Linda Lee MD - Integrative and Functional Medicine

Linda Lee MD - Integrative and Functional Medicine

This is the page for WellSpring Family Medicine.

Dr. Linda Lee will post relevant medical information and updates.Look for interesting articles and perspective on your health and well-being.


As we enter the new year and set goals to live healthier, I wanted to introduce to you my favorite new technology to help support your goals..... a Continuous glucose monitor ( CGM). I have been wearing one for the past few months and it has changed my life. Not only have I reversed pre-diabetes, but I lost some weight and it has helped me keep it off.

If you are interested in how you can get a CGM to try without a prescription, private message me!

Continuous Glucose monitor : "Transforming Your Health with a CGM: A Game-Changer for Metabolic Health, Weight Loss, and More"

In today's world, the surge in metabolic health challenges such as obesity, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, and PCOS is undeniable, impacting not only our physical health but our overall well-being. Encouragingly, advancements in health technology, notably Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), have emerged as a transformative force in managing and optimizing metabolic health. In this post, we'll explore how CGM serves as a game-changer, transforming metabolic health, fostering behavioral modification, aiding weight loss, and addressing conditions like insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, and PCOS.

Understanding CGM

CGM is a device that continuously measures blood glucose levels, offering real-time data on how the body responds to various foods, activities, and lifestyle choices. Comprising a small sensor beneath the skin and a transmitter sending data to a mobile app, CGM is instrumental in understanding metabolic responses and guiding healthier choices.

Optimizing Metabolic Health

A primary benefit of CGM lies in its capacity to reveal how the body responds to food, empowering informed dietary decisions. By optimizing metabolic health, individuals can mitigate risks associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and related conditions.

Behavioral Modification

CGM fosters behavioral modification by establishing a direct link between actions and metabolic responses. Real-time feedback on how different foods affect blood glucose levels aids in breaking unhealthy eating cycles, promoting sustainable nutritional habits.

Weight Loss

Effective blood glucose management with CGM contributes to weight loss by averting sugar spikes and crashes, reducing cravings, and improving calorie control. This technology provides valuable insights for enhanced weight management.

Reversing Insulin Resistance

Identifying and addressing insulin resistance early is crucial in preventing type 2 diabetes. CGM allows for monitoring blood glucose levels and adjusting lifestyle and diet, potentially improving insulin sensitivity and reversing this condition.

Managing Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

CGM proves to be a powerful tool for individuals with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, offering insights into medication efficacy and precise management of blood sugar levels. It aids in preventing severe fluctuations and associated complications.

Fatty Liver and PCOS

Linked to insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, and PCOS benefit from CGM's real-time feedback on how lifestyle choices impact glucose levels. Optimizing diet can alleviate symptoms and enhance overall health.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring stands as a powerful tool, transforming metabolic health, fostering behavioral modification, aiding weight loss, and managing conditions like pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, and PCOS. The real-time data empowers individuals to make informed decisions, taking control of their health for a vibrant future. Consider integrating CGM into your health regimen for a journey toward better metabolic health and overall well-being.

Photos from Linda Lee MD - Integrative and Functional Medicine's post 08/10/2022

Our first Seven Systems class just finished up and we have some amazing testimonials from our patients who have improved their health immensely!
What is the 7 Systems plan? It is a functional medicine approach to weight loss. We seek out the root cause for why it may be so difficult for someone to lose weight, address the issues and the pounds come off. Many, have been able to come off of their high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes medications! Losing appropriate weight reverses so many chronic conditions! The program is 6 month course where you meet weekly via a zoom class that I hold. You will learn so much in this course that you will apply to your daily life as an overall lifestyle change!
Join us for our next class that will be starting soon !
For more information on what you will learn in this course, watch this video

Also, since this class is a virtual class, anyone can join it. You don't have to live in Georgia.

• Call: 770-667-3006, ask to speak to the office manager.
• Email: [email protected].

COVID Vaccine Update and Vaccination Safety Concerns 10/01/2021

I have many people/ patients who ask my opinion on the COVID19 vaccine. Here is a very balanced article that looks at all the different angles and concerns that one might have. Always discuss with your physician any concerns that you have.

COVID Vaccine Update and Vaccination Safety Concerns Many people remain confused regarding the safety and efficacy of receiving vaccines especially the COVID vaccine. Here’s what you need to know.

Photos from Atlanta Functional Medicine's post 11/04/2020

The dire consequences of COVID19 is due an overactivation of the immune system called cytokine storm. There are several genes that put you at risk for the triggering of cytokine storm. This is why even healthy individuals who have no underlying health problems can still succumb to this virus! I stress to all my patients, friends and family the importance of optimizing your immune system in case of exposure. Please have a game plan and be prepared.


Here we go!! Dr Elizabeth Board Guzzardo and I are immersing ourselves in genetics and how environmental toxins and lifestyle affects our genes !


Dr. Paul Mason - 'High cholesterol on a ketogenic diet (plus do statins work?) - 2019 update'

This probably one of the best explanations of why people have high cholesterol. It is secondary to high carb/sugar diets and not high cholesterol/fat diets
warning; this is a very geeky video as this physician goes into the science behind high cholesterol... Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is ...


Slimming to the Death: Herbalife®-Associated Fatal Acute Liver Failure-Heavy Metals, Toxic Compounds, Bacterial Contaminants and Psychotropic Agent... - PubMed - NCBI

It is so important to get recommendations for supplements that have been vetted by your doctor. Last week I went to Houston for a medical conference. I also had the opportunity to tour one of the vendors facility that I recommend to my patients ( Biotics research). I was thoroughly impressed with the way this company meticulously checks all of their products, starting from the very beginning ( raw materials-herbs and nutrients) all the way to the end product. They evaluate them in the lab using testing such as liquid chromatography to check for impurities and toxins. If it doesn't meet their standards , it is discarded. If the company you use cannot show proof of purity and authenticity- you should not use them! It is downright dangerous! J Clin Exp Hepatol. 2019 Mar-Apr;9(2):268-272. doi: 10.1016/j.jceh.2018.08.002. Epub 2018 Aug 28.


Home - Atlanta Function Medicine

Check out my office's new website and watch the video!


Reflections and Renewal

Finally, a new blog post! 2018 was an eventful year.


Study Fasting for 72 Hours can Regenerate the Entire Immune System of Humans!

Fasting with a purpose. It only takes 3 days of fasting to reboot your immune system. Amazing! A team of researchers at the University of Southern California have revealed that fasting for three days is enough to regenerate the entire human immune system for a healthy living. They described the study as “remarkable and a major breakthrough” in finding ways to boost the immune system natur...


Jill Carnahan, MD

**New Blog**

In the functional medicine world, we are all about preventive care. But, there aren’t a ton of resources written on helpful testing – the sort to catch potential health conditions early or look deeper at the root cause of your symptoms.

I’ve prepared this list because I want you to be equipped with testing you can take to your doctor. With this approach, you’ll know if there are areas of your health you need to work on… earlier rather than later.

It is my hope that this list guides you and helps you catch issues before they become a problem. So you can get a handle on anything before it creeps into your life.


Join us for the Keto Edge Summit from May 7 - 14, 2018!

\"Keto\" is one of the MOST SEARCHED words on the internet today, and for good reason. Ketones help you burn fat for energy, powerfully reduce inflammation and show promise in preventing and eradicating diabetes, cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer\'s and Parkinson\'s, and many, many other health concerns. Don\'t miss The Keto Edge Summit from May 7-13, free and online! The GREATEST health discovery of this century may ALREADY be inside your body — learn to leverage the mighty power of KETONES to first return to health, then thrive in life!


Documentary movies 2018 / The Magic Pill 2018

I just finished watching an amazing documentary called the magic pill. If you want to see how proper nutrition can be used therapeutically to reverse diabetes, improve the brain function in autistic children and in dementia patients, decrease joint pains etc....then I highly recommend watching this It is also on netflix.



“The real benefit that we’ve shown in a number of papers, and we have several coming out very soon, is about killing damaged cells and then turning on stem cells,” Dr. Longo adds. “And then in the refeeding period, [stem cells are] replacing the dead cells with newly generated cells. I think that is where the real benefit is.”

This article from The Scientist gives a comprehensive view of the history and evolution of fasting, as well as how it might be used to increase the health benefits in humans in the coming future.


Chris Kresser

If you have high cholesterol, have your thyroid evaluated before reaching for that statin.

Do you have high cholesterol? Are you concerned about your heart health? You might want to get your thyroid checked out. Thyroid hormones play a major role in lipid metabolism and are one of the major causes of high cholesterol. Read on to learn more.


Elisa Song, MD - Healthy Kids Happy Kids

Scared about what to do about the flu epidemic ? Here is a great podcast from a board certified pediatrician who takes a holistic approach to prevention and treatment of the flu.

Wanna know the truth about the flu, the flu shot, and Tamiflu? Wish you had options to boost your child’s immune system and help your family beat the flu naturally? Learn the facts. Get rid of the fear.

Listen in to my Facebook Live below where I teach you everything you need to know about the flu and how to get through the flu season naturally!

Be sure to download my guide for Natural Remedies to Beat the Flu and have it on hand when we go over it during the FB Live! Here’s the link:

If you enjoy this presentation and want to learn more, be sure to sign up for my newsletter at where you’ll be the first to know about my upcoming Everyday Holistic Pediatrics course where I’ll teach you how to use diet, lifestyle, supplements, herbs, homeopathy, essential oil and acupressure to manage your child’s colds/flus, fevers, coughs, earaches, stomach flus and more!

And as promised, here are the list of supplements that I mentioned. (Please know that I do not have any financial interest in these companies. I only recommend what I use for my kids and my family, and that I know and trust work based on the evidence and personal experience!) 😊:
• Xlear nasal spray
• Nordic Naturals fish oils
• Designs for Health OmegAvail Lemondrop Smoothie fish oil (now in lime and mango!)
• BioCeuticals NutraCeuticals Ultra OmegaPure Kids
• Metagenics Ultra Flora Children’s chewable probiotic
• Metagenics Ultra Flora Synergy probiotic poder
• Metagenics Ultra Flora Balance capsules
• Vitamin D3 (I use Orthomolecular Products)
• Orthomolecular Products Imumax
• BOIRON USA Oscillococcinum homeopathic flu remedy
• Integrative Therapeutics VClear syrup (same as Umcka Coldcare Syrup)
• Integrative Therapeutics Elderberry syrup (or check out my homemade recipes by Wellness Mama, Mama Natural and Mommypotamus - Heather Dessinger!)
• Elizabeth Van Buren, Inc. Cold&Flu or Immune essential oil blends
• doTERRA Essential Oils OnGuard essential oil blend
• Young Living Essential Oils Thieves oil blend

Knowledge is power! Here’s to getting rid of the fear and having a healthy, happy rest of the flu season!

xo Holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD


Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Is Bad Advice, Finds New Report

I recommend Medium to High intensity interval workouts ( 10-20 minutes) once to twice a day! The old protocol of walking 10,000 steps a day is an outdated marketing campaign from the 1960s. What kind of exercise should you do instead for your fitness and general health? Aim for HIIT (high intensity interval training) instead. Lean more about this advantageous exercise here.


So excited for this weekend....learning from the experts about how to reverse cognitive decline and early Alzheimer’s!


Could a Gluten-Free Diet Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes? As the prevalence of diabetes continues to rise, prevention becomes increasingly important. In recent years, several studies have assessed the effects of gluten on diabetes risk. Read on to learn what the researchers found and if a gluten-free diet could help you prevent diabetes.


Gastric Cancer Risk Doubled With Long-term PPI Use

This is very scary... The risk for gastric cancer increases with the dose and duration of proton-pump inhibitor use after successful H pylori eradication.


The Vreeland Clinic

Hair dyes and straighteners are linked to breast cancer in African-American and white women.


Did you know that gluten is undigestible by the human digestive system? This is probably why it triggers our immune systems and increases our risk to develop autoimmune disorders.


Contaminants in water are legal but still pose big health risks, environmental group says

Is your water safe? I always thought water purification was closely regulated...but after the Flint Michigan fiasco and looking into what is in my own drinking water, I was quite shocked! You can see what contaminants are in your drinking water here #.WdaJ1VtSyUk
What should one do? We need to use a very effective water filter for both your drinking water and shower . I have researched this extensively and I think I found the best water filter possible that is customized to what contaminants are found in your drinking water! Ask me if you are interested in the water filter that I decided on.



Cookies for Breakfast? YES!!! These EASY 3-ingredient breakfast cookies taste like banana bread and oatmeal cookies in one. They are warm and gooey, and taste best if eaten right out of the oven! Try them with any combination like raisins, walnuts, etc.

Full recipe here - - - ->


7 Food Allergens That Could Be Causing Your Weight Gain - Jill Carnahan, MD

I find food sensitivities in many of my patients who are having trouble losing weight. Food Allergens could be making you look ten to fifteen pounds heavier and you may not even realize it! Click to find which Food Allergens are most common.


Multiple sclerosis: Vitamin D deficiency may predict onset

Know your vitamin d level! The range for a " normal vitamin d" is 30-100. Many doctors will tell their patients that they have a normal vitamin d if is in the 30-40 range. According to this study, your level should be at least 50 to keep you out of the risk of developing MS. A large-scale study suggests that vitamin D levels may predict MS risk in young and middle-aged women. Correcting this deficiency may lower that risk.


Is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth involved in the pathogenesis of functional dyspepsia? - PubMed - NCBI

Got GERD? Did you know that the root cause of reflux is not usually due to having having too much stomach acid....the root cause of GERD could be small intestinal overgrowth ( SIBO) If you think you have GERD due to SIBO, you should find a physician who knows how to test for this. Med Hypotheses. 2017 Sep;106:26-32. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2017.07.005. Epub 2017 Jul 6.


Chris Kresser

Why gluten causes thyroid problems...

Several studies show a strong link between autoimmune thyroid disease (both Hashimoto’s and Graves’) and gluten intolerance. The link is so well established that researchers suggest all people with AITD be screened for gluten intolerance, and vice versa. What explains the connection? It’s a case of mistaken identity.


The Diet-Heart Myth: Why Everyone Should Know Their LDL Particle Number

Cholesterol is not "bad"... However, do you know your LDL-particle number? To read more about heart disease and cholesterol, check out the special report page. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions in medicine. In the firs…


Rebooting the System: The Benefits of a Fasting Mimicking Diet - Kresser Institute

The Benefits of the Fasting Mimicking Diet .
The benefits of fasting have been established. I have dabbled in intermittent fasting and now after years of research, there is the Fasting Mimicking Diet which helps improve conditions like diabetes, pre-diabetes, MS, and cancers.
Feel free to message me if you are interested in exploring this as I am certified to oversee patients on this diet. While fasting has many health benefits, prolonged calorie restriction can take a toll on patients, both physically and mentally. Diets that mimic the physiological benefits of fasting without the burden of food restriction may be a good alternative. Read on to learn more about fasting mimicking diet...