Evolutionary Collective

Evolutionary Collective

The Evolutionary Collective is an evolutionary vanguard exploring the highest potentials for humanity


When we take the time to step back from our generally myopic view of ourselves, life - our despair about the conditions of our world can change dramatically. Join me for an hour free talk on BEYOND THE HUMAN SPECIES: ACCESSING OUR EVOLUTIONARY FUTURE here: https://evolutionarycollective.com/beyondthehumanspecies/


For more information on what Patricia is sharing, visit www.evolutionarycollective.com/bths


Recently, Patricia Albere shared a little about what she'll speak about at her upcoming event, Beyond the Human Species, on June 30th, 2024. We wanted to share what she said with you here. For more information and to join her (& get the recording later), you can visit www.evolutionarycollective.com/bths

Beyond the Human Species - Evolutionary Collective 16/06/2024

We have a new free, public event coming up! On June 30th Patricia Albere will be speaking about the evolutionary quantum forces that are bringing new potentials for us. When there’s a leap from one epoch to another, there’s a certain level of chaos that is difficult to live through. No matter what the outer appearance, this leap beckons us toward divinization, an unimaginable shift into a new world where our highest potentials unfold within a unified reality beyond separation. Here, we are not mere participants but the very cells needed for the zygote of a new, divinized humanity. Join us, live, or get the recording later. Register here, for free:

Beyond the Human Species - Evolutionary Collective Join Patricia Albere as she shares about an emerging reality and living as transitional beings devoted to the divinization of our world.


In much of our current thinking and healing, we have responded to the evolutionary wave that created human consciousness with it's domination, misuse of power and surviving through various strategies. We have understandably become more sensitive to ourselves which is important. If we can take the sensitivity deeper and allow it to root in something beyond we can then embrace pressure. When someone emerges in greatness - they are able to hold the various of forms of pressure and come from the depth of what matters - of what is real and move life and love forward for us all. Billie Jean King speaks and lives from that place. I'm very grateful for what she has and continues to given to us as a woman and a human being. Patricia Albere

How do caring human beings meaningfully relate to the future? - Evolutionary Collective 02/06/2024


How do caring human beings meaningfully relate to the future? - Evolutionary Collective   From the Video Classically, one of the ways you know that a paradigm of existence is over is when all of the solutions that have worked before are no longer solving the problems at hand. Let me explain… When you are at the beginning of a paradigm, or an era of existence, new ideas, potentials, ...

Radical Optimism 19/05/2024

We’re coming to London! Want to meet up? Join Sherry Pae, Evolutionary Collective Global Developer and Mutual Awakening Teacher, on Friday, June 7th, for a LIVE, in-person, no-charge talk in London. She will share more about the paradigm of shared unity and the way to access it—Mutual Awakening.
Get all the information and save your spot at

Radical Optimism What could accessing an entirely different dimension of optimism mean for your life and for our world? Learn about the evolutionary forces positioned to become the dominant influence creating our lives and the world.

Welcome - Calleman.com 15/05/2024

Over the years, my friend Dr. Carl Calleman and I have offered some public talks together that blend our natural alignment and work, pointing to the evolutionary potential for humanity. Carl’s work focuses on the Mayan calendar and its ability to chart the evolution of consciousness on a cosmic scale. Mine has been about providing access to the next evolutionary stage being offered to humanity right now.

I wanted to let you know that Carl is offering a new course starting June 1st titled What the Mayan Calendar System Can Tell Us About the Past and the Future.

The 6-session course will explore the facets of the little-known Myan calendar and how it outlines the cosmic plan for humanity’s return to a unity state of consciousness.

You can find out more on his website here: https://bit.ly/3JZ5FTo

All of Carl’s work can be accessed on his website at https://calleman.com/

Welcome - Calleman.com Introducing Macrocosmic Quantum Theory The most encompassing scientific theory of the 21st Century. What is Macrocosmic Quantum Theory?Read a short overview ▸ The Mayan Connection (Coming soon) Exploring the Ninth WaveExplore the influence of the Ninth Wave on your life, and be part of a project ...


My son Alex was born on May 28th forty three years ago, giving me the great gift of being a mother. I remember after a very, very long process of giving birth, I had the powerful experience that a woman had done that for every human being who has ever lived. I immediately experienced being part of that extraordinary lineage of women, of the sustaining of life here through our bodies and our love. I bow in honor of all mothers, now and forever. In deep love, Patricia Albere


The truest experience of uniqueness and the power to move from a place of love and freedom arises from the origination point. The access to our divinity wholly inside the unitive divinity that evolution is NEWLY bringing forth. This is not an ancient, religious, non-dual awakening but something that has never existed before right about now. A divinity that arises as a full manifestation of unity. From there, we unquestionably bring forth what this world truly needs. The ego identity will never do that, ever.


A early American relative of mine, Lucretia Coffin Mott, was a well known abolitionist and one of the first feminists in 1800's fighting for true equality to be lived in our great nation for everyone. She was listening to the future - to what was possible and would eventually become more of a reality, while having 5 children and wearing a bustle and living in a world we would not be able to breathe in. We can never give up.... not in America or anywhere in the world. In unity we will prevail. Patricia Albere


We want to be 'in flow', to be spontaneous, free, unencumbered, connected, lifted by grace and awake. We want joy, love and to be with others and experience inspiration and safety. Are you willing to find out that within 4 weeks, you could actually learn to be inside a way of being where a kind of selflessness that provides exactly those aspects of being exist. REALLY... And, you will discover a kind of sovereignty and sense of being yourself that you have longed for. Human nature is not fixed. Evolution is trying to bring at least some of us beyond in a new way. Once you experience the reality I am pointing to, of course we continue to develop within that reality. It's home. You will see... Find out more here (it's free): https://evolutionarycollective.com/intro-mutual.../


Human nature is not fixed. Nothing is. Evolutionary waves of creation have always brought forth entirely new potentials of existence. That is where all existence has arisen from - from light to matter to life to consciousness. As human beings we need to wake up in humility and listen for how we can participate in our own true evolution (which is not on the level of personal growth and awakening). Be open, curious and feel the urgency. Patricia Albere


Evolution continues to create. Human beings as we are were never meant to be the final word. If you are slightly curious - find out how to begin to access what is next for us - metness - unity that is beyond what we have known - sovereignty of being that we have longed for.... https://evolutionarycollective.com/hopethatisreal/


Divine Love will purify and transform any relationship if your shared focus and dedication is to that dimension of love. There are many kinds of relationships, dedicated consciously or unconsciously to different things - comfort, enjoyment, avoiding loneliness, getting our perceived needs met, fulfilling our sense of family, creativity etc. All kinds of relationships are needed for different reasons. It's good to know that the fulfillment and exploration of DIVINE LOVE exists and may be what you truly long for.


Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were lived in the late 1880 and 1900's mid-century during a powerful transitional time of chaos and progress. They are the only avatars I know that were ONE - not based in non-duality as separate people. They saw the future those at the Evolutionary Collective are inside of - Shared Unity - higher order of humanity that is accessible if you are willing to investigate this new sense of where the future is pulling us. If you are curious check this out: https://evolutionarycollective.com/hopethatisreal/


I remember when I was a little girl in Sunday School, hearing that the 'meek shall inherit the earth'. As I grew older, I thought that can't be right. It looks like those who are strategic, hungry for power, wealthy and fabulous, corrupt and manipulative seemed to be in charge. Now, I realize that the statement is actually an indication of our evolutionary future. Purity and guilelessness in unity is where evolution is taking us. Children who have autism often can't lie. They aren't wired for it. The unitive potentials that we are being invited into are different. And... it says 'the meek shall INHERIT" the earth not conquer it.... which makes the most sense of all. Patricia Albere


It's both the good news and the bad news that we need each other to mutually come together in the right way for the portal of true unity to open to us. Mutuality is the key. We can't close our eyes and find it alone. We need to find those others who truly want to enter into a new way of being human together and through that new humanity, give birth to a new world. Patricia Albere


This is a different time - we need to go beyond all the quotes and ancient teachings and all the generic and often wonderful ideas at this point. If we had the answers, if we had the background frequencies that would move our world to unity and love, then it would be obvious. Open and listen - go deeper into what is true, real and how we can move together inside a future that is inspiring. Patricia Albere

Higher Soul Frequency - Lumari.com 12/01/2024

There’s still time to join Patricia Albere for the Activate Your Higher Soul Frequency Summit starting January 15th. Patricia’s talk on Issuelessness: Mastering the Invisible Foundation for a Life That Works is on Monday, January 15th. Registration for the summit is free. Register for the Activate Your Higher Soul Frequency Summit Here:

Higher Soul Frequency - Lumari.com Activate Your Higher Soul Frequency Summit. Get FREE access to our New Summit For a very limited time, you can get access to our  Sacred Gathering YES! Give Me Access Now Embrace Your Higher Calling. Share Your Vision with Our WORLD. Embark on a transformative, joy-filled, High Vibe Journey We a...


People naturally respect different kinds of authority. Science is one of those authorities that we listen to and has contributed to civilization is a myriad of ways that have uplifted our existence. I find it interesting that the most brilliant and innovative scientists inevitably realize the mystery of creation that cannot be known in the way we 'know' the wisdom of science. Evolutionary creativity will always be luring us forward in ways we can never fully know or control. Patricia Albere

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For more information on what Patricia is sharing, visit www.evolutionarycollective.com/bths
Made For a Different Future
Introduction to Beyond the Human Species