This is the official site of the Gay Straight Alliance at Steele Canyon High School. We meet every Tuesday during lunch in Mr.

This club is designed to give le****ns, g**s, bisexualsl, straights, and transgendered people a medium to communicate with each other in a safe environment. Miluso's room to discuss ways to make our community and school safer. GSA is not only for g**s, bisexuals, or transgendered people, but for straight people who support the LGBT community as well. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have on the wall. Also, please come to our meetings with an open mind and heart.


It's official! Our GSA social with different schools will be hosted on February 10th, be sure to attend :)!

A Brotha Vs. A Bug, Mr. Chi-City Kicking some Insect A** 19/01/2012

A Brotha Vs. A Bug, Mr. Chi-City Kicking some Insect A** I had been out All Day, running errands and just doing what Chi-City does. i walked into my place, and I saw the biggest Damn INSECT I have ever seen in my L...


Big GSA meeting tonight with different schools from 6-9 pm in the Study Hall room. Hope to hear that all you guys are going since I can't be there myself. Hope you guys have lots of fun too and meet great new people! -publicist

Top Ten Reasons To Make Gay Marriage Illegal** 02/12/2011

cause we should totally not let g**s marry.. cause homosexuality is infectious, just like athiesm

Top Ten Reasons To Make Gay Marriage Illegal** **This graphic is intended as a joke. The statements above are not intended to be taken literally. Just in case you got confused for a moment. ;)

Why Gay Rights Matter To 2 Million Kids 02/12/2011

this makes me cry..

Why Gay Rights Matter To 2 Million Kids Share this today if you think ALL kids deserve basic protections.

I am Human NOH8 Campaign PSA 02/12/2011


I am Human NOH8 Campaign PSA A group of familiar faces speaking nine different languages from all over the world came together for our third NOH8 PSA to share their one simple message: I...

Gay Marriage Attacked in Re****ed New Commercial 02/12/2011

These are the type of people we must unite against... it is them who bring us down, but we must show them that we will stand

Gay Marriage Attacked in Re****ed New Commercial Homophobes and bigots unite against the coming menace. If you don't act now, loving gay couples will be allowed to marry.


I found a few videos against marriage discrimination that i think are very powerful. Im gonna post the links... i hope you guys and gals and everything in between find this as moving as i have


December 9th is our GSA social. Spread the word to any and all other schools that you know! there will be a movie, pizza, soda, and awesome GSA social fun! So far we have:
West Hills
Granite Hills

All of these awesome schools are participating if you know another school that is willing to join in the fun, leave a message with the school name, and if possible a way to get ahold of them. Thanks to everyone for their help and support :)


Did anyone meet a buddy at the Club Fair? If so bring him/her to this Tuesday's meeting so we can expand our allience. Thank you!


Our club did so good today! :D We raised exactly 69 Dollars at the club fair today ;D... Way to go people, and thanks for everyone's support, friendliness, and time given to this club today! Keep up the good work! :)


Tomorrow is the Club Fair... Any1 excited? :D... Remember our goal is to try and raise money for our club and possibly recruit members for the alliance so lets be friendly and inivte people to join :))


This upcoming Tuesday is "Bring-a-buddy Day!" :D!! Dont forget to bring a friend to our GSA Club... remember "You don't have to be Gay to joing GSA" :)


tomorrows after school meeting will end at 430.. oh and i have an awesome story to tell you all tomorrow about my english teacher and gender neutral pronouns!


Tomorrow were gonna finish up our coming out stories and maybe show a few videos


REMINDER: The first afterschool meeting will be TOMORROW the meeting will offically start at 330 and will end at 430-5 ish... I will be meeting with everyone at the Rancho Target, from there we will go to the location of the meeting. Please tell everyone you know about this. I encourage all of you to come :) It will be a lot of fun :)


Due to schedule issues on my behalf. The afterschool meeting will be on THURSDAYS.. instead of mondays... I understand many of you will not be able to make it because of sports and thats acceptable. I hope to see the rest of you there though :) Have a wonderful weekend
Questions? Comments? go ahead and contact me :)


Tomorrow we are going to honor national su***de prevention week. Each member will be asked to sign a pledge basically saying that your there for people and that you will help to prevent su***de. We will also be voting on which day to have an after school meeting. Other than that, we aren't doing to much tomorrow. Can't wait to see you all there:)

Talk To Me 01/09/2011

September 4th-10th in National Su***de Prevention Week. PLEASE visit this website, I strongly encourage you to support the "Talk To Me" campaign the best you can. You're never alone. If you're my friend on here, I will be posting something each day of Su***de Prevention Week. Thanks everyone for being loving and open people, I appreciate you!

Talk To Me Make and wear your own TALK TO ME t-shirt on September 9th. Let everyone know how important it is to TALK! GET MORE INFO


Tomorrow is our next meeting. Can't wait to see everyone there. There will be cookies... :) if youd like to bring anything else feel free to :) We will be going over publicity tomorrow for a heads up. Have a goodnight everyone.


Just to let you all know I will be posting pictures of Tshirt and sticker ideas on our tumblr( These products i hope will be things we can sell both within the club, and to others in the school. Make some money as well as spread our message :)


Hey there everyone. I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who showed up! now... invite your friends.. and friends of friends. and anyone else who wants to support a hate free zone. next week ill bring in a treat for everyone and some poster designs. Also please let me know what day would be best for you guys to have an after school meeting :)


First meeting of the year today at lunch... Anyone excited? :D hope to see a lot of new people there :)


As I mentioned previously, our first meeting will be held this Tuesday, in order to spread the word about the meeting i have made up some cards that give the club info out (date time room # etc. ) I will be handing these out to people who may be interested and leaving them around school campus to inform people. If you would like to hand some out please contact me. Also I will be by the drama room before school and at lunch. Come see me if you have any questions or want some cards :)


Our first meeting will be this tuesday. please be there if you can we need all the support we can get. Unless you are an elected official (or chrissy) then it is MANDATORY. This meeting is crucial to the year. It is an overview of our plan for this year. if there is a REAL reason why you can not make it please contact me and i will fill you in as best i can. But no lame excuses. this year were getting serious so no slacking off will be tolerated with office officials
Thanks guys and girls


(continued.. AGAIN)

Okay i think thats all for now. theres alot thats going to happen this year and if we plan on getting anyof it done were gonna need your guy's support and help.!


PS. i am making myself available for all member to contact day or night with anyform of issue wether it be good,bad,q***r or not, school or not, related. ANYTHING. please keep in touch. I am here for anyone who needs/wants it


--AHA! not quite done yet (gosh this is long) were gonna need more members now since all the seniors are gone (we needed more before but now theres only a handful of us left). so please spread the word to all of your q***r and non q***r friends alike.Remember this is NOT just a place for LGBT but also our allies!gay-STRAIGHT-alliance. We have a tendancy to forget about our allies when they are just as important as the LGBT community.



--Another thing i would like to mention is that i created a tumblr page for the club. I figure its another site to spread the word about us on. PLEASE FOLLOW. Everything will be kept up to date.


Hello hello everybody-
--I would like to tell you all about a few things that are coming up this year!. First of all there will be 2 meeting held every week. Tuesdays @ lunch just like normal. This meeting will be pretty much all business unless there is no business to attend to. Also Thursdays after school a meeting will be held. This will basically be a safe space meeting where everyone can come together to just talk about life, q***r and non q***r problems alike.


Sending out a very late congrats to all the new GSA Officers! This year BIG things will happen.

Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children) 25/06/2011

Watch this, it is a worthwhile 4 minutes and 10 seconds. Rise Against made a song/music video for The Trevor Project's It Gets Better Project. It is truely moving.

Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children) Music video by Rise Against performing Make It Stop (September's Children). (C) 2011 DGC Records


IMPORTANT!! Who would be interested in going to a PRIDE Fan Making Party? Essentially, we will be hand making fans that GLSEN (Gay Le***an Straight Education Network) will hand out at PRIDE. If you are, let me kno what days of the week are best for you!


The Other Prom was amazing! Glad to see many people from Steele Canyon GSA Club there and many others! it was a great turn out