KHO Dental Clinic

KHO Dental Clinic

"Oral health is total health." KHO Dental Clinic
492 I. Canto St. Poblacion, Bugallon, Pangasinan
since 1997

Dagupan Dental Clinic
Sec. Francisco Duque Rd.

Dagupan City

6 Surprising Foods That Are Hurting Your Oral Health 09/06/2014

6 Surprising Foods That Are Hurting Your Oral Health These otherwise healthy bites may be damaging your pearly whites.

How to Defeat Bad Breath Once and For All 21/05/2014

How to Defeat Bad Breath Once and For All It's embarrassing when someone points out that you have bad breath or politely offers a mint with a knowing smile. There is very little you can do but apologize and swallow that mint with your pride. But if you are a little better prepared, you can avoid such awkward situations in the future.

Germs on your Toothbrush 18/05/2014

Germs on your Toothbrush While your toothbrush is kept in the washroom, throughout the day, a myriad of germs and pathogens may accumulate on its fibres. Doctors recommend that the toothbrushes should be kept in a safe and...

Mobile uploads 18/05/2014

Bad habits !!

Timeline photos 18/05/2014
5 dental myths that may be hurting your health 16/05/2014

5 dental myths that may be hurting your health Research shows that your teeth can speak volumes about your overall health, so it’s important to be informed when it comes to taking care of your mouth

6 Foods and Recipes to Eat for Bright, Healthy Teeth 16/05/2014

6 Foods and Recipes to Eat for Bright, Healthy Teeth Just as you can eat your way to tooth decay, the right diet will put you on the path to dental health.

Timeline photos 12/05/2014

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!

Mobile uploads 08/05/2014

Vitamin D and dental caries

How vitamin D works

To reduce the risk and severity of dental caries, vitamin D produces cathelicidin and defensins. These proteins have antibacterial effects to fight bacteria that cause dental caries. They may also neutralize toxic byproducts.


Having vitamin D blood levels above 30-40 ng/mL (75-100 nmol/L) may help reduce the risk of dental caries. To reach these levels one must take 1000-5000 IU/day of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Since there is considerable person-to-person difference in response to vitamin D supplementation, it is worthwhile to measure vitamin D levels after supplementing for several months.

Vitamin D and calcium

Calcium is also important for preventing dental caries. Green leafy vegetables and milk are good sources of calcium. Supplements can be taken if not enough calcium is not obtained from food.


Vitamin D and calcium cannot reverse dental caries. Caries must be treated by a dentist. However, vitamin D and calcium can reduce the likelihood that additional caries will develop.

5 Things You Never Knew About Your Toothbrush 03/05/2014

5 Things You Never Knew About Your Toothbrush By Emma Haak You use it every day, but when was the last time you put real thought into your toothbrush? An effective tool is essential for a...

10 Things You Should Know Before Going to the Dentist 30/04/2014

10 Things You Should Know Before Going to the Dentist One of the challenges in her industry is to get people to not dread their dental appointments, so that they will prefer to ask questions in the office rather than on the street. Growing up, my uncle was a dentist, so those regular dental appointments never made me nervous or tentative. Fortunately f…

Photos from ThermoDent Inc.'s post 26/04/2014

Happy Easter Everyone!

Dental Tips 20/04/2014

Change your toothbrush every three to four months. Click like and share.

Timeline photos 12/04/2014

Do's and Dont's After a Tooth Extraction.

Timeline photos 12/04/2014

Side effects of teeth bleaching include, but are not limited to:

-Chemical burns from gel bleaching (if a high-concentration -oxidizing agent contacts unprotected tissues, which may bleach or discolor mucous membranes), sensitive teeth

-Overbleaching known in the profession as "bleached effect", particularly with the intensive treatments (products that provide a large change in tooth color over a very short treatment period, e.g., 1 hour)

-Pain for "sensitive teeth" caused by open dentinal tubules.
-Risk of increased hot/cold sensitivity.


Tips for cleaning your mouth:
Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue with an extra-soft toothbrush after every meal and at bedtime. If it hurts, soften the bristles in warm water.
Use a fluoride toothpaste.
Use the special fluoride gel that your dentist prescribes.
Don't use mouthwashes with alcohol in them.
Floss your teeth gently every day. If your gums bleed and hurt, avoid the areas that are bleeding or sore, but keep flossing your other teeth.
Rinse your mouth several times a day with a solution of 1/4 teaspoon each of baking soda and salt in one quart of warm water. Follow with a plain water rinse.
Dentures that don't fit well can cause problems. Talk to your cancer doctor or dentist about your dentures.

10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy – Expert Advice 04/04/2014

Expert advice.

10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy – Expert Advice Find this and more expert advice at

dental clinic design 03/04/2014
10 Celebs Who Owe Their Smiles to Cosmetic Dentistry – POPnHOP - Leading Site For Pop Fans |... 03/04/2014

10 Celebs Who Owe Their Smiles to Cosmetic Dentistry – POPnHOP - Leading Site For Pop Fans |... Celebrities these days need to look perfect at all times. They need to be super thin with curves only in the right places or thin but with lots of muscle definition. This perfectionistic attitude has extended to their teeth as well it seems. Some of these stars simply got a cap while some now have p...

Do Dental X-Rays Cause Brain Tumors? 03/04/2014

Do Dental X-Rays Cause Brain Tumors? Dental x-ray exposure has been linked to increased risk (up to 4.9 times higher) of intracranial meningioma. - GreenMedInfo Summary



Timeline photos 30/03/2014

Complete Denture.

Here's a full picture repost of a ThermoDent Full Upper and Lower acrylic free, monomer free, and virtually unbreakable dentures! Thanks for sending us this photo, you guys did awesome work!!


FULL BRACES TIME LAPSE BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURE: This video shows my full experience with braces. I've had braces for a year and a half. I did have to...

Timeline photos 20/03/2014

We were asked by fans to Post an article about "Divine Proportions" ..
What Is Divine proportion?
* It was really studied by a Greek sculptor his name is "Phi" .. It was also referred to as "Golden Proportions" .. Or "Magic proportions" ..

* This Golden proportion is seen in the universe .. in the sky and galaxies .. in the sea .. you can observe them in the harmony of the music to the beauty of the nature ..

* The entomologist views it in the genealogy of a bee, and the physicist observes it in the behavior of light and atoms. A Wall Street analyst can find it in the rising and falling patterns of a market, while the mathematician uncovers it in the examination of the pentagram.

* Therefore, the Divine Proportion presents itself in the very physical nature of Creation. It is seen as the beauty and organization within the cosmos. It is the harmony and glue that holds the unity of the universe.

1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21 - 34 - 55 - 89 - 144 - 233 - 377 - 610 - 987 ...

* -In Dentistry .. we also have Divine Proportions ..
-Facial Beauty / Divine Proportion
Everything in the universe is based on the proportion: 1 to 1.618
1 to 1.618 =
Divine proportion =
Golden proportion =
Phi =
Beauty =
Balance & Harmony

* As Shown Here in The Picture .. Ideal vertical proportion. If the corner of the mouth (CH) to the bottom of the chin (ME) is one, then corner of the mouth to corner of the eye (LC) is 1. If the corner of the nose (LN) to bottom of the chin is 1, then the corner of the nose to hairline is 1.

*Ideal transverse proportion. If the width of the nose (LN) is 1, then the width of the mouth (CH) is 1.618; the width between two corners of the eyes (LC) is 1.6182, and the width between two temples (TS) is 1.6183.

* Ideal height and width of a face. If the distance between the two cheeks are 1, then the ideal height is 1.618

* The theory of Divine Proportion is real. The face of this beautiful model conforms to the Divine Proportion.

Timeline photos 19/03/2014

Celebrate World Oral Health Day - March 20..

50 Reasons - D Boss of Floss 19/03/2014

50 Reasons - D Boss of Floss Flossing once a day promotes healthy oral tissues which can reduce your risk of orally contracting STD's (such as HPV & Herpes).

8 Things You Didn't Know About Toothpaste | Yahoo Health 12/03/2014

8 Things You Didn't Know About Toothpaste | Yahoo Health Faced with dozens of different products promising to make your teeth fresher, whiter and cavity-free, it’s no wonder you wander aimlessly down the toothpaste aisle.


Tips to Minimize Stained Teeth

Ironically, many of the foods and beverages that stain teeth are loaded with antioxidants, which, of course, have key health benefits. So if you’re worried about stained teeth, you might want to cut back on these foods and beverages rather than cut them out entirely. “Moderation and a balanced diet are key,” Howell says.

In addition, consider taking steps to minimize the contact between your teeth and stain-promoting substances. Dentists offer several suggestions:

Use a straw. Sipping beverages through a straw is believed to help keep teeth-staining beverages away from the teeth -- the front teeth, in particular. No, you’re probably not eager to use a straw for coffee or wine. But it shouldn’t be too much trouble to use a straw for cola, juices, and iced tea.
Swallow promptly. Swallowing stain-causing foods and beverages quickly is also believed to help protect teeth from stains. Obviously, it’s important to chew foods thoroughly before swallowing. And gulping can, of course, cause choking. But don’t retain things in your mouth for long periods of time. In other words, savor flavors -- but not for too long. “There’s no question that the quicker you drink something the lower the exposure [to stain-promoting substances],” says Debra Glassman, DDS, a dentist in private practice in New York City.
Swish with water. It’s not always convenient to brush your teeth after having something to eat or drink. Even when it is, it might be better not to: dental enamel is highly vulnerable to abrasion from tooth brushing for up to 30 minutes after the consumption of an acidic food or beverage. So it’s safer simply to swish with water -- and brush later, once the enamel has had a chance to re-harden. Another way to remove stain-causing substances without brushing, Howell says, is to chew sugarless gum after eating or drinking.


The Top Teeth-Staining Foods and Beverages

1. Wine. Red wine, an acidic beverage that contains chromogens and tannins, is notorious for staining teeth. But white wine, too, promotes staining. In a study conducted recently at New York University School of Dentistry, teeth exposed to tea were stained more severely if they previously had been exposed to white wine. So if you’re fond of following up that glass of Chardonnay with a cup of Earl Grey, you may be giving your teeth a double whammy.

2. Tea. Like wine, the ordinary black tea most people drink is rich in stain-promoting tannins. Dentists say it’s a bigger stainer than coffee, which is chromogen-rich but low in tannins. “Tea’s pretty aggressive,” says Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD, chairman of the department of cariology and comprehensive care at New York University School of Dentistry in New York City. Herbal, green, and white teas are less likely to stain than black tea.

3. Cola. Acidic and chromogen-rich, cola can cause significant staining. But even light-colored soft drinks are sufficiently acidic to promote staining of teeth by other foods and beverages. “Carbonated beverages have similar acidity to battery acid,” Messina says, adding that cola-stained teeth are most common among “people who have a can on their desk all the time and sip all day long.”

4. Sports drinks. Recent research led by Wolff found that highly acidic sports drinks can soften tooth enamel -- setting the stage for staining.

5. Berries. Blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, and other intensely colored fruits (and juices, pies, and other foods and beverages made from them) can cause stains.

6. Sauces. Soy sauce, tomato sauce, curry sauce, and other deeply colored sauces are believed to have significant staining potential.

7. Sweets. Hard candies, chewing gum, popsicles, and other sweets often contain teeth-staining coloring agents. If your tongue turns a funny color, dentists say, there’s a good chance that your teeth will be affected, too. But unless they are consumed regularly, these sweets probably play a minor role in teeth staining, says Maria Lopez Howell, DDS, a dentist in private practice in San Antonio.

In defense of silver dental fillings 06/03/2014

In defense of silver dental fillings MANILA - UP experts want the public to know that amalgam or silver dental fillings are safe.

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Dental Abscess
Dental Implant
Kids Cavity Movie
Dental Sealants and Fissurotomy


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 18:00
Thursday 08:30 - 18:00
Friday 08:30 - 18:00
Saturday 08:30 - 18:00