

Accurate news and information about Lyme and tick-borne diseases in Vermont, and resources for Vermo Our Mission at VTLyme.com:


Provide Vermonters access to accurate and updated information about the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and tick-borne diseases.
2. Facilitate dialogue and collaboration between patients, medical providers, insurance companies, policy makers, the Vermont Department of Health, and other stakeholders with the goal of creating an environment where all Vermonters can access effective, evidence-based c



Timeline photos 04/04/2021

Ticks are terrible at social distancing. It’s up to us to stay away from them. Use insect repellent, avoid wooded and brushy areas, and always do a tick check for you and your pets when you get home. Get more tick tips at www.healthvermont.gov/beticksmart

Photos from VTLyme.org's post 26/03/2021

A warm weather reminder!

F*ck Mindfulness, Get Some Sleep 20/03/2021

This can be true for people managing TBDs....

F*ck Mindfulness, Get Some Sleep Wellness recommendations emphasize skills that are outside of many peoples’ grasp instead of more accessible and beneficial practices.