Amanda Wright Health

Amanda Wright Health

Zen Shiatsu, food medicine & Japanese remedial yoga practitioner. In-person and online consultations. I specialise in diagnosing and treating chronic problems.

There is nothing more rewarding in life than to help people become happy, realise their dreams, and live their fullest potential. I offer vital living through meridian diagnosis, optimum body alignment, medicinal foods and positive lifestyle changes. I am available for Skype consultations, pregnancy and labor support, and health parties with friends. I can fly in to help with pregnancy, birth, and post-natal care.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 14/08/2024

"They will call you " "crazy"" because you are, because you were born with the gift of seeing things differently and that scares them."

They're going to call you "intense" because you are, because you were born with the value well placed to allow yourself to feel it all fully and that intimidates them.

They're going to call you "selfish" because that's right, because you found out that you're the most important thing in your life and that doesn't suit them.

You're going to be called in many ways, with many judgments, for a long time, but stay firm on yourself and what you want, and I promise you one day they're going to call you to say,
"thank you for existing." -Frida Kahlo


Be Good People (Translation by Shachar’s family)Smile. Strive to make every person you meet smile too. Be open to criticism and always try to improve yourself. Know that the greatest quality a person can have is the ability to make another person happy. Open your ears to the needs of others and open your eyes to their pain. Try to smile as much as possible even when it’s hard. Pay attention to the small people who fall in the corners of the eye. Appreciate the little things the world has to offer, especially nature and music. And most importantly, be good people in your own way. Don’t let society dictate to you what makes you good people, just try as hard as you can, and even when you fall, know that that’s the road to success. Love yourselves and the world. When you radiate happiness, a circle of joy will slowly form that will create a better world. Shachar Fridman, 21

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 25/06/2024

22 years ago I was lucky enough to be included in this record breaking endeavour of Donnie Maclurcan driving, cooking, washing socks, lots of socks, keeping the fly repellent coming, raising money, navigating media, fielding interviews, meeting locals, finding showers?? Applying compresses, acupressure,pain management, lots of squatting ( not a lot of bushes), surviving road trains, did I mention flies, oh and it was very very hot, except for the nights when it wasn't, getting lost ( me, notthecrew), Invigorating chats, games, road yoga and keeping accurate logs for the scrupulous guiness book of world records which Donnie is still in for the fastest on foot crossing, west to east coast Australia. Wonderful man, team and experience. What a privilege.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 17/05/2024

Would love to hear some of your favourite recipes for these beautiful kaffir limes. Wish you could smell them. What other uses has anyone tried, hair, skin, tonic ? Appreciate all suggestions.

Breaking: Australian Parliament Becomes First in World to Acknowledge Excess Deaths 04/03/2024

Breaking: Australian Parliament Becomes First in World to Acknowledge Excess Deaths as far as they know.

Breaking: Australian Parliament Becomes First in World to Acknowledge Excess Deaths Labor and Greens Senators were the only members present to vote against further transparency on the excess deaths taking place in Australia. The Australian Senate voted Monday to recognise the problem of nationwide excess deaths, making Australia’s the first parliament in the world to officially a...


I haven't posted for a while but have been busy working out best ways to help people over their new challenges. Everything isn't as it seems or as it was. We needed to find new strategies.

If you are having health issues that aren't resolving and would like help, please DM me. I'm consulting online. It's all about getting to the roots of the challenge.

Here's an example of a recent testimonial:

I have known Amanda for well over 20 years and her advice, guidance care and support is wonderful and always spot on. Recently I had been suffering from what seems to be long Covid. I’m still convinced that I’ve had that however when Amanda saw my blood and urinalysis test results she determined that I had chronic UTI.

And now, subsequent to her evaluation and guidance I have improved immensely ; she’s told me what I need to do, how I need to do it and really detailed what foods I should avoid what foods I should be taking in aswell as specific supplements in a specific regimen.

This kind of knowledge and detailed guidance is lacking in many many so-called health practicitioners. Amanda truly is a person who not only knows the body well but brings her heart and soul to her work and a spirituality that enhances any healing challenge.



Freshly dug up. Wish you could smell it.
How do you love your turmeric?

Sunshine After the Pain. How Amanda found healing after she was told she had to accept the pain 08/11/2022

This went public yesterday. Today I was referred someone who was told by the GP, that there was nothing that could be done for the cervical disc degeneration and arthritis causing him pain, other than ongoing treatment and meds. I had mentioned bony spurs in this interview, which prompted the question , if I was able to help. It is because of these stories where people are given no hope and left to believe they are stuck with pain and debility for life, that I do what I do. Noone should have to be given such a prognosis when it's just not true.
Sure , the alternative is work, lifestyle changes, maybe giving up the thing you love that's actually aggravating your condition, but it's worth it if you want to live in a healthy, functioning body. And not everyone will want to do that work, but at least they deserve to have the choice.

Sunshine After the Pain. How Amanda found healing after she was told she had to accept the pain Zen Shiatsu and natural healing.Amanda's amazing recovery when it wasn't supposed to be possible. Beyond nutrition, it is a combination of habits that affec...


Lots of amazing speakers in this month's Whole Health Forum and I was blessed to be asked to share some "against the odds " healing stories . Love to see your beautiful faces there .

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 02/11/2022

I learnt tonight that pottery is a great metaphor for life. We know not to have expectations or be attached to outcome yet I forgot and let disappointment in, when I saw how my oxide piece came out, not rusty as anticipated. Thankyou Astrid for putting me straight on a) not being so self critical b) enjoying and recognising the fun is the creative process and C) they're pretty cool for a first attempt ! Always expect the unexpected..

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 12/10/2022

Remembering who you are ? So says the tshirt but somehow I'd forgotten how to play. Such an important part of a healthy lifestyle to let go, have fun. I had the company of a 3 yr old to remind me how good it feels. It was such a pleasure to meet and chat about play with .
Hard not to hog the giant bubble maker, the kids actually wanted be to share and let them have a go 🤪

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 07/10/2022

Made the acquaintance of this rescued cockatiel today... He was trying to get into the phone and I should have videod him chatting away to me. I would love to know what he was on about !! Cute as !


A friend said he was happy for me to share his writing.
I hope it resonates for you , as it did for me and with such good timing on this last day of preparation before the holy fast of Yom kippur.

G-d was always standing next to me, not only next but above and below, all around but because of my ignorance and preoccupation to all my stories, I didn’t have the space to feel or receive. Love was a mystery I tried to find on the outside of me, only to finally realise it was always in the present waiting for me… I had just to stop my search for the perfect partner, for she was already there, with open arms, only love, compassion but without desires. That’s why I never noticed her. It was my own desires that kept me searching, my own dissatisfaction that never came to light, that I projected from my darkness to my light. So I opened the window to let in her light. Then my projections could no longer fight and dissolved back to light. G-d was always standing next to me, I just stopped my fight, embraced my fears along with my tears…love is ever present, love is ever present, love is ever present, love is ever present…
With love, compassion and understanding, Panda Chi

Thankyou Panda and thankyou Natalie for this picture from this morning. I was gifted a yoga lesson by a soon to be new light in the yoga teacher world.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 24/09/2022

When you wake up to sunrise, take a few steps and sit on the sand, sungazing breathing, meditating, praying, taking in the new day. Setting ourselves up with a feeling of fullness and deep appreciation, helps us respond to what the world has in store, with a smile.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 21/09/2022

We hear so much about self care and " me time ". I don't know about you, but I find it hard to switch off. Volunteering at community gardens along the way, soothes my soul , always puts me in a great mood and I get the bounty of whatever we harvest.


Good morning ! Can you spot the moon hiding behind the tree? I love the views I wake up to. Sun gazing as it rises, when the UV index is at its lowest, has amazing benefits. Coupled with walking barefoot on the earth,grass ,sand even for 15 mins will set you up for a beautiful day.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 18/09/2022

Sunday Special Breakfast.
Chocolate Pudding! Not something you'd usually hear me have for breakfast, right. Infact while I was growing a new back, I was advised to stay off fruit. This Black Sapote was given to me and had to be eaten today. 😉 A species of persimmon, did you know that this fruit has a higher Vitamin C content than Oranges ?


Thank you Vicky for your wonderful feedback. I love assisting people to live their fullest potential.

If you have had a positive experience with me as a practitioner or educator, I would love it if you could write a review on my page. This would assist me to get the word out to people that would benefit from my offerings.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 14/09/2022

My happy place, in amongst the plants. What a treat to discover a medicinal herbal garden and meet new healing "weeds".

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 13/09/2022

Do you love trying new foods ? I am chuffed when I come across things I've not tried before but even more excited when I find some of my very favourites. Lunch on the road, would you join me ?


Sunday Special Beakfasts. .putting these breakfasts together, a few years ago, with my wonderful yoga students in Bali, as we learnt about local made tempeh, cooking with manioc, green papaya and greens from the garden, organic red rice and how to combine with miso and sea vegetables, we made more than a meal, we made very happy memories.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 04/09/2022

Sunday Special Breakfast . Set your day up right. Breakfast ( break your fast ) is the most important meal of the day and yet the hardest for many people who want something quick, healthy, delicious and that wont have them hungry again in 2 hours.
What you eat , how you eat, where you eat and why you eat are all important questions to ask yourself before you eat. With that in mind -
How's my morning view !

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 15/08/2022

Such a great day catching up with friends in my favourite community garden that kept me sane last year ! So happy to see how wonderfully it has been nursed back after the floods and Soo excited to discover the jackfruit tree !

Mountains of clothes washed up on Ghana beach show cost of fast fashion 11/08/2022

One of the reasons I love getting my clothes from Butterscotch Castle I've been twice over the past nearly 4 yrs and get so much wear from them. Here's what Debora, upcycling designer, says...
Very much apart of why I create from over manufactured unused Shirt stock!’s incredible to think Fashion is the second largest pollutant in the world and yes this is happening !!
BUT hey as the old saying goes out of sight out of mind !! ..But no MORE!!!
It's so really important to be conscious of our buying and our choices when purchasing our clothes ! …a question to ask yourself will I wear this item more than 30 times? ..if not best to think about how the journey of your purchase will go....I love designing and making my clothing range and I love hearing that my customers still love wearing them 12 years later ! .. My aim is that if I can make a difference then it’s a move forward to solving this huge problem with fashion ! We want a to Heal our beautiful green Planet back to health! 🌍
Much love always ♥️

Mountains of clothes washed up on Ghana beach show cost of fast fashion No one will take responsibility of waste left by the used clothing trade, but campaigners are trying to change that, reports Liam James


Sometimes a gifted practitioner appears when you're not looking. Who knew when we met at a sunday market, chatting about her work with "Elvis" the movie, that this lady would take my hip repair to another level !

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 13/07/2022

Would you like to be a bird ? What's the closest you've been to a flying free feeling ?

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 11/07/2022

What a way to start a day ! Icy sand sure is invigorating ! Walking barefoot in the early dew on sand or grass is a great tonic for your body and soul.

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 11/07/2022

One thing I love about van life is the unexpected around the corner !


Probably could plate this more creatively, no kidding ? So engage your imagination to smell and taste this deliciousness !

Photos from Amanda Wright Health's post 03/07/2022

Do you love cooking with friends, trying different recipes ? I'm passionate when it comes to sharing great organic plant based food.

Videos (show all)

Changing colours of dawn, rain and sun on the horizon. As is life !
Preparing my next interview on Breathing, I was reading about Vitalism, the healing power of nature, Vix Medicae Naturae...
Been dreaming of sailing again and promising myself I would make it happen. I saw myself sailing , I remembered how grea...
Discovering birdwing vine and it's occupants.
Plants are just perfect as they are !
Movement seemed the theme on my walk this  morning, starting with a group doing tai chi as the sun came up, to the momen...
Afternoon delight. Took a wrong turn, again!!! This beautiful river gum was full of chatty cockatoos and correlaa.
Beautiful python. What's your feelings about snakes and snake medicine. This one came to join us at a Leo moon gathering...
Sugar cane. Best treat ever and so many nutrients. Who said eating healthy isn't fun!! Like a kid in a sugar cane field!...
The fruit comes effortlessly when ripe, not before.   A great quote by my friend Panda who used it as an analogy for whe...