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Nikola Tesla's foot on an X-ray image taken by himself on a device of his own design, 1896.

Tesla began experimenting with radiation energy in the late 19th century, specifically in the year 1894. During this time, the Serbian inventor built what he called ‘shadowgraphs,’ which was a high-energy vacuum tube that worked with the output of a Tesla coil, his most recognized invention of all.

To test its operation, Tesla used the only model he had on hand; himself. He set up his shadow-graphics camera and operated it while exposing one of his feet to it. The result is certainly astonishing, as it practically reveals the inventor’s foot bones, along with the metal structure that made up his shoe. The metal tangles through which the laces intertwine are very evident in the X-ray photograph of Tesla. In addition, how the shoemakers shaped the heels on the soles of the shoes with different nails to support the shoe is also revealed.

Unfortunately, his studio was involved in a devastating fire in 1895, which destroyed many of Tesla’s inventions.

(Tesla’s lab was deliberately burned down).

It is possible that if this had not happened, Nikola would have been ahead of the German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen, who published a comprehensive report on the use of X-rays. Had he not lost his research equipment, perhaps Tesla would now be recognized as the inventor of the X-ray machine.

But Tesla was a man completely passionate about science, and although Röntgen was recognized for the discovery of X-rays, he continued his experimentation in this respect. Later he was also able to get an X-ray image of his left hand exposed to X-rays. In fact, it was he who pointed out the benefits of using this type of technology for medical scanning purposes.

Source: Wikipedia

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Two views of your health and body | Facts, opinions and amazing images presented in two views. MRI, CT, Mammograms, Ultrasounds, X-rays and more. Find a medical imaging facility here.

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How Three College Kids Illegally Captured the Nation's First X-Ray Photograph On the evening of January 12, 1896, three Davidson College juniors bribed a janitor and sneaked into a physics laboratory, carrying with them a cadaver's finger and other strange items. They didn't realize that they were about to make history.