The Healing Tree Center - Shamanic Medicine - Canada

The Healing Tree Center - Shamanic Medicine - Canada

Working with extraodinary medicinal plants helping individuals in their own healing, personal fulfi

Healing Tree Center | Ayahuasca & San Pedro retreats en Google 03/11/2017

Healing Tree Center | Ayahuasca & San Pedro retreats en Google Nuestro Centro esta ubicado en la Comunidad de Fortaleza en Sacsayhuaman en Cusco Peru. Rodeado de naturaleza es el lugar ideal para este trabajo integral de autoconocimiento.


You’ve heard the buzz ̴̴̴̴̴ and it’s time to finally announce our upcoming …

Peruvian Amazonian & Andean Spiritual Healing Retreats!!!
- Several West Coast Canadian Locations
- Overnight Indoor Amazon Tea Ceremonies
- Full-Day Outdoor Andean Tea Nature Ceremonies
- Personal Transformation, Deep Healing & Cleansing
- Reconnection to Your Consciousness & Elements of Nature
- Small-group Settings for Personalized Treatment
- Individual Guidance & Support

Limited space available & Priority Booking is NOW available
September / October 2017 dates and venues soon to be announced!

Contact The Healing Tree Center ([email protected], or via Facebook ) ASAP to:
- Reserve your spot
- Obtain pricing information
- Receive your important Pre-Preparation Information.
- Confirm your booking
(via payment of your 50% Paypal Deposit)

About the Indoor Evening Ceremonies
Participants will spend the night at the retreat center and leave the next morning. They will be guided through personal journey-states, meditation with song. They will open their hearts to shed old belief systems, addictions, fears, and traumas to gain new beginnings for their lives.

About the Outdoor Nature Ceremonies:
Participants will arrive at the retreat location in the early morning and spend the day exploring beautiful landscapes of the West Coast of British Columbia stopping to enjoy a picnic lunch before finishing the day in the early evening. Participants will be offered the sacred Andean Tea to assist them in working their personal transformations and awaken their divine essence. This essence is a part of the Mother Earth (Pachamama) that often remains dormant within all people. The tea strengthens this ancient re-connection.

**Note, all retreats are overseen by 2 of our trained facilitators / spiritual guides who will be there to support you entirely throughout all of your experience and healing journeys.

Healing Techniques:

The Amazonian Tea - is attentively prepared with love by powerful female Maestras of the Shipibo-Konibo tribe in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon jungle according to their ancient traditions. Over time the use of tea in healing ceremonies has been passed slowly from generation to generation. It is an ancient discovery of the Amazon Natives, demonstrating their deep and extraordinary wisdom and has been ingested for more than 12,000 years, since the first inhabitants of the Amazon began to seek medicinal plants to cure their illnesses. Throughout the Amazon regions it has traditionally been used to cure and learn about various human ailments, when ingested in group sessions and in a ritual context.

It is known to have a female energy and helps to call forward the internal answers to important life questions to heal the soul. Often called ‘The Mother’, or ‘Doctorcita’, she is also a teacher of purgative nature, and has profoundly deep spiritual, mental, physical and emotional healing effects. Her use in a ceremonial context forms the basis of Amazonian shamanism.

The Andean Tea - is traditionally used by Andean shamans residing in the remote community of Q’ero 4000 meters above sea level in the majestic mountains of Peru. They are the last living descendants (via direct bloodline) of the renowned Inca. The tea is regarded by the descendants of the ancient peoples of Peru’s coast and mountains (Inca and Pre-Inca) as a male spirit, and a guiding and cleansing Master Plant. It was used in ancient times for purification of body, mind, emotions and spirit. This Father spirit energy will take you on a journey of wisdom, reconnection, and inner peace while you are embraced in the loving arms of the beautiful and all-natural Pachamama / Mother Earth.

Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain and Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It 16/06/2017

In addition to the energetic benefits of fasting and its necessity in preparing the physical body to take plant medicine ( & SanPedro), this article has some great info about other benefits! Great read:

Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain and Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It Below is a TEDx talk given by Mark Mattson, the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging. He is also a professor of...

The Six Habits of Highly Grateful People 29/03/2017

"Seeing with grateful eyes requires that we see the web of interconnection in which we alternate between being givers and receivers"

One of the many blessings in working with and at is our blend of Shipibo and Andean medical techniques. demands gratitude and an open heart-mind. Also I get to partake in so many ceremonies (offerings to Mother Earth) with patients, and my has skyrocketed with this regular practice.

This article is a great read re: the importance of having a practice...

The Six Habits of Highly Grateful People Life can be extraordinarily different when viewed through the lens of gratitude. Here are some simple ways change your mindset, even during difficult times.

Six East Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Workday, From Start to Finish 24/02/2017

What are your ?
Benefit #2 reducing “sunk cost fallacy” is particularly interesting and applies beyond a person's work to-do list. We all know those struggling to quit a behavior or relationship or substance that no longer serves them but on some level can't /don't want to.


Perhaps the : "that we have to continue down the wrong path because we’ve already invested time and energy into it."

Do you have a belief that you can't/ don't want to release because you've already worked really hard at believing it and identifying with it ...

Six East Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Workday, From Start to Finish Mindfulness. More than a buzzword? Absolutely. With giants like Google, Target and General Mills investing in mindfulness, it’s time for all organization...

10 Spiritual Places With The Strongest Energy Field 24/02/2017

Was there really any doubt? Machu Picchu - #2 top / places on the planet!
PS we're excited to bring some of that Peruvian energy and direct to West coast Canada for retreats in 2017!! STAY TUNED. .MIV1rF9T.dpuf

10 Spiritual Places With The Strongest Energy Field These places could give you answers to a long asked questions and make you feel the energy concentrated on a more spiritual level. There are places in the world, where you can feel the connection with the divine – one of them Rila’s Lakes, known for strong energy field. Where...


My youth? Playing in the Canadian West coast rainforest, forming special connections to trees...mostly through climbing as high I could get to just sit there and 'be' with them.

No surprise, I now work with plant medicine for The Healing Tree Center Here are some beautiful pictures by Beth Moon of ancient trees.

What wisdom do these living monuments tell you? Are you still and quiet to hear their lessons?

The Healing Tree Center Peru - Ayahuasca Retreats Offering authentic, safe and affordable Ayahuasca or San Pedro shamanic ceremonies in Cusco for pers

How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch 25/01/2017

We know of the connection. we know how we listen to the of our bodies- although there is still a huge for most regarding the language of our body's ancient wisdom. Sometimes we are truly quiet, and attentively listening, trying to understand what our bodies are telling us but we lack the dictionary.
However since we are not only our bodies this TED talk tackles another important topic- creating the practice of and . enjoy!

How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness...

Your Brain Has A DELETE Button And Here's How To Use It! - Life Coach Code 29/12/2016

Focus on the positive, on the light...

Your Brain Has A DELETE Button And Here's How To Use It! - Life Coach Code There’s an old saying in neuroscience: “neurons that fire together wire together.” This means the more you run a neuro-circuit in your brain, the stronger that circuit becomes. This is why, to quote another old saw, “practice makes perfect”. The more you practice piano, or speaking a language, or ju...

Ayahuasca 'stimulates the brain to fight Alzheimer's', study claims 16/12/2016

Sacred plant, sacred medicine

Tea brewed by shamans in the jungles of Peru is found to generate human neural cells which are known to block the effects of genes overexpressed in people with Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome.

Read more:
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Ayahuasca 'stimulates the brain to fight Alzheimer's', study claims New research shows the drug stimulates the generation of human neural cells that block the effects of DYRK1A, a gene that is overactivated in Alzheimer's and Down syndrome patients.
