Cr Nathan Bishop - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Cr Nathan Bishop - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Candidate for Serpentine-Jarrahdale Council in the North West Ward

Photos from Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale's post 30/10/2023

In the community, for the community. And now, on the Council.

Thank you to the electors of the North West Ward who played their part by voting in this year’s local government election.

To those who have helped to support my campaign, thank you. Whether it was displaying signs on your property, delivering flyers, handing out How-to-Vote cards, or scrutineering the vote count, your contributions have made all the difference in what was a very close election.

To Positive Change; Cr Lauren Strange - Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire Council, thank you for your commitment and contribution to the SJ community over the past 4 years. And, to both Cr Strange and Matthew Scofield, thank you for your fair and respectful candidacies.

Congratulations to Shire President-elect Rob Coales for Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and Councillor-elect Reece Jerrett for SJ Shire - South Ward on your election successes. I look forward to working with you both as part of a united Council underpinned by free debate and community-minded decision-making.

I ran on the promise to put the community back on Council. I may now have a seat at the Council table, but now I’ll need the community’s help — your help — to take you with me.

It’s the Council’s job to listen, but it’s the community’s job to be heard. Please engage in every opportunity to be heard, whether it be attending Council meetings to ask public questions, raising petitions, making deputations, or providing your submissions on local projects via the YourSaySJ website: (

I will uphold my responsibility to listen to you, and I will ensure my colleagues on Council are held to account for doing the same.

Thank you again,

📸 Justin Warren - 2nd Lieutenant of one of the best moral support providers I could have asked for throughout this election, the Oakford Bush Fire Brigade!


The sun has set on polling day.

Now we wait.


You’ll see a lot of signs at the SJ Recreation Centre, but there’s only one thing to remember.

And that’s to put a ‘1’ next to my name, Nathan Bishop.

It’s not good enough for Councillors to sit at a table for 4 years and only be held to account at election time.

I’m in the community, and I’m for it. My accountability to you is daily, not only at election time.

If we’re going to put the community back on Council, I’ll need your support.


With the last week of campaigning before Saturday’s local government election now upon us, my message couldn’t be clearer.

It’s simple.

I don’t think it’s good enough for a Councillor to sit at the Council table for 4 years and only ever be held to account at election time.

I’m in this community, and I’m for it. I’ve been a volunteer at the Oakford Bush Fire Brigade for the past 8 years. My accountability to our community is daily. If I fail to listen, or if I fail to act, trust me, I will be made to know about it.

It’s time to put the community back on Council.

Turn out to vote this Saturday, 21 October 2023, 8:00am to 6:00pm at the following locations:

📍 SJ SHIRE OFFICE (Mundijong)


📸 Thank you to Rise Dance Studio for inviting me down to support their breast cancer awareness fundraiser last week. It was great to see firsthand the positive contribution this small business makes to our community, whether it be providing enjoyment and employment for young people, or raising valuable funds for a very worthy cause.


I’ll say it a little louder so you can hear me over the sizzle of the democracy sausages today.

If we’re going to have a Council as good as our community, we’re going to need to put the community back on it.

No allegiances, no agenda — except to and for YOU.

When you go to cast your ballot today for the Voice to Parliament referendum, please consider heading to the following locations to also vote early in the Serpentine-Jarrahdale local government election for the North West Ward:

📍SJ Library (858 South Western Highway, Byford)

📍Oakford Community Hall (53 Foxton Drive, Oakford)

Voting is available until 4:00pm.


Congratulations to Emma Farrell and F45 Training Byford for a well executed fundraiser for Moondreamz.

It is clear from the turnout that Ben Luckens and his team have cultivated a supportive, community & family oriented gym.

After 2 hours of literally stepping up to the challenge, Ben, Emma, and all those in attendance raised $1,526.00!

The money will go towards raising awareness for and providing support to children across Australia living with Neurological conditions.

Also, it was great to see local and other businesses playing their part by supplying prizes for the fundraiser. Shoutout to…

Green Leaves Byford
T D Modular Granny Flats
2 Little Grazers

… to name only a few. Please, if I have left you out, feel free plug your socials/website in the comments and I will add you in!

I’ll be honest, I certainly didn’t step up for 2 hours, but I did muster some energy to fill-in when others needed a rest, in between helping to cook & serve breakfast.

Well done to everyone who kept going, and going, and going!


If we’re going to put the community back on Council, I’ll need your support.

Vote 1️⃣ Nathan Bishop in the North West Ward.

Early voting in/near the North West Ward is open TODAY until 4:00pm at the following locations:

📍 Oakford Community Hall (53 Foxton Drive, Oakford).

📍 Serpentine Jarrahdale Library (858 South Western Highway, Byford).


Another year, another successful SJ Log Chop!

When I wasn’t wrangling the stilt walkers for a photo op, I was speaking to residents of the North West Ward who shared their concerns about declining tree coverage throughout urbanising parts of the ward.

It is important for Council to ensure that the steps we take forward in our community’s development are not steps backward for our local natural environment.

You’re talking, and I’m listening. With your support come October 21st, we’ll put community back on Council.

Vote ‘1’ Nathan Bishop for your North West Ward Councillor.




* Available now weekdays & Saturdays, 9am-4pm


* Saturdays - 7 & 14 October, 9am-4pm


* Saturdays - 7 & 14 October, 9am-4pm
* Wed, Thur, Fri - 18, 19 & 20 October, 1pm-4pm


Thank you to the many local community groups who contributed to making the Log Chop a success:

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Bushfire Awareness Team
Rotary Club of Byford & Districts
Serpentine Jarrahdale Food & Farm Alliance Inc
Jarrahdale Trails & History Museum
Serpentine Jarrahdale Lions Club
Jarrahdale Equestrian Centre
Jarrahdale Community Collective
Community Bank Byford & Districts
Jarrahdale Volunteer Bushfire Brigade


Thank you to Business SJ and Lachlan & Geri of Vivant Repose for a great Tuesday night.

It was valuable for me to hear the questions our small business community had for the two candidates for President. I gained an understanding of where historically the SJ Shire has failed small business, and where in the future we can do a lot better.

The story of Aimee McCormick and her Rise Dance Studio is a clear example of how the SJ Shire can improve, and why it should.

In 2022, a decision by Council meant Aimee could not relocate and operate her business without first paying the Shire $22,500. The payment was to be in lieu of Aimee installing 6 additional parking bays at her dance studio’s new location in the Byford town centre.

For the simple fact Aimee had grown a successful small business, she was expected to pay a significant amount of money to the local government to provide public amenity.

Fortunately, it did not come that, and due only to Aimee’s resilience, a resolution was later reached.

With Rise Dance Studio now successfully relocated, it is clear that Aimee, through her engagement and empowerment of mostly young people, delivers far more value to our community than any parking bays ever will.

Aimee, her staff, and her students, deserved better.

We need a local government that is supportive of small business and community.

As your Councillor, I will vote with common sense and care for our community on matters concerning small business, always.

If we’re going to put community back on Council, I’m going to need your help in the North West Ward.

Please follow my campaign, and please visit to learn when and where you can vote.

Vote ‘1’ Nathan Bishop for your North West Ward Councillor.
