Fayni Flowe
Fannu Flower
Fungus gnats as pollinators not pests Many plants and crops rely on insects to pollinate them so they can reproduce. A new study has shown that several flowering plants from the group Euonymus are pollinated by fungus gnats, a dipteran insect. Specifically, they pollinate Euonymus plants which have red-petaled flowers with short stamens...
Fungi-eating plants and flies team up for reproduction Fungi-eating orchids were found for the first time to offer their flowers to fungi-eating fruit flies in exchange for pollination, which is the first evidence for nursery pollination in orchids. This unique new plant-animal relationship hints at an evolutionary transition towards mutualistic symbios...
What noise does a plant make when it’s under stress? Plants make noises when they are cut or when they are thirsty.
What’s the greenest way to gift flowers this Valentine’s? Roses are red, but not very green. Here's how to gift flowers responsibly this Valentine’s.
Il est intéressant de noter que les graines de lupin arctique trouvées dans le sol gelé au large de la côte canadienne du Yukon, au Canada, ont entre 10 et 15 000 ans. Le plus surprenant est que certaines de ces graines ont germé, et l'une d'entre elles a même fait éclore des fleurs