Brittany Publications, Ltd.

Brittany Publications, Ltd.

Brittany Publications, Ltd. Dedicated to bringing quality literary fiction to the public.

The Last Pope 26/07/2024

THE LAST POPE was Jerry Marcus’ third novel, published in 1997. This controversial story, has a compelling plot—filled with religious terrorism, scandalous revelations and political intrigue. Marcus also used a new and highly creative technique of writing a "novel within a novel." Rabbi Yaakov Fogelman Z”l. head of the Torah Outreach Program in Jerusalem, Israel, called this daring novel “"PROPHETIC, GRIPPING, AND ENLIGHTENING"

The story begins in the historic context of scandals plaguing the Catholic Church, when the lead character, Pope Pius Innocent, escapes the Vatican after discovering hidden documents that he knows will rock the foundations of Christianity and shatter his basic religious beliefs. Only one person, a German-born prelate, knows Pius Innocent is the one living person who can bring the Vatican to its knees and destroy all his plans for world domination. Will he find Pope Pius Innocent and retrieve the critical documents he possesses before the truth is revealed?

While this prelate uses all the weapons of the Vatican to locate the new Pope, Marcus takes readers on an unforgettable journey—beginning when a beautiful Mossad agent assists the pope on his treacherous mission to reach Jerusalem, Israel. With danger all around, and Pius Innocent waiting anxiously for his moment of truth to arrive, he embarks on a second journey of self-discovery while reading a novel titled "Melissa."

What begins as a romance novel, quickly turns into the story of an American woman who becomes a political candidate—and who introduces Pius Innocent to religious fundamentalism in the United States, government corruption, and journalists who work hand-in-hand with foreign leaders to undermine the State of Israel. Pius Innocent finds great similarities between Melissa's political circumstances and his own dire situation. He wonders if he is reading his own future in the words of Melissa. Neither dare to underestimate their enemies.

Brief Excerpt from Chapter One
"His selection from the House of Cardinals was revealed to the world by the billows of smoke coming from the chimney. The new pope never imagined that his election to the papacy would threaten his belief in the faith he was chosen to lead. He now saw clearly how the smoke from the ovens of the concentration camps had been directly caused by bishops, a pope, and, even more importantly, the teachings of his beloved church.
There was no one inside the Vatican he dared trust. They had already killed one of their own.... If they suspected his intentions, Pope Pius Innocent knew he would be terminated just as quickly...."
Copyright©1997 Jerry Marcus. All rights reserved.

Limited Collector copies of this novel are currently available from Brittany Publications, Ltd. Shipping is free.

The Last Pope BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

The Salvation Peddler 18/07/2024

The Salvation Peddler
JASON BLAKE came from small beginnings to build one of the most vibrant and lucrative evangelical ministries in the country. Leaving behind the tragic, childhood death of his brother, and the murder of his first wife and her lover, Jason and his second wife watch his ministry flourish as he attains international acclaim and sets his sights on the United States Presidency. But providence, a plotting woman, and Tony Pinella—an aging, determined detective—stop Jason cold and lead him on an adventure that forever changes his life and the lives of his children.

"THE SALVATION PEDDLER" was Jerry Marcus’ second novel. When it was published in 1987, Texas book reviewer Larry Lawrence called Marcus "A master of the suspense novel." (Abilene Reporter-News, Texas). In a personal note, Bill Clinton (the Governor of Arkansas) said "I enjoyed the Salvation Peddler."

The Salvation Peddler is a haunting and compelling psychiatric thriller that takes readers on an intense journey of deception and murder. Page after page, Marcus leads his readers into the complex lives of each character he has created… Each character that plays an important role
in Jason's reach for the highest office in the land.

New copies of this book-collector novel are only available through the publisher. Shipping is free. Visit

The Salvation Peddler BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Zev 09/07/2024

It's 1950 and young Zev Segal wrestles with the basic conflicts of man's inhumanity to man, why it occurs, and the legacy of the Holocaust. Laugh, cry, and grow angry as Zev struggles with conflict as he travels from the security and traditions of Orthodox Judaism to the gambling underworld, as the spirits of Jewish history haunt him. The Laughing Angels are demons that tempt Zev with s*x, money and gambling. They torment him with visions of death marches, innocent beings screaming for their lives, and N**i and Christian leaders marching hand-in-hand. The Righteous Ones, the suffering angels of the past try to save Zev from tragedy by begging him to remember the millions who died. Morton Teicher, Book Editor for The Jewish Floridian, compared Marcus to Chaim Potok, writing "Marcus caused us to care about the characters he created..."

“Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Zev,” was Jerry Marcus' first novel and focused on the human tragedy of the Holocaust. He was soon interviewed by Dorothy Fuldheim, a well-known News Analyst for the Scripps-Howard Broadcasting Company. During her six-decade career, Fuldheim had conducted more than 15,000 interviews―including Adolf Hi**er, Benito Mussolini, the Duke of Windsor, Albert Einstein, and Helen Keller―and Jerry Marcus ( In her well-known unique and erudite style, Fuldheim asked Marcus the philosophical question of why he thought people went to war. There could be no definitive answer to Fuldheim in 1982―and it remains today as a battle between good and evil― the eternal choice of mankind.

“Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Zev” quickly became a classic. It was recommended by the American Jewish Congress as an important work about the Holocaust, and is in the special book collection of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, as well as the National Library of Israel.

New copies of this book-collectors' Literary Fiction title are only available through the publisher. Shipping is free. Visit,_Isaac,_Jacob_and_Zev.html #/

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Zev BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Escape from Heaven 06/07/2024

Current comments from readers of the unique novel "Escape from Heaven"...
—“From the intriguing title, I wondered—Who would want to "Escape from Heaven?" Isn’t that where we all ultimately want to end up? To the beautiful cover depicting a glowing full moon glimmering upon a calm ocean… I was certain the full moon and the title had special meanings—and they do! And I thoroughly enjoyed reading each chapter. The thought-provoking vignettes were meaningful and informative. The conversations between two unexpected friends…Moses and Jesus were truly a match made in heaven, both hoping for a new age of reason—with an absence of bigotry and intolerance. An interesting editorial feature were the creative conversations and commentaries between the "Laughing Angels" and the "Righteous Ones" at the end of the discussions between Moses and Jesus. They added surprising and sometimes comical touches to the stories… Kudos to Marcus and Gold’s fresh and thoughtful approach to understanding the complexities of the gift of free will—and how it influences all that we do, both good and evil, all in the name of God and religion!”

—“Escape from Heaven" is written with wisdom and thought provoking insight to our human condition on earth. The novel motivates us to live up to our highest potential as humanitarians on a daily basis in every interaction.”

“Daringly Profound!!! Jerry brings the characters to life without prejudice! The details of conversation between Jesus and Moses makes one wonder if this is really happening. Jerry and Marion both capture the realism of todays events and past difficulties of religion. I highly recommend taking the time to read this book. So much thought, creativity and understanding of faith is in this story. An absolute must read…"

“Regardless of where you fall on the theism/deism/atheism continuum, there is plenty here to interest and provoke the reader. It is with sadness that I read Jerry Marcus' last book.”

Escape from Heaven BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Escape from Heaven 23/05/2024

“Escape from Heaven” is an extraordinary novel about ordinary people who struggle with the everyday challenges of politics, friendships, religion and free will…

Excerpt from Escape from Heaven
"The Righteous Ones knew, as did Moses, that the Rob Christian and Jerry Messiah story had been a perfect example of the complexity of the human condition. It was a critical lesson to learn, if Moses and Jesus were to reach their ultimate goal of working together for the sake of all humanity. The Laughing Angels just waited in silence, confident that the ultimate goal could never be reached. They believed that so long as mortals had free will, at some point in their lives, each would meet an evil twin—who would attempt to take over their minds and souls, and wreak havoc. The Righteous Ones did not believe that. They believed that faith could win this ultimate battle—and triumph over the evil intentions of The Laughing Angels. The Righteous Ones also had a strength unknown to The Laughing Angels. While they could not predict the future, they knew there were more lessons to come for Jesus and Moses..." (copyright©2022 Jerry Marcus and Marion Estelle Gold. All rights reserved.)

Escape from Heaven BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

The Last Pope 05/05/2024

THE LAST POPE a suspense-filled 1997 novel by Jerry Marcus

Rabbi Yaakov Fogelman, Jerusalem, Israel

"A creative and provocative...suspense-filled novel." The Chicago Tribune

Published in 1997, Chicago Columnist ANNE GE**ER said Marcus' book has a "gripping premise…"

From the novel:
“During the first leg of the escape, Pius Innocent planned to remain in a hiding place in Rome until it was safe enough to leave for the next part of his journey. He would grow a beard, change some of his more recognizable features, and then travel to the streets of Jerusalem to see with his own eyes what it was like to be a Jew living in the State of Israel. …Three days after his departure, many inside the Vatican began to worry that Pius Innocent had met with an unfortunate accident. It was unlike him to let so many days pass without contacting his secretary. When two more days passed without any word from him, Vatican search parties discreetly looked all over Rome. It was as if Pius Innocent had vanished from the face of the earth…. The Vatican contacted the authorities, and they awaited a ransom note; but none came.”
(copyright©1997 by Jerry Marcus. All rights reserved by Brittany Publications, Ltd.)

A compelling plot, filled with religious terrorism, scandalous revelations and political intrigue. Using an innovative technique of writing a novel within a novel, Jerry Marcus set "The Last Pope" in the historic context of scandals plaguing the Catholic church. While the Vatican uses all its weapons to locate the Pope, Marcus takes readers on an unforgettable journey as Pius Innocent travels to Jerusalem where a beautiful Mossad agent assists him on his treacherous mission. With danger all around, and Pius Innocent waiting anxiously for his moment of truth to arrive, he embarks on a second journey of self-discovery while reading "Melissa." What begins as a romance novel, quickly turns into the story of an American woman who becomes a political candidate - and who introduces Pius Innocent to religious fundamentalism in the United States, government corruption, and journalists who work hand-in-hand with foreign leaders to undermine the State of Israel.

The Last Pope BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Escape from Heaven 30/04/2024

The Talmud records there are two ministering angels — one good and one evil — In the novel “Escape from Heaven” you will also meet two imaginative angels created by Jerry Marcus, who try and interfere with the friendship in Heaven of Moses and Jesus, in their quest to better understand the roots of good versus evil, and to prevent a second Holocaust:

-THE RIGHTEOUS ONES are gentle loving spirits who sit at God's throne, and are at the mercy of free will, and God's apparent choice to intervene or not to intervene. They applaud the growing relationship between Moses and Jesus and try to give them wise guidance
-The LAUGHING ANGELS, evil spirits who haunt humanity day and night, hide behind God’s throne. These wicked angels only goal is to create havoc in Heaven and on Earth, by perpetuating evil under the guise of holiness and justice. Their fervent prayer is destroying humanity and the growing kinship between Moses and Jesus.

In “Escape from Heaven” these angels comment frequently on the discussions between Moses and Jesus as they explore life on Earth through a series of vignettes.
Some stories will make you smile. Some will make you angry. And some characters might bring a tear to your eye. Each different story will hold your attention and make you anxious to turn the page to see what happens to each of the unforgettable characters you will meet along the journey of Moses and Jesus. As a reviewer once commented about Author Jerry Marcus, he “caused us to care about the characters he created..."

“Escape from Heaven” was a finalist in the 2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards in both the Philosophy and Religion Categories. It also received Honorable Mention in the 2024 Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest in the Adult Fiction Novels Category. The IWPA is an affiliate of the National Association.

Escape from Heaven BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Broken Trust - The Murder of Basketball Star Jack Molinas 26/04/2024

"Besides writing a gripping tale of a powerful, rich, highly competitive industry, Marcus delivers a high-impact, no holds barred, picture of modern social establishments - both religious and secular..." Rabbi Yaakov Fogelman, Torah Outreach Program, Jerusalem, Israel.

Broken Trust - The Murder of Basketball Star Jack is Jerry Marcus’ fourth novel—a murder mystery that combines religion, politics, sports gambling, and fantasy basketball.

Here’s a small example of the power in this creative and riveting work of fiction...
“That night forces of evil were everywhere in Jack’s nightmares. His father Louis was no match for the evil deeds of Rabbi Sid and his cohorts, and others like them. The so-called sacred came in all sizes, shapes and creeds. They were so preoccupied with questions of God’s existence and essence, that they often ignored the faceless souls that stood right before them. Some even wrote books on mourning and in chapter after chapter discussed the various aspects of faith and charity, while at the same time robbing the bereaved families of their birthrights…Rabbi Sid thought he and his family should enjoy great wealth regardless of how it was attained. Rabbi Sid would use trickery and deceit to influence the most vulnerable. All this while hiding behind the power and respectability of his colleagues.
“Jack was a spectator in his strange nightmare, sitting in the stands watching evangelists, the Cardinals and Rabbi Sid bouncing basketballs on the court below. They each tried to be one of the boys, so their words would be accepted and heeded. They were so pompous and conniving. Jack only heard an empty echo from all of their pronouncements as they passed the basketball from one to another, taking turns at trying to score a basket.”

Broken Trust - The Murder of Basketball Star Jack Molinas BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Escape from Heaven 12/04/2024

I don't know if Moses ever really said "Let my people go"... But he sure has a lot to say in "Escape from Heaven!" Here's an example of what he said to Jesus when they embarked on their journey to save mankind...
“Please think about it this way. Did you ever imagine that you and I would find common ground to work together for the benefit of humanity? We are on a journey together that requires many small steps. Each step looks at the human condition as it exists in a variety of true stories and circumstances—and how those circumstances may relate to faith. We see the wonderful results of faith, when it brings emotional and moral strength to the weary, and charity to the downtrodden and the needy among us. We also see how faith can be twisted by people in power—when it is used to perpetrate and then justify evil and immoral behavior, such as child abuse, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, and myriad forms of corruption and immoral behavior throughout society... You and I are striving to use those steps in our journey to reach better understandings and an enlightenment that will improve humanity. To put it bluntly, we both want see a world where no one has to die or be harmed in any way because they are of a different faith.... A world where charlatans of all faiths can no longer hide behind cloaks of respectability, while they prey on the young, the old, and the unwary. Where intermediaries don’t stand between man and God."
[Copyright (c) 2022. Jerry Marcus and Marion Estelle Gold. All rights reserved.]

Escape from Heaven BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

What's New 17/03/2024

Happy to learn this evening that our novel—"Escape from Heaven"—earned Jerry Marcus and I Honorable Mention in the 2024 Illinois Woman’s Press Association Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest. "Escape from Heaven" was also a finalist in the 2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards in both the Philosophy and Religion Categories. Available at Amazon and directly from Brittany Publications Ltd.

What's New Even In Heaven... No one can escape the reality on Earth. Two men from different eras. Both intensely believing in something far beyond themselves. When Moses and Jesus meet in Heaven, they decide to...

Escape from Heaven 23/02/2024

They faced impossible barriers. Two men in Heaven from different eras, each a person of faith who believed in something far beyond themselves. They wanted to understand more about mankind’s choice between good or evil―But how? Could they really prevent another Holocaust? Moses & Jesus chose to try… In the novel, “Escape from Heaven,” you are invited to go on a journey with this unique duo, as they learn more about each other, while exploring life on Earth through a series of vignettes.

Some stories will make you smile. Some will make you angry. And some characters might bring a tear to your eye. Each different story will hold your attention and make you anxious to turn the page to see what happens to each of the unforgettable characters you will meet along the journey of Moses and Jesus.The 4-year-old giggling Young Buddha who lived in Paradise Valley, Arizona. His parents knew they were challenged to raise a child with the growing maturity of a man of wisdom—And who had captured the hearts and minds of so many around the world.The unpredictable, often comical, and complex lives and friendship of Rob Christian and Jerry Messiah. Why was a novel about Zev Segal’s life so important to Moses and Jesus? Was there really a library in Heaven with a “Local Author Collection?”
. Edward Johnson, who owned a growing communications agency. His business is good; he loves his wife and family—And then fears for his life from an unlikely enemy. Where would Edward seek help? And who would come to the rescue of Edward and his family?The beautiful young singer at Carnegie Hall, Golda Rosen—And the Broadway star who encouraged young Golda to pursue a singing career against so many odds.The links between the life history of Reb Yerucham of Netanya—How he got his name, his love of the Navajos in Arizona, his relationship with the mysterious Israeli lawyer, Jacob Stein, and an unexpected meeting with Vladimir Putin after his speech at Yad Vashem in Israel—And Putin’s surprising request to the Reb.

“Escape from Heaven” is a unique and thought provoking novel about the friendship that grows between Moses and Jesus—And delves into their philosophical conversations about the concepts of free will, good vs evil and the complexities of the human condition. Their journey is followed closely through the tearful eyes, and fervent and hopeful prayers of the Righteous Ones, who sit at God’s Throne—While the Laughing Angels, with their evil ways, conspire to intervene, always striving for chaos and destruction. #/

Escape from Heaven They faced impossible barriers. They wanted to understand more about mankind’s choice between good or evil―But how? Could they really prevent another Holocaust? Would they be able to unmask those on Earth who hid behind their cloaks of respectability? The lawyers? The clergy? The evil doers who ...

Escape from Heaven 07/02/2024

Inside a treasured blue notebook is a novel sent to Bidzii long ago by his dearest friend, Reb Yerucham—an American writer and philosopher who was born in Israel, the beloved country of the Hebrew people. Reb Yerucham writes about people who struggle with many challenges—good versus evil as it appears in politics, religion, and the Holocaust, friendships, everyday problems, life and death... All the facets of humanity that impact upon what is called the human condition. Reb Yerucham explains how those struggles often determine people’s relationships with the world around them—and their relationships with God, their Great Spirit.

Why was Reb Yerucham so important in the Novel “Escape from Heaven?” Why did he entrust Bidzii, of the Window Rock Arizona Navajo Tribe, with his treasured notebook? And why did Reb Yerucham’s story become so important in the search by Moses and Jesus to the mysteries of the human condition—and to preventing another Holocaust? Readers will find out when they read “Escape from Heaven”—a finalist in the 2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book awards in two categories: Religion and Philosophy. #/

Escape from Heaven BRITTANY PUBLICATIONS, Ltd., is a Chicago corporation founded in 1981 as a traditional and independent publishing company that specializes in literary fiction, nonfiction related to women& #39;s advocacy, and marketing communications.

Escape from Heaven 31/01/2024

Author Jerry Marcus was called prophetic for several of his novels. He proved this once again in the creation of a lead character in “Escape from Heaven.” On February 18th 2020, in a personal note he wrote this: “…Right now, one of my characters, Reb Yerucham of Netanya, is on center stage. He is actually attending the World Holocaust Forum at Yad Vashem on January 23, 2020. Yes, like most of my characters, Reb Yerucham is a complex character. He lost most of his family in the Holocaust—and now stresses a very important and sad principle. ‘Never be so optimistic about Human Nature, that you endanger your loved ones. Don’t believe, that the world won’t let Horrors happen—because if you do—it’s very likely another Holocaust could happen’…”
It was my honor to have co-authored “Escape from Heaven,” with Marcus. He passed away before “Escape from Heaven” was published—but showed again in this final of his amazing novels, that not only was he prophetic in his writings—but, as with all his characters development, his creative and philosophic genius brings them to life for readers of his works. After publication in 1982 of his first novel (“Abraham Isaac, Jacob & Zev”), in 1983 Morton Teicher, Book Editor for “The Jewish Floridian, “compared Marcus to Chaim Potok, writing "Marcus caused us to care about the characters he created..."
You can learn more about Marcus and all his works at, and learn more about Reb Yerucham of Netanya —only one of the complex characters Marcus created for “Escape from Heaven.”

Escape from Heaven They faced impossible barriers. They wanted to understand more about mankind’s choice between good or evil―But how? Could they really prevent another Holocaust? Would they be able to unmask those on Earth who hid behind their cloaks of respectability? The lawyers? The clergy? The evil doers who ...

Escape from Heaven 28/01/2024

“Jerry Messiah’s nightmares continued, often intermingling his thoughts about Israel, religion, and politics into the Rob and Sylvester problem. In one of his vivid nightmares, Messiah saw Rob’s circumstances with Sylvester through the eyes of the United Nations—and how it looked at the State of Israel, a mighty but small nation being threatened by the leaders of Iran, who sought for its destruction.”

Why does Jerry Messiah have nightmares? Who is the mysterious Sylvester and what does he have to do with Rob Christian? You will only find out if you read “Escape from Heaven,” and follow the often prophetic and emotional vignettes about the continuing adventures of Jerry Messiah and Rob Christian... This novel was a finalist in the 2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards in two categories: Philosophy and Religion...

Escape from Heaven They faced impossible barriers. They wanted to understand more about mankind’s choice between good or evil―But how? Could they really prevent another Holocaust? Would they be able to unmask those on Earth who hid behind their cloaks of respectability? The lawyers? The clergy? The evil doers who ...

Escape from Heaven 19/01/2024

When the little boy giggled, his parents smiled. He knew they were challenged to raise a four-year-old child with the growing maturity of a man of wisdom. A child that was called the “Young Buddha.”
Read their story in “Escape from Heaven,” a provocative novel that will touch your heart. Narrated from Heaven by Moses & Jesus. Literary Fiction at its best... "Escape from Heaven" is a dramatic story of the friendship in Heaven between Moses and Jesus. Two men from different eras. Both intensely believing in something far beyond themselves. In this powerful, provocative and insightful novel, when Moses and Jesus meet in Heaven, they decide to work together for the sake of all humanity....

"On this night, Jesus slept like a baby. He wanted so much to believe in the goodness of God. No longer did he feel the pressure to save the world. It was time to study the Talmud and the Torah. It was time to return to his Jewish roots..." So take your seats in a comfortable chair, and shut off your iPhone! The battle is about to begin as Moses and Jesus begin their journey of observing the lives of ordinary people on Earth, whose life journeys vary. Just how complex are their personalities and goals? Do they have a faith in God, or not? Do some wear cloaks of respectability, but are they charlatans who use religion to instill hate or love―Do they help people or try to destroy them? Who helps the protagonists? Who doesn’t? Who hates them and why? How do they live their lives―before, during and after one or more setbacks. Importantly, what are the complexities of people’s lives that creates their individual human conditions―and how do their life experiences influence them to choose evil or good?

Throughout the book, Moses and Jesus comment and have deep philosophical discussions about God, religion, good vs evil, the human condition, the role of faith, historical happenings―all those aspects of life that make up "human behavior" and the role of religious leaders in igniting either the good or evil in mankind's human condition. Each protagonist has a unique story―From Window Rock and Scottsdale, to Chicago, to Milwaukee, to Jerusalem and Netanya in Israel... Readers will meet ordinary people who struggle with good versus evil, politics, love and friendships, religion and spirituality, the Holocaust and anti-Semitism.

Marcus' character development has been compared to Chaim Potok's. In "Escape from Heaven," some of Marcus' characters will make you angry. Others will bring tears to your eyes. All will reveal the complexity of the human condition―as seen through the eyes and voices of Moses and Jesus, and Marcus’ popular characters, The Righteous Ones and The Laughing Angels. In this unique novel, Moses and Jesus painstakingly discuss faith, tolerance, religion, and bigotry, and the evil committed throughout history in the name of religion. Together, they explore the everyday challenges of life and death, and our relationships with God. And, together, they discuss free will and the theological question of whether it is fate, free will, or the hidden hand of God that guides humanity. Moses and Jesus understood the wonders and genius of God. How each individual has the potential to live a life of honest reflection, faith and good works. Religion, with all its limitations and unbridled power, has never been looked at with more clarity than in “Escape from Heaven.” #/

Escape from Heaven They faced impossible barriers. They wanted to understand more about mankind’s choice between good or evil―But how? Could they really prevent another Holocaust? Would they be able to unmask those on Earth who hid behind their cloaks of respectability? The lawyers? The clergy? The evil doers who ...