Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE.

Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE.

Child was removed? False allegation? Quite common everyone. Ext. 5948. Did #CPS advise a judge a completely different event, from what really happened? Nationwide.

Lawyer don’t care about your right to sue CPS? #LEARN & apply strategic action timely. 1-844-SUE-CPS-7 (or)Direct Line: 1-929-277-7848 Effective consulting(at pro-se level) Communication Strategist. Those who are wisely and (timely) suing pro-se self file per caseworker violating one's constitutional right are to be commended, when a "lawyer" does not care enough to timely proceed. Our #EFFECTIVE


I need money to be able to continue this fanpage, Can anyone help us?


Staff @ Powerful WomenLaw Student,Research,Consulting wish you all a very Happy Mothers Day. For those who are sadly (without child(ren) grandchildren, when suing by deadline." when suing caseworker, pro-se."
Here, at the Nation's only 1 of a kind 24hr. 1-on-1 consulting network that YOU do matter. Help form @ (fill out)then call after receiving an email.
Arizona, California,West Virginia,Pennsylvania,NJ,NYC,DE.,NC.,MD., nationwide help form below, to begin same day,when indolent lawyers, do not care about you enough, nor your rights to proceed. North Carolina,Oregon,Maryland,Ohio,Washington, Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania Help/Hotline 1-929-277-7848 Ext. 0271 Ext.7624

Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE. Lawyer don’t care about your right to sue CPS? & apply strategic action timely. 1-844-SUE-CPS-


Child removed by CPS? West Virginia DHHR falsified. Texas DFPS. Caseworker terminated your right? CALIFORNIA DCFS lied under oath? Pennsylvania CYS removed child,grandchild? NJ DYFS(DCPP), Georgia DCFS,Arizona DCS, Louisiana,Oregon DHS,Florida DCFS violation, Nationwide.1-929-277-7848. Ext.0217. Help form(when preparing to sue Pro-se(self file CPS) by deadline @ throughout exist."

Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE. Lawyer don’t care about your right to sue CPS? & apply strategic action timely. 1-844-SUE-CPS-


North Carolina DSS, Georgia DFCS, Kentucky cabinet West Virginia DHHR, Louisiana DCFS ignored report(s),in my favor, showing I'm not an abuser to my child/grandchildren. Lawyers will not sue for me, nor return calls. caseworker for damages, per violation.(929)-277-7848 Help/Hotline. Nationwide 24hrs.(Emergent) Helpform @ Ext.0620.
Help form @ / Help form when suing CPS."

Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE. Lawyer don’t care about your right to sue CPS? & apply strategic action timely. 1-844-SUE-CPS-


CALIFORNIA social worker altered documentation & later went to appear in court & lied.TEXAS DFPS employee falsified. Kentucky cabinet (caseworker) lied in a report. Florida DCF. Missouri DFS,Pennsylvania,Ohio,North Carolina DSS, West Virginia DHHR. by deadline, pro-se self file, when one's attorney, who are indolent, uncaring, non-astute, shall not sue for the "truly innocent" is quite ubiquitous. , when you are ready to file lawsuit for damages, pro-se by deadline, when holding cps(finally)lawfully accountable for one's destruction of their child,grandchild,their family.Help form or utilize and be sure to call in minutes AFTER filling such required help form to begin your powerful 1-on-1 self-consulting session same day."

Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE. Lawyer don’t care about your right to sue CPS? & apply strategic action timely. 1-844-SUE-CPS-


Child wrongfully removed by and as a result, injured?
lied, while seeking a removal order, defaming/slander to assist in removing one's child?
Lawyers do not care enough about you, nor such violation is quite prevalent per zip code. This is quite ubiquitous, everyone." Ext.631

Grandchild at risk, while West Virginia DHHR falsely accusing, to make their case?
North Carolina, Missouri, OREGON, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, NJ, New York City, Oregon, Washington, Nevada.
(Nationwide help/hotline) Help form to be filled out,
prior to calling our busy effective staff, thank you."
More at:
Caseworker fabricated such narrative when child was not at risk of imminent danger?
Attorney NOT submitting such information that can assist in the return of your daughter/son? 1-929-277-7848...
POWERFUL WOMEN LawStudent Consulting @ T.A.N.(TakeAction) 1-on-1 Network, when suing (correctly/timely pro-se self file DCF."

Sue Cps in Federal Court,and Take Back your Right.Your Family.Your LIFE. Lawyer don’t care about your right to sue CPS? & apply strategic action timely. 1-844-SUE-CPS-


"The rights of a parent, are not in any way unclear." When indolent uncaring lawyers, do not care to represent you, in suing, believe in yourself to strategically proceed timely. Ext. 0806 Missouri, Texas,NJ,NYC,PENNSYLVANIA,North Carolina,
West Virginia, Kentucky,Louisiana, Nationwide. Ext. 904 @ POWERHOUSE WOMEN LAW STUDENT CONSULTING 1-on-1

1-929-277-7848 Help form (REQUIRED)fill out @ Help form.


California, Kentucky,Texas,Georgia DFCS caseworker,North Carolina, Pennsylvania CYS caseworker removed my child."No lawyer"will sue for me. Ext. 860
Nationwide 24hr help/hotline,

Caseworker under oath, lied, submitted false reports.
As a result, my beautiful innocent child,granchild remain violated.
Help/Hotline: 1-929-277-7848.
Help form (Required.)Be sure to fill out, then call in, to begin, your Power Session today."


Child removed, from a good parent, grandparent, premised on a false allegation. As a result, the child, parent was violated, while a caseworker, cps,cys,dcfs,dfcs,dfps,dss,lied throughout. No lawyer "care" to sue pro-se., by deadline. Ext. 0806 California, Georgia,Florida,
Maryland, North Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Pennsylvania,
NJ,Texas,New York City, Illinois,Missouri,Nationwide.
Help/Hotline.1-929-277-7848 Ext. 806
Help form @


Social worker said my child was at "serious" risk. She lied to a judge. No lawyer "care" to sue for me. I'm ready to file suit pro-se. 1-929-277-7848 Ext. 806 Help form @
San Bernardino lied under oath,to see that my baby would be taken by CPS. Lawyers won't not sue for me. I am ready to sue."
... Help form to begin same day, while suing per caseworker for civil right violation,pro-se(self file) Nationwide 24hr.


Caseworker lied under oath to illegally seize my child/grandchild. CALIFORNIA social worker lied,perjured self,but "no lawyer" care enough about my right, nor my child/grandchild to institute my lawsuit. Los Angeles, Riverside,San Bernardino,Arizona,Pima,Maricopa County, Colorado,Ohio,IOWA,Michigan,NYC,NJ,Pennsylvania nationwide. When suing cps(correctly)Pro-se Self, deadline exist."
-CPS lied in court in a report, to detain/remove one's child?

-HAPPY HEALTHY CHILD REMOVED FROM A HOSPITAL, while CPS lied, to ensure you will not be able to procure custody-return.

-DCFS Falsified Records to make a good loving parent look bad?
Los Angeles,CALIFORNIA to Dauphin County,Pennsylvania,to NJ,NY, to Chicago,Illinois DCFS Violation, to Volusia County in Florida, such "Good American parents/grandparents/children are being clearly inextricably violated." However, it is up to YOU to ensure you have file your Civil Rights (correctly)suit, pro-se (self file) and timely."
Ext. 6520
throughout exist.
-Ext. 0806 Helpform
-CPS lied in court in a report, to detain/remove one's child?


-DCFS Falsified Records to make a good loving parent look bad?

-DFS,DSS,fabricated, while lying under oath?
This is quite prevalent unconscionable & in a plethora of cases,
the seizure is illegal." Good luck suing (correctly/timely by deadline pro-se self file abhorrent cps.


by deadline pro-se per violation.
Caseworker removed my child out of Lincoln County, in NC.

JOHNSTON COUNTY DSS caseworker falsified and lied in report.

Wake County DSS removed my child, but, my lawyer is not doing anything to hold cps

No lawyer will sue, don't care, at all about my child and I being violated.

I shall hold CPS accountable for violation my right.

Nationwide 24hours a day (Emergency) help/hotline to begin your consult POWER session 1-on-1 @ 1-929-277-7848
Help form required. Help form


Caseworker lied under oath, in sworn-in affidavt(s) New York CPS, DCFS California, North Carolina, Illinois,Missouri,Pennsylvania, NJ, when suing (timely) by way of pro-se(self file method)for civil damages, holding caseworker in a timely manner accountable. LAWYER "don't care" about my rights,violation to sue for me." Ext.0860
Help/hotline:929-277-7848 Ext.4676 Help form(click on "contact").


Louisiana DCFS took my baby, then lied under oath in court.
Illinois DCFS, California, NYC caseworker convince a judge to seize my child, in violation of my right, to parent my own child.
-No Lawyer "care enough about me, to sue."
by deadline. and sue pro-se(self file)correctly."
Ext. 0806 Nationwide help form(click "Contact Us"blue button on our staff popular FB page. Help/Hotline: 1-929-277-7848 Ext.4676


California DCFS,Missouri DFS trying to illegally terminate my rights, no lawyer will sue. Ext. 4676 TEXAS DFPS removed my child.FLORIDA DCF,WEST VIRGINIA CPS lied.No "Lawyer" care to sue for me, despite violation. Pro-se self file, "correctly" & timely to hold caseworker accountable. Help/Hotline 1-929-277-7848 Ext.4676


California, North Carolina DSS removed my child, grandchild,
then lied to a judge, in order to keep her. Lied under oath.
1-929-277-7848 NOT 1 LAWYER will sue for me by deadline. Indiana,Wisconsin, Illinois,KENTUCKY,Louisiana,Washington DC., TEXAS,MISSOURI,Pennsylvania + Nationwide helpline when suing caseworker(correctly/timely." Help form,click on "contact button."


DSS NC lied under oath. As a result,I lost custody. Lawyer won't sue. DSS caseworker filed against me a false report. No lawyer will sue for me, don't care at all about my rights, or my child. Ext.5146 . social worker @ DCFS told the judge untruths. My child is now detained. Ext.4676 throughout exist, when suing CPS. 1-929-277-7848
Toll Free # 1-844-SUE-CPS-7


Children Youth Services in PA., (CYS) have violated one's rights, once again. 1-929-277-7848. Lawyers are of ZERO help, and sadly a loving parent,grandparent remain violated by Children Youth Family Services known as Ext. 5146 as such children are now sadly being ILLEGALLY ADOPTED OUT as the caseworker "decided"to keep truth from the court." The children are now being given to a "Foster Stranger"while his blood-kin family are being ignored."


Chicago DCFS caseworker continue to detain my children, while lying in report(s)violating our rights. Louisiana CPS seize my baby without a legal basis to do so. ... North Carolina DSS Maryland, NJ DCPP(DCF,DYFS) Los Angeles County DCFS,San Francisco, Texas DFPS removed my child. "No lawyer care about me, or my rights, nor my child,grandchild to represent me, and sue for me." by deadline pro-se[self-file] Nationwide 24hrs.
Helpline/Hotline:1-929-277-7848 Ext. 4676


Birthdays Missed due to a caseworker inequities in California, Texas.
Civil rights Missouri, LOUISIANA, Kentucky, Illinois.
nationwide. 1-929-277-7848 Ext. 5146
Pro-se (self file) per caseworker violation, correctly, by deadline."


caseworker, social worker lied under oath. No Lawyer cares."
Grandchild was taken from me. My rights are being TERMINATED.
Not 1 lawyer care at all about me, my child OR my rights, to sue."
I am ready to (correctly & timely) file my lawsuit, pro-se[self file].
1-929-277-7848 Ext. 4676 help form @ Nationwide 24hrs.a day.(Emergent)CALIFORNIA, ILLINOIS, Oregon, North/South Carolina,Baltimore,Maryland, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas, Missouri,Nationwide. 24hrs.a day`-


DCFS lawsuit for damages for wrongful continual removal of one's child. CHICAGO,FLORIDA, North Carolina DSS violation. SUE CPS BY DEADLINE (pro-se self file) (Learn!) Achieve.Win... California,ARIZONA,PENNSYLVANIA,DELAWARE,COLORADO DHS, KENTUCKY CHFS, OHIO, SOUTH CAROLINA, Baltimore,Maryland, West Virginia Mississippi, Georgia, IOWA,HAWAII,MISSOURI Nationwide: 1-929-277-7848 Help form @


Lawyer mislead me. Still don't have my child. Rights might be terminated by a caseworker who has lied to the court, hid evidence in North Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia,Florida,NJ,Texas.

CALIFORNIA DCFS social worker went to court and lied. Kids are not being returned. pro-se self file per violation.
My rights are being completely ignored, one day to be terminated. Pennsylvania CYS violation. NJ,Texas,Illinios, Delaware, Massachusetts DCF violation. Tennessee DCS, Louisiana, to Colorado DHS violation.Nationwide. Ext.4676


Caseworker lied on a perfectly happy healthy little boy/girl in W.VA. Grandparent lost custody premised on a false report by CHFS,CYS. Parent in West Virginia falsely accused, then force to sign over her/his rights by DCFS,DCS,DHHR. Ext.5146. KY CHFS caseworker removed grandchild. is being relied upon, by a caseworker, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, to California,OHIO, to Louisiana,NYC, to Pennsylvania, nationwide. Good luck everyone suing by deadline. pro-se self file per violation of such rights.


California social worker @ DCFS illegally terminate my legal rights.
CHRISTMAS holiday without my child,grandchild. Lawyer do not care at all, about my violation. I'm ready to file my pro-se lawsuit."
Kentucky CHFS. NC DSS, Pennsylvania CYS lied in report, on me."
Lawyers will not sue for me while they continue to lie, shall not return my children to my care. 1-929-277-7848 Ext. 5146
Another holiday without my child/grandchild due to violation, illegal acts, false allegations. Nationwide


Los Angeles Social Worker removed my child, then lied in a report. No lawyer care enough about me, or my child, or violation to sue. I'm ready to file Pro-se (self file)DCFS, to hold cps accountable. 1-929-277-7848 Ext. 5146 New York City,NJ,PA., COLORADO,KentuckymNorth Carolina, Ohio,Delaware,West VA.

Good luck while suing cps timely, pro-se (self file).

Emergency Help/Hotline when suing pro-se CPS. Ext.4676

@ POWERFUL POWERHOUSE LawStudent Consulting."
When you're contacting the NATION's of its kind while suing pro-se(correctly/timely) per violation by cps you are "no longer ignored." You are capable to sue by deadline cps."
1-929-277-7848 Ext. 5146
by deadline."
Be sure to fill out staff help form to begin same day, everyone."
-Child removed. Lawyers indolent, do not care, when violated?
View below:


California DCFS falsified evidence.Florida DCF, KENTUCKY CHFS took my child,grandchild, put him in harm's way. Colorado DHS. MISSOURI DFS.Pennsylvania CYS lied. NC DSS withheld report." pro-se self file Ext.5146 Nationwide help/hotline 24hrs.a day 1-929-277-7848 ext.4676 help form: help form


Florida DCF, TEXAS DFPS perjured, lied under oath, led to termination of my rights. Kentucky cps removed my child,grandchild based on false allegation. MISSOURI DFS violated, but lawyers will not sue. Louisiana caseworker lied to removed my child.Ext.4676 California DCFS lied on me and my family, violating my right, but "no lawyer"care to sue.
1-929-277-7848 ext. 4676 Help Form, click on CONTACT US blue button up top or visit: help form 1-929-277-7848 Ext. 5146 Nationwide 24hrs. a day."

Videos (show all)

#SUEDCF Florida. #SUEDFPS Texas CALIFORNIA DCFS.#SUEDCF #SUEDFACS Georgia, #DCCP #DHS by deadline." Another Birthday mis...
Lawyer Not Suing CPS? Lawyer indolent, don't care about you, or per violation, FILE PRO-SE by deadline CPS worker and ta...

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