E&H goes to Jucuapa, El Salvador

E&H goes to Jucuapa, El Salvador

A mission team from Emory & Henry will be in Jucuapa, El Salvador, over Spring Break 2013. Take a look at their adventures.

Timeline photos 30/08/2013

Look who is featured on the Holston Conference fb page today!!!!

We have been receiving some wonderful missions photos! Here is an Emory & Henry student on a mission trip to El Salvador this past year. (Courtesy of Chaplain Mary K Briggs)

MK's Friday -- our last morning in Jucuapa 09/03/2013
MK's Thursday 09/03/2013
Untitled album 09/03/2013

These are Jimmy Whited's pictures from Mon - Wed. I can't get the name of the album to change.


Wow! The travel portion of our El Salvador experience is complete. We made it home safely. Now to live out the new ways that we are hearing God call us to love Him and to love others.

Thanks to everyone for all of the prayers and support that you have given us. Please continue to pray for God's work in the people of Jucuapa and of our team members.


We landed in Knoxville.......finally!!!!! We will be Emory bound soon.


We are back in the USA. We are in Houston waiting for our flight to Knoxville. We will be home soon.


Sorry there haven't been any new pictures. I'll try to get some posted later today. Some of us have had a little tummy bug (including me), but we are on the mend!

This afternoon, we will be painting at a school where we did our program this morning. We love playing with the kids!!!!

Hope everyone at home is doing well. :)

MK's Monday morning and afternoon 05/03/2013
MK's Sunday Evening 05/03/2013
MK's Sunday Pics 05/03/2013

Pictures from Sunday!

Saturday and Sunday in Jucuapa 04/03/2013

We made it to the airport in Knoxville. God is good!!!


We're on our way to Knoxville!!!!


This is a page to share with your family and friends so they can see what we are up to while we are in El Salvador. Please invite people to "like" the page!
