Mindful Media Movement DLSU
Combatting online political disinformation and promoting media literacy for a just society.
As fellow truth seekers, JOIN us ๐ซ here at Mindful Media Movement as we collectively take a stand to amplify truth and impede the spread of fake news with one click at a time ๐ฒ!!
Remember, the truth is ALWAYS ๐ฏ out there, but it is up to us to seek it ๐ค๐ญ!!
Delve deeper into the world of fact-checking with Vera Files!โ
Presenting one of the most outstanding and reliable news sources, Vera Files is a testament to truth ๐๐ป
Join us in the journey of combatting fake news ๐ฐ and disinformation with Vera Files!
Learn more at https://verafiles.org/
Fact-checking: Don't just believe, verify. Let's embrace the power of accurate information and make informed choices through these fact-checking organizations.
Here in the Mindful Media Movementโก๏ธ, we're sharing 5 useful tips for identifying and spotting fake news on your social media accounts. ๐ป๐ฎ
Stay alert ๐จ, think critically ๐ค, and be responsible โ๐ผ๐ช๐ผ.
Hey there, changemaker! ๐ซ
Here at Mindful Media Movement, we are committed to serving our community by tackling the negative impacts of fake news and disinformation ๐ฐโ
We want you ๐ซต๐คฉ to take a stand against false information spreading online.
Why should you care? Well, MMM wants to protect your human rights by fighting for the truth! โ๐ป๐ค