Lost by 3 touchdowns – facebook apology, must include time and date, and a LONG description of the game and how you are inferior etc.
Must be longer than 20 words. Lose by 4 touchdowns – you must hand over your phone to the winner and they can text any1 they wish to (not including family) saying anything they like. Lose by 5 touchdowns – you must make, or moonpig the winners parents a card saying why and how you lost, and how your parents failed to bring you up, whereas they have excelled. Lose by 7 - do all the above
4 interceptions – you must take a trip to your local store on your own, buying everything (not paying tho) for everything the people in the room want.
5 interceptions – next time play golf they have to carry your clubs (if you do not play golf after a week of losing you must take a teaspoon of something the winner has made from the kitchen)
if however you turn of the game, say you have to leave (without valid reason) or refuse to comply with the rules. the winner is alowed one free slap when ever they want with no repercussions.