friday 6th Jan but I will post before then. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Love from Saffie and I. # # #


My phone has been dropped in the washing up bowl by my husband. Not happy. Please contact me on 01202 745249 xx


Lesson plans are done for the next 6 weeks until christmas! We are spending the first 4 weeks learning about longer and shorter and of course 2 weeks worth of christmas! Woo Woo! There will be stories, songs, poems, fancy dress, trains, and games for everyone to play with me and of course all of the usual subjects :-))


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 14:45
Tuesday 03:30 - 05:15
Wednesday 03:30 - 05:15
Friday 09:45 - 00:15