

VK3MEG the amateur radio operator from Melton South, Victoria, follow my journey in amateur radio as

VK3RMH 10m beacon qf22oh @vk3ktt qf22gg current output 2 watts at midnight from vk3ktt qf22gg 29/09/2019

VK3RMH 10m beacon qf22oh @vk3ktt qf22gg current output 2 watts at midnight from vk3ktt qf22gg just a test of vk3rmh 10m beacon 28.2565 cw only 2 watts atm soon to be 20w 2w 200mw at around midnight at my qth this is across town I cant hear the beacon ...

Photos from Vk3ktt's post 20/09/2019

the new addition


a little msk144 this morning bouncing off some rocks.


Do you qsl? I finally got cards now reply to all my ja buro cards and others

Photos from Vk3ktt's post 20/02/2019

Always nice to get cards but even better when you worked the QSL manager on one of his trips so you get 2 additional card. But cp5hk us the one I wanted finally confirmed number 273 and 233 on on 20m chris I'm chasing you,......


i finally put my 40m delta loop back up a few weeks ago took a few weeks to get it sorted now its performing very well as it always does purchased from vk3gb at the first i think rosebud ham fest a few years ago it has helped me gain dxcc with out ft8 mainly ssb and cw and build my total to 141 worked on 40m and 116 confirmed most of it @ 100 watts as a standard. i would love a beam or rotatable dipole but it wont work here. mine is vertical fed at the top atm at around 12.5m and 2m off the ground its fed with 1/4 wave length of rg11 coax swr is around 1.2 -1.8 for the whole band. i just did a test on the rbn with cw cq 100w and here is where i was heard. these are a great antenna worth some thought if you are chasing an edge on 40m


always nice to get cards zl7dx was for 6m. :)
dont forget to like my new page vk3ktt


The long boom 6m yagi strikes again. so its around the anniversary of a 6m opening last year but i had to go out so left 6m looking to na monitoring 6m the band opened 30 mins after i left and was wide open to the US for three hours until 30 mins b4 i was home 11 individual stations decoded the furthest being W5LDA Oklahoma . with some big guns like W7GJ etc . hoping they come back in the next few days de steve vk3ktt


from my main page look for the video to show you how loud he was

HI folks most of you remember i built the big 6m yagi a few months ago and studied to upgrade my license well it paid off today i worked some long haul 6m dx today. i worked lu2xp in southern Patagonia right at the bottom of Argentina . this was super exciting for me using my home brew antenna only @ 12 m above the ground. and 200 watts. its amazing what jt65 and the digital modes can do.
steve de vk3ktt

6m Sporadic E's in VK on my ftdx 5000 and 7 element yu7ef Yagi @ 10m . 20/12/2018 de vk3ktt 20/12/2018

just another reminder of my new page vk3ktt. thats the main one that gets updated.
de vk3ktt/vk3meg


6m Sporadic E's in VK on my ftdx 5000 and 7 element yu7ef Yagi @ 10m . 20/12/2018 de vk3ktt some 6m sporadic E's action from vk some huge signals today and for the last few weeks and most people came off ft8 to work the ssb. loving my ftdx 5000mp de...


remember folks I'm only posting new content on the vk3ktt page.



some action today

getting a bit exciting trying to hear south america on 6m.

Photos from Vk3meg's post 07/11/2018

Proving the old wives tail a 5/8th helical on 2m works well on 6m.
if your asking where do i get a 5/8wave on 2m i dont know got my one from a hamfest

Vk3ktt test the Famparc mobile antenna with my kx3. 30/10/2018

Testing my new to me farmparc antenna de vk3ktt


Vk3ktt test the Famparc mobile antenna with my kx3. testing my famparc antenna these a great mobile whip made by the frankston and mornington peninsula amateur radio club. they are no longer made. 80m to 10m d...


3 bands 3 modes very happy any more is a bonus

Photos from Vk3meg's post 21/10/2018

PC has been down not in the vp6d log desperate measure my temp 17m dipole here's hoping analyser results soon.


So I was really lucky this week I achieved the pinnacle for me in radio the shack got a new addition the grand Pappy of radios the ftdx 5000 I never thought this would happen but it has the k***s and dial are taking a while to sort out but lucky for me I have owned an ftdx 1200 so I haven't started from scratch. I am finding the dual reviewers exceptional and the ease of use very high I have owned 2 other dual Rx radios and they don't come close. The filters are mind blowing.and the old style look is timeless. With all the fuss over sdr I came back to the basics the crystal filters etc. The IC 7610 was my original choice but when I delved deep the ftdx 5000 was the answer I wanted a great radio for SSB and cw. I have an ic 7300 for digital modes and it does them well it also does SSB and cw well the ftdx 5000 does it better. I'll link some videos over the next few weeks to show how I'm travelling and how it performs. Cheers


Well very happy this morning i popped my cherry on 160m Topband with a great chat with vk3caf clint in northeastern victoria around 140 klms from me using my inverted L swapped around signals were good i rx'ed him at 5/9+20 and i received 5/9 + just upset i didn't have my phone in the shack to record it :( de vk3ktt


Test my inverted L always good to test on Sunday morning s with the broadcasts. De vk3ktt


When your not serious about dxing on 80m and have just put up an 80m dipole your testing it in ft8 and South Dakota calls you :D


Got to love hamfests shepparton was great only couldnt stay too long. but i got a gem cw memory keyer awesome box. :)

Photos from Vk3meg's post 07/09/2018

17m rotatable dipole. that actually tunes on 12n 15m and 6m both 50.110 and 52.100 with a tuner.

6m aurora in VK de vk3meg new call vk3ktt also worked vk3pp and vk3by 26/08/2018

just worked some 6m aurora sounds really strange here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nkg2TMFsMkE

6m aurora in VK de vk3meg new call vk3ktt also worked vk3pp and vk3by working aurora on 6m at the bottom of the cycle 26/08/2018 vk3pp is 250 klm west of me my antenna was pointed south 170o approx . vk3by is across town from m...

Photos from Vk3meg's post 26/08/2018

some antenna and mast tilting work today thanks David vk3bdx de vk3meg vk3ktt


Now i have some big boy pants i can play 6m meteor scatter this is where we bounce signals off falling meteors to enhance the signals they get quite loud as you can see. with +8 etc i have seen +15 +16 before the mode is msk144 r=from wsjt-x. i was also able to hear scott vk4cz in cw in this mode send at 25 wpm this is fun and challenging . in the days before computers they used to send very high speed cw @ 60-80 wpm then record the qso's and slow the tape down to decode the call signs :) any way cheers vk3ktt with the new call sign


well looks like my new call sign has hit the data base yay de VK3KTT


well the yu7ef is up


Doing some testing with the new 6m antenna yu7ef 0607

KB3MEG Callsign Page 04/08/2018

well new qrz is up and i did nothing qrz being integrated to the us license system is great.

KB3MEG Callsign Page KB3MEG personal biography


Well it looks like i got my us vanity call even though i up graded to extra and i could have got a 2x2 call i have chosen something that suits me much better. so with out further a do . good bye ki7zrb A real tongue twister for me and welcome KB3MEG yipee :)

Photos from Vk3meg's post 28/07/2018

So this weekend i passed the US extra exam so that with the aocp (advanced amateur radio license). this was the best method for me to advance my self in the world of radio. now i can finally work the world on 6m and quite a few other bands. and i will be able to run power to be heard at this the low point of the cycle.for anyone struggling like i did with the Australian system its worth considering.

Testing my new us call in cw KI7ZRB de vk3meg 13/07/2018

now the cw test of the call

Testing my new us call in cw KI7ZRB de vk3meg testing my new US call KI7ZRB in cw note no power going out to the rig. hmm interesting de vk3meg 73


Well today i became KI7ZRB now back to the books to become an extra then gain my aussie advanced ticket.

Kx3 portable vr2fifa Hong Kong de vk3meg 08/06/2018

out portable with the kx3 today i forgot my amp so was qrp on barttery power. i heard vr2fifa from hong kong ( who i think is charlie vr2xmt) on 20m with my whip on the car pity he couldn't hear my qrp signal. 8 contacts made from the park mainly 40m. de vk3meg.


Kx3 portable vr2fifa Hong Kong de vk3meg kx3 portable hearing vr2fifa who i think is charlie vr2xmt nice signal from the car using a whip. pity he couldnt hear me. :(

Photos from Vk3meg's post 29/04/2018

Well today is a historic day for me i worked the final vk entity i needed .Macquarie Island vk0-M a research station in the southern ocean on Macquarie island. the Call sign was VK0AI i was excited one i heard someone was going there cause the government had slated to close the islands base but it was reprieved. Back b4 there was the internet macquarie island was easy as the people down there didn't have much to do and if they had a him license they would spend time on the radio. working all and sundry checking into nets etc. the station boasted some of the finest collins equipment and antennas most of that has been removed and sold off. because of the internet ham radio isn't as popular and since i have had my license 6 odd years there hasn't been any one active from there.. Antarctica itself has been tough to work 4 or 5 years ago i though it would be impossible to work all the vk entities. here i am 2018 and i have checked them all off including the 3 active base on Antarctica itself.
so i have worked VK0AI macquarie island VK0GB from casey base Antarctica VK0JJJ from Mawson, VK0EK Heard island,VK9WA from willis island a weather station.VK9MT from mellish reef,VK9NT norfolk island, VK9DLX from lord howe island,VK9VKL from christmas island andVK 9CZ from cocos keeling islands. 9 separate entities how many have you worked make a note of them all the is an award for working them all from the wia


out portable today


A couple of weeks ago i finally put up and 80m loop fed with a 4 to 1 balun/unun. its proving to be a great antenna excellent for chasing parks and working around vk also does pretty good dxing. While not perfect and lacking in some area's i though i would run wspr over night to see what its really doing started wspr around midnight. note its concentrated on eu and the us. 2 sides are approx 28m which is why i'm having the problem .i need some SA countries on 40m i might need to use a dipole to get them.


sorry to spam your feed i went back out with the antenna and worked vk6xn also portable antenna 40m dipole @ 6m rig kx3 elecraft now i have to look for the k**b :(


Portable forgot antenna de vk3meg 18/04/2018

so i was testing my portable setup and guess what i forgot the second most important thing................... the antenna but i found some wire in the car and plugged it into the tuna and it worked i also got hear by the vk4ct rbn bot not bad for 10 watts from my kx3.

do you have a portable checklist i'm starting today :D

Cheers https://youtu.be/lakjJw28IWs

Portable forgot antenna de vk3meg